r ic � r�+teF E. .;( ... . � . u� � F ..
<br /> "T.�F': Yt -� _ f�4 ��I _
<br /> P,3 _ - s s h}-°
<br /> �r C�`.,t��y�J'�d'1� : � � 3 �.. ��f c�'Z,'Mt fi.-3'."i�t "�tuy t,� --
<br /> +cw�(itv.�,rtu _. �.t�..a...l�ulfv�..n...v....._.� ,L.. _. .......,......, ---- _'_`— --
<br />:: ;��$.��. . . , cj � 9.18'QO
<br /> �%irs,-n7i�t�. � Bortoww mry ars euch •ddwtl �nd nN�MU.�s porldxf N �ipoph to, by uviMp the �c11on or proca�6ip to be —
<br />� fi•��A,"r 5��. dQN{tOJ Wilh�f11AfIQ�Ilhi,N LM1dNS poGd I�:Ih dHemiYUllon,DlxWdOi IoddNre ol lha BGROtteY6 HldOet N Ih0 PropNty a =---
<br />�'�t ��s,r} o1hN rr�taNl Yrp�Ymenl of th�Nn pe�t�i by thlc &a�Ny Intlnimml or Lender'e aewrNy Nlae�t. Bortavx alul��o F� _
<br /> �r 7 .i... N dal�ull II Oaroww,durin0 th�lan�ppiulbn procn+,Wr�r�ulaWy fu�or Wecunte Inlomullon or sktanents to LenrHr � ="
<br /> � �
<br /> s� 7S� ��' (a tie,d to�uorM3e Lmder wXh any nutwW Ntomwtbn)N connenbn vR.h Ihe lo�n cvldenud bY 1he No1e. Mtludnp, bN � ; ___. . . .__. .
<br /> r
<br /> 3 g� ���' not iMYal lo, r�presenutlona ooncemNp Bortowa's ocap�ncy ct the PropMy �a a prNdp�l realdenee. II thls&curlH � -t -
<br /> ��"a"�:zj� In�INmenl la on s le�sehold, Borcawa ah�1 conqy w:th�II Ih�prode�ons oi the le�ne. II Uonowx�cquYes lee GJe to Ih� �r��. � � k:-��
<br /> Jt,;,jt�J�h.: Propay,the IasehoM�nd lhe lee tiUe shJ not merqe unless Lender aqrees to�he maga In wihJng. 4 "�`; . -;—:
<br /> � � r �, 7.Prot�ctlon of Undu'e RtqMa (n lho Proputy. u eonower ieris lo pedorm tho oovenmla end�qennenis r .=� 1 °3 r .'
<br /> Y3��� ,;�` wM�NM N lhls 9ewrlly InsWmmL or Ihde Is e ItpW proceedn0 th�t rtuy slgn.�.�unty etlecl Lenda's AgF.ls In ihe Moperly � -v �c� fi}7,��
<br /> � =?. (euch es e prxeeding In b�nfauplcy.prob�tq tor condcmn�tlon or fode@um or to mlorco lews or repule'JOns). ihen Lmdtt may �3,{, 4 Qsni1 •__. .
<br /> r�l�e ?� do�nd p�y for whrtte�er is necess�ry la proleci Iho vatuo ol�ho Propcaty end Lcid t'S f.9h�s N Ihe Proputy. LondeYS ullons �Z.iy � -;
<br /> ,,, mey Inctude pry'n0+oY sums sewred hy a Ben whleh h�a pdor.ry ova this Sewdty InsWmenl, appeai'ng !n eoml, prytng � - ��� .
<br /> + rensonabie etiomeya'leos and mtwNg on lho Propny to meke rcyaYS.Alhough Lmdx may lite actbn wel�r thFS parogrnph - �`� � �'�.� _
<br /> � , ; 7,taider does not hare to di so. t ` k 4 �,
<br /> -���'�:-';t�'i'. M y avanta 4556vrsN3 LY lerMr cndtt parAfireph 7 sAzl C�.�"em� actYCCVr1 drJt o1 Borto�vtv se:ured by this � � . . '. =.
