. .
<br /> . .. � _ _
<br /> -,"` - . .- ._.. . �: . . , . .. _ - _
<br /> . �
<br /> ,. • . � � _ . -,�� . `` , ` `� ` � . .
<br />. .- . . .V _ . � - _ . . . .. .�. . . .. . ._ . - ' ' _ < V A'Y ��"t / .[v.
<br /> -h C � ' � 1 . �..- � ..__ ` __ ....... - . _f
<br /> - .L' — T -z-3 Cr/m.� _ � . . -. . ��C .._C... . . . �K;... _
<br /> . � Gc�..�-ItGJJ�\..�._ ��.4� ......� _ .-. . .'___'"__ _. . tiv '
<br /> .. t l�Y . ` . . .
<br /> �. �w
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<br /> . t . . 'N`-...
<br />� : �. ; � - ° � ' g7����.d5 � . :.:�``:
<br /> ; ' '�' ; t wh�due.Tnu7or ; ' `
<br /> 14.DEFAUL�'1'eustor wll!'De ia�tt if�PaztY obllgated aa the Se�vred Debt fails w make paytneu
<br /> . . i will be in t iP�&��aatit9 i�IIB�s�he tena�of this Se�utitY iasuumeat ar mmy o�dn�B �fapt an i i .
<br /> . . ., . , se of �di g the Secured Debt. A gaod faith belief by 8ene • < .
<br /> � �y�����SP�t t 0�n.Y . O r e n t i ty o b l i�a t e d o n t h e S e�u e d D e b t o r t h a t t h e p m s p e c t Y P Y� • .
<br /> •'. �S ' sba1T also ooastitute aa evem of defauI� `
<br /> . , , .. :� the valae of the FmpertY imP ;
<br /> ;.,Ma+,c�a fedentl and state lav�will:equize Beaefici�y w pmvide TnLwr arith ``=�.;
<br /> �• y 1S.�DIES OPI DEFAUB.'S.In some , ',
<br /> , . �;�.. �� ! nod�e of ihe righi ta cute or other notises and m��establish d�r schedulcs for foreclosvze actions. Sub�'ecct to these :
<br /> - - limitations. if anp. B�eficia�Y �aY acceierate the Secuted De6t and forectose this SECUtity tnstran:ent ia a manaer �;r.
<br /> .._<;..�-
<br /> ,_� ——:.�.:.� piovided by law if'IYustor is ta def�h. -� :.
<br /> . . , At the option of Benefi '�y all or a�r part af the��d fees and charges.a�raed int��d p����� . . ' `'.
<br /> Be c �w� � � o� of a de ault or �y�me �d•�. •�
<br /> 'unmediatelp dae and payabte.,after givmg notice i�rMuired b3► � . ,
<br /> , • 'the�after.In additioa,Benefic�ars►shaU 6e eatitled to all the rem�edtes provided by law.the��o�e Secured I?ebt,
<br /> ' tbis Secnrity�eat aad anY related docaments.incinding withant limdtation.the pawer to P�Y• ,: ,,:'.'Y
<br /> -- in addition w aay other permhLed zemedY•at the of the Bs�efrciarY,advestise ``���:"--
<br /> . ' If there is a defautt, BasT�whosle or• in e�a�ate parceis ai pnblic�aron to�tte highess b�foz cash aa�oonvey absolute .
<br /> -- . � �` p�'ude�and c�l�f ail rIg�t.titte ands i�rest of Tmstar at sacb ti�and plase as T'�ustee designates-�'�tee si�1 g�e ' .
<br /> , ; notice of sale iminding d�trme. terms 2nA plaoe of sale and a desc�on af the Pn►PertY to be sold as teqa�ed bS'� ..
<br /> ' _ _` , �k�� applicable lavr in�'fect st the ismeof tks ProPase�t�e. . .
<br /> .,� F .'`,� Trustee shall make and deliver a deed to the PropertY ;" .;:'
<br /> Upon sale of the pmperty and w the ext�t r.ot pioht�ited by laar, ?Il fas, chazges and costs, shall paY t� '
<br /> ` " er, anc. aftet fii.ct Paying
<br /> r�� - sold wtucdi conveys absolute titte to ths p�.vch..; uens, �sessau.:ts and prlor enautrbrnnas and mte�est �-
<br /> � � �
<br /> _� ` ��`.. ':< < �.�-.":. Bw�ciarY all mone�advanced for�aus, taxes, ins�u�, the lus, if any. w Tin�swr. BeneSciazY maY ;�.' .. •.
<br /> . •� �,� °� theceon, and the pnnci�al and i�ere.sc on�e Sea�d Debt, P�8 �F . -
<br /> - pn�ase the pmperty.'tne recitals ia any deed of ac�'•�sace si�all be prlma facie evidence of the facts set fanh then�ia- ' ��` . .
