�� -�;s�„�.,� _ . . . - �.n.�_ __.t� � a ;c'�;,'_
<br /> . � �
<br /> .
<br /> . � _
<br /> ' ...... "e e . � - --- - -- - c°.- �? �- - � ° . .
<br /> ' --�Y:1 t . � : .� '- 7 < �'T`_`�-��`_ ,
<br /> ' . r .
<br /> .� <. ,�� t - -< < < � =� _r .,Y;.
<br /> . ..s , ' � . _ F_� — � � � l�"
<br /> , . . r r .�_ ',Y" .
<br /> ',!';l . . C� ..-�..
<br /> � �c.� -j`yf • � .
<br /> . 7.6�lite�►f Oomutn.leader(s hereby ass3gned eU compensation,awar�s.damages ei►d other payments ar telief lherelnafter�Proceeds��
<br /> ' eortdemnation or othe►teking ot ttte PtopetiV or Dart the�eot,or for eom►eyanae i�6eu ot condemnation.i.ender shaD �
<br /> : �',�,';'' tn connactton wtth :
<br /> -;,,. V �,�. � : .`'� takeeb ar damaged.Lender ehall have the option in tts sote end ebso(ute dseratian.to epA1Y eU s�h P�vee�ds.atter deducting tharefrom _ •,. :
<br /> .o-..:-;. all�asts and exFense9 inarnad bXa�U uchnP�oeeeds.an eh dedactians,ta trie resto�ration ot the Pr pertY uDonsuch eo diUens as
<br /> '' +�. � Lender may determin�or to eppN `�
<br /> . ,. - �ende�maY Qetermine.MY aPDIlcaUon of Praceeda to indebtedness eha�1 not extend ot postpone tt�e Que date of anY P��under
<br /> Pa
<br /> tAo t�toto,er eure any Qatautt thereunder or heceunder.AnY uneDAUed tunds sAati be patd to Trustar.
<br />. 8.�ca bY`lartdar.Uyon ttie aFeurtenea ef en Event���'u�i tts owa dt ,sscreHon,b without o61ig8tto��o de o��soS •je;
<br /> COmratenCed whiCh msted8lty eHecta Lende�8 intetest(n tfle PtoD@nY. ;.
<br /> �4�Without nattce to or demactd uRon Trustoc and wfthout releasing 7n�sto►ham any obtlgation,do aey ect wh1�h T�ustar has agraed
<br /> � hut fpiis to do end may atso do enY ott►er act it deems necessarl►to protect the security Aereof.Trustor shall,immediateN�DOn demm�d � .�•
<br /> •.. 4 in�ortnectinn wtih the euetciso tiY , . ,
<br /> - � ther¢tor b�r lender,pay co Lender aU costs end exPenses rneurred ar►d sums eaPended by Lender
<br /> - . LenQar ot the foregoing dghts.toSether with interest thereon at the detauR rate provided in the Ntote.whtd�shaU be addeA to the �{ .
<br /> G., f
<br /> indebtedness ascuced herehy.Lender shall not incur any IiaEitity because of anythin9 it may do or omit to do hereunder. ,�
<br /> `-,;�;r�-� Q 8.H�dous AGa�iais.Trt►stor shetl keep ttss Pro�riy in comAiianee with all apDticebte taws,orE'mances and regulations�etatirtg to �;:_ �i,1..,.
<br /> , � : � � inQust�ial hygiene or erniranmertal Protectio°(coRectivety reterted to herein as'Es►vlronmeMal Laws'!.Tnistor sfiat!keeD ti►e PrapercY , #�
<br /> tree ttam a1t su6stances deemed to be hatardoua oc toxic under any Envimnmental Laws Iwtiecti+►e�Y referred to herein as'itez7arda o �
<br /> M�3eria�°1,Trusmr herebY warrants and rapresents to Esrtde►that there are no Hamrdous M��an ar under the PmPertY• - ,�� , _.
<br /> . .. . �.. hefebY agrees to indemnity and hold Aarmlesa lender.its directo�s.officers.emPtoyees and agents, m�d anY suceessors to Lendet's
<br /> . .. . . . . . irt�est,from and agains4 any end siI c[a6ns,damages.Iossea end 1'�abirrties arising in connecdon with the P��nee. use.dlsPosal or j�
<br /> �;..-..
