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<br /> . � S.Nawr+i or Proparty Insmanae. Baimwer sdall Ice�the impmvaneats now e�ting ar dereaftea aected on the Ptoyeity � �
<br /> . , iusiued against Ioss by fue.ha�ards attluded withia the tecm"extguded coverdge"and any other ha7ards,iaclnd'mg�l,uodq ar <c. ,
<br /> , �. . ' �.�` ttoodiag,fer w�icb LEnder iequires iasuiaao�'Ihis inswrance shall De maintaiaed in the amounts aad for rhe paiads thai Lead�r • ,.Y �. .
<br /> . �: requues.'lae insncaace canier pmvidiag the insivance shal!6e chosea by Boirower subject m L�der's appmval wf�ish shall nflt � � � ;
<br /> � � `� 6e umea9on�2y wit�et�. If Bozr�wer faits co m�intain rnvcraSe desc�'bed a6ovc,L.euder roay.at LEa�iee's op6on,oDtain °.� �;�:.`�.
<br /> 4 4 , �
<br /> . ' �.�, coverage co proteMLeader•s rig6t�iu tae Ptoperty in axordance witD paragtaph 7. � . . .
<br /> � <.����,'-T�' Ail insuran+ce policies�d r�ewats sball be acceptab2�rv dxader aad sifall imztude a staadard mortgage c�.LatSec sha� � .•� �
<br /> ' _ - dave the riglu to do[ii the p�Iicies and reuewais.If Lendei requires.Bamnwer shall P�mP�Y 8rie co I.�d�atl receipts af paid '��.`,,.�� ` -,.�,:
<br /> _---- - ps�iums aad reaeara!Qotues.In the eveut of Ioss,Bmiuwer shall give pmmpt notice ro the encuraace carries aad I.endPr.Leader ` �`.`
<br /> n
<br /> � , taay make pmof of 1�if not made promptly by Boimwer. .•; ' n-•.
<br /> � � � Unless Lead�aad Baaowec othe�vise agiee in arriting.ins�ance pmceeds shaD be agplied oo rcc�ation os rep�of t6e - �. . .. �.
<br /> ' ie
<br /> . � Pmgeity damaged,ff the rest�ratioa or n�pa�is e�o�omica]Iy feass�Ie and Lead�'s�esa�ricy is net I�.If the cesmsarios�ar .`.. �--
<br /> �• stor :.
<br /> • repa�is not economiraUy f�Ie ar Iedder's s�ity wut�IQ be Ie�ed.ihe�7s�dncC p�m�eeds shaII be appl[Od to t$e sums ,a.%.';
<br /> eco Ir
<br />_ . • seca�ed by this Sacuiity Insontm�t,whe�h�ar trot ohen dne. with anY e� Paid L�Balmwes.If Boaower abaudans the r :�=
<br /> ca: .
<br /> . � - . Ptug�ty.or dct�s not ancwer witL�30 days a notice fram Ieader tbat tda insiaaac�r.anirr kas affered ro seWe a c�aim.the� r , ��ti4�'_
<br /> � L,�dra mayr coIIect the u►smanoe pmcee3s.Lemder may usc the proceeds to rx�ar mw�e the Prapeity or w gay smns sec��.d _'��V..�, -
<br /> � . . Iry tlris Seauit�►tasprameu�whet6er or not th�due.lUe 30�day gRri�d w�!bega�a�the uosice is givea. ;;:-::.�-�-_
<br /> Untess Leudca aud BoAOw�ott�wise agree m wririug,any appJi�ion of pmcee�to priac�l shall aai extead or postpaaa , �``�:�:�_-_
<br /> ' � tDe due dase of the monthty payments refesed w ui i a�ad�or cl�a e t�e amo�mt of�;� eats.If vnder pata�apb - ''�-�
<br /> � 21 the propeaty is acqaired hy Ir,ada,Bomuwer's n'��l.i�saiance poliaes and p��snlpia�frora dama8e o�the 4,y-riawie"r�*
<br /> �I�.� t. - �P�Y P��o the acqui�ti�sMell pass ta Lertder oo the�aut of tbe snms sec�ed by ti�Secauity lnstnuneat iuLgt;am�y . ���%''
<br /> . piior tn the acqai�an. �L ��T=�.-
<br /> •-'' `fKM�x:-�
<br />. _.__. :. .:_.. ..`�I:;�:; 6.Osxapaacy,Pteservm�u.�ce aa�Praflet�s�of the Pm�e*t9; Bormw�'s E� Appllrat�a.Leasehotds. =,�,,.�y.e1„�_�
<br /> . Bomnwer shaU aca�y,esta!►lisfi,aad c�ct�e Amperty as B-usa�war's principal resideaioe within si�sty days aftei the execution of : ;:�"'�"""-'
<br />_.,�.,� .. tius Security Instrameat sc� * ' c�¢e w acxupy the Ftupany as Bouowea's prmapal�ce for ai least one yemr aRer the i 1`• ( �e."_�"°
<br />-�n"_ , date of occnp�cy, anless Laa3�r otherwise agtees ia atitiug► ahicb consait shali nat be unnzawnably wi�tetd,or�ess : • �- -
<br /> R : ` . .'.. , aur�nawog�ces�.wirich ffie beyond Bomawer's af�uuL Bairower s6all aot desuay.damaSe or impafr the Ptopecty, � ___�.��_�
<br /> PaII
<br /> �. _ • • atIuw the Pmg�ry to dete�ia�,or oommit wasoc un the Rvpeny. Bormaer shari be m defautt if any forfeimre ac�:cr � -�==