<br /> _ � � .. =�� is¢ntitied to all�nedtes rovided at law ar _ -_.�.,'� _:_
<br /> -��. � All remQdies are distmct,c�m�lative aad mat exctu'siv�b the tieaeficiary�����oI p�p��� , ,
<br /> equity,whether or not expresslY set far�.7he acoep Y�� t , �'.
<br /> ` ` Is du��'ss aaxterated or after fo�ec osare pmceedings are 51e�shall nnt constmrte a ' � ,.
<br /> ;r ay )� : .�� Seciued Debt after the balance lete cnie of exisdng defaul�By not exercising any�emedY on't�astor's ':;� 4 =� :
<br /> ` waiver of Benefidary's Aght w reqaice oomp �Y , .1�� �
<br /> r� .��,+• .�. def�lt,Sene&CCiseY does not waive Beneficiary's right w lsier coasider the eveat a default if it continues or I�appms ag,ain. F�,,� ..
<br /> i tt��,�#' � �-��.�"«'?�
<br /> -_ +'.:�' C�I.LECI'�ON CO.ST3. Except .'�.�,°,: "`
<br /> - ADVANCES ON C�B�iMii'S; ATTORI�IEY3' FEES; � ..."�"'-
<br /> y� if Tmstor breaches any coveaant fin tbis Se�.� f � � � ``
<br /> • . lb. E�N�b� �w.T�astOr ag�s�n aIl of Benefic�acy's e�s� :;;,� Jr
<br /> T�ostar w�71.also c� amoimt utcarred b B�ci�► g,�8 p�g� .� , �'
<br /> . _ o�p���������s��y�,� f anit' bear Interest fc�m the dase e$� ,,��:� .�, , .�
<br /> • , pa��p�m�g��E����t�i.�eff�t as prn����►�s o�f the Secu¢ed DeBat��ustor agtees +>c��{'�.
<br /> . . . � p � �� � �Ses in� b�-y�Ber.��.�y in ooiToctIng, or tecpng B�efi�'s righ� and + �, : .,
<br /> �1I�CT�IIS SECdIlLy Indmm�L�i s aso�t maY i�1�.1�t is a�i I�t�t o.��'f�•���,.��•- ��r .-- ` .
<br /> _�;
<br /> , other 2� e x peoses. 'Ibis Se�auitg� Iastcument s�ali remaia� e#fect untII released. Trastos agrees w pay fot. � :,�r =
<br />� �,. . � `:;�_� recardatact�wsts of st�h release. ':,�r :�' •
<br /> "�'I�A.
<br /> , � ,}. n'7�� ���p��`�{ p�� ��7�(����ID���y����p����T/�p� /�,,„�,.� S� *t,,�,(T)�tIVIrD/�� /� �ZSW � �a .
<br /> ' ". . rl�. �lV•il��l\l�fL•L�aL'LiO�lKla�S tfl�l/i�lf(�fli�YWVw`f D{ID►7fIL�Vl"p� fL�^�..�L LelQ��� OW7��� •Y �,r�yLA 42 ' k/ r7i�.
<br />' ��j • . „. IOL'allSs Vfl�LZ10II1���s iTIC COIIl�1IP.�ICAS�VB�+.,.'^`t�i''��mCII��D�s ��'�'�"" ef� • �� .., ��'.
<br /> ado��.Qrdiaancw court o czs,attamey genetal
<br /> • ,,�; U.S.C.9601 et seq�,aad all ott�fedetal. staie amd local laws, regul ' •a�(Z) �� �`� "•'�`a-
<br /> - • 't'� opinions or lnterpseuve t�teis con�g the pnblic health.safety,welfare,e�ironm�t or a hazatdous substaace, , : jo,.
<br /> ' _''�':�r,'j Ha7ardous Substance means anY tauc. tadioactive ar hazarQoas maYerial. waste. pollur�¢t or contaminant which.ha� ` :
<br /> c�iaractecistica whi�L� sandrs the substance dangemus or got�aaliy dangerous to the pu�,ic hesith. safetY, welf�ot �= .°
<br /> � eavlronmea�7�e tea�e s�slndes.arlthout tiaaitatioa,a�q substancea defined�s"ha�ardous material,° °wxic snbstanc�ea; ._� ,� •_
<br /> .. � "hazardous wasre"or�azardons sabstaace"under�y Emlmnm�ntal Law• ' ,':-�,:
<br /> .. �.-
<br /> �� � . . � .�t •-
<br /> ' � �. Tmstosrt�p.�esents,wananss and agrees that: t�es of Haza�'�s .�h ,
<br /> ' �� A.E�t as previously diaelosed aud ac�ow2edged in wri�co Beneficiary.no Haz�rdous Sabstaace is or s�~.�be . _
<br /> . . .� .; r � locatea.etorat or reteased on or ia the Pmperty.Thia s�iv.ion does not apply w smaU quanti �. -_
<br /> ; : � � y ' Suhstances tbat�e generally reco�m z e d w beappmpriate for the narut�uss and mo:...enrrs af the Ptoperty. *� �ti F.:
<br /> • B.�xcept as pre��s�:y d i s c l o s e d a a d a c l�o w l e d g e d i a w ri d n g w B e n e f�P.Trastor aad ev e r y se�t t�ave been,are. _
<br /> � ��� �': `' aad sIiall remain�fu11 complianoa with aayapplicable anvimmnein�tal�t�. , � _
<br /> .�; . .:. mne
<br /> ' . ',°;;��, C.Tcastor sLa11 i m m e d iate ly no d f y B e n e R c�ary i f a r e t e a s e o r t t u e a t e n e d r e i e a s e o f a H a z a r d o u s S u�r a nce�on� .
