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; F.. ; < <br /> ..:,,. _ � � <br /> .._ . � . _ . <br /> .� ._ .._ � �:�, <br /> �...—_��..e, - — - . _ -- —- - - . <br /> L �z r-�c. _ c "7- F - c. <br /> -� . . ��� t, Y _.�.� i .__. ; ci <br /> � • � �'i � �- � k e <br /> `�� S , v :c ` r _ _ _ � _� �G �f� . <br /> t � . r� <br /> ` _ _ .�.. .. YC i. . . _, .. .. . . _a. .. .. `�., �.,a_ iE � _( .�.G,.�'• <br /> U` < < _'_R_C_.,+-.L,;:' '` �� t t <br /> - _� ,'t• 7f � .�:�. <br /> � .d. •!. •,'`` <br /> ..� 1 _ '<r'r.`� . <br /> . ..Z = � �• � .,�� _ ":it'�.T';��' <br /> �_— ' �:�' <br /> ! ` --c. 7.Entinart DbmCin.Lender is here4y 888igned ell compensatton.awe�ds.dama9m and other payments ot tcBef tttereinsttet'Roeeecls'1 y.-r�-.=„". <br /> . `, .. � << <br /> •��- • fn connection wltb candemnetion or other tatdng nf the PropeRy or part th�eof.or far eonvayanee 1n Ueu of eondemne4ian•Lendsr sAsU '�`�� . <br /> • ,��. . :�; „ . <br /> • •i te6cem a►ds�n�g�,Lender shaii her�e Ute option in its eota and sbsotute diSSreUon,to apMl all such P�oeeeQs,efcer deductfng ttferefrom .<:``;.� <br /> __ '_ ;' - .� �. •;� ( • ~ : <br /> ait eost9 m�d eapenses incurtad by!t!n connealon witb such Procesds.nAOn any indebtednass sec�ued hereDy and in su+�order as r ., � , •� •. <br /> dar may Qatermine,or to appty cll such Praeeeds,atter eucA deQucUons.w�t►e re�toratton ot tha Rropertlt upon euch condittans a9 <br /> - —_� �, � dec may Qetermine.Any e�p l l e e t ton o f F r oaee ds to t n de b t e dnes9 a h a 8 a o e e x tend or p o s t pone the due dete of any paYmanm under i,��, � `b��` <br /> ' e euse any 6ei8utt tt►ereunQer or hnreunAer.AnY uneD0lie�tur►ds shaU be pasd to Tn�atar. °'.s£ . <br /> --- - ` � 8.Parlom�ene�Dy LanQer. lJDon tne oeartence ot an Eveirt of Detauit heseunder. or if eny sct�s takQn or tegul Pcnceedfig �� �' <br /> commenced whieh matafialM etteats Lendafe interest in the ProAeriY.Lender maY in ita awn discretion.but without obiigatlon to do so. -• .� "��; •,` <br /> � f d arithout nottee to or demana upon T�uator and without mleasin9 Tmstar from any obtigation,do any act wtiid►T�ustor has egreed �. • ;� <br /> �ut taib to da and may also do er►y other act it deems necessary to prota�t tNa se�ritY hereol.Trustar sAatl.Immediatety upon deman� .,� e :. �_ , `:- <br /> • �... �� `� , theretor by LenQer,pay to LenQer all easts and e�enses incvrred.and sums expen de d Ay L e n Q e r i n e o n n e c t i o n w i t h t ha e�cerdse b y :. , . <br /> ` �:-�---�... � Lendsr of the foregot�rtghta,togott►er with Unerest thereen at the defauft rate pravided tn the lltote,whlch shall be added to ttte ;,�, - ;;.; <br /> -:_�"�` �(mtepieMess eecured heteby.iender 6h8U not U1CUt any Gabiqty aacause Of enything it m8y db or omit t0 do hereundor. <br /> --�-,--=' ,_ ,...,', <br /> � �. 9.Ha�dous MaterEato.Trustor shati keep tAs RiroDe�y���6�����pG�te tawa.ordinances and reguiations reiadng to , ` - <br /> • �indusu(�hygiene or environmentaf prateeUon(wi�cUvety reterted to heteln as'EnvUanmental Laws'1.Trustot sheU keeD the Ptopetty .. ,�, 4 ; <br /> � � iree irom�substances deemed to ba hazardous or to�under entl Environme�tal lawa(coUectivety referted to herein es'Hazardaus ?-: . ': �-f.•.