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<br /> .• r � �a i" '� 7"".t- `—T' �� ` u s � `Y,
<br /> t .� t` �`C F - � ...v�.-� r ' .S �s_. .— " `�� � , , .
<br /> .a .r y � . _ ' . "_ . ,u ;, 3..� � _ ��� 'C � -` ' ��_
<br /> H < f.. i r .�' ��js. _:x. r � ..
<br />. : y. . t� 4 , �r.:.
<br />.. t' � f� .. v< . �Y.(. � �c. . T . T `1 _ � _4i�" .,' ; �.. �. . . � .
<br /> S . �� a� �� � �..�. ... . ( . r _ f . l . -T`' fi _ • `'s' . .
<br /> ` - , . . ' . c ��.: S � � , . , ' I-�.� ,y
<br /> . .? _ . -� . � . - - s.'�� 't =�t�-t + ��.ti.�.'�L�aJd� ! > �-.�' fs��...s. � � r �' .
<br /> � -. `4 �!I� ��ll�I V/t.Y ` .
<br /> ` - paymenu may no tonger be mguired,at the apriun of I.ender.if martgage insurance co�aa�s(iu the artaot�st amd for tifs periad ,c
<br /> ..- • shu Leader requiresl Provided by an insunr approv�d by IxndE�r agaia h�ome.s ava�lab3�aabd is obtaiaed. Borco�rer at�nll pay �
<br /> � • �' �` �he prcmiums required co maintain mongage insu:anoe in effect,,ar.to pmvide a toss rese7��e,until the c�quiis[nen�fo�mnrtgage
<br /> � ��--�`�r iusurance e�s in accordaace with any written ag�eement hetweest.Botsower and I.euder at applicabte law. ,
<br /> _��-*-^'c:
<br /> _i,,: .' 9. I�spectton.Lender ar its agent may make reasanable.onuies upon and inspectlt�rs o!the Propetty.Let�et'st�aII give �..,,'
<br /> �' `4�•'` .`'% Borrower noa:x at the ame of or or to an aKion
<br /> pri iasp spe�ify�itg�asanabtB ca�rse for[hs inx�xean.
<br /> . . ,. 10. Condemnat�on.The praceeds of any award or daim for demages,direct or�ncoqumtial, in oonaeotion whL any
<br />__ ;.,__�� , condemnatioa or other taking of any part of the Property,aa for cunveyauce iu lieu of c��natian.ate heteb�t assigaed aad
<br /> t... _ .. sha!!be paid ro i.ender_
<br /> , �" . x,�.
<br /> :� • '` '` `;' In the event of a total taYing of the Property.ttte pmce�is skalt 6e applIed to ttte sutt�secured by this Secuzity Insln�ment, '
<br /> =r` �;� `:y�°<. '. : u��hether ar not then due. arith any excess paid to Earrowe,r�.Ih:the event of a garteal taling of the Pmgeargr in e�icd!the fair :r� ;
<br />_•3�.��'. -�.�'��a, �.,
<br /> F` ���,. • mazket value af the Property immediately before the taking;is equal to ar gmar�r than ths amaunt of the sums s�ured:try this
<br /> ::r,�_;:. _ _ Seeurity Ins[rumenc immediately before the tatcing,wiless Bwmowar and Le�tder othe�a�iss agee ia wridag,the sums set�d by
<br /> ...-�> =:vsr.: chis Securiry Insuument shall be raduced by the a�naunt af:the pmceeds multiplied by t�e following fracxion: (a) the wtal
<br /> � �`=`���' amount of the sums secureQ immediately before the taking;,d}vided by @)the fair marb�value of the Pmperty immediatety � �
<br /> . �.
<br /> _ ,,'I•;�:,.;; , irefore the taking. Any balance shall be paid to Boimwer.Ih t6a event of a partiai ta�ing of the Pmpeaty in whic�t:the fair
<br /> �:(� <�•:":��� caarEcet vaIue of We Property imm�diateLy 6efoce the taldng•.is tes�tltan the amouat of ths snms secured�ely bEfore the
<br /> , �•...
<br /> - -;- . ;:�':s' f'' ' [aking,unless Borrower and i.enQer�z��vise ag�in writ�itg�er mQless applirable law�gmvides,the prort�Ts shaII 4�-;��
<br /> � .e G
<br /> 1 `:f- �;�„ ,r`=� be applied co�e seuns secured by t��zrity usmumrat cvheil'tecc�r�ot the sarns sie then drns. E r 1
<br /> --'� .,.: ` `F�r� If[he Proparty is�..,d.,��ued b}F��:�uwer,or�.�antice b,�Lender m�3uauwer tLat the candenmos off�s ta tn�� 4'r
<br /> - � � award or settle a cixi�E1c r�;,amages. Borrower fa?s.r� respanc�to I.sndsr tvi�su 30 day�after the daie s33e�ziioa ts "��x. ��`
<br /> _ . .��,,�;� fxnder is authorized to o�rand apply the p�cx�ds.at its opiitm.eiither ta�,�ureiiun at ie�pair of the Pro�ar to ti�e�s �'��;
<br /> :� ,:.;. •7,;; secured by this Sec�uit�I;�rc:�ene,w��her or not t�►en dae. � . . .'.�`,,�
<br /> � - � ,.!°'� Unless Leader aa� �i3�arawei o��svi�e agee i*a writing;,anY aFPlicaac��cf psaoe�ds to priacipai �t not exae��or ,��.+�
<br /> . ��j�;��;,';.: •�ostpane the due date of�i�eonthly pay�ts�W in psiagreghs 1 and 2�changa t�$ama�mt of s�`ipaymeau. �-
<br /> �.��
<br /> ��.°�.�%;d1��: , • i l.Borrower Nat Y�e2rasedt Fcozb�rance Bq Tr.cader Nuh a V$$aiver.E�eusion oi tLs time foz gaymeat aa modifiqrion �..:_
<br /> V
<br /> - `��`;`�+���d'��' of amortiration of the sums secured b tlus Seaui Instrumentc
<br /> Y iS► &santad by Leader to 84CQESSOI lII lIItb[C8i Of BOJIDWCT 3�33U
<br /> ..:!d, rf;�, . � � _-
<br /> ....:6 �t operate to retease the liabiliry of the origi.nal Bormwer or Hbnmver s successors in intcrest.L�ader shall not be required to
<br /> ' . �r� commeace proceedings against any suooessor ia inte,rest or refusa t�axtend time for paya�nl or othezwise modity amosti�at�on �
<br /> �` '�'���� . '' '�;''�` of the sums seatred b this Securi Instrutnent
<br /> y ty by zeason oE m�y. dsmend made by tDe original Borrowes ar Borrower's �'�`
<br /> • successors in interest. Any forbeazance by Lender in exercising ea}��ri�hht or remedy shaU uni is�a waiver of or preclude the _
<br /> — , exercise of aay righe or remedy.
