E-k t _� . . . `.t" . `-` -S_i"�C t• .,t�i. l �r4_;. �v^�,`_»,'-'' '�: .
<br /> - -�— r'r.' � . ,� ___- Z�. 4.4 .�-1. �< r�-� .
<br /> .-��'�'; ._ C .� ._ ry fi # " ( (' S ' C �� 1 T
<br /> • ' � . � � . h. . S �'". . T:� �r _
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<br /> , _.
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<br /> �F � x
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<br />��t"� ..5 4• _ �'_
<br /> • '�`'' _
<br /> .. ` ,:�t!�r.t 1 g.MISC81(8(1801(S RIOYtSI0f1$ ��� ����� •^2
<br /> .°�;.,;�, .r`+° '•'. �e1 Baa�wcs Oiat Rc2a�sss�.6Re�pn o!tRs time tor payment a�modEfkation of the euma secured Ey this Qsed of Trust grentad
<br /> • .`� � by Lender to any successor in��of�orcower shaR not opetate to retease,in rusy mazmer,tha Gaf�Tty ot the odginaf Bor�awer
<br /> ,. � �� � end Borrovrers su i��e?tR�c����n�on�o�f Me Sums�secured by this Oeed at Tn�ist Dy reaso�n o!eny demands �
<br /> " � extend tlme for pa��'�1(�her�s �y ' `
<br /> � ' ' � made h1►the originel Barmwer end dAtnPwefs suceessars in interesG
<br /> ?' , (b�Lendefa Parrsss.Wfthaut aH�4�ts�9 th8lt�iGt1►bf any other perscn UaD1a tor tne payment of eny oLQgation heretn menttaaed,
<br /> � - and without affecUng the Gen or cReFge o!ttda Qsed cf 7rust upoo anY Oortion of the Pmpmty not titen o�tReretotore retessed ss �
<br /> - ' � securtty far the tull amoun!p!e!1 un7��id o6ligaUons.teodcfr me1r.trom tlme to time and witKOUE naUce(U retease any person so .,�.
<br /> • � � Iisbla,Qp extend the maturliyot ahat,eny of tA�terms ot eny su�h obl3gat(ans,(Iia grent other indulgenees.Qv)refease ar teconvay, p�:^.".
<br /> ...t 1�,� i�?c��:_.
<br /> r.� .•��,..�-�'`• or cause to be reteesed or reoonvayad$t any time et tande�'s apUon eny p�cel,poRion o�aII of the FropeRy,(v)teRe or retease any
<br /> ���'9""�'s"� other addWona� securitY for anY oh[t�tton herein mentioned.cr Iv� make eoc�Ros�ooa 8T athQ ertangements with de6tors in �- `
<br /> -�:; ..':; s'� . -
<br /> �.'�_... �-:�,.�. • fetsttan thereto. t�1t�;�f:�a`:.�PJ:�"e111. :T?: = -
<br /> an d, ar edy hereunder,or otherwTsa i
<br /> .. !c)Eocbeer�tce by Lendar fliot�W1it�Y�T�My forbearartce b�LettdEariF1��9 Y 9� .,,::
<br /> � efforded h}I eAP�cehte tew,ihalt aat.�.s�t�a�ver of or prea(u�e iR�@�l���V'� temedW The P�OCUretneflt of � .
<br /> �. trtaur�ce or t�ie paym�t ot taxe�ar.pthqc�Hens o�cAarges by Eetttfet�a4'nbi'6A3'3G�iv�T'of�der's dght to aocelerate tha �.;_,:.:
<br /> : mawriry of the indebtedness s�cur�f7t+,'�+iSDeed of Tnist. �:�``'
<br /> , ebte
<br /> ' fd)Sueeessass ead Assignn 6oucltli�►�oint�nd Seue�t UaLIIitY:t�pttena.Yhe eovenanss and a9reemertts hetein�ed shfilt �
<br /> ` �•: -, bind, an0 the ri g h i s hsreundet sls�,��a w.the r�Decttve successors and assigns ot.f.ender and Tnrstor. All aov�i8hts and �.Z•:�
<br /> ' agreements of Trustar shalt be jo�,:�td,Severel- The caattotts and heaQ'mgs of the psfagl'8phs of'this Oeed of Trust are fos ;�ys:•
<br /> - `'� eonventence onty and�e not ta de usRd tq k!t�rP�or deftna the provisions hereof. ';;�:.";'
<br /> � �`.�{ (e)ReQtrtst fas IYott�.The panip?tr�a1�V:reQu�t that s eaQy ofi anyt natice of defautt heraunder and a capy of anY notfce oi , l'�.
<br /> ' `` ' � ' oa ih[r�R�d of Trust ai tAe address set forth aDove in the mannet prescrr�e6 by apPIlca6►p ��;�` ..
