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<br /> `�Y` :'.� ,'�r ` '� 5. Hazard or Peoperty Insurnnce. Borro�vet shail keep the impro�eettentc now exisung on c�msftcr eroctcd nn th�e :;. .4,
<br /> `� ��' • `'2 PropertY insured against los.s by f re.h�ds inciudcd w-ithin thc ter�n "rxt�mdai cuverage' :�nd an}other hat;ud�. ineluding �,:• �.
<br /> � , . „ ftoods��r R�din�.fc.s�chict�Lender requin�s insuranoe.This insurancc+hall be nu�intained in the amaunts aad fur tl�e peri�d� 4��
<br /> �hat LenQer requirc+. The insuranre r•uricr providing the insurance shuft be cho�en by Burn�wer+uhje�a to LenJei.appruv�il r�.
<br /> � `� � ` ' a•hich shall nut be unrea.+onably withheid. If�m�wer fails to maintaicr.rnver�gc descriQed ab�ne. I.e�uter may.at L.�nder s -`��;=
<br />. - ` ;�'.':�'"'� .
<br /> `�==-�.---�'°� optiofl,obtain co�•erage to pratect l.ender ti right4 in the Propert�in acco.*�mce uith psra};roQh 7.
<br /> ".i ____ p11 in<urance pnlicies and renewals si�all be aoceptable to Lender and shall inctude a standard murtgage clause. l.ender
<br /> shall have the rigUt tu hotd the policies and tenewals• If l.ender requires. Bnrraw�er shail pmmptly give to Lender aI!ceceipcs of
<br /> . � . � paid premiums aad renewal notices.In the event of toss.Barmwer shatl�•e prompt rrouce to the insurance carrier and Lender. �.
<br /> � �,c
<br /> . ,, (.ender may matte proof of loss if not mad�promptly by Bomnwer. ���.
<br /> " � Unless Lender and Borrower othenvise agtee ia writing,insur.uice pr�ccods shall be appiied ta n�tnration or repair of the �
<br /> � ' property damaged.if the restocation or repair is eoonamicalty feas�le artd�nder's security is aot tesseaed.if tfie iestoration or ';'�,'
<br /> . ..;;
<br /> repair is not economirally feasible or i,ender's security would be less+esed.tL•,s insuiance proceads shali be upPlied to the sums. � 4_��
<br /> �„'-;``: secured by this Serurity lnstmment. whPtt�er ar not then due. with any es�ss paid to Bomow�r. If Borrower abandons thd -_
<br /> „ . '�; Property.or does not aaswer within 30 days a notice from Lender that thc insnrance rarrier has offered to settte a claim, thCa
<br /> . �sj.,' �.;<,� Lender may colled the insuzance prace�ds. I.e�er may ase the pmcceda to repair or restore the Property ot to pay sums
<br /> �� �-.�' y peri�d will b
<br /> . •,... secured by this Sec�uity instrumen�whether or not then due.The 30da egin wtien the noace is given.
<br />: �. �,_ � . Unless I,eader and Borrower othec�rise agree in wriring. azry appl'n:tu::on of prooeeds to principal s}�all not extead or �
<br /> �` �����-= pastpone the due date of We mo�hlY F3ymeuu r+aferred to in paragra�bs i�and 2 or change the amaunt of tde payments.If - -
<br /> � �_ ander paiagraph 21 the Property is aequited by Lender,Borruwer's ri�c ta auy inswance polici�s and praceeds r�ilting faom =
<br />_•�`'� , :'� damage to the ProP�Y Pner to the acquisition shall pass to i.ender to d�e:�certt of the sums secured by this S�c.vrity Insnvment
<br /> , �.:,
<br /> , 4 immadiateiy prior w the asquisition.
<br />_ ',.F:, 6.Qecapancy.Ars�vattoa,Maiet�anoe ane9�avtection of W�e�tra�nrty;Borrower's Loau Agp�ir�ec�n:Leaseteoids.
<br /> :: Borrower shall axupy.establish.aad ose th�Praperty as Borrower's pr�aci�al�esidence within siaty days after the exeartion of
<br /> ;:r. :,s.:: :�r this Securiry inmument and shall contin�to oaupy the Property as Boanswer's principal residen�:e for at least one year aRer _
<br /> •:."'`.:" the date of oocugancS+.unless Lendes ottr�swise agrees in writing.wtrich ca�seut shall not be unreasonabi withheld,or antess ,;:�_'�
<br /> �.; �:, .� y
<br /> • :: extenuating cicr.umstanoes extst which are beyond Borrower's contral_ Borrower shall not desuoy. damage or impais d�e �` -'
<br /> . . .';` `` Property.allow the Pzoperty ta deteriaiata,or commit waste on the Pevperty. Borrower shatl bc in defaatt if a�r farfeiture `" _
<br /> aciion or prooee�ing. aheWer civil or arminal.is begua that in L,endar's good faith judgmea:t cs:uv�ld res�lt ia fodeiuu�e of the � �:
<br /> �; p ;,", . . Properiy or otfierwise maierialIy impaittfl+�3ie,n created by this S�nrity ii.�tmuuent or I�nder:s.�ty in��.Borro4�s may �_ ._
<br /> ,. , .�� :. cure such a default an�reinstate,as pmvid2d in p�.�rapb 18,by'causiag tLC actton or pmoea�"ruy�to�e dis�ed witb�ir�::mg =
<br /> . that. in Lender's good faith detemrinadon, pr�a� forfeiture of tt:e Barrower's intec�est irt ti�e Fre�r�r o t h e r materi a l � .-_
<br /> ,.' impaimient of the lien created by this Security�ment or Lender's saurity intemst. Horrower s6alb aS� 6e in default if �`_,i=Y
<br /> • '+��' Bonower.durfig the loan application pmcess..gave materially false or innecuzate infom�ation or statea�eats to Lender(or failed `-"
<br /> •` ��'-:-� '� w provide Lender with any material infunnration)in connection with the taan evidenc�by ti�.l�tote.inctuding.but not limited �'-'--_-
<br /> ,:�`:s:`,�."�'�'� to.repraentations concemirig Bormweir'a accupancy of the Property as a priccipal residence.Lf t[�is Secarity Insmuneni is on a �_.
