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<br /> r�.__ :.,,{�,u!: >v:.�? `� i._ P^` _ _x '.is r .}t._ _ia�.£. y ' - ..�: '� .4'.
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<br /> .,,[�___ ��_` . i G__t S.-S t . ti c 1 . 1 j° _�1} �` i . '' - _ . _..�_ � - _—
<br /> '— �'�,�`�. �T^_'�-r�'-^� R^�ra- '�'R'�.n �t�g. -_ � � . -� ...-� _:
<br /> , .� . �. � � � �
<br /> f ti �. ._�s, t' L[-._ _ - _ _�_. - c ' t: . . -z .- �ct d. .� .s ��� -� c-`- E�. ,r� �,.�... � -
<br /> _F{ y, ti. c '�.� _ � .r. .�. A�- _f_��. �.i .Y, �_E. s�_ '
<br /> f Ft ,-';��. " � - '-�Fr �t ' � .ti• v � �-� i
<br /> - �� i � . � r. � c � � a , � -r, �t.� _ .� r- _�;.
<br /> . - ��.. :�' t .'t0. ... F� it., ~l.` .. ,.G ' .
<br /> f
<br /> _.` . t
<br /> ` T_,_ �.
<br /> ,;4_ '��, .. �
<br /> ' paYments may no tonger tr�re�►ired.t►i tiiee apiton af Lcadcr.if mortgage insurance cove�e�'Ci�e o �f��[�0d '`� �`
<br /> ',E` ` . • that Lc�nde� requir�s)prov�d�by an insuter upproved Gy Lender again beoomes avsWable and is abta�ned. Borro PaY
<br /> ;_5`�`:, ...�f thc p�ec�aiumg required w maintain rtcortgage insurancc in effeq.or to pruvide a loss�eserve.until the requircment for mortgage '�.:
<br /> ,. :<<:; � •• insumrtce ends in accordanoe with any writtea u�eemeat between Borrotver and Leuder or app9icabte law. :�`k
<br /> �' .F :� �'4 ; `,' 9.tas��etton.Lertder or its agend�ay a�ice n�sonabte cauies upon mid inspectioas of the Ptoperty. I.citdee shaU give
<br /> .. ' `� ' . Borrower nntice at the time of or prior ta an i:.s�oction specifyiag�easonable cause for the ins�ectiort.
<br /> ' ��� 10.CaaQemnation. Tlte proceeds of�y award or ct���E�r damages.dir�.�t or oanseqaeatiai, in wanection with any �
<br /> _ � _ condemnatipn nr other taking of any part of the Property,or for conveyance in lieubf rondemnation.are heieby assigned and
<br /> ° . : shall tre paid ta l.ender.
<br /> : a;" Iu the event of a total taking of the Ptopetty.t1►e proceeds sha1�be applied to the sums sewred by this Security Inst�ument. •
<br /> , � � wiiether or aot then due, with any excess paid to Borrower.In the event of a pasial tak�nS of the Praperty in wl�ich ttee fair
<br /> market vatue of the Property imtaediately befflre the takiug is ea�ual to or�eaLer than t6e amount of the sams sacured by this �=;.�..
<br /> `,��. � �"'. Security Instnuneat immediazeiy befoie the ta�ang.oniess Borrower aad Lemder aiherwise agree ia writing.the stuns seeu�6y ';:
<br /> � �'j; this Searity Insuument shall be tediioed hy t�e amount of the proc�s multiplied by the folto�ving fiaction: (a)the total --
<br />� ', , . .. ` amount of the sums secvred iinasediatety befo:w the taking,divided by(6)the fair market vat�e of the PropeRy immediaieiY ;�.��
<br /> . ,": ";'''�` ��.�:� beforc the takiag. Any balance shalf 6e pai3 to Bomower. In the event of a panial taking of the Property in which the fair �%�"c.':.
<br />.. ` .,�{�l. . .
