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<br /> ` _ r _.i.. s. '�T ' y[en_ _ . _ �__ , �F- ._.4•i - _
<br /> `- �. �t� . e r. "_:Y. . . ..� ."'� n .-� f —N � ' _ ��� • � ��� �. � .
<br /> .J.: _; . ,4` ,t ,.�v; ��r tY.�t .e r } F ,s� . r .. .
<br /> A.=_'":'.C`� - .. �__ —--• �— - . - . � —__ . _ -. . _ . . . t '- � _ _
<br /> _ .... :�- s....�.� . � _
<br />- ..L• - '�. . , �� ` , . , ,,�4� ` ; ... YY� , . 2.`` ` .
<br /> � . . �.t � _. ' . ;� �c . � „ ��y ' __ k(2'. .
<br /> `�_�' . ' .�ti ..•�,. �� ...ha
<br /> . <<< .. � � �� � -. ,}�
<br /> .� �.`. . , �; i6.Bm�r�ers cop�. Boiroavcr s6a11 be given one confaime�copy of ths Note and o s c .
<br /> cr
<br /> � '' ' 17.'httas[er o!t8e Peope�y or a Benettria!IntQrest in�orrvrrer. Jf all ar�y part of ehe Fmpaty ar any ino��it is
<br /> ' ' _� sold nr aaagferred(ur if a benefccial mteeest in Barmwe�is�Id ur�ffe�red aad Botrower is nat a nanual�sun)withn� .
<br /> l� .� '� : ; � Ereades•s p r i or v�rii�cansent,i�der a�ay.at its a ptmn.require immet�ate payment m fuU of all sums secu�d by this Secutityt .
<br /> ea
<br /> . ; Iasuumeat.Howev�r.this aption sQ�all nat be execased by I�ader if ac�cise is prolu'b�e�by federai law as of dte date of ttis -. � �.
<br /> `. � _._�: g¢tu�itylastrument .i:-t,=:'-',-'...:__'_
<br /> r•�' ,--�r� If L.ender eAe�cises tdis o 'on.I�cade:shall give Boirower antice of azcei�arioa.'tTie antice s6aII pmvide pa etiad of aat less - - '.
<br /> ��_� tAaA 30 days from the pt�d�qF inaited within Nhich Boriawer must paY all sums seaatte�by this Seauity
<br /> �:E Insau�nent tr Banaw � . a�r . �s�ac m the eacpiratirn►of Wis gerina,t.euaer may mvoke s�y rEmedi�s permutea ,�-.-_-
<br /> ` Dy this Security Insnum�nt na�ae ardemmtd ot►$ctmaer. _ - ' _
<br /> � �': 18.Bormw�'sRi�t,�� 'If B�rro�rea me� catain condpions. Boirow� shall have the right w have '`°- - ..,.
<br /> � ..,
<br /> , ,; anfo�sement of this S ,m rt discontinued at aay time prinr m tDe ea�lirz of: (a3 5 days(or sucb odrer period as . ,
<br /> . ;S xpPlicaEIe 1aw may s�oafy�rei�ta�meat)befare sale ctf ths Fiape�ty ptuse�aat oo any powFa af sale wn�aied in this� .
<br /> . � > Insanmen�ar tb)enaY cf a jud�t enforciag this 5eituit}►r�an„n,p� 7'hase ooudicons ate tt�at Baaowe�(a)FeYs Lead� •
<br /> " � ' � sums wAic6 dten wauid be due�this Sec�ity Iaswmeat aad the Nate as ff Qn aaaclezation had aocm�${b)cu�ffi►Y - �
<br /> -: . .''S default of aay othes cov�anta ar agre�aeat�(c)Paps aD e�es ma�rred'm eafarca�g tdls S�+tasmamea�m�ieid�g,but � ' _
<br />°F �� ' • � �` uat lmoitod%reasona6ie att�neys'fe�mW(�taYes suc�astann as Lenda may�nabiy n�4are m amue that the lis�of this
<br /> , <<4 S�y .r�s,r,en LEadds iigtits in tke Pmpecty aud Emmwds obligation ou pay the svms secmed by this See.vrir! � ..
<br /> � Instmm�eat shaU canwme undisnged. ilgan remsmnemeat by Boaowar. this Se�Instr�nent aad tlte obligatioas secuted
<br /> isn
<br /> ��;.�; heieby shatl iemanu ftilty effearve as if no a�xedaarian dad axur�d.Hnwcwet,this ' to�smte st�aII aot apply ia the case of - �
<br /> • • ac�erauon ua�patagrapb 17.
