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<br /> � , `. . ; 18.MisceUanoaus Frav3stona ��� �� grantad `t F! • �
<br /> �,: . . � ��� •_. �. ,'."'.
<br /> ' �` Ial Bosrowor lHoR�zad.EiRension ot tha Y��J or moditieatlan of 4he mums sse�ued by tAb Oead ot Trurx ;��, , `,
<br /> ' f� � ,� tiY Le�►der to eny guc�ssor in tntereat of 8orrawer sha0 no!operate to rafaase.in eny mannet.the BabiGtY of ths odg(ne!Bortower ,,
<br /> artd Bortowofs succassow tn interest•tendar sha0 nat be reQutred to aammenw proeeedings against sueA sueeessor ar refuse to '. _.>,�•,•'�
<br /> � `� ,�.,�, mccene timcr far payment or otherwtse modity erta R i z a t ion o t t R e s u m s s e c u r e d b y t h i s D o t z d e!T r u s t b y reason of any demartds ; +�. �`- :;a;
<br /> °`. � � maQ�fi/the adgin�l8orcower end Bortowei's sueee�ors tn isrterasK. .. '��.�� :'; , .
<br /> :� .,-�. � .<, .. ` . :t . .. �. .
<br /> (D)lando�'a Powars.Without sffecting the kab�'itY af any other persan fiable tor the payment of arty ohtigatIon derein rtaRtionerl. . i J
<br /> .�� ' '` and without aite�tittft the tlen or tAarge ot tNs Oeed ot Trust uDOn enY Pmicl�n of tha R�perty not then or theretolore relsase0 as ,.. .�...
<br /> � � ' secudty for the fatt,�mount of ffiI unpatd o6Ggations.Lender maY.tmn►t�me to time and without nottce G)�ease enV persen so :' �< _t^. ,
<br /> • � Ga4te.G7i eutend tl►q.maturitlr ar stter any of tt�e term9 ot mry such ob�gatians,(u'!i 8rant other indutgences.Qv)reiease or reconvaV.
<br /> - � ��--� or eause to be�el¢ssed or recorneyed at anY time at I.eieder's optton any pareei.PoRlon or ati ot the PtoDenY.(v)ta[ce or�eiease any . �• ;;"�`:
<br /> .:.=':;."�'":. other atlditianai iee�uitlt tor anY obGgation herein metrtioned,or (v�'l m�ke comPOSittons wiih debtots in � .. . ,
<br /> 1 � relatlon tirereto. ����� ` -- - -
<br /> G � - (c)Forha�tca fsY Lender hiat a WsNer.My forbearenes Qy Lender in �ed �e Qer,or othervvtse
<br /> . ., - .;• ' c aftoided bY gDP�tot¢�te'taw.sha0 not Oe a avaiver of or predude the procuremern of �. : . . .
<br /> s � t to acceterate tfie ' � ._-:
<br /> � � inssuance or the.p�ant of tax�v or other Gens or charges b1►Lende►sha! .
<br /> �. , ., v �
<br /> .,�_ :.. :�.` rt►aturity of the indAMetiness seCUted hlf tltis Oe�of Trus� • ,:,?`. ":.;
<br /> •. .. (dt��R��8��Q%JoTrrt end Sav�c!LimH�Y.C�ns-The covena�s and agre�amente t�etein eantahiad shall ��.,��, :: _'�_'°,
<br /> rei
<br /> L %� : bind,and the ngt�here�md�st�all inure to. the,respe�i.vs su�ota�d e�ipns of LeAder el►d Trustor. Ag eovena�ua.end ,
<br /> � • ,. .• hs of this Desd of Tntst are tor
<br /> sgreeme�its af 3�t4r sfiall`bo joint and severak Ths eapticns ar.e headings of the paragrap : a .
<br /> Y ' � `� ' eonventw�ee ont�Qrtd are not to be used to huerpret or Qefine the provisions hereof. • ;
<br /> , ter
<br /> (e)Reques3 tOn�Jo4te�.The parttes hetebY request that e ooPV ot a►ry notise of defautt hereunder and a copy of any noUee of , �
<br /> % �;��� saie hereunder ba.i����PartY to thb Deed o!Trust at the address set tortA above in the manner prescribed bY apDticabte �'� _
<br />,Y:`•,r _ •; '�ti>��;.
