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<br /> ^�K . • •Y "" . ` r -_ t . - _ _ �,..
<br /> L' F ' �` '+ �. ��. � - �et i �y t� _
<br /> .,� 5 � .,� �
<br />. '�. . _ �', - _ ' . 1 t c. _ �� :p �} f-� �t ' , z .� Y � .�� �•L4� ��� Y�
<br /> ::. �. � � i `�, � 5 � :.t � f v� ��<<< r
<br /> .. �,a �s �r . .r -:- -� - -. a � , ,_:".. i_, : t r•_ t<� � , '\ ` (}£,� -
<br /> , .` -4� c .,t.`�Z.< 4 ,n �.c_ _
<br /> x 'l.r� '. .- . ..�_sf`��_�.' .�.-:-,S c� -,�.i_.T� _c 7 a_;. _ _ ,4 :.. -- _ '.'
<br /> . __ . .�. - .s�c�. .t-r ' .s .r- - r� _ . . "' . --•"--.-'r .. .�. . ' i ... � S s [:'
<br /> .`- ; . ,. ,,` , ,< � ='� �is`� t`.. n`
<br /> ♦ � _
<br /> , t' . 4a . .. �.F � �� �t` �_'<<,.•. .. .
<br /> �: -�;�: . ... < ��.,�,.Y; _ . ... .
<br /> ' . •.a �q �����
<br /> J . .��. .° ;:� . tn Borrower.If al!or any part of the Ptopeisy or any inieresc in it � , .4'
<br /> • 17.TeansPer of the Property or�Beneficial Wte�+e�t .
<br /> is sold or tractcferred(ar if a beneficial intecest in Borrm��er is soId or aaasferred and Bormwer is not a natural pezson)witt►out
<br /> - . >:3 LPnder's ptior written oonsen� Ixnder may. at its option. reciuire immed�ate ptrym�t ia fiill of all sums secure�by this ' -
<br /> ' • � ` ' � Security Instcument.However.this opuon shzll not be exeicised by Leader if exetcise is pmWbited by federal taw as of[he date , :
<br />' 'h_" • `_ ; of this Security[nstrument. • �
<br /> •��� 4 • ' S If Lender exereises this option.Lender shali giva Bomnwer no[ice of acceleration.'fhe aotice sha�l provide a period of nat ,
<br /> •�==� less than 30 days trom che date the notice is deliveres!or maited witbin wiuch Bomuwer mnst p�y► a11 sums secured by ti�is � .
<br /> - ET
<br /> ,��'-, '-; � Security Instrument.if Barrower fails to pay these svms prior us the expirarion of this peiifld,Lender tnay involce aay remedies -
<br /> ` . �• _. •� permitted by this Securiry Insuument without futther notice or deman�on Boimwer. c
<br /> . -' �t: 18. Borro�Fer's �gRt to Reinstate. if Bortmver meets cerrain coaditions, Bomower shall have the right to have .
<br /> :�` i. ,: '�`= enforcement of this Securiry Instrument disoontint�d at�y time priot to the eazlier of:(a)5 days (or such ather periad as t � �'
<br /> • � applicable law may spetify for reinstatement) befo� sale of the Properiy guTSUant to any power of sale contained in this ' �`•
<br /> `; •�t, ..
<br /> 5��° �'_-� ' ` : Secusiry Insaument;or(b)enuY of a judgment eufarcing this Seauity Ias�nt.Those ooaditions are that Bomower:(a)PaYs _ .
<br /> ' .,< :;. Lender all swns which then woutd be dus under tLis Securiry Instrumeat and the Note as if nn acceletation had occurred;(b)
<br /> ;�'.•<:. . ° cures any defaWt of any other oovenants or agre�meuts: (a)Pays a ll eageuses i n c u n e d i n e n f o r c i n g this Secvri ty Insuumeut, _ _
<br /> . ,. ���� including,but not limited to,reazonable attomeys'fces; and(d)takes suc�actioa as Lender may ceasonabl3+requiret°ass�e __--
<br /> ' that the lien of this Se�urity Instrument. Lender's rig,hts in che Property aud Borrower's obligation m pay the sumn s�by
<br /> 4'�. .�:r. rhis Security lnswment sl�all continue unchauged. IIpoa reinstazemenc by Boaower, this Security Instiument and the ?;:`'
<br /> obligacions sec:vred hereby shall remain fuUy effesrivs as if no acceleraria�[�ad occur�ed..However,tEais right W�instate sha11 : .,. r_-.
