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<br /> �--E .� t � .. : �- y ;� �
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<br /> 4 ? y.� , . , e k. ` : i ' . �.�- ' -
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<br /> •_ ... ,;.r ,r.� �.cr� �c� :dY, -�d _ � . .
<br />.. l.-.�c-.- � ... : 'p -' y .. ' .' :L _ 'Y a` .5 ' .. J�� _ 1 �
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<br /> _ 5 . ��,r ,� � � : : - - _.
<br /> '' � c ' � ' - t t '� �h . �=X ,.c _ . ki ` +�^ .
<br /> � ��— `L,�i. `���. _�. � � �._ __� _ _�'_ .�� � _ — �_ �;T_ �_
<br /> � . �. Y —° �.�s�'` :L�.� }
<br /> ` `• � �4 S ' ., = --, - -� �-- �.- � -... .. r�• . ..._ _ �2�.` r� : - �` `<�<.
<br /> '� - _ - r. _r. ......_. �' v-_,.��_;;�- , �-'` 'F`.
<br /> t . �. �"
<br /> , � �.. .
<br /> . a��1° ���� ° A '
<br /> � • ` FaY���Y no longer Ise required.at the oprion of Ireadei,if mungage����*an�wvesage('in�amnunt and for the paiod �`.: _ '
<br />' , ' that I�ud$r�quues)Pmvided by aa uu�appmved by L�der again baromes ava�7able and is obtamed.Bonower sbatl pay the `, ',�.�"� , �
<br /> F���+l�d to cnatntai.n m��gage ins�►ce in effea.ar to pmvide a toss�+e.wntl the requiremeat for man�e � ° •<"s
<br />_ � ;..4 '� nnsuiance eads m aa:ardance wlth aay�agreemens betwe�Bormwer and Lc�d�r or applicable law. . - . Y:�: '.
<br /> ` , ,;;'� 9 Inspedtasz Leadet or iB 8geat tnay malce t�asonabIs ea�ies ttpon and'mspecoiaus of ths Ptopetty.L�nder shatl give ' ; ,'_. `. ��
<br /> `� Brnmwer natix atths mae of as priar m an in5�pection speafymg zeasQnable c�se f�the insp�tinn.
<br /> . ',.,.,._;"-" I0.Coadt�anrlian 1�e pmoeeds of any a��arQ or ctamm for damages.direct ar oon�al.in conaectioa weth any . . �--
<br /> _ .�,,.�, .
<br /> .., ,- .--;: ;.�•.; w�e�na�an ar ot�er talcmg of any pan of the Pmge�ty,or for conveymice m li�of oondemnatian.ase trereby assigned agd :- . � .
<br /> -- -'` s�aD bapa�6o k.eaaet. �, v� . --_
<br /> _ � In ths event oi a tota�takmg of the Progeny.tbe gmceedc s6all be appSie�to the sums sec�ued by tbis Seauity Instntmeut, . ,.,r.: .•.� _ _
<br /> _ . . _ `'- wh�ar not then du�wim any excess paid to Bono�ver.In the ev�t of a partial tasing of the Propeity in afiish th�fair market , � ,
<br /> •: � :
<br /> . `'. valne af the Prop�ty mamediatdy befoie the ral�g is equai w or gie�er td�tha amuunt of the s�as seaued by tbis Sec�uity . �
<br /> ,. - - • '4' Ias�umeat immedi2trly Qefare ihe ta�g,un2�Borrowar aud I.�ot�eavise agtes it►writing,t�svms secated Q►y this <
<br /> _� : z See�itY Ins�nu�eut shall be reduoed by t&e amnum of rhe proceed�mnLip�by the foIInwmg f�actian(a)the tma!mmoimt of . • "_ -
<br /> ':�;;:;.� the sarns seaue�fm�iateiy befa�e the takiag+divided bY(b)tde faa u�valae of rhe Praperty frnmedrazely hefa�e the � �_ :�.;.� .:�;;�;,�-'.;;;��'�
<br /> ' � ,-...._:,:—:- .
<br /> ; �8��Y balassce s6a11 be paid w Bnrmmri In We event of�pK.�tial ydldng af We Prop�rty in wbich t4e fair madcet vatue of the ` , ._.
<br /> t,��`u�°. •� Propeny ima�diafciy beface th�tatffig is � thaa the emn�at of the sams seaued immediatety before the�iing, m�ss ' "'"'�=.
<br /> k '�i ¢. ' Bmmwet mtd Leudet Oth.etsvise m writin or mtle� `
<br /> �F�,��,�`� aSee� g apgTu�ble?aw oil�eswise pmvidas,the pioceeds shall6e applied to t� :� f .' �f: .,
<br /> � t;�,���,,� ,� ` sau�s secxuea Dy t�S�nriry Iast�umeAt wherhec or nat the awns are thea du� ..s . ; �;,:.
