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<br />� � . ,r ��'r ' _ _� "_._- .,�.cL��-'�_.--_._a:-�._.._� ' �`°' . T .
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<br />.. .c} Lq�°������ � ' - . .
<br />� 'I�OGE�W1TH ali the improveraents eow or hereafter erected on the progerty.aad all eas�me�ts.aFPu�saaces.aad . < .
<br /> `� • � fncdues aaw ot h�a part of the properRy.AIl replscemeals and additions s6ali also be coveted by this Seaariiy Instr�nent ` ' .� : .
<br /> . � ����� Ail of the forcgoing is iefeaed w in Wis Sea�rity Instram�t as the'Propeny.' . ., .;�,� -
<br /> " `,.,�.�:� BORROA'ER COVENANI'S tdat Bonoerer is lawfiilty seised of the estare hereby conveycd and has the right to grant and � . •: .� "�
<br /> '�-„r�-:�.."'" wnvey the Propelty and tLaa the Propelt.y is imenc�nbcsed.eacxpt for encmn6rances of rerord. Bmrawer aanants and w7D -�`�=�,___-
<br /> ..,,=.;��� def�d ge�alliy the dtle to the ProPertY aSa�i all clairos and deman�s,sub}ect w any eaaunbrances of record. _T��=- ' .;::_. `
<br /> ` T�S SEC[JRT1Y INSftt(JN�PIT cambines w�iform cavec�ts far natianal use and uon-�miform coveaaau with limited ^?'`°�
<br />. , ,:� vasatinns by jinisdiction oo cansYmue a uuiforn�sactuity mstrmnent covering reai pmpeity. '°`°v' .� ' ��.
<br /> � �' UN6�RM C01FEdVANTS.Boimwea aad I�er cove�aat and agree as foIlow� , � ,`: 4.
<br /> w
<br /> ._�... _ _ 1.Pagm�t af Pthtdpa!aud Intere,�Prrepayea¢at antl L�e Cdasgcs. Bmtov�er shaII promptly Pal+ whea due th� `,�, .
<br /> ._ , . - principal Qf and"mtaest on the deht evidenced by the No�e aad anY p�aYmmi and late charges dne ander ths Note. , .;.. . �
<br /> " � ' Z.1QUUdg fosr Taae�and I�smu�ce. Sab�est W applic�le law or ro a written waivea by Leader.BaIIOwer shall�ay to '- ° `«?
<br /> Icnder oa We aayr monthly paymer�are due�the Note,unu7 the Note is paid in fa�,a smm("F�ds'�for.(a)Y�Y� . ..
<br /> • and aaes9ments whicb may auain priorigr ovei this Secaaity Insorumeat as a tien oa dse Propeity;N)Y�Y 1�id PaY�� :
<br /> , � or grouad r�an t6e Propetty,if anY•(c)Ye�ip i�rd ar pmperty insUrance p�i�(d)Yeariy IIood insu�ancepre�iums.if _ `=,
<br /> :: :f�,'.�.
<br />_ �►Y.(e)Y�Y m�8e��D�•dany;and(�anY s�Pa3►abte by Baae�ito Lxades,in aoca�rdance with the `:..:;,:__, ..,.„
<br />. '. � pmvis�ans of pa�ag�apb 8,m litu of the paymeut of mostgage mssu3ance pre�niums.T��s are caBed °Fsaov�Iteans." • �-".
<br /> u an .
<br /> Lender may�at any c�ce.wIIect and ho2d Fuuds ia an amaant n�t m exceed tlze�cim�s�wu a Ieadca for a federalty relaied '�- r "_:,•
<br /> • mortgage toan may�e for Bosowea's esaow aa:o�mt mrder tbe f�8at Estate Sea�emeut R+�Aa of 19�4 as � :�
<br /> .. `- �} � .? .3 a::;;.