<br /> . . . ::�`.:� ' mart�et vatue of th�Property immediately befo:e the ta&ing is less tt�the amau�of 8�e sums secured ima�ediatelY befar�tbe
<br /> •�`1.s:s taluug•�less 8°rr°wer and Lender athe�wise agree in writing or imIess applicable�aw otherwise pmvides.the proceeds shall
<br /> . , �;' t�s ise applied to the swnc sacured by ttis Seauity Ianrament wh�her or nnt the sums are then due. � :_�,•
<br />- ..,,:�',,l�:�` (f the pmper�y is abandoned by Bomower.or if.aRer notice by I.ender ta Borrower tbat the oondemnor offers to make� .
<br /> ;�,:. �t._.:.
<br /> ., n``ll��.;+� awand or settle a claun for damages, Borrawer fails to respond to Leader arithin 30 days aftes the date the notice is given. .
<br /> -- ;t �,�� ��` l.eader is authori�ed w oollea and appiy tae pt�nceeds.at its optioa.eitker to restoiation�r repair of the Praperty or to the sums
<br /> '�,�,��`yi�s�y�';?p,�ii� seatred by this Sec.vrity Iast�vment.wt�.er or not thea due. �'_�•
<br /> :'."•u"l�r''�l;';C�'�:��:.
<br /> -,�,t •1��tx��� !. Untess i.ender and Borrower othernise agree in writing, anY application of pmceeds to priacipal shall aot e�ctend or � :-
<br /> Y ;�. ,�1��� ' �:, postpone the dae date of the monthlY payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such pay�eists. ,
<br /> ,.1�• :; 11.Bormwer Nat Reteased;For��ran�e By Lead�Not a Watver.E�cteasion of the time for payment or modifcatiaa
<br /> - �.��� r�` of amortization of the sucns seaued by this SecauitY Iasuument granted by Leader to any successor in interest of Borrower straU• �
<br /> ` '° 1�+� �'>•t uot operate to retease the liabiliry of the original Borrower or Bo�wer's suscessots in interest.I.ender sf�afi not 6e�uired to " �
<br /> - -=-�s '•�'' '• suacessor in inter+est or refuse to extend ame for payment or otherwise modify�ortization �-:-'-_"'_
<br /> :` :r�-,r�}�,",:;°.._�. comcieace pracee�iings againsc anS+ �;';;�,:�
<br /> .;. ��;: �� . of the suins se��zed bY this Security InsuRment by reason of auyr demand made by the original Borrower or.�onower'� wr. :_
<br /> °�,,:'::'�;t,,':::. �J . successots in�t.My forbea:ance.ir�*Geader in exercising any r�g6t or remedy shall not be a waiver af or pteclad�t� . -- --
<br /> �-_
<br /> :,.�.�!;� �.;�' � ; :• r . ::
<br /> �;�.,1•�• exercise of arry :�*',�-t or remedy_ .
<br /> ,ri a�� eis. The covenants and agreements of this �'s a�°w�:
<br /> _ ����p�S;.:::�,j':;.',, ]2. Snacessors ana�.$ou�;Joint and Sevwal LiabilitY;Co-sign
<br /> 'i"�����, � �; Security Instrument shall ti,�:�beaefit the successors and assigns of I.ender and Barrower. subject to the provisions of �=p :
<br />-_ ��.,��;{s';i'pr,;. ' ° P�B�Ph 17. �craiower's cavei��ants and agreemenis shtill be joittt a,d several. Any Borrower who c4signs this Seturity
<br /> ''�'`� In'strument but dues not execute the Note:.(a)is co-signing tius S� Inmument only to moagage.grant and wnvey that —
<br /> , '.��.r�.,� ' Bmrower's interest in the Property under the terms of this_Secariry I�umQnt:@�is not pexsonatly obligated to pay the sums
<br /> ,:. ��j'. . secured by this Se�autry Insmtment:and(c?ag�that Le�der and aay other Borrower may agree m extend.modify.forhear or � =.