<br /> ��'�:Rifi..�'•�.< <�� � If tbe Atapezty is abamd�e�by�as�aarer,or i£0frer nutice by Leadea w Bom►wer tLat the coadcmm�offers tn ma2ce an �* -- -°-
<br /> �'X��; � �'rr ' ,•
<br /> �w F awaN ar sei�a cI�f� Baaawer fa�s t� � �, ;.•f:
<br /> � ,� ,• �, dam�ages. resgaad to I,euder wiihin 30 days aftea the date the aotice is giveu.I.�der
<br /> �_ . ..,. ' is amha�d w co."scs and apply rhe pmceeds,ai ire ap9ian,ei�a m msmration or repair of the Proge,�ty or w the sums sei.vred , °.��:.'��
<br /> ,� . � by tfis Sewrity►Jn�a�s,wItether ornoi thea due. .. � . _ � ��
<br /> r----.—,..--'�'.� Ualess LeatSer a�dt Baaoemr othernise agcee m wrtting,��.r��.of proceeds w principal shaII uot eah�d ar posqwne - ", .��,�
<br /> Fi3 �
<br /> ���t;:
<br /> � .,�, thedue dateof 9nea�t�iy payraerus refeased m in pa�hs��;a 2 or c��,e the ammmtof such paymeflcs. � `. � :�' ` ,;
<br /> � .r
<br /> 11.Bmm�es 1�sWt Seieasrd;Farbearaaoe Sy I�.adear 1�'a�raWaiver. F.xteasion of the time for paqmeat ar madi5r�tian �-, ,�j -
<br /> �';: of�a�tian of t�swas sec�ae�by dus Sec�ity�gr�ted by I.�der to any suocessor�interest of Bo�wer shali . ,� ���� t �,-
<br /> �- ._: • t[ot ope�aLe ta ieteuse tt�liabs'h'ty af dte orig�al.Ba3rszaer er B�tower's saacessais m m�.I�euc��s6aII not be�to • .,-,�''��.��`.r�=
<br />. .. . . ���'�"�"""����QT ZQ�����d�Pr aYS � Q� iHry�_-x?`'9{'.. ..,..�.
<br /> paym or �nanaifyamortaationof .� �� `�r ,
<br /> - the sums saa�eea by ths Soc�nriry Insaumrmt fsg r�n af any demand made by the original Barmw��$�owa's succ�csozs ' '"'� `��;':
<br /> �.
<br /> " uz mtaest.Atig far5�ce by Lender in eue�s�iitg umf t�ght os itsemedy s�ta�l.aot be a waner a�as�ths e�case of m►y ;�d�'
<br /> ��t � �1 Y i{'_ -.._
<br /> iig6tarieated): , • . • �,.,� �::
<br /> . lL Sruo�s ammr!A�ssip�,vs IIsscsn�doint aad Sever�!Lfcr�s�;�a�F��a�s'iha o� aad ageean�5 cf tbis z'. ' �`t� ; ''
<br /> s
<br /> ' Se�3ry I�s.cut st�all biad and benefit the Suooesso�,au��s�f:L�e[and Ecvm�r,subjecx to the p t ovisions of �• ��f�4'�t` :.• ,�, ��
<br /> p�h I?.-Bu�rac+�a's cove�ants and ag�eements st�l be joint a���1. Any Biarowea wlto co-sigos this Seauity ,:t.: :��':�
<br /> � �
<br /> � � � �eat but daeg�rat execate tl�Not�(a)is co-�igni�tg this Sepairy t�e,nt onT�t�aeu►t�age.gram�d oonvey tdai `"` 'F"�,
<br /> dae
<br /> Bono�srer's imae�in the Prapem�amder tha taffis of this�SeQaitT►Insumm�@)is nai�naDy o6ligatEd tn pay th�sums ���� `' , .,��.��-
<br /> . sec�ed bY tLi�Seiarcity lnsn'mn�t:.Aud(c)a�es that 3�mdea and any othea Boaowea may a�to ex�d,modify,fmbe�r or �'��f �;`" _
<br /> y eiarci u ., � ,,,��.�
<br /> . .. . maloe�y ec�odafloas witA�m the tecros of chia Secarrt�r Iasoniment ar the Nota withont tdat Boimwea's eonseai . s:'.>.•
<br /> . � , 13 Loae�C��. If t6�Io2a sraaed t���tais S�?rj Insoc�ment is sabjeet w a 1aw which sets r�nm toan cbarges, - -' '-����°V=:-
<br /> � aad Qia2laa+is tmatty mt�tp�ted so that the��:r3r othar 2oaa cdasges oetteaed or to be�liectcd�amur.aioa�+itL the Iamn � 4_
<br /> . exoeed me petwi�:d limiia.tt�:(aj aay such�oai charga ahatl be�daced by the amoant n�r to re�icse the c�e¢fl the � ..:�.�.._.:�
<br /> . pa�m3GEd li�ix an�@)�►Y strms atready coltocted from 8otra�whic�exceeded yamitted Ii�nits wID 6e r�mded t�.B'r�ac.�ver. --
<br /> � ' . Leada may ch�ose t+o rnake 8�is refimd by reducing thd�p�a]awad cmd�the Nate or lsy maTdug a direct p¢g�ai ta t���_ "�
<br /> ' .. Bmmwrr.If a�!rednces principal.the s�aron ai��be treated as a�rar�al F�Pa3+meat wi�a�enY p�Ymeut c�ge . � --.�';', : -�_---
<br /> � uud�theNo�. •. ^"°r:����,`_
<br /> � , .. 14.No2icea. AAp aotice m�ox�x7wer pmtu�ed tar u�dt�t Sec�rty Iiurortaneut shaD be givea by Qetiv�ing it or by mat7�tg it ��..'�s., '-�'���•
<br /> _ . . , by 6�tt�1ass a�3 tm2css ap��t�1�nr iequ�es ase of anmher method.'Itre aotiae shaU tre di�ected m the PYOpe�ty�►ddress ar _ -_`.-��`�=
<br />- any o�ar ad�ress B�desi�by noac�to Lendor.Any►aotice ro l.eadea sdaD be Bioe�by fust class ma�7[n Leainder's � - ..M,* �.