<br /> ,,•• , ameaded fmm time ov time.l2 US�C.Sedian 2601 et seq. ("RESFA"),ualess aaother law tLat applies m tt,�Fu�s�a l�er Y-_,_-
<br /> - �����-5�� amat�¢i:rf so,Y,emde� may,at am�time,coUect and hold Fuads in an amo�t nat m eaceed tbe Iesser amo�t.ir�n�s may --, , •--
<br /> ` • .. est�t��amount of Funds due�the basis of c�areut data an��asonable�imatas of expendinaes of f�e F�scxaw Yt�ns or � _-
<br /> otheiwise am ac�aadanse with apptic�ble laa+. . °_
<br /> . 1he Fimds shall be he]d'm an msdmtion whose deposits a�e iUSiaed by a fedaal agency,"�""-e1....-"���y;ar enm}r Cmcindiag . ,��
<br /> . ..� - ' Leadea.if Lender is sad►an u�on)or uz any Feda-al Hnme Loau Bantc.Lead�shaII apply the Fw�s to pay the Fscr�w '.-�' �
<br /> ..,:; ::.
<br /> ttems.Leada may not cUa�ge Barrowcr far ho2da�$aad apPhring the Fimds,a�,naallY analYang the esaaw s000mu,os verifying �� -�
<br />; ..�'; , the Fscouwr Itans.ant�ss I.�da pays Bo:mwer iatea�st on the Fimds and applicab2e 1aw peta�as 1.ende�to make svch a c�harge. �. .�'�•:�'��-:
<br /> . . However.Leudez may uequae Bmrower w pay a one-t�e charge for aa indepeade.nt r�t�e rai r�anmg senrice used by � _= _-
<br /> Leadet m wmtepioa wmt diis 1�n.tmlesa applicabie taw pmvides athe�rwLse.Uniess Sn agtee��is�t�e at ayplirable law '�" �•- --
<br /> � r�rs intr�st to be paid,Lender sbaD pot be reqaired w pay Botrov�er aay inta�st�e�nin�c o��r:�`�d�Borrawea dnd r� ,�-..:
<br /> • ;� •;; I��ay agcee�writmg,howeves,t�mte�e,ct shall be paid an the Fands.I.e�dea sha11 give oo Bos�r+Qr��wiihoat cbarge.aa , .,�;;�?'.,,
<br /> ` f aaa��ting of the Fm�d4,slwvrmg a+edits and debits o�thc Faads and the pu�pose f�wbicb each s3�rit�o t�e I"yurils aas ���
<br /> � �4..:, II p058 ._
<br /> m��,.7E�Fands are p2eaiged as ad�nal secwiry gos atl s�s seciaed by this Sec�riry�� , �. , ��'
<br /> . . ,� . , ,�:.;
<br /> ` ' . If @ie Fimds held by Leader exceed the auwm►ta pamiued to Ue heW by applicable Iaw,Leader sf�i�a�rnmt to Bosiower for � '. ��`�`
<br /> ?: � .
<br /> , the excess Fimds in accard�ce with the�eq�areanents of applicab2e law.If the amount of the Funds hei���i.ender at�y time is :,.�--�,; .,n�L_
<br /> ,,� ' : not safficieat w pay the Eumw Items whe,a due,Leader may so aotify Bmmwa in writin�,aad,in such case Bo�uwea s6a11 paY .t,�':.}��'•�y:�'`.:-
<br /> .. • . w Leatder tLe amom�t neressary to�wake up the defici�cy. Bamowed shall make up tbe�d..6ci�cy ia no more tbsm twelve �`r�,;r,f��'��f:�°'
<br /> � . . manthly payments.at L�eada's soie disaetion. ' �;':�°,�� '...-_ `
<br /> • . � Upon paymmt in t�ill of all smns sec�ed hy this S�urity Insonut��nt,Lender shall PmmPt1Y ref�d w Borrower aay Fuads ;'°'-�.:�`;c`- ..:
<br /> �- � deld by Le�tdes.J�imdei paragraph 21.Laider sdall acq�ire or sell t�e Aropaty.Lc�dPr,Pnor tn the acqmslrian or sale of the �; ' �� ��:=°,
<br />_. eP . • �,� .�:•..:�;..-_:_:
<br /> .: �,' � , '. �p�S►��8PP�Y�Y Funds deld by Lenda at t�e tune of acquisition ar sale as a credit agau�st the s�uns secuted by dris � .. �' i.-
<br /> $���rtctn,men :,- '-'
<br /> ^{t1��.� . �9/,:�r'. �
<br /> ,{u,t.;,�. ..:'; 3.�Hca4�on of Paymeata. UnIess appticablc Isw pmv�ir�othe�wiSe.aU paym�b reoelved by l�ader mrdet�hs n�� 4�: � ,.
