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201201201 <br /> Any application of pagmenYs, isuurvice procccds, or Miscellaneous Proccede to principal due under lhc Noto <br /> sl�all nof extend or post��one the due date, or change the amount, of the Periorlic Payinantis. <br /> 3, Fands for�scrow Iteme. Borrower sha11 pay to L,ender on the dag Poriodic Payinents axe due iuxder the <br /> Note, uutil the Nota is paicl in full, n 9mn(tl�o "b'Lmds")to provide fox papnent of amounts due for: (a) Ca�ces <br /> and assossments and othet itetns which can attein priority over this Security Ineti•mncnt as a lien or <br /> enoumbrnnce on hhe Property; (U)leasehold payinenta or grounci ronts on fl�a Property, if any; (c)premiums <br /> fox a�iy and a11 insurance required by Loncicr uuder SecCion 5; and(d)Mortgage �isuranaa premiuu�s, if�ny, <br /> or any sumy payable by Borrower to Lender in lieu of the payinent of Mortgage Ineurance preiniwns in <br /> �ccorduice with Cho��rovieiove of Section 10. Tbese items tu-e called "Nsorow Items." AL origination or at <br /> auy time during khe term of the Loan, Lender ma�y require that Convi�unity AssociaUon Dues, Pees, and <br /> Asa-amcnts, if any, Ue escrowed by Borrower, and such d�ies, fees and assessmenfs shal1 Ue an F,scrow <br /> Item. Borrowe��shall prom�t1y furnish to Lender all notioea oP lmomits to be paid under Chie Section. <br /> Borrower shall pay Lendcr tl�e F�mds for Escrow Items unless Lendcn•waives Borrower'e obligation Eo pay <br /> the Fwicis for any or aIl IIscrow ICems. l�e�rder may waive Borrower's obligafion to pay to Lender i'unds for <br /> aaiy or a11 L�scrow Items at any time. Anq euch waiver may onlq ba in wxiting. L�thc event o£such waiver, <br /> Boi�rower shall pay directly, when and whexe payable, the amounts dne f'or any Esaxow Iteme for wl�icl� <br /> pflyment of Funds h�,s been weivcd by Lender and, iP Lender requires, shall ftu zuah to Lender receip4s <br /> evidancing such pa}nnent within setch Cime poriod as T.ender inay requzre. Borrower's oUligation to make <br /> such pa5nneiits vid fo provide receipts eha11 for a11 pmposca bc deaaned to be a covenant�nd agrccmcnt <br /> oontained in this Sccurity Instr•ument, as the pluase "covenant and ageccment" is used in Sectian 9. If <br /> Borrower is obligated to pay L+ecrow Ite�ns directly, pm•suant to a waiver, and Boi'�ower fails to pay the <br /> amoum due for an Escrow IYem, Leuder ma�exercise its righte under Section 9 and pay stiich amount and <br /> Bon�ower sha11 than ba obligatad under Section 9 to rcpay to I,ender any euch sunoun6. Lendor may revoke <br /> thc waiver �is to any or all L�scrow IYems at eny time by 1 notic;c given in accordance witti Sec6ioii 15 and, <br /> upon snch rcvocation, Borrower shall pay to Lender all Punde, nnci iu yuch amonnts, that nre Ehen reqnircd <br /> under this Section 3. <br /> Lender mtiy, ak any tinle, oollect and ho1d Fuuds iu au aanounY(t� snffioient to prn�nit Lender to apply the <br /> 1^'unds at the tiine specified under RESPA, and(b)not Yo exceed flie masunum oinount a Ic,nder cau require <br /> under RLSPA. L,cndor sUa11 estimate the amotmt of Punds due on the Uasis of cuneut dat� �nd reaeonable <br /> cstimatesof ex�enditm�es of future Eacrow ltems or othcnwise in accordanee�with Applipal�le Law. <br /> Tke Funde shall be held in an institution whose dcposits u�e uisured by�federnl agency, instrumentality, or <br /> enflty(inclncling Lender, if Lencler is an it�sCiCn6ion wl�oso daposits are so��neured) or in any P'cderal L-Iome <br /> Loan k3anlc Lender s1�a11 apply the Funde to pay the�scrow Items no later than ilie time spwiffed tuidor <br /> RESPA. Lender sh�ll not charge k3orrower Por holcling nud applying tlie P'Linds, aimually analyzing the <br /> escrow aceount, or vexifyiug the L+scrc�w [te�ns, unless Lender paya Borrower interost on tl�e Fmids and <br /> ApplicaUle Law pennitis Lander to make such ti charge. Unlass an agreement ie mnde in writing or <br /> Applicahle Lnw rcquires inte��est to Ue paid on the Funds, Lender shall not be requirecl to pay Barrower any <br /> interest or enrnings on the Fimde. Borrower n�xd Lencler caai agree in wxituig, howeve��, that interest shall be <br /> paid on the Fuaids. Lender shall give to Borrower, without charge, a�i atmual accaunting oP the Funds as <br /> requirad by RSSPA. <br /> If thoro is a surplus of Funds held 'ui eaorow, ae clefineci tmder RL+SYA, Lander s1�a11 acoonnC Io Borrowcr for <br /> the excess fimds in aceordance witti RESPA. IP�liere ia a shorCnge o'f A'u�1ds held in eserow, as defineci imdcr <br /> RFSPA, Lender shnll notify Bc�rrower as requiieci by RESPA, and Borirower shall pay to Lender Yhe emount <br /> iiecessary to mnke up the ahortngs in accordanee with RESPA, Uut in no rnore th�i 12 monthly payinents. TP <br /> there is a deticiency of Fmids held in escrow, �s deGiicd undea�RESPA, Lender sh�tll nolify Borrower as <br /> za000aas <br /> NGORFlSKA-Sin9leFamily-Fannieldae/FreddieidncUNIFORPAINSTRUWENT Farm30281l01 ' <br /> VM P� VM PB(NE)(17 OS) <br /> Wolters Kluwer Pinancial Services Page 5 of ll <br />