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z 4.�__'�—� . , ;r � .�i� J.AC:'`: r <br /> -- -�..;^'"•' <br /> F'�F—' ,"'`___.�: �� . ° ":=z— �: -- __ - ' ,. : <br /> .`.. z' `" ` _ ` ^ � ' ' ` cti_ r; }�:; <br /> , . ' �. 'f- , , ,r � .` . : ' i x;. <br />�--" - � -, ' `<�'c�_`�,^�:i:'r . � - . . ` � . �i - __ .. . . .. . . . g: �� :��i�, �- �5.: � <br /> -. . _ _ :."�•s_. �--�—•—�'"" ' ' __ __ _ _ _.� '�' .t_..:_„-. ,_„_ —'_ � '- _. . . . �"' '__...�_� _ {, `� � y_�. <br /> ('' , ' ' �—i+ .-__ _�..a.� — -`:C f--.. <br /> —_- .�' , . ii t ..��:LJCu, <br /> - '_ _" _ — _'_-_'_-_ _ '`.`1'_ <br /> I . i <br /> � �. _` �7� �o�s � � � �::� . � <br /> B.AU ftituie advancea fmm Beaefciary to Tiustor or other future obli�a ans of Tnuwr to Beneficiary nuder auy ��: �"� ' <br /> � pmmis�sory�te.wutract,guaraary.or otlter evideace of debt eaecuted by Ttustor in favor of Benef'iciary executed � <br /> after this 5euuity Iast�n�t wh�her or aot thie Security Iasuumenc is specificaliy mfeiefloed. lf mnre than one � <br /> p�on signa this Se�uiey Ia�uum�t. �si► Trustot agees Wat [6is Security Insuumemt will so�ue all fuuue j : <br /> advauces aad futnte obli�o ns that are�iven to or ia�by any one or moie Tcustor,or any one or mon Tnistor � � <br /> and otl�s.All Potsue adwruces an�ather limue oblisations are sec�red by this Seauky Insdimnmt even thougte all ;' - . <br /> or part may uot y�be advanced.All f�ure aQvaaoes and oth�fuuue obugations are secvred as if made oa the date �� " ,. <br /> � - � af this Sec�rity Instn�t�t. Notfilng In this SecutitY Instcument sball oonsatute s oommitmQnt w make additionat or �______,.—_� . <br /> r,,,,...-.�.,� f11I11IC 108I1S Or 8dN811CB8 jI18IIy AIIID11IIi.�89ICd1 CODITA�Ut1�11B118��E'8$iEE�t0�118 Sf�5f8t@ WFiI�II$. - `': <br /> Il <br /> - - C.All obligations Tn�swr owes to Beaefici�p.a+hic6 may lazei arise.taajh�t not p�mFu�bited�by�lawfia siou� � - <br /> . . but not limited to, liab�itiea for avecdrafts retatiag m any depos -- • , <br /> . Beneficiary. :�;: .��•: <br /> D.All additioaal sams advanoed andex�nses inraared by Benefiaary for insuring,p�ese�ving or othawsse proteczi�ag ,?:. . . :� <br /> . the Pcoperty and its vatae and aay otber sums advanr,ed and expeases incarred by Benefic�ary uader the terms of this ��� s:.- <br /> . -- -- - - SeGltity I�SUIIT�CDt. .��`' . ;�;�:- <br /> . 'EtLg Ser�ity Insttu�ent anU nat secure aay other debt if Ben�aaiY fails to give aay cequired aotice of dte right of `.. T� ` <br /> . � rescissIon. , i>.. ;��� <br /> - � , 5. PAYMENTS.Tn�stor agcees that all payme�ts ander the 5e��.med Debt will be paid when due and ia accordance ariih the I `� :; <br /> - te�ms of the Secured Debt aad this Secanty Insa�eat. � � -,t <br /> 6. �VAg2RANTY Oii 1TTLE.Ttustor warcants that Tmstnr is or wili be latvfWiy seized of the estate oonveyed bq this .�': :: °' �{:-�---s° <br /> , , 3easity Insdument aad�as the right w irrevocably graat,coavey.and seli the Pioperty w T�.ia trust.wnh Fower of . ,: �`,•, , <br /> sate.Truswr also warrants that the Pmpertq is tmeacc�beced,e�u�t for ens�brances of reoord. I'•:�"_� ;". �� _�_.;. <br /> �, `�:. ' . <br /> - ,..,:. <br /> : �7. p1tIOPt SECUR�T1i II�S1�.With regatd w aay other mortgage.deed of tmst. ser�ItY agc+�at or other liea , � <br /> documem thai c[eated a prior sec�ity imterest os euaimb�on the Ym eKy,Tiastor agrees: � , <br /> . .. 1.�=:� A.To make all paqments whea dne aad toperform or comply with all cav�. , � L <br /> _. �. .