<br /> '-� not ap�1}•in the case af acceleration under paragiapb 17• s " ""
<br /> '� �:?� Sate of Plote; C6ang¢of Loan Serv�orr. T6e Nare or a partixd ttuerest ia=dse�Iote (togetLer with ttr�s Security `'-
<br /> ' r fn.,�:it�.�[)may b��1s3 one or more times withnut priar aatioe to B��c�x,c�sz:�u�:�a�Et ia a c�taage in the�_�� ` ,.
<br /> ` �'��`�r �"' j��� as tw: 'l,oan Serv�•.:,�-'7:.i�at collects montfily���ments dite nader t�e t�;�t::-�`��.is�:�r�r.y iasuv�t.'It����•tce aae �iih
<br /> ���E` f } �rSY"s;' � 'T «���.Q21I.�'dT'�C7DF�.��LC' Ti��TS IS.ns
<br /> �� ���,;�;���• �vgSfr�^iLtCt1�0[CC9f[Il2 chaffge��noor�tn a�pc o��ot�I��ara i,L�'�. ;F —
<br /> 14 a�otie�'•�:.��i�.�he t�otic��:s�e,�-�e aad
<br /> ,, `�:sffi �dr..�:af[he new luan Serv�,i.,ci.�¢T+r�t,-.�+�tt��sdd�to whic�e�-Y�sents shQUld be�:. 'L•`�e notice wa'ft atso oar,�s s�aY other
<br /> -�� ,% ���i�"' � �Valilv taW. � r_.�"
<br /> � }t��y, ,;�� info��on requiired bY 8PP e or t�¢ase of an `
<br /> ',.Jr7`;��: •..-,;'�r� Z�. Ha�rdous Subsra�aes.Boaower shall nat cause cr permit the presence.a�disposal.smnrag - _ Y
<br /> '`r� ._ � '�•� Haiar�ous Substances on or in the Property_ Botrower�&al1 not do. aor allow anyone else to do, any@ung a�tecdng the g-�-
<br /> ��;:,��:,� Pra thae is in violation of xny Environmental Lzw.Tite�rece�ing two sentences sLall not apply w the piesr.�oe,use.or � -
<br />- �;:.;;, . . . .:$ i�Y m be w noratal h• :��- --
<br />.::.:,,;_,
<br /> ... Er, ,. ,,�� storage on the Property of small quantities of I�a�atdous Su6�ances that are geneially recognized aPP
<br /> `°'.t�; ---��."�:�, residendal uses anc�to maintenance of the Prapc�ty.
<br /> � '"� Borrower shall pmmptly give Lender writtea notice of any invesdgation.ciaim,demand,lawsuit or oWcr aqion hy a�► -
<br /> -� govemmental or cegulazory agency or private pa�ty involving the Propecry aad any Harandous Substanee os Envimnm�tal Law �
<br /> "'�� . of�vAicb gorrower has actual knowiedgC. If Boaa�vzr t�,or is notified by ariy governmental or regutawry authorily.that
<br /> �-� � _•� " any removal or other remediation of any Ha�udous Substance affecting the Property is ae�essarY.Borrower shaU prompQy take =
<br /> � ' . � '�� ali necessary remedial actions ia accordance�vith Environmental Law.
