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<br /> �0�._`�_ 1 _ -� _ T ' -,:_' . . . F.,_ �.F :� _ _- : A. . S � _! '� :. _;
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<br /> '� `t, L • __ �• � •Y .` .. .:
<br /> 4-�
<br /> � 9 .�::
<br /> ... . . � Paymenu ma}r ao tongez be required.at the optioa of Leader.if mortgage insurance coverage(in the����or�'ihe pericd .
<br /> +. •• `"�- tIIat Lender cequiYes?Provided�y an ins�uer appmved by Leader agaia becomes awailabte and is abtaiaed.Bonuwer s�aU gay
<br /> � �c;�`
<br /> . �t. , the Rremiums reqnited w mainrain mortgage� �,*�*+ce ia effea,or co provide a loss reserve.unW the requinmeat for mongage •
<br /> , , ;�n��nce ends ia a000rdance with any written agreemeat b�ween Borrower and l�ender or applicabls law. �� ,� ,
<br /> 9.6�edton.Leader or its agent may make reasoaabte eatries ugoa and insg�stions of s�e Fropeny.Lender shafl give ' _,}�,<, .<::
<br />,.� �•• • � Borsnwer notice az tIIe[ime of or prior to an ia�earon sPecifying ceasaaabte cause for t6e i�acuan. •.:�- . :-. ,�< �
<br /> <<
<br /> ;�` �� 10.Caad�natto�.The prooeeds of aay awazd or claim for damages.dirett or wns�quer�l.ia coanestion erith�y i `. ':�.5:>f���::?�
<br /> 4:�' � <<;:;,:c::,'�': :
<br /> - - oondemnauon or other taldng of any part of[he Property,ar for canveyance in lieu of condemaation,are hereUy assigned aad
<br /> - , shall be paid co Lxnder. �
<br /> • In the event of a total taking of the Pmperty,the prrmcceeds shall De agplied to the sums sec�r�by this�iry in.�tnmesu.
<br /> whether or not then due.witb aay exaess paid to Borrnwer. la the eveat of a paitial �of t6c Pmperty in whicL tIIe fair .�,�•F:..°; :..'`., `
<br /> . ..�. , ..`.: markex value of the Propetty immediate[y befosc the taking is equal to or grea�ter thaa the amouat of the sums secured by this • _ --
<br /> --- ,:;; Seciuiry Insaumeat iminediately before the tatdmg,unless Borrower and Ixadet atheiv+ise agree in arritiag. the sums seaued by � , ,:=`
<br /> tLis Secoriry Inswment shall be:educed by the amount of the proceeds mnitiplIem� by the foitotving fir.�tion�.(a)the total � F =
<br /> ' amoum of the sums secured immediately 6efoie�tte taking.divided by N)ttre fair ma�cet value of the Pe+ope�tY��Y -=
<br /> ,r : ::.?; 6efo�the tating. �_nyr balance sl�all be paid to Borrower. Tu the ev�t of a p�tial [aking of the Prt►perty in whish tbe fair ' :
<br /> . . ma�Icet va�ne of the Pcapetty immediazeiy before the taking is Iess tLan the amount of die�nrs s�ured immediately before tl�e ;' t � ,.'':
<br /> F
<br /> �';� takin�.�miRSS Borrower aad Leader o�+ise agree ia cvriting or untess applicaDle law ati�vrise pmvides,the p�ds sltall •�,.�
<br /> - ... • . !s�appiied to the s�ms sscured by this Sec�uity Insa�whether ar not the sums a�th�due. ;5``�< . `.�;.�,�
<br /> .�-.Y��,,,•-=
<br /> � ` if tlie Piapecty is abandflned by Soaower,or if,after notice by Lender to Bo�dr�t thc condemmor offas w make an a��'; .::. ...� ,�:_.
<br /> • � �E - avrard ar�a ciaim for damages. Bormwer fails to res�ond co Leader witlua 34)dap�a8�x�he date the aodee is given. f=•�: ,":;;'_,;i;z=`
<br /> Ixad�r is�to collect and aPP1Y�P�S•�iu option.Eith�m t�n aa rt�atr of the Prepetty or to the sams : , , ��:;r�"
<br /> °1'�� �6g t�is Security ht�meat,whedcer or not then dus. ��w��,-= ,.--
<br /> �- Y-`�` tTnIess IIxnder and Bormwer othetwise agee in writing, a�r applicattan of gr+ooeetts to principal shall not eatead or �; ,
<br /> `f� . postpoae c3�dae date of the mnmWY PaYm�ts refe�red nm m paragraphs 1 and 2 otchange the amount of such payraeats- �'•`�. w ��
<br /> agrap
<br /> � � � ' Il.�o a r o w�Nat R e t e a s e�;Fo r 6 e a r a u c e Sy F a�e r No t a W a iver.E x tension o f t h e d a t e f o r p a y m e n t o r m o d i f i c�n �'��;'�•,. ��
<br /> .. . .�.� of amortization of the sums sec�ued by this Security Iu�[cumem graated by Lender to auy successar ia interESt of Bomnwer shsit _ ��•��.
