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201201201 <br /> conCinue to pay ko I,ender thc amount of fhe sepaz•ately designatcd payments thet were dne whcn U�e <br /> insura�ice coverage ceeaed to be in effect, l,eilcler will accepC, use and rotain these payments es a <br /> non-refiuida�ble loss reaerve in lieu oP Mortgage Ineurance. Sueh lose reaerve sliall be nou-refund�ble, <br /> noCwithetandii�g tha fact that the Loan is ultimat�ely paid in full, and Lender shall vof be required to pa�y <br /> Borrower aziy intcrest or earnings on such loss reserve. Lcn�ie��can no longer require loas reserve paymenfs <br /> if Mortgage Inaurnnce covcrage(in the ainount and for the period that l,ender requires)provided l�y an <br /> insurer selectad by Lender again bewmos avail2ble, is obtained, nnd Lei�dcr requires saperately designnted <br /> paymeuts toward 11ie pramiums £or MorCgnge Insuranoe. If Lender required Moz Cgagv insuranoa as a <br /> condiCion of�nak3ng tho T.oaax and Borrower was requn�ed to malze sepaa�ataly designated payments toward tlie <br /> premiums fox MorCgage Insui�uice, Borrower shall pay khe preinimivs rcquired to maintun Mortgnge <br /> InsL�ranca in affect, or to provide a non-rc£undablc lose reserve,.nntil Lender'e requiremenC fa�Mortgage <br /> Insurance ends in accord�u�ce with any writteai agreement betwvecn Borrower and Lender providing�or stiich <br /> termination or nntil termination is rcqun•ed by Applicable Law. Nothing in this Section 10 affects <br /> Borrowar's oUligation W pay in[eresf ati fhc rate provided in tlie Note. <br /> Mortgege Inc��ranoe rein�hurscs Londer (or a�ty enlity that purchnsee Cha Note) for certain loeses it may incur <br /> iF Borrrower does not repay the Loan as agrced. Borrower is not a party to the Mortgage.lnsuranca. <br /> MorEgage insurera evaluate their Cotal risk on all euch instu•ance in force troin timc to tiine, and inay enYer <br /> iuto agreements witih other parties thnt share or inodify their risk, or reduce losees. Theso ngrcements are on <br /> terms 1nd oondirions tl�at are satisfaotory to the mortgage ins[u�cr auci the o�lier pu'ty(ar partiea) lo fhese <br /> agreements. These n�reemenls rnly i�cq�iire the mortgaga insurer to malce�ayincnts tuing any aouroe of fimds <br /> [bat flie mortgage instu•er itkly have�v�ilnble(whicb �i�ay include funds obtnined fron�Mortgage Insurance <br /> prcmi�nns). <br /> As a result of these agreements, Lender, eny pural�aser of the Note, another insurer, any reinsw�er, any other <br /> entity, or auy affiliate df airy of flie foregoing, n�ay receivo(d+reotly or indirectly) emoi4nCs that dcrivc frotn <br /> (or inighC l�e charactedzed as)a portion of Borrower's payinente Por Mortgage Insurance, iu exchange for <br /> sharin�or modifying the n�orCgage insurer's riek, or reducing losses. If such agrccment provides Ch�E au <br /> affili,ate of Leiider takas n share of the ansurer's rielc in excliEmge for a shnre o£the pxemiums pai$tt�flte <br /> insurer, Ehc ttrrang�ment is often tenned"cAptive reinsuranoe." Furthcr: <br /> (a) Auy snch agreemeuls will not affecf klie nmwmts tJ�at Borrower has agreed to pay for Mortgnge <br /> v�snranec, m•any other terms of ll�e Loan. �uch ngreemente will noE increasa Che amopnt <br /> Borrawer will owe for Mm�tgagc Inenra��ce, and they will not e�ititlo Bor�rower to any ret`and. <br /> (b) Any such agreemenCs will nnt affect the ri�hts Rorrower l�sis-if any- with respoct fo the <br /> Nlortgage Inam•:uice�mder tlic Houicowners PeoCection Act o1'1998 or any otlier I�w. 'I'l�ese righks <br /> may include tlie righE to receive wrts�in disclosures, to rerynesC .uid obtxin cnnecllaYiou of tlie <br /> Ndortgage Iaiem�flnce, Co h�ve Che iVJortgage v�siu•aucc termivated aatumTilcally, and/m� Co rcecive <br /> a re1'�uid uf any Mortgage Inam•mice piremiiwie th�t were unenrned at Ylie time of siicl� <br /> cancellatlon or tea�nunaitiun. <br /> 11. Assic�nment of M isaellaneous Proaeeds; Forfeiture. All Misoc1laneous Proceeds ere he�•ehy aasigied ta <br /> and shzll be pnid to Lende��. <br /> If the Property is ciain�ged, such Mis�ellaneous Proeeecla shall be appliecl to restoration or re�nir af tihe <br /> Property, if tlie restoration or repair is ecouomically feasible and Lendex's security is not lessened. Dm�hig <br /> sLich reliair and restioration period, Lender shall l�avc the riglrt to hold such MiscelluieoLU Proceeds mrtil <br /> Lci2dor has hud an opportttnity tio inspect suoh Pmperly Co ensure the work has been con7pleted ta Lci�de�'s <br /> 24000323 <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Famlly-Fannle M aelFredtlle Mac IlNlf-ORM INSTRUM FNT Form 3018 1!o 1 <br /> VM P� VM PA(NEJ(7106) <br /> Wolters Kluwer Financial Serviees P�ge 9 of 17 <br />