<br /> ' As used in this paragraph Z0. "Haxardous Substances'are tt�ase substances defiaed as toaic or liarardous aubstanoes by __
<br /> . • ' •:3 ; Emimnmeatal Law and the following aubst�oes: gaso linc. k erosene. otAet ftamma6le or toaic peuoleum Qroducta. W�cic __
<br /> �� •pesticides and herbicides.voiatite solvents.matrriuls wntaining asbestus or formal�tebyde,and radioactive macedals.As ustd itt
<br /> " - �his parngraph 20. 'Environmental Law' meaus federal taws and lawa of che jurisdieston whece the Pcopeny fs toea�ed chat . ---
<br /> • '.�•, relate to heaitl►.safery or environmental protoctian. , _
<br />" ' NON-UNIFORM COVBNANTS.Bolro�v�r and Lender fuMer covenant and agree a�follows: �T
<br /> . ' "i 2l.Acceteration;Remedtes.Letid�shoil give aodce to Boraower pNor to accsleration following�orrower's brQach ;�_��,
<br /> � of any wvenunt or agreement ia t61s Secur3ty Instruutent Nut not prtor to aecelaraHaa under paregrapD 17 mless -:.;.
<br /> m
<br /> , :��..' .� ' ePPftcable taw provtde�otherwlse?.Tne aotioe shal!specify: ta)t6e defati+l� ib)t6e a�tou required to wre the defaatt; --_
<br /> � (c)a dnte.not less than 30 days Yrom the date the notIce is given to Borrowes,by wdic�We defsalt most 6e cm'�d;and �• �----
<br /> �? �• � (d) thao failure tu cure tAe detault on or be�ore the date spedited in the uotice may resWt in acce[erauoa of We sums �� ;._ __
<br /> , r.:..� ' � secured by this Security lastrument aad sale or the Property.'Tlie aot�ce s6aU tai4hea'info�Horrower oY the NgRtt 40 �.y_ _
<br /> � �', reinstate afler acceteratioa and the dght to bring a court actioa to assert 3he aon�esistence of a defautt or any,other ;
<br /> • defense of Borroaer to aoceleratlon and s�d�.If the det�u lt t s eot c u r e t l oa or b dore t he d a t e s p e c i i 3ed in tt►e no t t c e. �s:r
<br /> Lender,at its optlofl.may reqWre immedisste payment in tafl of aD sa�s secured by this Sew�Jty Insdiarment v�ittiout .:�:_
<br /> ' � ��' fu�ther demand aad may invalce the paees oi sate and any other remedie4 perm(tted by appHrable Inw.Le�d�r shall be -_-
<br /> � eatitted to collect all expwiscs inc�red in piusWng the r�edtes pmvide�in tWs PaiagraDh 21,including,bat not limit� ;:
<br />-- ...�;.'' '��;, ..� Qo.mea�oaabte attorneys'fees an�costs of titte evEdeace. r� _
<br /> -- �''"� ` ' If the power of sate is imoked,Tnt,�e�s�all rewe�d a uottce ut d�atnit In esc6 t�onaty ias wdtch aay part of the '�;Y`.;,,�
<br /> _ . �D�Y is lacated and shaU mail wpfes oY sueb aotice ftn tRe manaes prasw�6ed by appllcable Iaw to�aprower and to r�?,_`
<br /> ' � • • the oiher persoas pressrtbed by applicable Is�w.After tite t�me reqaired by appllcable[s�w,Trustee sball�ive pabUc aottce
<br /> � oY sale to t8e pe�soas and in the mAnaeQ pres+Tl6ed bg a�plicuble law.11�nstee,wtthomt demaud oa Borrower,sha11 sell �
<br /> .. , the Property at publtc suctton to the tilghes4 6ldder at t�e time and place aad under the terms designated i�We nntice of �, �. �
<br /> c
<br />� �� ' -' sa�e in one or more piucels and in any or+de�Trastee determtaes.Tnistes mey postpune saIe o�all or aay parcel of the � • .
<br /> • Property by public annourtceme�t at the time and place of any preWou9ly schedule�l sale.Lender or its d�igneE may -
<br /> purchase the Property at any sate. '
<br /> . '
<br /> --- � . Form 8�?�� ..
<br /> `, ` � ��6V(NE1 i9s�s�.o� veao e ar e nuuais:�t nJ/� :
<br /> � ��0-
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