<br /> - J �.�'< <'•J; law.Exccet for anY ather notice requUed under appficable taw to he given in another maz►ne►,a�►y nottce proYided for in tAis Deed of ..,,_ .' , •i,f,,.
<br /> . ?�;.� , Tnrst stsnt�ue�u8,n bY ma3ling such notics by ceRiRed ma7 adQressed w ths other P��.st the address set tortA above.Any ; ,.: : - :��::�
<br /> r J •� ; notIee F�fd�t t4t�in this Oeed of Trtrsi sl�a0 l�a eftectiva upon maiGng tn the manner designated herein.tf Trustar is more than one x� ry-
<br /> s
<br /> =-= peison�!r�?�'�emr;to tha addm.ss a�C tcELh aLovs shaU be nodce to aU sucA perso�. ,���,'..x,. ._ :�;. .
<br /> �, (fl�;esFnn...tess�r'r�eY cnak�=f�use to 6e made reasonab(8 emr[es uD�8nd insPecttons of the PcoBe�'W Oravided that ,� .
<br /> _.�� .,_'•' Lend4r�S�Y�?�aciice D�?'tis.�►Y sud��on specifyin9 reasoaabto cause theretar retated to L.er�defs tnterest in the , .
<br /> , . .-`-- -- PnopeiVF: . � -
<br /> ` f9l���flea. �1Den VeYm�.t af eU succ�s�red bY.tld�D�ed of Trust.Lendeo sR�lt reqaest 7rustes to �ecanvaY the � ;
<br /> TS
<br />_ . . � Pim��d sha;t surrender tbis C�i of Trust eTd aD autes e-�icA�dng indeMeQoess secru�bM1►this De28 of Trust to Ttuscee. , :
<br /> Tnstee shaU teaat�veV the FcoRerhr without warrmtW snd withant cher9e to the persan or pers�ns tegafly entitied thereto.Ttustar .`. ;�;.
<br /> � sAaD DsY aU cagts.a!tecoNatfon,if any. '�'"`"'
<br /> .. - � . . . �p�n���y;SQ�y�y p��eM,qs a�€r3onat security for tha paYme�t of the Note:Trustor herebY 9��Q��� r _�; �ai� :
<br /> -'•f ,• _„ ., . .�::, , the tt�xaska UnitArm Commerdal Code a secudtYis�rest in ati fixturas,e4utpmeM,and other personal0roA�11 used In eonnoaton •
<br /> with tt►e real astate or improvemerrts toeated thereon.and not atderwise dedared or deemed to be a D�of tha ceal esta[�secuced � � +�r
<br /> ;�.�. Q�
<br /> hereby.This�mertt shal!be eonsuued as a SeeutitY Agreemeat under said Coda,and the Lender sha11 have eil the dgRts•and• - •��� � 4 r':
<br /> i remedies of a seailred PertY under eatd Code in addxion to the�ights and remedtes c[eated unQer�d accorded the lender pursuant �.�•
<br /> to thts Oeed of TrpSt:Arovided thffi Lenders ri$tn5 and remedies under tfiis paragtaDh&hal�be cumu�ad�v�•e�d in no way a :
<br /> Qmitation on,l.a�d�'s rigMs and remedies under ar,�other seeurhY agreemetrt algned D y Bormwer or Tnisto�. _ '-- '°'�'°'
<br /> ` ' (q 66yn� sa�d,Enqm�rancas.Ttustor hereby wattar►ts end cepresents that tl►ere ta no defauk under the provtslons ot �Y . { •t',` .:
<br /> -- . , fi11 F.��.'.:�
<br /> -='*,:. .: . mottg��{a:de,e�ot uust.�aase ar purchase eontract describing atl or any P�of the PtopertV, or other corttract, inatrttni�iL ar ''`'. ,t.� ,� X�`
<br /> � ag�can�n9 a 6en ot encum6rance against al!or any R�zt of the ProDen9 tcoltecUve;°llena'l.exisihig as of tTa�ot „�,�..,,�1�a:�a�;.
