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201201201 <br /> BOIZROWER COVENANTS that Borrower ia lawfully seised of tl�c astate hereby couvayecl and haa Ehe xight to <br /> gcanf and convcy the Property and tl�at the Propet•ty is unenoumbered, excepC for encumUrances of record. <br /> Botrower wv�iE�u�ts �wd will dcfcnd geuer�llpthe titla to the Property againat flll claim5 and demuxds, subjeot to <br /> any encumbrances of reoord. <br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUM�NT comUines miiform covenants for nntional use aud non-uniforrn covenants witlx <br /> liinited variations by juriadiction to consritnt�a uniform securiry instetiunent covering real pxoperiy. <br /> Uniform CoVenants. Borrower nnd Lender covcnant and agree as follows: <br /> 1. Payment of Principal, Interest, Escrow Items, Prepayment Charges, and Late Charges. Bnrrower <br /> shall pay when due the principal of, and inceresC on, thc dcbt evidei�ced Uy Uie Note and eny�repa}nnent <br /> charges and]atu chargos dLio under flie Note. Borrower sha11 also pay funds Ppr�scrow Ite�ns pursuant to <br /> Saction 3. Pnymei�he due under lhe Notc and this Security InSUmnent aha11 Ue made in U.S. curre;ncy. <br /> However, if any check or other ii�slnui�enC recoived Uy I.c�nder as��alnnent under the Note or tl�is Security <br /> Instrument is reYurned to Lender unpaid, Lender may requiro that any or a11 suUsequent yayments due under <br /> fl�c Note and this Secwity InshLUnenti be made in one or more of the followi��g£orms, as selected by Lender: <br /> (a} cash; (l�)moaeg order; (c) certificd check, Uanlc check, U easmer's cheak or cashier'e check, pa•ovid�d any <br /> such oheck is cl�•awn upou nn inetitution whose depoeit,��re ineured by a federal agency, instrument�lity, or <br /> cntity; ox (d)Flectronio Fuuds Trv�sfer. <br /> Payments are dezmed received by Lander when received et the looaCion ciesignated in the Note ox aC such <br /> other locatir�n as may l�e designated Uy Lendar in accordance with the notioe provisiotis in Section l5, <br /> Lender may roturn 2ny paym�nt or partral pa}nne.�it if Uie payment or pu�tial p�tyinents are insuffici�nl to <br /> bring[he Loan oiu'renL. Lender may accept any payment or partial payinent iusu�cient to bring the Lofln <br /> current, without waiver of Any rights herennder or prejuciicc to its rights W refuse such payment or parCial <br /> payme�its ni the tutm'e, Uut Leiider is noY oblignted to apply suoh p�yinents ae tho trme suoh payinents are <br /> aocepSed. IP cach Pcriodic Yaymcnt is npplied as of ite scheduled due date, Yhen Lender need not pay interest' <br /> on unapplied funds. Lender xnny hold suoh unapplicd fiinds witil Borrower inakes payments to l�ring the <br /> Loan cLUZeut. If Borrower does not do so within a rensonable period of Cime, I ender shall eitlier appl.y suol� <br /> firnda or i°etixrn thcnn to E2on'ower. ,l£not applied eaaliex, such funds will be npplied Co fhe outsCanding <br /> principal balance uncler the Note invnediately prior to foroclosure. No offset or claitn whi¢h Borrower might <br /> have now or in tUc futuro abainst Lender shall relieve Borrower fi•om making paymencs duc undar flie Nota <br /> ancl tkiie Seot�riLy U�stnunent or performing t1ie covenants and agraeinanYS secured by this Security <br /> Instrument. <br /> 2. Application of Payments or Proceeds. F,xcept as otherwise described in this Seclion 2, all paymnnts <br /> accepted ancl applied by Lender shall be applied in 11�c following order of�riority: (a) interest due under the <br /> Note; (U)�rinciptal citiie uuder the Note; (c) amounts due under S�clion 3. Such payments shall be applied to <br /> sa4h Peciod'ze Payment in til�a order in which it Uec�ne due. lury remaining�motmts shall bo applicd first to <br /> late cliv�gcs, second to any other amounCs due undcr tihie Sccurity Instrumenti, aud then to reduce the <br /> princrpal balance of the Note. <br /> If Lcnder t�eozives a payment froin Borrower fot a delinquenti Perio�lic Paymcnt which includas a sttfficient <br /> amouiit Yo pay any 1ate charge due, the payment may be applied to the delinquent paymcnt and the late <br /> chaige. I�P maro Chui onc Periodic Pxytnent is outsSanding, Lender may np�ly at�y p2yn�enP rcceived fi•om <br /> Borrower W the repayment oP Lhe Periodic Payments if, and to the extent tUat, each pa}nnent�can be paid in <br /> fu11. To the extent th�t any exoeas exieea afCer Chc payment ie applied to tUe ftill payinent af one or more <br /> Yeriodic Payments, such excess may Ue applied Co any late chnrges due. Voluntary prepayments shttll be <br /> npplied Tirst to auy prepayment charges and then as dasoribed in the Nofo. <br /> zn000asa <br /> NEBRASKA-Singla Famlly-Fannie Mae/Fre�ltlie A7ac UNIFOR0.7 INSTRUMENT Form 3020 1l01 <br /> Vld P(n� Vh1 P6(NE)(1105�1 <br /> Wollers Kluwer Flnanclal Servlcas Page n of 1 Y <br />