<br /> r ; ,.,.� ,•': 19 Sale of Noi�Change oP Loao 5ervFeer. 1�e Nate or a paroal mteest in the Notc (rogether wui� this SecaRCq : -
<br /> � = in�nmeat)maS►�sntd one ar mcse dmes withontpuor uotice to Bouower.A s�a3e may resalt in a change in tke e�tity(kaa�ra ._ -
<br /> ;. "� '.� . ,,;����f as tAe°L,oan S�vicei")that caIIects moat6ly payments due ander the Note and this SeAainr�17iere al�may be one or ' ; �,...- -
<br /> .� maie edanges of the Loan Senacer ancetated to a sa2e of ihe Not�.U there is a change of the Loaa Se�vicer.Baaowes w�6e � --
<br /> --..�.�� - -.-�4 givra v�r�noti�ee of dva cl�ge ui accosdance with pa�apb 14 above and apptirabte Iaw.'Ihe natice w�t s�d�e�ne aa� '. -�' -�-
<br /> e Ce ,� � �
<br /> addiress of the aew Loan Servicer�d dse add�ess to which paymenta shaald be mad�7he no6ce�nU also caatain any otha > �'"
<br /> � ��/ <rµ� iaformarion requar.d by applicable law. ��,� �� .�;_
<br /> Z0.Ha�rda��nbsiances. Boaower ssbaD aot cause ar pczmit the p�ce. use.dispasal. stozag�or tetease of any , ,�.z;--
<br />_;j; :t; � „ � ,�: -YT:
<br /> Harardoas Substances on or in the Propeity.Boimwes shaU uot do,nor atlow mmyone etse to dn,anythmg affearng the Pmperty _
<br /> tbmt's in vioIarion of any Eavuonm�tal Law.'Phe psereding twa senteaces ahaD not apply w t�e p�eacc.use.or so�rage on the —�-
<br /> ,. :. _
<br /> .... . �.,J�.� P m p e rt y of sma11 q u a n a a e s of Hazardoas Snbs7ances that are ge�t�aIIy re,000gnized to 6e appropriate m ammai r�rial ns�s s y��-
<br /> ' . - and on�aa�anee of the Ptop�ty. - •
<br /> � '. B a a m w e r s l�a l l p m m p 8 y g►v e L e a d e r w r i t t a r n a t i e e o f�y i n v�a n.c t a i m.d e m a a d l a w s v i t or othar acHon b Y a u s► �� ��
<br /> � goveaam�tal os regWatary ot privaze party imvolvmg the P►vpe�ty and aay 1H'�dous Substance os Envimnmenml Iasr. ''"'s: �•
<br /> '�:' of whir6 Bom�wer has 1mowledge.If�oaower leams.ar is notife�bY a�ry gao�mental rn zegalatory��ty,d�a�� _ +4 -�-r
<br /> , : �'�, te�o v a l or o t her r e m e d i a t t a n o f any A�s Su b s Z a n c e a ff e c a n g t h e P r a p e n y i s n�y+,B o r ro w a s 4 a D p r o m p t�y t a k e a I 6' e.�...
<br /> j, . ,� ;: ,�'•:
<br /> '� ,} necess�y remediel acti0ns in 2ccor+dance wi�6tvuonmearal Law. s -
<br />_ As ased m th�s paragrapb 20,"Har�dnus Substances"aze those substances de5�3 as maic or dar�doas si4sCauces by F,�`� �:: s. -
<br />__- � '.�,. Fav�rolm►eatal Law and the faItnw3ng srbstances: gawline. kerosene, odcei fla�rEs or wxic pean2eosa�, toxic :�'r ;
<br /> � � ge�sdc�des and heabicidcs.vafat�solvents.cnaicrialS conmmia asbesws ar fo:malds� d`�,and ndioacave mates��-Av used a� ���T=��
<br />` ��;- g � +��:.,,�;
<br />° � � .;'�; - �is ?A,"F�vironsaeatat Lacr"mc�s fedraallaws and laws of the�urisdis�on whese the Ptopeny ia toe�that t�aLa ?�';� _ �
<br /> ju at
<br /> . � ' w h���ar eanvaa�t�rdl grotae6on. _-.�.�
<br /> ��.