<br /> &z
<br /> .. � �ti. :,� this O��f,Ttuat..apd that eny and all existtng 4ie�s remain unmodifled e�ccept as disrtm�E to kender in Tmstofs s�ien ;,J�Y�pN���:
<br /> disd�a"F lier�er.d enwmbrene� provideQ tac herein.Tnistar shall timety pertortn att at'3austOrs¢GGqations, cpvanams. �..�.,,� a: �=
<br /> � cepre�'::�tona ared war�enUes under arry and a�csf�ing and firture Uans,ahall pmmptfyr forwai0 to i.ender cArea ot aii notices of :.,,����:��
<br /> , ,. de.�z�sr1t in oonneetion witA any and eli e�Si%�or tuture Liena, and sh�ll not without l,��ers pdor wiittert conseru in any ' ,•r-t�=.�.�..g�::
<br />'.!:_� . . ; ••�7l�fii.Ff .
<br /> ...,.- •. ' � rtsFr.rtt�fi'�aodify,the provistons of or�fr�ru anY�'�'�'�advances unQer any exlstin9 or future Uea�� r. :., �;i• �
<br /> � .,r�.i� �'�
<br /> , ' .;' . . �r,.�ppp�ypn oi pQyme�,tfr.:r�o�erw'se required by law. a�ims paid to Lender l:ECrt:nder. Ineiuding whhout fm��!atton �;.�,.:•>�'���4
<br /> • paymeme o!pdndDal and iMerest,a�,"�ce R.aa°e d s,wndemnatton proceeds and rer►ts and proftts,sfia0 tre eppfied by l�nQer to ��;1.�i��i =
<br /> the amounte dun•and owfig from Tr.�cc snd[sartc'aver in such order as lender in ita sole discretion deems destrable. �^-�r.r ---
<br /> � (K) Sqva�aL'xRy. tt any pmvisfon of thES Q� of 7rust conflicts with a�leabla law o� is Qectated "usv3fid or atAervvlso , � � __�_
<br /> ' unanforceabie,sucb confflct or tmr�d:ty shall not aitecc the other prouislons cti.il�l,s Oeed of Tmsc or tha Nota�?ich can be gtven w �—
<br /> •� eHeat without 4he conflicting p�an,enA to this end the provisions of ths�7eed ot Trust end the t�[ota�'e declared to be �
<br /> ` ' :• se�veteDlO. ' � !'.
<br /> . �;. (p Tartna.Tha,terms'TNSLOP ffiId"Bartower'sha111nciude both singuTar err3 Afurel,end when the Trustor and Borrav�r•ar+e+'tAe �• y ,,.
<br /> °_. • same person(o1,thosa terms es used in this Oeed of Trost shail be interchange�t� � '•'�=''`�
<br /> ��:: __ =-
<br /> � • • (m1 QovamtnD�Lt►Yi•This Deea of Trust shaii Ee govemed by the�aws of the�ce:e ot Nebraske. • �-�°r
<br /> -�.: � • '. —
<br /> ' ' " ' Trostor tras exeeuted t�is Deed of Tm�as of the Qata wrltten aLove: '�=';�?��
<br /> - �'�` ���.
<br /> -= � . � ".
<br /> �� : n�, b. a� - . � . .�
<br /> �g=y Trustor Tn�stor .
<br /> ' .F. �i
<br />__ ' Trustor Ttaafia�� r • ;;t��'�t�t� '
<br /> = •. • �'. �,�({n ....
<br /> '`zz Trustor Tnistas•� � •
<br />-- ',.�,_U���'.I`.i
<br /> , r ' +,�,lsy"v'•
<br /> ��t�. . _
<br /> __ . ,. � ,.
<br /> T � � ' ' . ' ,;
<br /> :y,� ., . .
<br /> ,:�.� -- .
<br /> .,';':'' •
<br /> HSC 3457C tNanagtiMNrn100ad)Rov.8195 • '
<br /> . � , 1988 Natwn�Bant of Cammsree Tnut end Saving�AssaelaUon,uncotn.NeLraste � �
<br /> .. ...,:.-._..,.-._.,,,V..e........-..-m--+.—�..:'-�--+-n"'"�'.v." '_-:--�",T. � . • • .�_ r�`. ;�.^.-,,•-,.��.--^'r..^'+.-�.-- ;'' ^'-`"'�'._"'`..� ����,.N...�., .� .~1-t i ��3'!.� -
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