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<br /> - ' S. H�rd os Ytaperty �mvr�uce. Botrower shall kcep the impmvements now e � or��aaer erected on the ° �- -
<br /> �.. ��� E'.��.:
<br /> ` : pmpe�cSr ins�ued against loss by fue. ba�ards included withia the ce�► 'exteaded coverage'and any other hazards. instudiag e< , � �. •. .
<br /> . . .� `... , flaeds or Qoadia,g, for w�ich teader requireg iasurAnce.This t++n,•a„�s shalt be maimained ia the amounts aad for[he paiods � , . . .:h �.
<br /> ,.. ��. �` that Leader requir�.The�n��.an�cairier pro�Eding the insurenre s h a l l b e c hosea by B ormwer su bject w l.e n der's appro v a! .. .
<br /> `` �.,'-�-.; which s6all aot be aareasonably wilhheld. If Borrower faiis to�amtam coverage desceibad above. l.eader may. at Ixnder's _ _ `. _
<br /> �.."'�"�' uprion.obtain oovecage co pmtect Lender's aights in the Property in aecordaaee witb paragragh 7. - . •`...
<br /> �, : t Atl insaranoe potiaes and renewrats sb�alt be aaceptat►!e ta Lendes and shait�mclude a staud:ud�artgage claase. l,�r �- -`?
<br /> . _, ' sball have the aght to hold the golicies�d reaewats.If LendQr requires.Bomower sbaU pmmg�y give to Leader aU recei�ts of . ,t � .,4
<br /> ' ga�d Premiums aad�enewal notices.ta tAs event of Ioss,Bo�rawer shail give pmmpt norice w the insuraace carrier and Lender. t: '` . �'
<br /> . - ieQder�aay make proof of loss if not mtde P�mP�Y bY Borcawer. .'�::V"^ `.
<br /> Y ' '.
<br /> __ ._ Untess Leader and Bprrower othetwise agree in wricmg,insurartoe pmeeeds shall be applied to restorarion or cepair of the � . � � ;'�-�.
<br /> propeny damaged.if the restoratioa or�is es�anomirally feas�le aud Lender's s�uity is not Iesseaad.If[he ieswratian or { . ` '::'-`� .
<br /> � �:�.t repair is nat econamicalty feas�le or leader's security woutd 6e lesseaed,che insaraaae pmaoods shall Oe applied to the suais '.. '"` :`
<br /> _ • sewied by this Secnrity instncment. whether or not ti�en Que.witL any euess paid w�mower. If Borrower abandons ttte ��`';';;°�:;�';''�� .
<br /> ;s,�: ,
<br /> s�� Pc+ap�cty,or does not answer within 30 days a notice from LeQAer that che insurance carrier Las offered co settle a claim.thea •�'y,.
<br /> � � . . L�der may colIe�c the�n�+,*�„os piooeods, lender mayr use the piaoaeds w repair or restoie the Property or w pay svms :j.`•�T'•:
<br /> . . - secured by ti�s Secauity Inst�um�nt,whaher or not theu due.The 30-day paiad w�l Degin wIlee�the aotioe is given. �'U::
<br /> . .. .•�.,. ` Unless i,euder aad Bomnwer othetwise ag�ee in writiag, an3► aPPlication of pcoeeeds to principal shall aot extend or '.. F,.�"_- :
<br /> �eu
<br />` �. �';r:= :: postpone the dae date of the moruhiy paymeats refe�red co in paragiapbs 1 and 2 or change the amouat af tbe paymeats. If . .
<br /> �, wadEr�h 21 the ProP�ti3►��N�b9 Ixader,Borrower's right to an}r insuranoe golicies and praceeds cesvlting fmm �'':
<br /> . `�-'•.. da��oat6e PraP�Y Prior to the�sitioa shaU pass to Lender to the exteut of the sums se�vred by tLis Securiry Iasaumeai ;:..'� ' •
<br /> , _._ ':.". :;•; ;;�m�rxr_,�y prior m the aaquisitiou . • . �.�:�,:.