<br /> _ -: �t operate to retease the liab�7iry of[he origfaai Borca�er or Borcawer's saccessors in iateresG Ixader shall not be reqnicec�ta �;���
<br /> :�.i commeuoe pmceediags a�ainst any su�essor in.i�t or iefuse to extend time for paymeat or oWezwise modif}r amort�tion , �. �:�"�w-
<br /> •. . of the sums seaued hy th�s Securiry Instcameui 6gr ceason of any demand made hy the original Borrower or Bomower s �;•��=��:_:
<br /> �;, r�'�' successois in inte�es� A�r forbearance Uy Lemder ia execsisiag aay right or remedy shaU not be a waiver of or prectude�e `�s�; _
<br /> :5 ky,r e,xer�sse of aay right or mmedy. `'`� A=
<br /> . Pr 1 - . L�-.+.�.��.
<br /> ; � , �^,, 1Z. 5i.�sws and Asdg�a4 Bosmd;aosnt�Seve�a�L€ak�3y:Co�gaeis.The cavenants and ag�ements of t�is � ...� �,,
<br /> r's,'�, r '� Se�riry Inswment shalt bind and beneSt the svccessaas and assigus of Lender aud Borrower, subject to the pravisioas ef 3°` �_
<br /> ���� �� -
<br /> ,ryr. . ,'-' pa�ph 17. Bomawer'S ooYenanis and agreemenrs s�aU 6e jomt and Sever�l. A�y Bozrower wh0 co-s�gas this S�mrity :, ..._��.,��r �:--
<br /> ;• � ' � ''',:t;. Ipsamnegt but does not execute the Note:(a) is c�o-signing this Seauity Iflstrament onty to mortgage, grant and arnvey t3sa� '; j�,y;�.�_
<br />�v ', • Bormwe�s intecest ui ttte Pmperty under the terms of this SecvrIty Instrument:(b)is not�aliy obligdted to pay the sums --..-�;.•_�.
<br /> . . . '� � seaued by tLis Securiry Iastrument;and(c)agr�es that Lender�d any other Borrower may agce�Cn extend.mn�i�.forb�or � . ;&'�'6;
<br /> �ake aay accommodations with regazd w the cerms of tbis Securiry tnsuament or the Note without that Bori+a�ea's cansent. �; .:�Y ��"
<br /> , � 13.Loan CLa�ges.if the toaa sewred by this�ry Insuument is subjea to a law whicL sets ma�loaa charges. ..i,,,.::��,�•.--���_'
<br /> ..'., and that law_is fmaUy inteipreted so t1�at the interes�ar other Ioaa charges oollected or to l�coliect�l in wnnecdan aith the �_=
<br /> „ :,;:=��'�:�' loan eaceed ti�e permitted limits,then: fW EnY sueh loan ebarge shall be reduced by the aatouaL wecessary to reduce the ch��e �' �� " ..__-
<br /> :::;�`%xT• � to the peraru�a�d limit;aad N)auy sums aiready colleaed from Bucrswer which exceedod permiued limits will be refimded to �: =—
<br /> ��,.: . •:j�C����. �ormwer. �nd..pr may c]ioose to make this refimd by reducing�e priacipai owed uader the Note or by maktn�a direet - - --
<br /> ��'L,; . •F';;._;� �.ym� t.� �orcower. If a refi�ad reduces priacipal, the redualon will be tc�ed as a P�� OreDaYm�nt without aay � ��,:`. ` _
<br /> ��;Y•� �PaYmeatt�argeundertite Note. ��' . -
<br /> ���R� 14.�i�¢tii�.Any nodce to Borrower provided for in this S�cur�y Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by mailing � r ---
<br /> ;�,; f it by fiist d�ass mail aaless applic�ble!aw requlms use of another�xhod.The aoflce shall be direcxed to the Praperty AdQress .. -:
<br /> • .�:,;;%S. .,.�,.�u=...-`'
<br /> _ - .,,,, ar any ottser address Bonower desigaates by notIce tc� I.ender. Any notice to Leuder st�all be given by flist class mail to . -r.�-�'��:;-
<br />= � " � Leader's address stated herein or any other addrecs 9.�'er desigaates by notice w Bvrrower.l4ny notice provided for in this � � . �
<br />_� . �CUriry�'-u�nt shall be decmed to have been given to Borrower os Lender when given as provided ia this Qaragraph. " _.;�,,
<br /> . �'���`� I5.C�s�ning l.aw; Severab�. This Security Iasuument shall be governed by f�icaal law aad the law of the �R:_.:
<br /> � ����`� jnrisdiccic��which the praperty is te:�u+�,.�. In the event that any provision or clause of th�s�vrity Inswment or the Note `�n�,F
<br /> ,_ � �. � .�"':,�f': c o n t]t a s w l t h app li c a b le law,su c h con t I:c t s h a U no t a f f e c t o t h h e r p r o v i s io a s o f t h i s S e c u r i ry I n s c c ss�c e a t o r t h e N o t e w h t c h c a n b e -
<br /> _ • . • =�• � gtven effect without the oonflicting provision. To t�is end the provisions of this Security Iasuuvsent and the Note are declated ' � "
<br /> _ . . � ;�.�;: : to be severab2e. > . .
<br /> - � .,��;:��: 16.Bormwe�s Copy.Borrower s�z.il6e given oae confom�ed copy of tlte Note and of this,�vrlty Insuumeat. . � .�:.�F::
<br /> Foan 80 9! . .,iy5';$i,
<br /> _ . . .. : "'. ��6AINU�9a�s�.o� vayoao�6 iau�s: . . �';•,;�:�i�,':
<br /> . . ;r
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