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<br />,°���F�: �� •��.'Q' TgTifi Sd1A��NT�►L INDE�7�J�tE:da�ed as af December 31, 1996.by and betweeu . ' ,
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<br /> . � `. . .° .:� THE�URH:�Ntr"B'ON NOR7'HEkt?3 ANO SAN1'A FE RAILWAY CONlPANY, a Delaware :4•��;
<br /> ` ���"...�c
<br /> «��-r-°:: corporation (€�amwty nam$d �urlingion Atmrthem Railroad Company. which comparry was
<br /> � _ ". 2; formeriy u�an�.�uirtington Nmth�mm Inc.).c�rpr�rate successor in interest and dde by Merger to :
<br /> � ���'r- •� � Cbi�eaga Bs�'n�tan gt Quincy lt�ilroad Camp�ny,Successor ldiortgagor in and under that cenain ' �°.
<br /> . ' ,_ ::: t" Chicxga, Ssrf��ton 1� Quin�y Ra�raad Campazry Fust and Refunding Mon�e dated
<br /> .�:`':�'" ` - Febneary I, Il21: a� supplem�ted ("F'�t aud Itefund'mg Mortgage°). of which mortgage ,.
<br /> �;� ` � Ciubank,N.A.�re�t Victur Zarrilli are Truste�,y�ty+ofthe first part.lUlort�gor,
<br /> . .�'. ..�,
<br /> .ty,: , .;.f �lti� :•�.
<br /> - -� CTnBAA`�:,A4.A..a Narional8anldng Ass�t�ation.incorporated at�d earisring under the taws
<br /> � `�� ..';- of the Unzt���lat�of Am�ica, successor in intEresa and dust to the Fu�st Natianal Baals of the .
<br />- 'i::,;' � _ T°�': City of P�t�v Yar�s. ta �'ust Natianal City Han�c (subse�endty uamed Citt'bank, N.A.� the
<br /> •`�'.k:... .r�; .h!., . .
<br /> ;���;:�:.;;.��.:::�<>. Corporate '�'ruate� and VJC7 0B ZAR1tII.�-1, succe�sor in tcust to Frazier L. Ford. George E. -
<br />_ °�,°,,� -•���,r< Porter.J�ca�►P�9:Faid YI,�ardett FoTd are�Jol�J. Fard,the Ind'rvid�al Truste� (the Cosporate ',`•;;
<br /> .��r���:: ��~•�;�:.j� and Lid's+r�du�l��'ruste�s coltecmr�ty calted'Tntiatees"),Successor TiusKees in and under said F'ust °.'�
<br /> , �:' � .".�i��. and Refim�d'm i4�arcgag�PaTty oftbs ser.ond pait,Tnutees� '�hr'-
<br /> ..i�-:�€{�.'{,. � _ �- --
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<br /> '.�. • �,,, CpitC�$Q1� �$Z011-�' QlilflC�1.�� CO�, SS �$d!, hSS I18f2tOfOt6 ti18�C, '��
<br /> •�:'` :T'�. :,;;;''� exe�u�ted anr3�ER�v�red to 7't�s F'ust Natim�l Bank of"�City ofl�Tew Yo�aad Frazier L. Ford, ` -
<br /> ; v,���; ; . � -
<br /> X� �, ,� '�x,',r as 7'zustea.,Pi;��'�t aad�te€"u�u3u,g Mortgage dated February 1, l9Zt, as�d supplements thereto � ,<
<br /> ,���, t ^ " dated. res����;�s.of Auguss D, 1944, .as of Au�cst l, L�3�5 (4�uo supplemearts), as oF
<br /> eL �`f Y> '� '� Feb l, 1�51�„�s��'f F 9 195'�;.as of May 3, 1968,�a�s of 1ViarCh Z. 19T0, �2. . E
<br /> ,�:i�` r r+ '. j�� P�37'{��/ y ��,cr
<br /> �,s311t1„. fi:.
<br />_•'t�"�;�:s�.�,a?!;�:;t�,� � 197Q as o�l�d��:k��9981 a�rd as �f��b:r3t.' 1981, under which First and Refuriding . � w�-._.
<br /> : :=;n:;pi�.•.�,•:�>::•����.� , . ..
<br /> �,,, , ,. �, �„..:. Mort�e.�on�Q�several seti�t�ti�a�assu�d("�ands°). � Y
<br /> r ?�?'7•: • �
<br /> n�i�� •�,��`" � Buslingtoa�boiorti�rn Iac.,as srj�ss4f in interest and mte hy neerger to Ctncago,�ur1ington
<br /> :s.:� � � ,-
<br />��.�.� .:: ��: ;�„��f��, 8c�ia:cY Raitioa��ompany,exes��that certain���plemenial Indemure dated March Z. 1970 r'`, .
<br /> . . :':k�`�s�?� , wiet�res�ct ta tti�First ar��c�itrdirig Mortgage. �
<br /> . .�y.}�1��� , . .. f__ -
<br /> _ �` :�x;�`��; . g A �..c�',P�Qer er and P12n•a�Rea ' 'on dated A n'12, 1981, mad�• and
<br /> �,�, Y S�� . g �� P � �'.: �-
<br /> ���:-:,:��,..:.�.:��::� f�..
<br /> � � � ���f��: � atraong BuTlir�g�toiz�t'��ern luc.,Burlin+�Northern Transportazio»Company,and�tru�tigto» ��ik��;
<br /> :� .:3r� ;,�.
<br /> � ��::,,�;i:}:� f Northem Holding Compaay,as o�May 14, 1981,the corporate name ofBurlic�gton Northem Inc. � �'��
<br /> -'���� ` . � :�;�� was ci�anged to Burlington Northem Raitroad Company and 8wlington Northem R�road C. -
<br /> nxRr s�. ` ����.: Comparry executrd that ce�sin Supplea�tt-�.al lndenture date8 as of May 14, 1981 with re�tect to
<br /> ;��U`: , .>; ;�, the FLSt and Refustd�g Mostgage. , _
<br /> �b
<br /> . •i - i�o�{ ;.
<br /> j Tn accordance with permissiv�e a�attio�tion to merge as set forth in t&e%erstate Commerce
<br />_ • _>:��'��'��. .
<br /> E-� :.
<br />- °��..��'� Commission d�i�ina effective as of S�tem6er 22, l 995 and hy Aa,�eemeirt and Plan of Merger :;:.
<br />- . . `;'�; � dated DecemL^�r�B; 199b.The Atchisnn Fopeka and Santa�e t�way Company is. cn sLte date ;.�:.,;;
<br />-- . � � of this Supp2emerjtal Indentur� Dec�31, 1996, and contc�c�poraneous with the�tion
<br />-- , .. ,:y����.���',� ' !� .
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