<br /> .`;yf ptocee�ing,wtr.�tt4rr civii ur�mma�,is Ts�gun d�at ia l�der's gr,att�aifh jud�me.nt cm�ld resutt m forfeiuue of tt�ee pia�•ws -; ".��,::'
<br /> ��g u
<br />- :. .:.s. o����y�„��lien�6y dris Sec�ly Iasunuaeuc or Leuder's s�uity intaest.Borrower may c�e sad�:s _, .�.�.•r: ���
<br />`�;:�. . .:-� defanit and remstate. as e*�'�3 ia Para�ph 18,6y c�iag the aaran ar�u�g to be dismitsed with a niliag that.Ia •� ;��_--�
<br /> . �_
<br /> . :"'�• I.ender's gond faitD de�.pr�cIndes farfeita�of t&e Bcrrawei's mte��cii�s pcope�ty ar otha mate�ial impaiemeat of s . � ,sa '":
<br /> �`�� � 11.�t� the tiean�ated by thi5 S�;`��'t*-^'!+�,s or l.eader's seaariri.inteaest Bormwer si�aLso he in defautt if Bormwet.durfig tl�e ' t ',�,a�"
<br /> ��r '�����;/�r; •� laaa applicatiom pmc�s.v.gave����r 61�or inaccwate inftrimarioa or smtemec�r�L�3+:..(�ta��c!to provide Leader�h '�-*� �-
<br /> 's :',t�z`�'�`; : : mry material infarmarion) in�ec�.� w7nh ihe loan evidenced by the Note. i��ng. bct��'t limitsd to,r�p�tations ' ,,,r''.iir� �`�
<br /> _,.r_�;"' ... _ conceaaing BoaowPS s ouc�ry af t.'�FtoPertY as a princigal msidence.If this�y Instrumeat i�on a l�atd.Haimwer �:. ,�7,
<br /> __ shall comply arith all the p�,s�aans of���.ff Boaower acquires fee atle to tFr�L�rvp�ty,the leaschold x�t�fee titte shaU : ."'-i.x:,„`�
<br /> T not mecge�less I,end�agzaw m the m�iu writmg. �'n �,� ��
<br /> 7.ProtextF�n of I.eud�'s Itights ia 6he Pro�ertp. If Boaawer faZs r�s perform the covenants aud ag�eem�ts oontainerre rcn `•'' �,��-
<br />''::.' ' �.i d�is Secmiry I���,or these is a te8�P�S���Y��'�J affect La�der's ag6ts in the Property(sus,h as a • ' �
<br />--_ ' � ; �. P�g��!IP�Y•i��for cundemnadau o�for�'eitur�or to eafozce E::«�c,�regulations).thea Lender may do and pay r, `.;;:;;;.�`._°._
<br /> ,t� �s:.�.ti ,
<br /> .F �. . . • ` F for whatevea is n��a�..�ct the valae of the Aropeny.and Lende,c's rlgt�'y;�x Propeny.Lender'S SCIi0i1S m3y iIIClltde :- Y wr,x�_...
<br /> �. , .. , ,=� � '-, '� '-
<br /> D�Y�S�l+����' ��ea wLich das yriuriiy mret this Sec�triiy Ins�.v�trr�::t,aDP�ia�$ in conrt.DaYing�easanable az�;�,� �
<br /> ,;., aunmeys'fces aad eatermg�ctr:Paa�c�y w make repaies.Althoagh Lender n�y Wce action um�ar tbis pazagraph 7,Leader �l�5 i '; �.
<br /> . �,.�� _ does aos have w do so. ��;'t • �-�„t:"-
<br /> ,. ' Any amounts disbarsed m3�II�ender nnder this pa�a�aph 7 sNall become additfca�saI debt of Borrower sep��by this Seau�ty &ita,� :.�
<br />_-- ., . • Instrument Un2ess Honower and I.ender agree to oHter t�ecros of paymea�t��e amcunts shall bear inter��nm the date of �' , .���._.:-•_--
<br />;; , �_ disb�useanent at t�e Note r�te and shall ba payabto,with iatecest.upon nouce from Lrd*���r w Borrower requestinS PaS►mea�t • . .:_k���;
<br /> usea
<br /> � � 9.Mort�e In.�maac� If Lender requ�ed mar►gage iasUrance�a condidon of malang the loan secured by this Seauity . :
<br /> : ; , Insbvmen�Boimwer s1raU pay the Qremiums requin�d tb•mamran, d:e mangage insurance in effect. IP, for any nason.the . • .
<br /> _� . � ,. . mortgage�ce cova-age required by L,ender lap�es oe�ceases tn be in effect.Bmmwer shall pay the premiums required to � `r ,•.
<br /> - � obtain coverage substautially eqnivatent to tha mortga�e insvrance previoasly in c�c�t.at a cost subsmnaaUy equivalent tu the � . . .
<br />��`.. . wst w Borrowet of the mortgage insurance previot�lY in effect.from an alter�te mortgage insiuer approved 6y Lender. If . . .
<br />- � � � subsmntiaTly equivalent mortgage msutanre wverage is nat availabte.Brnroaer sb�1 pay tu L�i�a each month a sum equal to ': .
<br /> • ' � 4 . on�iwelfth of the yearIy mortgage insarascce premium 6e1ng paid by Boirower whe�me ins�a:r,�coverage layscd m ceated to `.-.r,. .
<br />�;.. .. , be in effect.l.u�der will accept,use and r�in these Dayments as a loss res�ve a�lie� oP mor[gage insurance. Luss reseive �
<br /> ?�' ' ' (��:.`;
<br /> • t o.�.. �' :
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