�:;' g.To pmmpfl� y deliver to BeneSc�y any nottces Wat Trusmr receives fmm th�ho�der. , , ,� �� <br /> e <br /> ' C.N o t t o a]i o w a n y m a d i 5 c a ti o n o r e a t�s i o n o f,n o r w r e q aest a a y fumae advaaces imder an y note or a�t '.s� � { <br /> r_� . ._ <br /> r seaued by the lien doamdeni withou�t Beaeficiary's paor wnues�consmt. , <br /> am en t ou <br /> . . ;>`� ,.. <br /> f �. CLAIM3 AGAIl�iST TiTLE.Truswr w�71 ay all ta�.�ts,lieas,eacaimbr�ces,lr,ase payments,Smtmul zents. . `�.:.�r � <br /> � -- -� ---� u�ities,and other cGarges relat�ng w the�when du�BeneBci�q maqcequu�e Ttastor w prnvIde w Bea�ficiary ' �.s.� <br /> ' ar . � � <br /> �.-.. c�r`r�of all notices tUat sucti�oimts am dne the�ozipss evtdencing Tcustor`s paym�t Tsaswr wifl deba�d tids to , �- � �:_ � <br /> tt�e L�reperty against an ciaims that would impair the lien of this Secutit�► Insort�n� Tnistor ag�es to T to , �Y.; '- <br /> zn <br /> < . � Beaet¢ .as�eqrz�t�1sy Zenefcaaty,any r�ghts.clattav or defenses Trustor may have ag�inst parties who suppl�or _r.,, <br /> ' , • or a[a��' s to�or 3mpmve WeyPrapscQg. �,r M `, ,�, ` , <br /> ,, , `. .' . t F,,t <br /> 9. DUE ON SALE 4#�IR ENCIJIIlI�Ii�ANC�:Ti�ciary may,at its optioa,�ctate the enii:e balaace of the Sacuced De6t to � `'� %:, <F�' r�`-= ` <br /> • <br /> � ° be imutediately due sud pay-drir���oa ti�e aealian of.or coatzacK for tt�creation of. lien, encum6ianoe.uaasfer or � '�' �C ;° ; <br /> '���'�., sale of tbe Properiv.�'his r:���ject fo the testricaons imposed by federaI law'(12�.F.R. 591).as appHcai�Se.'ILis N,... ; <br /> �:y remaia ia effect tmt�the Se�,vred De�t is paid 'm fnU aud this Secucity I. �� s,'",< <br /> - ; ��• Cove�nant shall c�is�th the aud sb�11 ':; •�.u:�_� <br /> .� . ��= .ti�� <br />' •�:,�s� Insmrment is n'.�.'.. • �;: ;. .�3�-' <br /> .. _. .. 10. PROPERTY CONDTd'ION,ALTERA�'IONS A1VD ll+�"SPECriOl�t:A*astos willk�p the Pc�sty in c.onditian ;. �:�ffr - <br /> and make aIl airs that are reasonab�iy necessary. Tnutor shal� aot w�e or aitow any waste, ��ment. or �-�-` � <br /> i• . ;: :�.�:_ <br /> , . dete�ioration of�e Property Trnswr will ke�p the Pcogecc�f�e of sroxious weeds and g�asses.Trustor ag�rs rbai the ;�:.•� �.� <br /> � , � ��. r:.,° . <br />_- � nata�e of the ox�ncy and use w�l not substantlaUy cban�e wishout Benefi s prIor written wnsen�Trustar�nat ,,w ..Y:�-. <br /> �. aU <br /> T� p�rmit aay chan�ii aay lic�se,resMsave coveoant or easement wit��:s Beae 's prtor written conse�t.'lh���11 �:': - ��:°:;:. <br /> °v`. '(. �i: notify Beneficsa��!E all demands.Proceediags.ciaims. aad aaions�„�st TYustor, and of anp D:nss or dam�ag��a the ' ��:�` _`_� <br />�,. . , � p�p�. �:��_. <br /> ` ,' ,' ,i' Benehciary or Beneficiary's�,� Benefl 's opt�on.enier d.�P7operty at a�r reasanable tlme for the e u �---"- <br /> ��• ' `'�. :1 ol9nspecamg the properry. ciary shall giv�ur naflce at the time of or before an iaspecdoa f' g a % - <br /> .��•xP <br /> reasonabie for the i�on. Any inspect�oa of;he Prugerty sha11 be eatirely for BeneFc�ary's utd ���y,,,.�,ti_ <br />� - ' ` r� _ <br /> �.,i 75nstor in res�aay rely on 8eiary'a iaspectton. � •s <br /> �., � . :,'�j . .. r-• �?;yr.. <br /> c.'. �. <br />-y !i. I.. �,�.� �_,,y... <br /> ii. AUTHORITX 4�A��YtFORM. if TYustor fails to perfom�any datF.�'a�r of the covenants contained in this Securlty . <br /> � � 1„ ,,,,en�, B�'�Y�Y. without nofloe. perfoim or cause them w be otmed. Tn�swr appoints Benefislary as � � , � <br /> m <br /> atta.m�y ln f�us sign Tn�'s mm�e or pay any amonnt necessary for perto�imance.Beneficiasy s rIght to p�ar9 for � . — <br /> ;�' Tr�o,:s�a:3�cs cseate ea c�':.