<br /> ;:��;;;'�':-';:.�;:;,;.��:� leasehoid, Borroaer shall camply wi�9 all the pmvisioas of Ne lease. IB�Bomnwer acquites fee dde to the Property. the �--;_
<br /> .. , • • leasehold and ths fee titie shall not merge anless Leacter ag�ees to the margerin writing. .. �� r
<br /> ����; ' " d 7.Protecdon oS Leader's Rig�1s�the Pn��ty.If Horrower fai1�ux perform the c���.�:.-,ts and agr�ments contsined in r'
<br /> - • .. . . .�5�;';�' r�Sec��n+Inswraent. or there is a s�at prooeediag that may signifucnntly affeet Lenders ri�tts in the PmPetcy(surL�.as a u
<br /> j �� �`t `' � � ��z i�bankruptcy.pmbate,f�condemnau�on or forfeiture oc ta enEflrce laws or regutaiions).then Lender may���.it -
<br /> .,',;':. :., . , pay fot�.,atc.wer is neces�ry to protect tbe va1v:.�she Property and.L�der's rights in the Prop$rry. Le�der's actio;�.ci�y .� � -�
<br /> �� • �:�.�.`' . : ` include paying any su� ��,.�.sed.by a lien wQuc'�: P�as priority over t�.is�5ec�uity Insuument. appeazvsg in oourt. paying . . .a_,,..,
<br /> , , .. r; ::.. 1► _
<br /> �.,:..:t�" n
<br /> ,,�.�,,..;;. reasona6ie attomeys'fa���on the Pto�sty to maice tep�irs.Att:�ougi�Lender may take uaion under this P�b'�Pb ,.. �, ._ .
<br /> � ,"ft����;,� .. 7.I.er►der does aot have��sn. .
<br /> - ¢44,�4
<br /> �ti�;'f���ti���� 4��''.j My amounu dis�^�d by 9�nder under this paragtaph 7 shall hecome stdditional dr�t of Borrower secured by this �
<br /> �`��'"1f4 '' `� "� Securiry Instrument. UaI��8orrower and Lender agree to other teani+o��payment.these z�nts shall beat interest from the e :-
<br /> ' � �{,�� �-; "�� date of disbu�ement�t t�ix Noie rate and sha116e paya8le. with inte�i, upon notice from Lender to Borrower r�questing �
<br /> ` ��� :_`'� payment. � -
<br /> ,,=�,`.,;;;�;,ti `:.'�.;, 8.14torT�ge Insurance.If Le�i�re�uirec!mortgage lnsuranoe as a candition of maJdcr�d�loan secured Dy this�a.'ssry _.
<br /> ' " • `. :�' Instturaeni. Borrower shall pay tL�p�.�iums requited to maintain the�mortgage insuranoe i��e"�'fed. If. for any r�?tu.the
<br /> ` � . . `. � '! mortgage insurance coverage require�6y Lender lapsea or ceases ta be in effect.Borrower sha[I pay tlre pcemiums mguired eo
<br />� ���!:'�_•�. . � .��T obtain coverage substaasialiy equivale�3 ta the ra�ge insumnce pr�eviously in effect.at a oas2 substaac�y equivatent to the =
<br /> ,�~+'�" ���` oost to Bmrowee of tht moa a e iw-� �aausl in effect. frorrc an altetnate mort e insurer a roved b Lender. If � '
<br /> -_ ' . .:-;'��'#'��:•r:(k�x S S P� Y 8� PP Y r...
<br />--`_''�,,;`.-,;�;1��5,?",�'>.= •,' substantiully!equivatent mortgage i�u-rs,anae oaverage is nrn available.8orrower shall pay to F,r�:der each month a sum equal to
<br />-- ,��`i�}l�"`;,•�` ��•:�' omt-twetflh'of�thc ye;uty mort�age insumnce ptemium being paid by Borrower when the ins�rs3.-toe coverage lapsed or oeased to �
<br /> ._':�f�:f�i4!l.2�•i'/).��1�
<br /> _-;;,� .�. ,� b0 in effect.lander arill�accept,use and retain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu of mortgago lnsurnnce. Loss reserve
<br /> � r�.
<br /> --_,s;;.. .�,.,.�•'.__ '� Form 3028 8190
<br /> ---'•�, .. . . Pape3ofA " ..
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