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<br /> , �.�-_. .��... C` .( K ���,45�� _.. ��� �1^_" i • �_ �__
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<br /> .y .�i ' insaranoe.This;asaiaace sbal!be�t�ained�����s�� �. ` `. `
<br /> �. � iacludiag ttaods or t�oodiqg.for which I�der� din the insutan�s�all be chosen 6y Barrower subject to _ ��•, .. �
<br /> for the periads thaz l.ender .T@e iasutanoe P� S � . : .',
<br /> Leader's appmval which not be nnieasonably witLheld. If Borcower fails to maintain coverage descri�ed above. .;F .
<br /> � ` L.ender may.at I.cader's option. obtaia wverage to pmtert Leader's rights in the Property in accotdance with paragraph } � � •
<br /> —��=-��-� T. ,... .: . '.t' :.
<br /> ;,. .Y ., p11 insarauce polici�.s and reaewals shall be afloeptabte to Lender aad shall include a standard awngage ctause. r... . . <<a.���
<br /> . Lender shall have the npht to hotd the poGcies and tenea�ats.If Lender tequu�•Bomawer shall pmmpdy give to[�ender . :�.'�•�<- _�<�
<br /> all�eceipts of paid piemiums aad noewai notwes.In the event of to�s.Borrower sball give pmmQ�nouoe tv tRe insuranoe
<br /> : carrier�d Lender.Ixnder way maYe Qt+aof of lass if not made P.�PUY by Eormwer. :. - � •.�,Y,
<br /> ...._. _ UNess LEnder and Eornower ott�erwi�e agree m�uripmg.ws�aace Pmoeeds shaU 6e applied to ttistoration or re�air ''*..�_ .,..
<br /> - . � of t6e Piaperty damaged.if the restoration or c+�air is emaaattraliy f�'ble and l.euder's se�vrity is noi lessened. if the �.', " .. .,�;��;'",;.,
<br /> nr�, .
<br /> � teswration or t�air is not�onomicatly fea�le or L,ender's seanity woutd be lessened.the iasutance pmoeeds sLmll�e ",, <.,�`,,.,�� ,
<br /> esm�,t N..� �,,,,,,�,,{{�.��p�,,�}��/ �er or nat then due,with any excess aid m Hom�wer.lf
<br /> � -. . ��DY�Yi`81�,La:YlG�+J Y+�1"�—"> � � rt. .�' :t�r`r�
<br /> - Bamower abandnns the Property>or daes not anscver within 30 days a notice fmm l�nder Wat the msnranoe catrier htts ``. .
<br /> offared to settle a claim.ti�n I.ender may coIIeci the insur�e pmoeeds.I.ender rnay use the pmeeeds to�d avillr G tore _
<br /> tbe property or w pay sums secured by t�s Seauriry Insor�nt,whether or not then due.The 3U-daY P� �► :;,fi ,-
<br /> `� '�F f„�u�'f: �-�' ��;
<br /> x : whea the nouee is gnren. on of mceeds to sdall aot euend or , .`" `} .
<br /> IInless Lender aad Bormweroihe��ee m writin8,anY�pp1�t D P�F� � �. q�r..-.;�
<br /> �,': i% pastpone the due daze of the manthlY Fayma�ds=efened w m para�.bs 1 aad 2 or change the amount of the paymeuss.lf . .•:. --
<br /> � �P�S�Ph 21 the Pmperty is acqui� Ieuder,Harmwer's nght w aay insnsauce policies and pmceec�s�svlting ��,:;.;���
<br /> by �. :
<br /> '. frota�e to t$e Pmperty prior ro the acgnisition sHa�l�Sass to Lender w the eldent of the sums senued�y ttns Seautry , �`:,.. � •
<br /> . Ivs�:��Y Pnor w�e acquisit�nn. _ .._ . , ' �`
<br /> - ---- �. p�a�9, Pr+e�e'vaBuW �s�ee amd Amte�Ion ot tfle Yroperty; Bosrowa's Loan AppUcatton; _ —�-y;-`
<br /> ,� I.�olds.�aaaiver shall oocnPY,estabii�.and nse the Y�operty as Boirower's prmcipal residence arBhin sixty days s..�; ::�
<br /> .�� � av .
