<br /> satisfaotion, provided thnt such inapecCion shall bc undertaken promptly. Lender may pny£or the repairs
<br /> aud resYoration in a eingle disbursement or in ti series of progress payme�rts as the work is compleCed.
<br /> � Unless e�i agreeineut is made in writi�ng or Applicable Law rec�iirea inta�est to be paid on such
<br /> Miseellaneous Pr�ceeds, I,etider shall not Ue required to pay Borrower any inkerest or carnings on such
<br /> Miscellvieous Proceeds. If thc restorafion or ropair is not econoinically Peasible or Lencler's securiCy evoLi1d
<br /> be lessened, the Miscelleneous Prooeeds shnil 6e applied to tl�e eums secwed Uy Yhie Sacwity&iatniment,
<br /> �vhether or not then due, with the excess, if nny, pnid to Borrower. Snch Misccllaneous Ni oceeds shall be
<br /> applied in the order�rovided for iu Secfion 2.
<br /> Tn thc ovcnt of a total takiug, destruction, or loss in value of Ghe Proper6y, the Miscellanaaus Procceds shall
<br /> be applied Co ihe sums sectircd Uy this Sccuritq 6�st��ument, whether or not then due, with the excess, if�ny,
<br /> paid to Borrower.
<br /> In the event oY a pnrtial tnking, destruction, or loss in value of the Proporty in which the fair mTrket value oP
<br /> tlie Piroperty immediately before the pnrtiel taking, destiuction, oT loss in valuo is cqu�7 to or greater Uian 11�e
<br /> unowit of the swns secured by this Secm'ity InsYrmnenY iimnediately before the prattial taking, destrucYion, or
<br /> loes in valuq unless Borrowc�•auci Lend�`o8�envise agree in writing, tha sums sewred by this SecutYty
<br /> Instrument shall be reduced by the ar�ount oP the Misoellnneous Procccck inultiplied by tha following
<br /> fiacCion: (a)the total aznount of'the smns seoured itnineciiately before the paxCial tnking, desfruction, or ]o�s
<br /> in va1uu divided Uy(b) the fau�anarket value of the Property invnediately be£ore the psu•tinl tekiiig,
<br /> deslruelion, or loss in vnhie. Any balanoe ahall be paid to Borrowor.
<br /> bi the event of a partial takinb, dash'uction, or loss in vahie of the ProperCy in which tha fair mnrket vahie of
<br /> the Proper[y mm�edietely before Lhe paxtial k�lcing, desCrucEioii, or loss iii vrilLie is less tha�i the aanount oF the
<br /> swns secured immediately befare the partiRl taking, destruetion, or loss in value, Lmless Borrower a�id
<br /> Lende�'otUerwise agree ni�*niting, tne Miscellaaxeous Prooeeds ehall be a}�plieci lo fhe suma sec��rod Uy tliis
<br /> Seciu�ity Lnetrument whe'Chor or nat thc sums �Are tl�an due.
<br /> If the Yxopnrty is abaudoncd Uy Borrower, or if, after notice by Lendar tio Borrower Ch�t the dpposing Parry _
<br /> (¢s definul in the next sentetioe) offers to ineke an award Co ecttle a claiin£or damages, Borrower fails to
<br /> respond to Lendar witivn 30 days aftar tha date the notice ia given, Lender ia aut1iorized fo co7lect and apply
<br /> t12c Miscollancous Yrocccds eithe��to resforation or irepair of the Property or to the�sun2s secured by tl�is
<br /> Secm�ity Instnunent, whether or not then due. "Opposing P�rty" moane tho thirct p<u�ty that owes Borrower
<br /> Miscel1aneous Proceeds or t1�e party against wlioin Borrower hns a rigilt of aoCion in rcg�rd to Miscellaiieous
<br /> Proceeds.
<br /> Borrower al�all be in cicfault if any aotion or proceeding, whether civil or criminal, is begun thak, �n Lender's
<br /> jud�nent, cotdd reault in forfcidiu'o of thc Yropc�•ty or other naaterial ilnpairment of Lender's inCeresC in thc
<br /> Property or righte under thie Security InstrumenC. Borrower can cure such a default and, if'acceleration hns
<br /> ocow�red, reinstate as provided in Section 19, by causing the�ction nr proceeding to be d'rsrnissed with t�
<br /> t�i.iling thaL, in I,cndcr's judgmcnt, prccludes foxfeittiue of the Pro�pesty or other material impninncnt of
<br /> Lender's interest in the Property or righfs under this SecuriLy Inst��wvent. The proceecla of any�ward or
<br /> claim for daznages that are atitiriUutable to the impflirment of Lender's intercet in the Property are heraby
<br /> assigued aud sl�all bc paid to].euder.
<br /> All Miscellaneous Proceeds that are not applied to restoration or repnir of the Property shall Ue applied in the
<br /> order providcd Por in Sec6ion 2,
<br /> 24000323
<br /> N F9RASKA-Sin91e Family-Fannie Pd ne/Freddie M ac U NIFORivI INSTRUM ENT Form 3028 1/O t
<br /> VM P� V M Pe(NEI{7106)
<br /> Wol�prs KluWer Finenalal Servir,es pe9e 10 of 19
<br />