<br /> ,�:�.'c�. - NON-iJNIFORMCOVFNANTS.BqrrowetandLeadetfo»hercoven�taadagr��followx ��-
<br /> �; �?� ,
<br />--=•�'".: Zl.Accel�atioa3 Remedis Leader s6aII give QotieE to Borrawer prtor w�ts�te�tton foQowing Borrow�s 6reacB oP _
<br /> , � ' at�y covenant or agremmeat in thLv Seca�ty Insmrinuent (bnt not prtor to �a�on auder paragraPh 17 aWets X � `;;� --
<br /> ;,.
<br /> ' ��,'/( a p plicable Iaw pravEdes ot�e�vise).T�e c�ce shall speciPy:(a)t�e d�tan[t3 ND tTu;sctioa reqaired W txrre t6e defaoit;(c) '�
<br /> )C �Ir3��
<br /> � . � f��r�; a dat�uo!Iess tban 30 deys iiram the�the notfce is givea to[firrrnvsver,by R�it�b We dePanit mast be cared;aad(d) '; :._
<br /> e
<br /> f};%i�t��;'. � E6at la��e to care the dePau[t on or 6eforp tEa�date s�eci�3ed in the aot�e�ag x�vIt in aaoeierattoa of the su�s s�ored �
<br /> . ;�,. ct. ... . . `r:
<br /> !a��fiis Secaritq aasbr�ent s.�saie ot the ProPe�tY.'E�notlae s�alf tart8ex�srrm Borrower of ttie�I�Lt to reins4ate �; _
<br /> 'l�j�{i �� . ad�►seeeiera�an and the cf�¢to Dring a coari aqi�¢u assert the non-e��o!a defau[t or an�otIIer detense of .
<br /> � � V,�,�����; Borrower tv u�ac�.ratlon an�sate.It the 8efaalt is noi care�o�as l�elore the date sperdted i�the cotEae.Le�eder,at its :� .
<br /> c: .. ,{f���'�i�.` o�tion,maY►�euf�a°�immedTate paymeat in Pa�ot aD snms s�eca�:@y thi9 Sec�rity Instrumeat wtthoat farther demand ��
<br /> 'n
<br /> .��:, -. , r�F;��i,�y� and may mva�itie p�w�r nl s�e aad�y uther remedtes per�itt2�tay appllraDle law.[.eader shall be entit[ed to wllect ': . ":
<br /> ,";,,�" �,:.'.�� aU¢apsnses incarred In�g the remedies provided'm tbLv Para�raPh 2Il„iar.dudtng,6nt cot limtte�to,reasanabte ,4. .�`;
<br /> �th-..�� i{ � • -=�
<br /> N �i 1!1 r yt,r��: . attarQey�'fees and cos�a?t�tie�videQCe. !�..'� •.
<br />_-- ,;;`,�y�a���,. � I!the power oY saie fs invoked.Trnstee s6al! rewrd a no8ce o!defaWt in eacb cuunt� in w6dcb a,nc�part of the •;y
<br />� - ''!:f�{,�t Froa2rtY t9 lorated and smaU mail eopies of sisch aotice in the manaer prascribed by appltraL2s f?��to Barr�wer and to the . . :�.,
<br /> n`_ • � other persons prescrIDed bq applt�bie Iaw.After the time reqatred by applicaDie►aw,Taastez s�Ca11��r.6Hc notice of �•
<br />;-;s�� sale W the Feasons and tn the manner prescribed by a�plica6le faw.Traste�without de�aad on Borres-�,�,s�aU seD the ' � f� `
<br />-_- , � � Propetty at pn6tic auc�ion to tfle big6est Didder at tPte time aad piace and ander the terms desi�afee!fn Ct�n�nnce of aate r''
<br />_ ��r �,:4�r . ,
<br />.___ " �+" ,'{.
<br /> � �ers�80P8 9l9m ' • � ,
<br />.4� • �-6A(NE�tS2tx)•0� pagoeote '� t=ir,utai ; ��.'.: :'_
<br /> -- 0 • ;i,� e `r� i'�. .
<br /> =t.i�.• ' " 1 ''"�� .t .
<br /> _ ���. ,
<br /> =;i� � �...--------,-. . ,. .. , , - � - . . . . .
<br />____ ,',.,. • . � _ . . � . . . � • , . . � . : . .. . . . � . - • ; � .
<br /> __ � . • . . . '_ � . . • '^ . :.
<br /> - . �. .. • • . , . ' .. . . . . ., . . . . ,.; • ' � .
<br /> . � • . IJ ' . . � ....�..,--..>._:... . . , � • :
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