<br /> ' aftgr the exerutim of this S�mrity Ins��d shall wm�e to ocaryy the Pm�etty as Barrower's principal testdence .. �:.°'
<br /> � tas at teast one year after the date of o�+�unless Lender otherwise agce�es m wrIting,which consent shaU not be • ; ,"�_ •�
<br /> ,,.�� • �asa�ly wi�hetd,or anir�•��cuamostamces exist which are 6eyond Eorrower's oontrol.Borrower sball aoi �'..' •�r--x:.
<br /> �: T ` d�ttoy,damage or impair t�L�RS►, w tite Propetty w deteriorate.or commit waste un the FrayeriY- Borrower f d � F i=
<br /> � �•� •�. sbaU be in default if an�fm�.acc�am ar� g,whether civ�or criminal,is beBun that ia lender's good faitII �
<br /> .`s �� .judgment oould resnit m fo��d��o t O t h e c w i s e m a I C ri 2 U y i m p 3 i t t h e l�e n e r e a l e d b y �h i.9 S@�u l i ry . . ' ,:� : -
<br /> '`�`; Or t,eader'S secauity'�"�1���}► , ' ��� � --
<br /> . �. � c u r e s a c h a d e f a W t a a d i e i n s t a t e as pmvided ia paza g r a ph 18,by ; , .�'.,,,,;.-
<br /> ' C^r,L„II$11� .2�13"�"or]uoC��0� i�e d S�B S e d w 1 1 I 18 l a l i n$t h 8 t► i a l,e a d e r S$O O d f s i t h d�r P r m i n a t i p� p�i u d C S ,� � ,R ' �_:'
<br /> faa�z�ure of�tz�orrnwer's�t ia!�..p Prnpeztq or at?�r material�' paitm�of the lien created by tUi9 Sec:urlty ;:� { �-���:'�.
<br /> ' ` �i.aa�,-�muz�er�der's s�i�esrt.Bormwer sl�aail zIs�be in defanit if go:rower.durIn�the loan apput�tion pmcess, - r.��r,�?r ,:
<br /> I 'J
<br /> � gave materia'tr�Ise or iaaas�ia€a�on or st�ements w I.eader(or fa�ed ta pmvide Lender v�ntb anyr material ..'. . .. , - • _t:
<br /> � information)ia a�zu,ecaon ui�txe loaa ev�aced by the Note,incl�;bnt nni luwted to.rEprese�ations concemmg __ �'�'�:°-
<br /> � ' • •rT..,..:.�-.• `:-
<br /> . . � Bom�wer's oaa�y of the k�c3pertJ+as a P��mc�al residence.If dus�COS�:ty(nstimment is on a leasehold,Barroaer shall , . ,.,,;r,:;•;. ��;.
<br /> campiy wlth�c�:e pmvis�cs•f the tease. 1f Bomswer acquires fee r3sf�to the Pmpetty.the leasehoid end 3he fee titte . �•
<br /> to the merger ia wrhing. '• r ��'���.��:
<br /> � shaU nnt merge nniess lenc��s - � ,��,,a:� -
<br />�-.98I�t�,,.. �� Y� : r.+_.�..