<br /> _ ; • :�,.��,��, nndet or aboat the Fropertp�a there is a violat3on of any F.nvi:o�ental Iaw concemin�the Property .. ,,,
<br /> ?",�1? event,Trustor shall take aU r�saN remed�al acdon in axardaace with auy Envimnmentsd Iaw. '' Y:'
<br /> ' � D.Trustor shall i�rdiately natify Beneficlary in wridng a�s soon as Tn�stor Las rrasoa to believe there is aaY pen_ding �;;
<br /> = r ': •'�. or thseatened iae�stigatton, claim, or pa�c�ing relating w the release or Wieatened release a� �y Hazardons
<br /> _ . � Substance o:�e�iolation of any Envira�al Laa+. •,� :
<br /> ;4 �;. , . -
<br />::�.,. . '� . .. la. COND�NINATION.Tn�swr wUl give Beneficiary pnompt r.��af any►peading or thmatened actlon,bY�nivata or pubtic �
<br /> � entlttes W pn�a�or tE!ce a�r or all of the Properiy througti oe�emnaiton,eu�inent domain ot aay�ther meaas.'df�sswr .
<br /> .��, ... ':.';, authazizes BeaeSci�g ua iateivene in'IYustor's name in aay of the above d�scribed aarons or claims.Tncssor a�;�w , � .'.�� '
<br /> . . . �. '.-. geneficiaty the pmo�m�any aw�d or claim for damaga���a��on or other ta�oi eal or�y+ ..
<br /> ° �"'��; �: , and iv6T� be applied av rovidod in this 8ecurlty .
<br /> ���:���,<.'��. part of thep��rty �proceeds sbatl be conskdered paymeais P ";�" . '
<br /> -',�� ,., . � Instnmaent.'I1�is ass3gnment of praceecls ia subject io the terms of a�}►prior mucrtgage,deed of nust.sec�ty agta�nt or ;;;°',
<br /> �.� other]ien dncumsat. :5;:`�;
<br /> .. • � ;.1. ..<<.
<br /> - 19. INS1lHANCE.Tr+�stor shall keep I'mPertY iasured again.�t loss i�y fire,tload.theft and other hazards aad rlaks reasc��ly •.�� : :� �
<br /> `� assaciated witb the PcopertY due w 9tsty and lacatioa. 'Phis i�sura�o�srall be maintained in the amounts aad far the . .
<br /> y,• �. ' pedods that BeaeSciary+ uires. The tuspurance carrier provld'mg the in�aace shall be chosen by Tivstor subject to •
<br /> req ts
<br /> - • � � Beneficiary's appmval. wl�ich shall noi be unreasanably withlceld. If Tn�stor faila to mafintain the coverage dc�arlbed . . .
<br /> � . , a6ove.Beneflciary may. at Beneficiary's opflaa.obtaln coverage to protect Beneficlary's rights in We Property according
<br /> � ` � to the tem�s of thts Serurtty instn�meat• �
<br /> � All iasurence poltcies and reneu+als shall be acceptabie to Ee�'sary aad s�all include a staadard"moagage clause"and, ', .
<br /> �� ;.�:;�;; where appllcable. "loss payee clause." Tn�stor sball imm..°d'aa_teIy aotify Eeaefi ' of cancellation or tesnuination of the ,
<br /> :.�:;;;�,; . • ' insurauce. Beneflciary shail have We right to hold the polic�es and sea�cval�f Beneficlary requires, Trostor shall ` .� :
<br /> - immediately glve to Beneflciary ali receipts aF ,d p�emivaa� and renewal noticea. UQon loss. Trustor shall give •
<br />-�:,,�. ' . �+�+��+ArP not�ce to the inbvrance can�ier and B clary.8e�efrciary may malce pmof of loss if not made 9mmediatelY by ' .
<br /> �. , Tmstor. •
<br /> . fp e 1 �
<br /> . - . � �. . 079948�kms5ystam7.InC..St.C�wA.MN 11�0039743G71 FamNE-DTJYE 12Q3A8 -
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