<br /> • ' :,-;Y;�, make any a000mmodadons with regard to the temu of this S�curity Instrument or the Note wethout that Borrowes's consent. �____
<br /> ".''r�� 13.Loan(�asges.If tSxe loaa s�by this Serurity Instrument is subject to a!aw ahic�sets mtuim�:�u�a charges, u,�:_
<br /> ,.., {�q�•. ' "' tU(1
<br /> . (�
<br /> _ :�,:i;`;`�'�a;,.�...;., and that law is finul�y iaterpmied so that the Imerest or ot6er loan rL'n.�es collected or to be osl7a�ed in con�`,:�.�wifh.tt� --
<br /> � �s f i�� ` � toan exceed the�.m�tted{imits.then: (a)any such toan charge shat:�c reduced by the amount orz�svary to re��the ct�r�, .
<br /> :,<<'�'�.'1':'}.�•-'.,,'.:�: to the ermitted limit;and(b�any sums already oolteaed from Bo�ros;�er which exoeeded pem�itc�:d limits witl fi�e retunded�t� �,:_
<br /> `�•'?.t•r�;,;;�Ir3t�i;;; , ., P �a.,....
<br /> `;x`��;•i � ;,�+r.;:, Horrawec. L,eader may ck,c�se to make this refi�ad bY redacing tf�e principal owed under the Note ar by�g a dicect . __
<br /> %}'Yit�..��,,::; , ; paymeat to Bq:sower. If a refand reduces principal. t�e redactlos arill be treated t�s a partial prepaym�: without any
<br />__ ..���:�iCl...�.�l.ir_�,. � , 1C/Y.''"
<br /> ','�•^�>;i:�iY'r`.1�•:I:t� p�a�IRClIt C�"'U1�C!�P.N0�0.
<br /> � ..�tf.�'i.i�:•0t',,,.;. 1•'- � `..
<br /> : :1,�..,:r�`:r.. ,, �4.letoti,�.�•Any notice to Borrower��ded for in this Secarity Enshument shall be gi�en by delivering it or by mailing
<br /> •�• ' �` ;.::+' it tsy first.class cail unless aPpiicable law requires nse of aaother methad.'I7ie notice shall be direcxed to the L?t�:�2e:ty Addness � =
<br /> . ��._y:`'.�,(..:s•( —.__
<br /> • � ��;•�;�r �;�c�other a�dres.g Bunrawer desi�.a:.es by natice ta I.ender. My notice to Lender shal) be given by fic�:�lass mail to ��t,,.;
<br /> i;�"�%`+t ir��'s zddr�s�zated'L:e�eia�r z,y�.er address Lerider designates by norice to Borcower. My notice pro�ir,i�:d for in this
<br /> �,,,,
<br /> " `�s '���� r..�,;,,:�-r a �be����Q traee 6een given to Borrower aa I.ender when ven as vided in this b -
<br /> , ;;.r,'�•,� Seca�riry s..al P� P� P�S�P • ,,.,
<br /> ' �;�� I§.�O;wuiQg Law; �vesabU6ty. ahis Security Instzument shall be govemed by federal law and the law efZ� .�
<br /> _.. ,:�:�•.• .: � :4< jurisdiction in H�a3 the Ps'r�nY is located. ln the event that any provision or clause of this Security Insuuaient or the�t�o: r� :
<br /> :�;"'�' .�:�: conflicxs with a Fiicable La�.�uch conflict shall not affe�other provisions of this Securiry Instrument or the Tlote which cazabe �"��
<br /> �• • .'' �� given effect wit�ui the conflicting provision.To this ern9 che provisions of this Security lnsmtment and the Ivsxe ase d�claret! ' . �`n`�'''`
<br /> . . .. .�-t`..��iti ��`��q.
<br /> to be severable. 'r'-=;-
<br /> ' �� , � . 16.Bor�m's Copy.Borrower shall be given one conformed cogy of the l�iote and of this Security Insmu�ent. ��'�:
<br /> • .. , �3028 8190 1`,'t
<br /> • r.;.•
<br /> . r.'-t�.
<br />-r .. .. , Vage 0 01 E i�it��� .
<br />._�.. � ' ... ..
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