<br /> �,. 1 aad 2 shali be applied:fust.to anY P�3►ment charges dne under the Iia�srcand,w amoimts paya.�is undea p�apL 2: , .��':�`�� -_
<br /> , ,;" ddrd,w intedest dn�fourth.w principal du�and(asi,w eny lare ct�a�ges due�mii�th�Not�. , r -=
<br /> ' 1
<br /> .�,..' .
<br /> '�'.-' 4.C6�rgesz Liens. Borrowa sball aU�ces.assessm�ts.charBes.fines and im ositions a.tm'�b1e oo the Pro
<br /> . .r..:, . . PaY P P�Y ;
<br />_ ,, t�'..'. , . ahic]�may�eua�priosity ovea t'.�;i��ity Ins�umea►t,and leasehold paym�ts or gro�md zent�.if any.Bmmnwer shaII pay these � ; . . :
<br /> � .,�d: � ob" ns in the mans�er yrovi�i�u�arag�aph 2.or if not a�d in that manner.Bomnwe�shaU a than on time d¢extl ta the ':,. '�. ,• � � �
<br />_ :.,;r��:' ' .� . �� D � D Y Y _ : , � .
<br /> _ .. • person owed yaym� Barrower s�hall pmmpuy fiunish m Lead�all nouces of amaunts to be paid�nder this pardgaph.If . . ', ,. .:r:�,
<br /> , � , � '..:t.''�: Boriawer makes thesr�aymeats daecdy,Borsowat shaU Qrompdy fmnist�tc E,a��er receipts evIdeasing dte 17aymentA : . : •
<br /> .� Bormwer shall prr�rnptly disctt�s�e any tien whicd has ptioa3y oved tt�,security Insurnment woless flcrrowea:(ad ao�in � �
<br /> �r
<br /> ���� writing w she payment of the o�Ii��'ci secured by the lien sn:a m,annea ae�ceptable tn L�der.(b)cant�i�gamd fsi�h t�e lien � � � � ,.
<br />- ...�,.�. .
<br />-'.;�,"�;'�., by. aJ�:fends enfo��9n cf the lien in, 1e which in the Le�fi�s o 9nion ,• . .
<br /> ,;.J, . a�st � F��&g P oF� to prt-cent the .
<br /> = ' . .. eafar�ement of tbo tieao►:ar(c)seain�s from tp►e hctQ�of the�en an agreement sarisfac�j�Lendea sak�e:tinating the liea tn . � . � � �
<br /> � . . ,' �:�.; .
<br /> d . this Seauity 1ns�umc��.if Leader detcrtnines��.Y P�of the Property is s¢0ject q a��r which mag�trr�priority over this • . . :
<br />_ , . Securiry Irisnume�t.Leade�may g'rve Borrow�a ro�ce idenafying the lien.E�a�r st�II satisfy the ts-�or taite one or more „• . . . • .
<br />_ ,�,.. .� � of the rs,d�ns set fortA abave within IO days of the giving of ne�ce. .•�'''h;rl� , _,� �;
<br /> • .��Y�.,
<br /> { �_; -': . Form 3020 9/90 ,�},��A;' `
<br /> , (�-BR(16�jlat�sl.o� o�a�e i�re�ia: , - - �t .
<br /> ;,:, , '�
<br /> �:�,
<br /> . . • i•,
<br />__ t�,'�+?,��;� � � . . '.
<br /> .. . .�.,_ •
<br /> . .—...�--�•-.—. . . . . ., . • _. .. .. , , � ,�
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<br /> , .4 . r � . . . : , �; , ,.. . . y�r.� . � , ;. ,' . i . .
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