<br />_ � : :.... : add�ess slated Len�n or suy oshe�addre,ss Irmisr designpms by notice to Barmr�a Any nadae ysuvided for in this Seaaity � • � �.,a,.�
<br /> Ias�nment shall be decmed to have beea givea�t�Bmrawrc nr Lender wltea given ag pmvideQ a�this paiag�pD. � � ..
<br /> - . 15 Covesn�gl.aw;Severability. ZLis S�j Ins�iu�t s6a11 be gaveaned by fede�al taw and the taw oi the • .
<br />= � � NrisQicaoa ro whzc6 the Aroperry is la�ted.Tn the event that any prov�cion ar cl�se of t6is Sec�aity Instnunent ar the Nate °°�,,,������ :, . . .
<br /> :. oonfli�s vrit(t appl3cabL:hw�such confllet shaU not affsct o�ar ,;�,;� r
<br />_ . �eSoce n+ithoru the cos�illcdn Pm�ons of dus Secarity Inswm�t or the Note wAicb c�n 6e ..:�, .�; `
<br /> , 8 D�vision.Yo this ead tnu pravisions of dus Secauiry Ias�uneat and the Note are declared w ':s��':?��:!'•
<br /> besev�?e. ,•..,. ;.;"��_ �;, ,.
<br /> _- 'r.s�t}.v�,:�ic'r.'j' ;�;, •
<br /> , i {.,,.:
<br />_- ,:-l���I,t�:�N�,..
<br /> Fo�m8028 9/90 �:��',. r!�(a��.:
<br /> _ �-0R p tot�s o� P _ � .. a,.,'., . .
<br /> � � 1• tp��cf6 Inmau:_� ii .� •,� ::
<br />_ ... � :1' �'.'':.`':; ` •;` •
<br /> _ � ��:• . ,,,:.
<br /> _. .. .. , . .
<br /> " ; ..,�.�,,?' . 1 — .. . . .. . , _ t t .� .. . ... -•- . , . . .. .ti � .. .
<br /> � . .. �.. . ��� 1' . . •.�t•1 . � . - . . ' ' ' , ..
<br /> .. . . . . .i . •S�f . . . � I .. ' . ' ... ._ . - . . . .. •.. � . . .. . .. • .
<br />.�c . . .•i . .. . . ' " , .. . � , �
<br /> . . . . . . • � . • , .
<br /> . . ' . � � I . � .i. . . . ' . _ _
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<br /> -___--_._—____—_—..._ .."—_—"—_._— .,_—__ ______ _ .... .... _ ��.��._�... _ -- _--... __ __.. .. .—__— ___ --__
<br /> . . —_ _____�_— _ -__--_—_-- .— �_ __— _--. . . - � . � . ' _ �
<br /> . . ' . . • . • ' • ' . .. - .. . . . . ' '' . � �
<br /> .1 ' . . • . . .. ' , - ' . ' . _ ` . . ' . . � . . �
<br /> ' .' : .. ', � . ' • ' ' � ��T���.�.�.�?�..��1,�.��-.��.+�-�---�" �; '4
<br /> ..:.—+^—�--�--�-^'". ., . - - —. _ .. .. . . ':_":"r""';'z'.'---•"`s+''"; � .. . ,��r ... <'� ... �_ a �... . � ,..6`�� •r.,:'.�a ... nf.�+�'.% j. .. .. .-,, .:: ,� :k;.;t4�i:! _.z.; ,-.
<br />