<br /> � ',` s��ierean�tc�amaded to ea�pa�y�_
<br /> '�� �°'` t:.��xcept to:arry other naitca requ�Nnt#C�'�7��te taw Lu he given in another manner,any notiee provlded for in thls Deed of
<br /> ' � ' � � T+s;�s2 shaQ be gtven by'ma�ling suah!?�h'#.cettiHc-0 mail addresse6 to tha othar Parttes,at the address set fortt�above.MY `�-,.
<br /> - > ,.�. ..�.�-�� rs�prov�ded for in this�ead of Tn+�t,�R�eifective uyon maJing in the mannet desl8nated herein.(f Tnutor is mote than one s ..'
<br /> - �`;:t . � 'per�on.notfce sent to the address.set�forit��TtaYB shaU be�otica tu ef!su�A�ons. `�
<br /> � ; (fl tnsp�ctt�n.lender maV mak�a ni�eu3fi'La.be made�easonahte eurtr�s upon arld inspeettana af the PropeRY,provlGed that� � .r
<br /> ;�ay�, :`s.. . t�nder shall 9ive Tniswr noifce priat,lto,dnY:�+c�.�l�asctian epecityFng t�sartabfe causa therefor related ta t8nde�s intecesE�n th8:�
<br /> e,r�j'�'! ` `,;. � RoP�Y•
<br /> .. . �F�
<br /> � ;�'�z , 4 �;,�,,: • (g1 F{eaomteiy8ne� Upon�o^ymetlt:0��i(i�+Al,�,��urnd by this deed of Trust. L3^dc-r shafl reRuest Trostee to�ec�rtvey the �ir -
<br /> 1 �'' Fevperty and sl�all surcender���ewt�af Trtri��d aIt notes evidenctng indatrtednes��red by this Deed ot Trust in Tiustee. .,_
<br /> n
<br /> ��`a F "•;.�, Trustee ahall reconvey the Propecty wrthnat Yraf(aitty and wiihout charge m the person ar petsons tegaIIy ent�ed th�.T�� ¢` .
<br /> - �. ' .• `� sha0 paV a11 casts of cecordation,if arM. � `•' ��t�
<br /> � � .""; """`.:<1" (AI P6tsotf�l t3oyerty'SODUttY A9+�R�RRt«.A9 edCitlonal seouritY for the paymeut of tha Nola.Trustor herebv H�.4�er unCm__; ��.�n�;.
<br /> '.� ,
<br /> • .;';t ", • ',?�..°Nsbrssxe Uriitorm Com�s�I�f CvAa a sEauity(:ic�terest In aU fixtures,e4utpment,and other personat property usadtin cone�eetfoa ��-�
<br /> '•'�:�� • c�e.e:;th the�eal eslate or��rr�:;:enta.lt�Fit�A�N�t►q���►!d noi otherwise dedared or Qeemed to be a psrt ot the rea!�state secured ��
<br /> - •:'�-� �. -t�eby.TATs insuument sh�t Sss can�u�d as S Seqt�Ctl,Agreement under satd Wde,anA the lender sha�have e0 tRa fighte m►d �:L,ry;;:
<br /> � � � remedlea of a sewred pmtY under said��adct in.a�PP���e�9h����ies crea[ed under end accorded the LenQer Owsuant,. ��p;
<br /> ��• e to thts l�@ed of Tnrnt;Arovided thaR�4e�<19�s•riOtlht,end remedies urtd�ti;t�paragrapA shal{6e cumutative wttd,and(n na vvaY�r
<br /> . �.
<br /> � f,:. IimiteUon en.Lender's righis and�eme��u+ittet anV,P�er securhy agr�tssgi�ed by Bor[ower ar Tncstor. '
<br /> • f � (D Usns eptd Enatmbre��,t't►*.ato�;•�trcptsY �atrants a�td repr�P� �tat thEre�..tso.detaujt undef tAe ProVlsions of anjr . �' ;:
<br /> ` � _ " mortgage.deed of trust.[ease c:�•Dctt�lta�q rs�:strdFt.¢e�i�tng all or any-patt of tt�C�ta�eRY,ae ether wnvaat. insaument or �.,r ;.-
<br /> •• r
<br /> .. agreament consCrtudn9 a lien aa.ai�t7n�s�a8d!t���1li'tu enY Part of the PropeRy(a�71��tve.'Liees9,existing as of the dete ot �Fi:_
<br /> '"•� � this Oeed af Tnist. and thar acsyi,etcd:�l��sls:irFp_tiCns remain unmodiHed 9xcept es dtsetosed to !er►der tR.T�,scors,wrfccen• .