�;. <br /> - � (Utat�i�s^J.Ttusta�Aertspy warrante�d�epresents to LQnEet that tAere are no Hazatdaus Material on ot under the Property.Trustw � '�� ` •• <br /> ' he►ehy agrees to Indemnifll and hotd hffimtess Lender,ita direetors.offieers.emAloyees and agents.and anY suce�ssore to LertdeYb :�. `�. ` <br /> . -._ , ...U�1', interest,from and egafnst any end afl dalme.damages, fasses and Uabilities atising in conaection vrith the presence,use.dtsposal or i.',. v ,� •`<<� _ <br /> .. . . uansport of any Hazardous Materials on.unQet.trom ar about the Proyerty.THE�OREGOfNG WARRANTIES A[�tO liEfRFSH1[TA7iONS. ��'':� ;:.....�- <br /> . ,_. . <br /> -'� � ` '' AND TRUSTOR'S OBLtGATIONS PIJHSUANT TO'fHE FORELiORtd tNDEMNRY.SHALL St1RVIVE RECOiWEifAI10E OF THtS DEED Of. .�. �� ,� . <br /> �., ;.���,,�. r. -. <br /> _ , TflUST• c <br /> ` � `` �.�. 10.Qa�meM ot ite�tts.Tnsstor hetebY esst8ns to Le�er.and 9�ts Lend�e securitY interest tn,aU P�esent,fuwre and aft�Et � 4.., <br /> `.� . r�sing renp,is4ues ertd pmtue of the PtopeRy;Drovtded tAat Ttustor shati,unti!the occuRence of an Event ot Qefauit herennder.haVa ' ,ti; �y� � <br /> the dght to callect and retein such reMs.issuea e�d pmfits as theY becoma due and payahie.Upon the ociamanca of an Event ot <br /> . Qefautt.Lender may.either in peron or by sgent,wKfi or wit�taut bringtng any actton or pcaceedhig�or by a�eeeiver eppoir�Yed by,a ' y '�•- `. <br /> " . ,. `� ' court m�d vrithaut tegard To tAa adequactir ot its securiry. enter upon end tske possesston of the ProAerty.o►anY D���•��A'� ;r, _ <br /> .'•<<:. !tame or in tho name ot tAe Tnistee.and do any ac4+wAtth it deema ee�tt or d�te w Preserve tha vatue,maAc4fabRPtY nr '.��-, '�,�,. <br /> � rentabTrtY of the Property,ar ar+Y vart tAereut or(nterest therein,or to inaease The income therefrom or proteet the security hereot aiid. ;, ,, <br /> ' "+�� with a wi2hout tekh�g possassion uf tAe P�aperty,sue for ar otherwisa ooRect the rents,issues ens prarfite thareof,Ineluding Mose p�st ��:.., � � <br /> , - � <br /> " .`' due and unpaid.8Y notifyfn9 tenama w rtsafce payments to Lendet. Lender maY BPPh►�ts,issues snd Orofit9.less costs and expa�s ;:._. .. _ <br /> - ' ,r��+,`,� of operation and collecUon'inciuding attomeys'fees,to any indehtedness seeured hereby,eU in such oMer as Lender may de�n�Tha <br /> `.:,�;`; wrterinS uport and takb�g Dossession of the FtoPenY, the catieetion of such rems.issues and profite,and the appGcatton therea#as . ' ' '.:: <br /> - �..,r;:s�sf: aforesatd,shaU noi wre or vJaiva any defautt or notioe o!defauR hereunder ar invaliQate any act dane Fn respansa to surfi defafjit or '. � <br /> . . ����._.`. <br /> � ` ..t,:is:: pursuant to such notice of defauft and,natwitt�tandirtg the contmuence in possession of Me PropertY or the coftection.ceceipt.and . ..- �{r. <br /> � . app6catton of�ts,issues or proFits,T[ustae and LenQer shall be enMted to exercise every dght provfded for in any of th9.1.a� _N_�; , <br /> -- �- Inshvmerits ar by faw upon accurtence of any Event of Oeieuh,indud(ng w+thaut GmitaRion the�IgM to exercisa the powar ot 8ate. , ":;:_. <br /> " r,� ., 'f: Fvctt�s�tander's rights and remediss unQer this paragrePh shall be cnmufative with,and in no way a Qmltation an.Lendet's cigftl3�and . � `=ta <br /> ":��:.:�:_��-�-=� remediss under a�ry asstgnment ot leases arid rente recarded agafinst the ProPenY.Lende�.T�uatea and the receSver