<br /> . vanspart of anV Hazardous Materiats an,under.from ar about the ProDert1►.THE FOREQOMIG WARRANTIES ANfl�ERRE��ATIONS, . .•
<br /> . At`!I?T4�t! .
<br /> = . TE;t1ST. •
<br /> 10.AsatgnmeM of Ren4a Trustor hereby assiSns to Lender.end granta L�nder a securitY interast in.a11 pr�eni.future and aftet �. �
<br /> ' . tiel3lg te�is,issues end protits of th@ PropertY%Or�+d���T�Or shait.untii the occurtence of an Ever�t of Defautt hareunder,Aave �,,
<br /> th4 tight to eaUaet end retain such reMS,tssues end Pro������°me due end gayabte.Upnn the occurtence of an Event of S . .
<br /> peftndt,Lander may.eithec in persort or by agent,witA or without bringing anY acUon or proceeding.o�bY a re�iver appoU�ted Dy a � .�'
<br /> . court and without regard to the ade4��1►of hs securitl+. entet upon mid take poss�sFon of the ProDertV.or any p2ti'tRereof.in its arin _�;♦,�r:.
<br /> �"..
<br /> � n2ms or tn tha name of the Trustee,and do any aets whieA it desms necessazy or desirabie to Presenre the v2tue.marketab�itV o� • L�,T,,':[
<br /> certa6iGtY of the Property.or any Oert thereot or irtewst theretn,or to inaease the income theratmm ar p[oiect the seeudtY hereof end, :. ;�; :•
<br /> �r� ��
<br /> with or without takirtg possession of the FroPertl/.sue for ar othe '�,e coHect the rents.issues and prafita tAeteo}.tnctuding the��St ,,,.: ,
<br /> .�. °• :��: .i'�-".;..
<br /> _ .... . .._ ..::;:;'.� duo and unpaid.W notifyitt9 tenaz�ts m make paYtnenis to Lender. Lender malr aDDtv rents,issues and Profrts.less costs and exp*�.nses :
<br /> ---—,..---.:T"`�;- ot ope�tion and coltection inctuding attomeys'tees:to sny indebtedness secured 6esebY.a11 In such ord�as EEnder maY Qetertnine..Tha.. �:'.t L.,:.`•;��_:.
<br /> eoterlag upo[+and taking possesston of the PropeRy, the eottectton af such rents,�es�4 Fro���d���pQ�On thereo!as • " �
<br /> atptesaid,shatl not cvre or waive any defmift or notica of deTeuft Asreunder or inv�I'idate any act dane tn cesAOase to such detauh oi � �- ,. ,4.
<br /> `� � pursuant to suct►not[ce of defautt and,notwithstnnding the continu�:s h�Do��an of the Property or the oo(tection.receipt and � , �^
<br /> ,.. ,.,. _. , , ;:;.';,, eppltcatIon of �ents, tssues or proftta. Tnistee and LanQet shaU be.eatitied to exe�ise every dght provtded fot in any of 4he Wan r �t�`
<br /> Inst�uroente ur bY�a'r►upon acwnence of any EveM ot 08tauft,induding withaut 6mUatIcn tha n9ht to exerdse the Power of sale. .� � ,, .
<br /> '.. +3..:•;,,,, E'urtfier,i,endels�ights and remedies under this para9raPh sfiatl he wmufative with.and in no way e Itninaticn oa�LenQera�ghts an� '.<.���1' � 4`
<br />�:�' • . -�-�€ rcmedlas under anY a s s 19ament ot leases and rmtts recarded against tke FroDeRY.I.ender.Tnistee and the�ver_shait be liabie to ;�_`�„ �,:-
<br /> accaunt only tor those rents actualty recetved. � ; ��s•°
<br /> �a� � ,;
<br /> ��,�verts o!Qet&�dt.The foUowing shail oonstid��EveM of DefauR under this Qeed of Trust: _ �
<br /> ��� Ca)Failu�e to pay any instaltr'rrert of principat aF ic.�.-est ot aqy,nther sum sec�tred Aete�}►when due; r
<br />_,,,..� , � (6)A breach o! or defautt under any provisiati aa�ained in.the�2ote,tfils IIeed of Trust.eny of the Loan tnstrumenis.or a»Y `�"� �,g,;��-�e::_
<br /> ' rrf.