<br />- • � dfst�osu�e�o1 kena end encum6rana��:Cfatrtil9A fatiherein.Trustor sAa4 U'mety perform a0 of Trustor's o6figatlons, covenatlts� �:,_ -
<br /> � �� ` representations and wartaMiea under a�y anst aU fnd�¢in8 and future Uens,shall prompily forvvard to Lander Copies of afl natlees ot - _-
<br /> � .�j"���'` � ���.?F detautt sent fn connection wittt ecry 3nd aS��xLSt�sp,p�futare Uens, end shall not without LendeYs prior writt�consent in any -
<br />�-'.: ;r .
<br /> � °� � j<<; manner maAity the provlsfons of or aRo,,e enK fuwra.Pdwm�ces unQer anY extsdnp or fupare Uens.
<br /> �'°: ' • (�)Apppcauon of Payine�. Unl�s othanviee�le9�d by law, sums ps1Q to Lender hereunder, including wtUtout timitation ,
<br /> ,M1r.• ,
<br />=-° ? paymer►ts of princtpal and interest.t�14�l.as(SC9 AfAfR+9Q9,oondemnallon proceeds x►d rents and proftts,shatl bo appRed by Lendei to � r
<br /> ` • rt,'i' the amoums dua end awing trom Tn�stot and donAVUer ia sud�order as Lender tn its sola dlscreUan de�ns desirable. `-�'`'-`
<br /> �" '� C' ((Q Ssvara�IIty. (f er►y provisiqn af thi� Reedf of Tnis! conflicte witA appftcabte taw or is A6clarod invalId or othenNtax ; � _-
<br /> ��( i?, s! . �
<br /> ;'� ��. unentorceabta,such confQct or inva'IQf'h�.��a'�nat aN�ct the other pmvisiona of thts Deed ot Trust a the Note whieti ean be givan , , _
<br /> f�f'� � �` " etfeet wtthout the confficting pra u t s 3aa.e n A to t hiqien d t he prov L s l o n s o t t h l s D e e d o f T r u s t a n d t h e H�t e a t o.Q e d e t e d t o b e� =�•
<br /> .rlf>�;,. . - • _....
<br /> 6?;•--
<br /> _.:-rl:i}�. ..� �'�i 881/C18��9. ° N.!..._-
<br /> � , �"�.• , � --
<br /> ���<t�.� • ` (�Terrro.The terms'Trt,�sto�'mu)'8ocr4�+re7"�shaD incll:de 6oth singu(az and p1ur�,.is�d when Me 7tustor and F.�atrcwe►ate ths —
<br /> , •!.:'.i', . T•�.'_
<br /> -- " �: r,: �` same Dsrsanls�,those tertns as ussQ ix�tAlt Dasb at T�ust shaII 6e tnterchangeab;e. ' �.,
<br /> _ - " �"..r` (rN Qovemfng taw.Thb Deed of Tnast aha7 be�ovemed by the lavi3 a!the State oT 11te6raske. ;,`��.`
<br /> �� � z� ��
<br /> � ,. ;s`: Ttu3tor han execu[ed thia De�ifi a4 Trust 88 at the dBTe wrltten a�ove. ��
<br /> _ i�ty�f�
<br />.°- � �•�r.'. . . �. i}`{�;�°
<br />—�_ .. , ' ., • ..r,+t. • � , �? .;r
<br />— �u'-!:�;�}; VID P. � Trostor � Trustor ., .
<br /> :.,,•,:
<br /> � - �.� � Yi..
<br /> - . .. � ..�.' • j �
<br /> . '.
<br /> �#t�:�.
<br /> -- . �`�,,�,► ITH It. TrustOi TtustOl .r,�
<br />_' .;�;•�;;��s . '_ • �1�'f.;�.
<br /> _ . •:,�1rS, Trustar `:_,1,..
<br /> , . .� ;C�: Trustor �,�i_.
<br /> •" ,. . � .!` 1;a�',.;
<br /> . i `
<br /> � .. • . ��; .
<br /> ___ . ;� ��•
<br /> ;,,,- . � .
<br /> ' NBC 3G57G lNontr�tetdturel Oeedl Rov.8/95
<br /> � ' ' 1988 Natlanef BanY o1 Commarco Trust nnd Saving�Assoelatlon,Uneotn,Nohro�ia
<br /> . ti. — -
<br /> '�' �_.,.. __._._. .
<br />. � _ �..�--,-:_ ...,�..�:'.�"_s'v.- '• '-i .�o;• •..` '�� ` .:......�:-.... i" .v���-:4.'.. -1 .. . . . �+.,' �.,� t ��:�.Y :ii2 , . i1.��,[; ', , a 1.'..y.y�� 4�."�_'
<br />