shaU he b�bfa to - —_ _ <br />_ �s'' �i; account onry tor tiwsa reMa actuallV teceived. ; <br /> �:� a. •,; `� #. . <br /> 11.Ev�m of DetmSt.The foltowfig shal!conutltute ar�Event af Default under this Deed of Trust: `•t � i <br /> , , (a)Faiiure to pay any installmertt of principai or interest of any other sum secured herehy when due; • " <br /> , ,;i,y (b)A bteach of�or defauit under any pravision eontatrted tn the t�tote,this Deed of Trust,any ot Me Loan Instruments,qr any . '��„- �� <br /> r�,n • otfter Gen or encumbrance upon the P►operty; ' '° <br /> : saj,�� ..._ ..�� � ic)A writ of execution at attechment or anY similar Pruc�shatl 6e entereA aga(nst Tmstor whieh shall bacome e lietrnrt the ��j�,�.l <br /> �. PtopeRy or any porHon thersot ar hrterest therein; �_� <br /> , •: ^: (d!These sR$U'�e filed hl o��Tnrctct at SorsGtycs an actioa ussdar any��etrt crhiturc tcdc�at.sL.-to ar ather ctatr.�r.ltsw - ,� _: <br /> or regutatton retartu�to bantauptcy, insolvenry or other reltef for debtors,or tAsre shffit be spyolnted anV trustee, reca�►+a or �_ <br /> ' . flqutdator of TrutNx�r or Borrowes or of a0 or any part of the PropetN,or the rsrttc,issues or profits thereof,or Trustar or Bor►�awe► �� %� �� <br /> ;;, <br /> °,�N.' ! shall make any gen�eral assignmem tor the beneflt of credftots; • �` "``�`� <br /> � t�;t`-' ` ' (e)The saie,tr8nsfer,tease,sssignment,conveyance or turther encum4�rmsce ot a0 or acry Dart of or any ir�ter�t in the Proparty, - �' <br /> - � ' � , ehher votuntarlly or Involuntan'ty,witAout the e�ress written conseM of Lender;provfded that Trustor sheU ba permitted to axeeuta ' -�=��'-�'� <br /> _ ' - �' 't>:k' <br /> � a lease of the Roperty that doe�s�ot contain an oytlon to pwchase and ffie��rm of which doas not exceed ane year. .f <br /> • , �� (fl Abandanment ot the Property:or `.• '�'-_ <br /> _ � �':?1{� tg)If Trustor is aot an tndividual,t?►s issvanee, sate,um�ster, asstgnment, wmeymice or encu:r�jur,ca of mare Man.(if e _ __ _ � ��"` <br /> � '' ! • cbrporation)a toml of Dercent of tte issued end Qut&2�Rding stodc,or lif a partnershlp?a totaf of�.,�8��pament ot <br /> � � parutership trnerests,or a ited qability wmpany�e totai a� �1A Percent of the limtsed�abi�itY eompanY mteresse or,vaiing ` . -,.=_, <br /> :. ���,� rt�r��'�.9�ring tha pedod this Deed of Trust rematns a lien on tha.i�s e� ' .. . ��r.. <br /> ,�:;,>.L,�if ' ' t�.Ramedles;Qceeteretlon lipon Oetmit4.fn�e event of erry Eqerrt of OeTauff Londer may.a�out notir�except�rep�ired by,taw, �r <br /> .' ; t�, � � dettare a11 tndebte�n�sss secuted hereby to 6e du�and payebte and the eeme sha0 thereupon�eeome Gue and payabte without:any �,�•.� <br /> g u.. <br /> � y t� •� • presentment,des�l�t.Drotest or notice of any Idrn�•fiereaft�Lender may: ` <br />_ �/°;• '� DemacNt r�at Trustee exerctse the POWER OF SALE granted herein, and T�ustee ahaD thereaftec cause trustofs intereac, �'�^ :— <br />- "f i.:'F' � �� . . . <br /> ��;''�;: � in G�e Fioperty to be sotd and tlrr�proceeda to be distributed,all in the manner provIded in tha Nabra9ka Trust Deeda Ac� <br /> � (bf Exerciso eny and all dt�:is provided tot In eny of the loen Instruments or by law upon oceurreneo o! e.ry� £vetrt at �- �__: -�- <br /> ��a,fi:and . . <br /> - .