<br /> other lien or encumbrance upon the PtopertY: a�. �"`�� .
<br /> �>:- .. ' .{:•' , (c)A wrft of execution or attachment or ar�s�tr�7ar Praa��'� te��against 7�ustor which aAall bawme a lien on the � ����`
<br /> ` ' -' . proPerty ot anY Parttw'►rkereot or interest theretn;. � .
<br /> .: � -� __.
<br />�Y� �; ,.,.1,,f. � <d}'�t►ere sfi80 ba��Y M��T�dr o:6orrower ar.�u�der eny presertt or tutufe(ederaf.staie or othsst statue.law „_ ���`:.
<br /> Y
<br /> "tr, � >+!t'•. � or taguiation tetating to C�.aWn�-�ssoNancV or other retist (cx debtars:or there shatl he apDoiMed any trustee, recehrer or ,� ,_i�
<br /> . ..- rrl;i���,:, � .�t. V �...�r_
<br /> ,;. li quidator of Trustor or Borrowerar u�aA or any paR of the Roperty,ar the reMs,issues or profits thereof.ot Trustor or Battowras � f ��
<br /> , � � � $h�S�maSce any generef asstgnmertt fcr the benefit ot credhors;
<br /> •'� (e)The dete,uenssE�.�easa.ags�9nmeat,conveyance or further encumbrence of al!or any part of or arW iMecest in tha ProportY. .;�' t+7� �
<br /> �:..'-,
<br /> ' �,, � etther votunterily or,iR�s?untarity,arithout the express written consent of Lender,provlded that Trustor shall be perr�kted to execute I'� } '��'`„:
<br /> - � �{�e of the Prope*t7P=ltat does noT contein an option to purchase and tha term of whtcb does not axeesd one year; f:_��
<br /> (:� Abendonmetst 4f the P�POertS►:a� ,.z,,,� _
<br /> (g)If 4tustot is crst an Indtviduab the issuance, sa[a,transfer, assignrtent, convayance or encymbrance of more than(it a
<br /> . �,corporation�a total of - percent ot Rs issued and outstanding stock.�e�of tha 6 it$d' Iiabillty wmpanY�te�es�Ra�nfl � '� '�f ' _
<br /> � partne r s h ip inter e s t a,.ar r a m i t e d I i a b E i i t y c o m p a r r d)a t o t a f o t N n D , , � � __
<br /> '� • � �. rights dudng the pedad d'Jia Deed of Tast remafis a Usrc�sn the ProA� . � .�,�
<br /> �2.R m�t e c i t e s;A c e�u�on U pQn On7�te.In ths���f1 ot'anY C�►ent ot Detautt I.ender may,without nottee exa�'¢'as required by taw; . �'� ��y
<br /> Qacfere all indabtedneas secured heT�'d to be due end payaDte a�the same sfiall thereupon Oacome d u e a n d�a y a b t e with out a t►Y ,., �,� .,. .—_
<br /> H � � ; : presentment,deman0,D�t�or n�tia�c6 any kind.Thareafter Lender may: � ; � .�
<br /> /• (�Oemand that Trustea exu�i�o i'he POWE�OF SALE granted herein, and Trustee shaU thereatter cause Trustor's trtte�est ���t'.
<br /> `�' � � ����� �`�� in the Properry to be sotd and the��ceeds to tredisuibuted,afi in the menner proviQed in the Nebraske Trust Deeda AcK: ;� �?i -,g�
<br />"`"�'�� ' � � , � • (b)Exercise anY and alf rl8hts prov�ded tuc in eny of the Loan tnstrumante or by taw upon accunonce ot any Event of ,..,;• ,�- -
<br /> ' Qefauft:and . {'
<br /> .' t,,;{,�• ° � (c)Commence an achon to fata�ase this Qead of Trust as a mortgage, appotnt a recei�ar,or specific�t enforce Eny ot the `
<br /> ",;�,;:�,%;',1,; � cavr�ants hereof. �
<br /> � '"• ' No re�r.edy heretn ccnter�ed upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender is intended to be excluslva of any other resr.�dY herein,in the L+oan
<br /> - � � Mst�uments or by Iaw proviQed ur permitted,but eueh ahall be cumulattve,shall be in additton to every othcv rer�Y 91uen hereunder,in � f'. ,+::
<br /> ` ' ' �� the Loan Instruments or now or hereafter existing�t taw or in equity or by stetute,and may be exerelsed con�ura�:ttl►.�ndependentry or j#-�G�;('�.. ..