�ion to perform.and B�piary's failure w gerfo:m will noi piaclude Benefrci�r.fmm � : ,:��;'�..,� <br /> . . � exer�,�-ing �8 T�eficiar�'s�er righta nnder We law rn this S�erity Iaso�um�t.lf aay consuucdon on the�r ! .;`?�.'�. — <br /> �F i.. '� '.: . <br /> T;`: _ . ,/. is disFonttn¢e��rr,.�a cariied on in a reasora'�,'.�manner.Beneficla�y r�ay take siU steps aecessary w pmtect Benef auy a : : • <br /> sepulty lntereat i�ri+i:FaopenF.inciuding oa�letion of the construccqn. , + <br /> '' � � � 12. ASSIGNIV�NP Vr����E�TD RENTS.Tmswr ia+evocabIy,grants. conveys aad sells to 7Y�stee,in uus3 for the ��` '�:; '�+�`, :. <br /> .,� ;,t.� fzjf� , ,� <br /> �=� �. . . , b e n e fl t o f B e n e fi a�>��s e c�u l t y a l l t h e r l g k¢ a i�3 e a n d m t a r s t in and w aa y and aU exisda g.or futa�Ieases, �: !,,,;r,,:�;,<.,�;. <br /> ;�,,, subleascs,aud acy c� RTfttas or verbal agreements f�u1�.use and oaupancy of aay ortion of the Prap�ty,imcfia d i a� , �,,,�f�a�;i r.���;.�; �.. <br /> a�r exte�sioas.s�wala.mndifications or su6stiWtiuns o;s^.a,�agr�3s(aIl ref�to aa"Leases")aatl renas.iss�es � '�;L4?.;.. <br />',�: ' and� profits (all a�erred io as °Rents"). Ttustor arill prnmgtIy mvr.�x Benefcciary with we and wcrect wp�es� of all s�r� ` •�= . <br /> �. existing and fucz�¢lxases.Tmstor may colloct,receive,eejmy�ase�e fitents so long as Trustor is not in defaz�it�der : . � : <br /> the tenas of tWa Security insuument. •?� `�'',: <br /> i�.: � , ' u;Y'% <br /> . Truswr acknowtedges tbat this assignment�s perfected u�c�t�e recording of this D�d of Trust aad that B�siary is ' •,.,' <br /> ��° � � eatiued to notify any of Tnutor's teuants to make payment of Rents due or w becomr due to Beneficiary.I�owever. j• � <br /> � " Ben�ciary agrees tvat only on defauIt will Beneficiary notify Tmstor and Trustor's tenants aad make demand thai all ; <br /> ' � future Reats be aid dlrectly w Beneficiary.On receiving notice of defaul�Tnutor wllI eadorse and dellver to Benetici <br /> _<�� ' '. any payment of�ents in Tnutor's pussessioa and wW re�ive any Rents in tru5t for Beaeficlary a�wlll aot oommia� ��. � . <br /> �:...� , � the Rents with any other fimds. Aay amounts coll�ted wlll beapplied as provlded in this Se�vdry Inswment. Ttustor , <br /> . : wanants that no defaWt eaists under the Leases or any applicable iaadlord/ten�t law.7hutor a�so age�to maintain and "� . <br /> _ � � require any tenaat w comply with the terms.of the Leases aad epphcable law. . � <br /> �`; ` 13. LEASEHOLDS; CONDOMIIVIiJMS• PI.ANI�TEE� i1N1T DEVEIAPMLl�i7'S. Trustor agrees to comply with tlie • <br /> � .:� provisioas of aag lease if this Security�lnswment is on a leasehotd.If ihe Property inetudes a unit in a condominium or a �� <br /> �;:� planned unit developmcn�Tmstor anli perform all of Tn�stor's duties under the caven�tts,by-laws.or reguladons of We �, � . , <br /> �, oondominium or planned uait development. i.. . '; <br /> _ � (.; - <br /> r <br /> k <br /> , � a 41 �, , <br />.. . q- „ 01990 Bantrta Sys'1rt+s.Inc..St.pou0.MN 11�B00-39143A11 Farm RE•OT�IJB 12lt3199 � �� � <br />- '-��-�-- ----.....�---_..1 ��.:—:�..::.i:_-:___. , <br /> ' ( _. .___ ____ . -� . � �,f..-_ _�_'..�..``� <br /> . • 1 � E; _ � <br /> � � - - <br /> : --- -� <br /> .._ _ ... ._. � � . .. ,. . . .. ....... .....:.�:� <br /> ._ <br /> . .... . :,ti <br />