<br /> -. � ��uey,PreseivatEon, -1�...�.�a^�s�Prai¢dtan of�tte�ty;�mrrower's Loan Appllta3tan,�ehalds. ; . . �-�"
<br /> iv
<br /> � ` : IIu���s6a11 oxupy,establlslt.�use the Property as Bomtwer's prinapai resid�ce�sitbin sixty days after the execudon of
<br /> ••.. �.=��1
<br /> - .���i;!; �' �� this Seaarity Iasuumeat and sha1l eontinne to oxugy the Preg�ccy as Borrower's prinapat residence for at least one year after ; ,
<br /> .� �`.���
<br /> ` • .��s�<�r`."'.��'` die date of occupancy.�mless Lxnder otherwise agnees in writiag,which oonsent shall not be anr�asonabIy�a,or�less - •
<br /> ," �•' exteanating cira�stanoes exist whicD are beyoad Borrower's oontrol. Bormwer shall not des[ray, damage or impair the �'�
<br /> . Pcoperty.allow the Praperty to deteriorate,or oommit waste on the Property.Borrower sLall be in default if aay forfetture l�: ��'�. .t:
<br /> •{ 1 , aaion or pmceeding,whaher eir�or crimmai,is begim that u+Lender's good faitd�judgment oonld resWt in forfeiwce of the � c�r�-:'
<br /> �`�`' .�%�'�� PcoFe�y'or otheiwise materialty�i�the lien enated by tLis Security Instrumeat or Le�ds s�uriry intecrst.Bsmoaixr may
<br /> ,_;r. . ;-s��!�
<br /> . '.:; aue s�a defautt and reinstate,���.vvided in paragraph 1�.�jr causmg the aqion or pmceeding to 6e dlsmissed wird�a n�ling it-' ss �,
<br /> . , f� th�, m Lender's good fait6 det�arioa, psecIudes forfeitnre of the Bomower's iaterest 9a the Pmp�r os o2h�matErial , ��tq�??�_;.���_�:`
<br /> ��• : s impa�mwt of the lien�iry�s Sa�itg Lvshument os I.ender's seattity iaterest. Borrower�also be "sa�efaWt if , -;,; �-:'
<br />-. . . . '? . « ,dnriag the loan appfic�tn¢���c�,,gzve materialIy false or in�e infam�ation or etatemems to LRa�ea f.r faited �. . ., ��'``
<br /> . �„r
<br /> , ;.;�,�:;,, ��
<br /> . , ;:�:� to p:ucir�e Lender with aay matcr�ar�.fonnation)in connecxion with the loan evldeacad byy the Nous.iacluding,bui u�2limited �:'��:;�'•;�`.i�
<br /> .`„.'_�, . ;�' 3 to,iepiesentations concerning Eom��r's oraipancy of the Prnperty as a priacipa!msidence.lf this Sec�ity Instr�ent is on a °;��;.�,
<br /> .. ;` leasehold, Bormwer.�hall comply with all tre�mvisions of the lea�e. If�ono�ver acqnires fee titte w the Properly, tha �:,•`„�,: .
<br /> . �n 1'''�"`_
<br /> �'��' leaseho2d aad the fee ride shall not merge u�l�s�cnder agcees to the m�rgcr in wrlting. '�' ` �f.
<br /> �if;_,.r• � ' a„ "_
<br /> '��;�{i�,��,;'>.;'t_ 7.Peotectton of I.ender's Rig�3s(n the PC��erty.If Borrower fa�7s va�zform the covepanu and agc�nents oontained in '�•'.•�;'i.'•:,`�
<br /> ;�f�:�'��'�.' ''- this S�s.vrity Instromeat, or there is a legal p m c e e d i ng t h a t�y s ignifican@y a f fect L e a�r's r�ghts i n t he Pmperty(gnCh as a .`�'"�,?'�',�� --.�
<br /> ��.. . , :�i
<br /> • �. ; pmper�►g in bauIaopuy,grobate,for coademnation or fo�re or to enforce laws or regulations),ihen Lendx:m�c�a aad :�`��''�`'�`��°
<br /> :�,�.
<br /> . , :.Y.;� . Pa3+�ss whatever is naoessary to protea the vaIue of the Propaty►aad Lender's rights in tbe Praperty. Leader's a��-'.s r�y "�,�'�'Y�--
<br /> im�dude PaYing anY sums secured by a l�en which has pr�orIty over this Secarity lnstrument. aPPeariag ln ooun, �r+S : -
<br /> • . ;`,.�" .� r�►.�able auomeys'fees and entering oa the Properry to make rcpairs. Although l.ender may take acxion nader this p..�grap� .; • ' �_�
<br />_- , .�. � ;, 7,�.�r daQS not Lave w do so. `;�;�='-^"^
<br /> ;..�.:: . : . �. My amwnts disbursed by Leader uader thls paragraph 7 sball become addidonal debt of Bomnwer seca�:by this . . —.;-.;;:.;;
<br /> , Security ltrsaument.Unless Borroarer and Lender agree to other terms of payment,these amouau shall bear interest from the '�
<br /> - ' ,. ' daze oY disbu�se�az at the Note rate and shall be payable, with interest, upon aodce from Lender to Borrower requesting `-'� ���
<br /> .:. , Daymeat. .��` _ ,
<br /> 'tir:,.� .:. . !L Mortgage Ias�suc�It'IIuader recryited mortgage iasutan4:e as a eondition of sascing the loan seeuted by t�:s Seauity :y��� �_'
<br /> .3.. . Instru�ant. Borrower shall p���e premiums required to rr.;��,.a3n the mortgage m�ce in effect. If, far any�on, the :�`�'�;, .-,..�
<br />- • � . mortgage Insarance wverage re.�ired by Lender lapses or oeases to be in effect,Borroa+er shall pay the premiums ims;uired to • ' . ,
<br />_= , . obtain wvera�e sub�tantially equivalent to the mortgage inrazaace previously in effect,at a cost substantially equivalent to the •.
<br />_ � •,, :; cost to Borcower of the mortgage insmm�ce previously in effea. from an altemate atartgage insnrer appmved try l.ender. If �
<br /> :� :•t;'�`.;. suhstanti2liy equivalent mortga�re iasuran¢e wverage is not a�rsi2able.Borrower shall pay to Lendei eacb month a�v$equal to . . .. . •
<br /> � one-swelflh of the earl mo "s�swance remiva�be' Borrower when the insurance cove sed a�r a�sed to ��•{� '�
<br />`r'.�, .,:�,f;s�; • Y Y �� s P �F�bY �� ;.
<br /> , 6e in effoct.Leader will�ca�t.r�and retain th�e yayments as a toss r�serve in lien of mortgage insurance. l.ae� mserve .
<br /> Fortn 30 '�• .
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