<br />- - '.�i:,:.i'.�:� sucCessNely. 'fi: ' . .
<br /> . ;•.�..,..;�, ' 13.Ttiateo.The Trustee may re°.t�}+at enY time without ca:�_�e.and Lendar may et eny tims and w8hout ca�s epDoint a suCCessa� ,.
<br /> : , �E) • or suir�nrta Trustee.T�ustee shail nat C�e 03bTe to anY part5►.fncl+utin3 withouz limRstion Lender,Borrower,Ttustor or ffi►y purchase►of i'r, s
<br /> �, !�i•�; the Property,tor any loss or dama;��r untess due to reckless or v1�G'ui misconduet.end shalt aot be�e4uired to teka eriV aetton�� �t ��;+r, �
<br />_-- ,�.;,�q?,,.•t , �� , :
<br /> �:'•, • connection whh the entarcement oE tltt�sDaed ot Tntss untess tndem[��ied,in wrlting,tor e11 costs,wmpensaUon or expense�vfi:ct�maY It���+ t`,� `�
<br /> ,;;r .� � �,��; '� be essoclated therev�fttt.t�a addlUen,Trustee ma�,t ttecc�r:e a parcn�ser et anV eate af the Property Qudicia!or under the po�ver of sala , _
<br />:� , ��",l�l` _� 9ranted herelnl:Pa�Pon¢t318 sa19 of 2B ot 8ny PortJatr¢8 ttte FtoOe�i/.as provided by taw:or sell the ProPenY�e.whote,or in sepfuete' .;_�!�, '��.� .
<br />--- � � percats ortota at Trustee's discretlon. � " � �
<br /> - ����`` ` 14.Fges and E�cpanses.in tha evene Y:vstee seBs the ProDERV ttY exercise ot power of sate,Trustee shail be entttled to eppty enY sala
<br /> �..
<br /> '�
<br /> proeeed9 firat to paymeat ot ail caeta an6.expenses of exercisirtg.Rawer of saie,Inetuding ell Trustee's fees.and Lenders and Trustee'o .�:`
<br /> � ' ettamey�s teea,actualty lncuned to extent perm3�G�C Cy eDpticabte taw.in the event Borrower or tnistor exercises snY Hght provlQed hy , .,
<br /> - ' taw to cure an Everrt of Defautt,Lender sh�li he enttt�ted to recover from Trustor all costs end expenses accuatty incuned as e resutt of I�;� _� .
<br /> � Trustor's Qelautt,including w8hout iimitotion aU Tru:iaers and attomay{s tees,to the extent permitted by app8cabte law. �i .
<br /> � �s,fututo Qdyana�s,Upon request of 8orrawer.Lender may.at its option,make additional and future advartces and readvancea to .
<br /> � Bortower.Sueh advancas and readvancea, wfth interest thereon,shall be secureQ by this Oeed of Trust.At no time shaU tha princlpal � .
<br /> amount of the IndeEtedness secuted by tAia Qeed of Ttust,not including sums advanced to protect the securiiY ot this Oeed of TrusL .�,ti..
<br /> -- � exCead the o8ginal princlPal amcunt stated herein,or 8 sao 000 00 _.Whlchever is gteater. �. . .
<br /> �
<br />, '.�',,' .,�.. ,i�r
<br />..-�� �' ' . NSC34578(Nm+aG�k7dnaa10oe�Rev.8195 � .
<br /> � �'���� _ � . 1988 NaUunal Bant ol Canmmca Twl m�d Savtny 0.uodaUOn.untou+.NnDrasti i . .
<br /> .+.-�--•--+r^,...-+-'--'•..""� � ,. �.�i , :�'r .' -.,_-�-^'--i"-'^^•�^' . . .�s' �.. ��`_��y . . '; . -.,9, . �_ '� � 'v.
<br />