<br /> 'p�,; i 7. P t o t e r t i o n o f I.c n d e a's R i g h f s i n t h e p i+o�t q. I f E o r r ower fails co g e t f orm ttte covenants and
<br /> ,�`': contained in ihis Securiry Instrument. or there is a legai pmoeeAing thai may si�nificandy affect Lender's ri i a t he r,<.� �ti�l� �!'��
<br /> i. �P�S+(s u c h a s a pmceedia g in b�.Probate.for CondP,nnarinn o�forfeimre or to enforce la�vs or regulations). .. � a��� ,� c °
<br /> ,r ,, then Iaader maY do and pay�for whatet�u.�ecessary to proted t h e v a lue o f t he P r o p e rt y a n d L e n d e s's r i�G t s i a t h e ' � ' ��, �,,,L�r�;i�•
<br /> -�� a ��r� ProP e rt Y. Lender's artions may include �yi�g any s¢ms se�ed �y a lien wtuch has priodty over th�s Securi t y �� .'.
<br /> ' � � Insaument,aPP�S in court,paYinB�asvr:ab l e attaao��s'fees an&c�teriag oa the Property w maks repairs.Nthon g h '�•r, ;�, . ..�
<br /> Lender may take action uuder ttus paragraph 7.Lender�r•�i have to.do so. ss�'": -��,�T-
<br /> �. Any amnuats disb�used by Lender uader this ga�'�'�saa��become addiIIaaal debi of Borrower secumd by this . y �'i��n,�,+u`jz+�'"��'.%�.
<br /> • � Seauiry Inst�nt.Unless Borrower and Lender agree u,�r,�S�er t��a�
<br /> �al+ment•these amounts shaU bear interest from : ,,, —
<br /> the date of dist�msement at the Note �ate aad sball be{r+�''lable, �interest. nPon notice from Leader to Borrower ';' ---
<br /> ��S P��• y,
<br /> � 8.Mort�ge Yas�at►oe. If L�ender required mocr�e insuranos as a condition of making the loan secured by this ;., ` '"�ti�....;
<br /> ,,�„ : gecutiry Insuument,Bomo��shaU pay tRe premi�s c�r£.�+ed w maintain the martgage insurance in eNect. IL fo:any f�;y.���} �{��'
<br /> ,.�rx�, reason, t�e mortgage ins�u�sias c+�veiage�ed by b.�der lapses or ceases to fia ln effect, Borrower sball pay the •,:.�,A �, _..-
<br /> .. premium.v required to obta��erage sabstaatiallY eqa��lent to the mortgage im�cance previously ia effect,at a oost ;,,•,:,;>,:�,.„.T
<br /> (�aL
<br /> � ,. �.. � substantially equivalent to the cost to BonQ�+er of the mortgage insurance prevlonsly in effec.t,from an altemate mortgage �•.
<br /> � insurer appmved by Lender.IS substsnda1t�equivalent mortgage insnraare coverage is not available,Bonower aha11 pay � ' s,'�;y;:
<br />'� .. to Lender eac�month a sam v�al w o�nu�-�flh of the.yearly mortga�e insu:anoe preminm being paid by Bormwer when �',�, . .. �:.�n�,fr°
<br />- .. . .. the lnsurance coveiage lapsed a;ceased tv�e in effea.L�sder wiU aGOept,use aad netain these payments a4 a loss reserve „r.., .
<br /> a oep
<br /> � . , � in lieu of mnrtgage in�. Loss resen�e payme�s:ma�no langer be required,at the opdon of Lender. if mortgage . _
<br /> ' iagurance ooverage(ia the amouat aud for sheperiod�#l.ender reguites)pmvided by an insurer appmved by Lender
<br />.-;' ' ' � again becomeg availab2e and is obtained. IIotrowet shall pay the pre�iums ie4niied to maintaL►mongage insivance in ., . .
<br />-';;,�. ' , . effect, or to providc a loss reseNe, until she�uirem�t for mas�ins�!*��s ends �n acoordance wIth aay aritten , , .
<br />_ � agceement bexween Bormwec and Lender ar aPP�icable law. r�onn 3o2e O/pega 3 0/6J �
<br /> , . ' � ;�� . �
<br /> BAN!(Ei14&Y&TEI'dS.INC..$T.ClD�'0.WI�$304{t$00387•4347�iORM NGt�IC�19191 f. .
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