<br /> � - ` 12. succ�ors ana �p,�Bouna;aosn�aQa seve� ttnbutty; Casig¢as. 'Ih� oovenants and agreemen�.s of tt�is
<br /> • , . . • Security Iascniment sAall bind aad benefli the successors and assigqs of Leader and Bflrtower. subjert to the pmvisions of �
<br /> - . ' pazagraph 17. Borrower's covenana and agreements shall be joint�and•several. My Borrower who oo-sigffs this Security
<br />___ .' • lnstrumeni buc does not eztcute ttte Note: (a)is casigning tlus Si:m�t�ry. Ipswment only to mortgage, gr��t and coavey t6at .
<br /> _ , Borrower's interest in the Propetty under tha ternu of tt�is SecurBy.•Instntmcnt; (b)is no1 p�tsonaliy obliga�d W pay the sums '�r ,
<br /> , secured by this Security Instrument;and(c)agre�s that Lender andi any other Borrower mny agree to extend,modify,fotbear or -
<br /> - . , make any acrommodations witb regard co thc terms of this Securit�Ittsttummt or the Nate wii�out that Borrower's oonsent.
<br /> . _ .- 13. Loan Charges.I!the toan secarod•by this Secarity Insuumam.is subJeet to a lew whieh sets�axi�m toaa charges, �- .•
<br /> . and that law is fu►ally iaterpreted so that the inierest or oWer lomu�ctia�gas wlt�oed or to be wllected in oonnection with t�e �',.`
<br /> : '. loan exceed We permitted limits.tIIeo:(a)aAy such loau chatge stmU�h$m.da�tsy rhe amapai aec�ssary w reduce the cEta�,;,e ' X-;.:=
<br /> . co the permitted limit:aad N)�Y Sums alroady oolloeted from Baiuower N1rich e�cceedeA p�miued 1�mits wUl be cef�1 e� � -
<br /> , � . �..' '� ; BoaoNer. l,�r,d� may choose to �ce thia refund by reducing tdfe principal owed und�r the Note or by malclag a� .• ,i
<br /> - �.. payment to �nower. Qi a refund rednces priacipal, We reduct�on wIU�6e treated as a partiai p�t ariiiiout a�r
<br /> - . prepaymenc c�arge imder the Note.
<br /> �� � '��,:�.,;:,•. ° `. 14.N�:es.Any notice to Bortower providod for in t6is Sec�uity ln�ttnmant shail ba givea by delivering it or by ma�7ing -
<br /> ��� " it by first class mail unless applicable law requires use of another methad:'Pha noace shall he dimected to We Pro y
<br /> . ..>.;�t�•:,• ._ DertY�4d�sess
<br /> . ' or any other address Bonower designat�s by notioe ro I.ender. My aadae tm Le�tder shall be givea by fizst ciass � to � `:•
<br /> . :. . Lender's address stated herein or any other address Lender designates by unrice w Boao-.v�r_ Any no6ce provided for in this
<br /> : Securiry Instrument sQal!be deemed to have be�n given to Horrower or l.endbr•whe.0 given as provided in this yaragraph. � �'
<br /> =_ .. , 15.Governi� La�v; Severi�biiity. 'Ii�is Sa.vriry Iasuument shall�Ne goverucd by federal law and the taw of the ' :
<br /> � jurisdiction in which the Property is lOC2ttetU Lt�tho event that�y pt�uvlsloA�au alauss ot this Secauiry InsWment or the Note '
<br /> _ . conflicu with applicable law.sucb contlict stiall aoraffoct�otharprovisions of dfis Security lnswment or the Note which cam be
<br /> � given effect wi[hout the conflicting prm�sian.To ttlis end tho provislons of thls�Securiry lnswmeat aad the Note are decla�d �
<br />- _ • [o be severabte. ' �.
<br /> - : � �, i6.Borrower's CopY.Borrower shall be given one wnformed copy of the Nuta and of tbis 5ecvrity inswment. .
<br /> _ " Farm 3���
<br /> _ . ; � . �-6VtNEli9�uio� va9asois wuus: �.
<br /> ' � . . .� ' �.
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