�'it (c)Comma�:� an action to foreciase tht[c Qeed of Trust es e mortgage, appoint a �ecetver,or eyeti:�celly enforee erry of the, . �. <br /> ^�,�` CGV8R8nt9 h4rar.�_. •• '.`' . <br /> .�.�,{,�,, _ -_-:�ar:�.. <br /> '�`;�. • � r l�to car.�edy herein r.�nferted upon or reserved to Tnscee or Lender i9 intended to ba exclusive of any other remedy herein,in the Lo� � <br />-- ►r�su++unente or by law provided ot pertnttted,bat eaeh shall be cumulative,shall bo in addition to every othei remedy ghiesr hereunder,in !�,' � . ��•�,.� <br /> — : su <br />---- ' � the Lttaan Instruments or now or hereafter euisting et iaw or in equ(ty or by atatute,and may be exercised concurtentty,indepRndently or • . <br /> - ` .'•=f aucCessive{y. ••� <br /> .��t <br /> � ���,�3,,�, 13.Trvstao.TFt�s Trustee may realgn at anv fJrs:o wlthout cause,and Lender may at anV Ume and wlfhaut ca�se apDc:nt a succes�or -•� <br /> - ;, �• ��:;?r�� ur substitute Traatfto:T.'rustee shaU not be liffi11e�tt�.rany party,incfuding wlthout OmitaUon LenQar,Bonowsr,Tcue:or or any purchasar af <br /> -- � � the Propetty. fot anv ios9 or damage untess sUus to �ecklesa or wifful mtsecr��ct, end ehall not be re¢cir•�rJ to take any a�tion(ts <br /> - � � eonnection with tAe enforeement ot this 9eed cf�'rust unioss writing,for all cast9,comper:s�on or expenses w81ch my , <br />_�.';.�, ' „ ba a:saclated 2herewith.In addittaR,7rustee rc:ay become a purchaser at eny eale ot the Frc�2rty Qudictal o�under the pa�rer of s2te � . . . . . . <br /> granted herein);postpone the saie of all ar any Fr:aYion of the Property,as provided by taw:ar�J7 LAe property a9 a whcta;.ox is�septu�te . . <br />- , . . � parcets or late at Truatee's discreUon. <br />-=- . . ' 14.icss and F.�panses.In the event Trusta��Ils the Property Ey exercise of power of sale,Tnistae ehJt Qo entf;te6 ta z�pty eny ea!a . � • ,., <br /> • •,';: praeeeds flrst to payment of a1!eoste and expvcses of exerclsing power of sate,ineluding�It T�ustee's fee�.�d Lertders m�d Trustes's r . � <br /> � . attomeys feee,actualty incurted to extent pertnftted by applicabte Iaw.In the event Bortower or Trustot exercises any ri�E pravtded by � <br /> - • • ,. n� faw to cure m�Everrt uf�efauh,l�ndet shall be ent�ted to recover irom Trustor ell costs and expensee actualry lncurre3 e3 a resuit o! • <br /> . ' ' TtuatoYa Qefautt,inctuding wiihout limitation ell Trustee's and attotneti/a fees,to the exterrt pormitted by appUcabte Iaw. <br /> • • �• 15.Futura Advancna.Upon request of Borrower,Lender may,at its option,make edditional and future edvances end readvaneea to • <br /> - Borrowet.Such advances and readvences, witt►inierest theraon,shalt be secured by this Deed of Ttust.At no time sha11 the ptineipal � <br /> - .. . � amount of the indebtedness secured by this�eed of Trust,not including sums advsneed to proteet the securhy of thia Oeed of Trust, ' . . _ <br />_ - . � exeeed the ortgtnat pdncipal amount etafed herein,or 8 so.oo ,whichever is greatea <br /> . <br />- ' " � ' '. NBC34878 IMmw�ic�AhaalOaam Rov.B(95 � . ' <br />� - . 1998 fEatland BmU of Canmerco Tnat en05avtrtgf AsscGaDOe. 'Lnoofn.Ne�r�te � <br /> - . .. �--�:•-7�^—r'--°' ' ., ` . � . . ,.. ��' . .. , � : 5:' l' ' . !. `v• 'J <br /> . <br /> � <br /> , .,..,.. _ ... .. ._;_..;.� .. • . <br /> _ . . . _ . . .. .. . _ . � . ._. .. . V_. . . ... . . . .. .. .. . _ _ . . _ - . <br />