<br /> f%}�: '9`. ,
<br /> � . S�:,utty Avs7r,r�:siP_UntTSS 6.avna ay1 lA�dcv agrra to eS2r taxs ot pa�mpnL thtso um.r�ts ahall Lear Interasl tm^+ ��!f�3e, te41�y�,�'
<br /> :Q L`ro di?a ef�;7:r3cnmt at 4lx�a'a�x':z A.d shzl Me{�Ya}ir,r�Gh Sitst3l,c9w�no'�ce frem:e�tltr to O.ncair req�rs¢n3 � 1?�t(ti��1sl�;S`��f Si�:'�
<br /> -f ': paymmi. 4 iY�'41�tY�`s3+ �s6�
<br /> 3 -- -- 8. �S9'C71t�l�JD 1n3177?IICO. 11 lendx�ct�:ce[:v.��`33ga fw:�a�M as a ecn;2on ot maNnp tho Icn+ s-xu:ed kY=hs f l: �r '�t >r --
<br /> « �`�!: Seu:nry Instrummt, Dcrtower aheil Cfly the D«w��oqutetl ia mintnh R.a maK3a3e hsure�co ts etlat Il,6s tn+reason,S:a - ;r� Fj' +,tz r -
<br /> ���tir jiRzx f7 mortpeSO insureneo corempa�equSed by lmdtt lapsea or eeases:n bx N ei'ra. Oo�cwer s9a1 pay Ihe prmAums req�aee-J.e� � � , .e ti.,'s'* z�l �-
<br /> y. . ,:w� obloi.�wrem e subsla�iin� equNNerct to the motl y M etletl, rt a cost scbalenl4 OquNaiml to 3�e �� `
<br /> B ly qo90 insurnn[o ,nrcv'.wx �' y�l����3��E uy'`4�f .
<br />-%�'?4'4�"%��++"� wst to Bortowtt of tho mwt e trisurencu reviovs In o9eU, hom nn allemnfe motl a e bsurer �pprored b Lmde�. 11 �>"fi � s . r`;�
<br />�,.�.a�� �(r,' Ba0 P b BE Y l �fr
<br /> aubatnnlio7y eGuNnler.l morlpago inaurenco covcra6o ts not nv�ila:lo, Oartowel sha71 pay to Lendtt each month p sum equal to ��_�:. ., i ,�,�;
<br /> � 1� •
<br /> A qp�,�cf.�! onaMeiith ol lhe yee.�y mong�pe fnsurnnca premWm 6e1n8 Paltl 6y Oartmxer whrn iho Insumnce covaege L+psed or ceesed lo - -- .
<br /> ���t �] be in et(ecL Lendcr WT acupl, uso antl relain those payncnls es a loss reserve In Iteu of mmlgepe insuronu. Loas reserve - � ��{ k' -
<br /> '' � fb s.h peymmM mey no longer Ue«qWred,at the opllon ol Lender,il mortge9e Insurenoe covttego (�n Ihe amount�nd ior lha pedod � �i . *'* ''
<br /> ),r �_t.5? thnl Lcidct rcqu4os)provltled by en Lisurn epprored by Lender ngafn 6ecomos avel!ablo nnd Is oblsinM. Bortowe sheG pay �` r-1 f�;�{,�a^
<br /> !, '.;�,�� ;?�� Iho premNms reqakM to m�h�h monp�qe Inwnnu N elfecl, or to proride •loss reservo,un�l the rryuiremmt lor matyn9e �,�t �r ,_,
<br /> r'qt���.�.. Naunnce enES in�aord�nee wilh�ny wrttrn�preement belwecn Bortower�nd Lender w�ppiubla kw. ; , i c•.n�•�:
<br /> ,Y,,,,�, 8. Insp�clion.Undw or fie�yenf rn�y m�k�rafonibU ntdes upon�nd InspecYOns ol th�PropMy. Lende sh�B ghe - : y,_ '._i)� �
<br /> � .,����i�;`•�1� 8ortown no4W�t Iha ikne ol or D�or lo�n Ns aVon s raaonibte uuse lor the ha ecCOn. ' �' "`����=h�i;.
<br /> ' - P P�M�9 P �,�, ;..'..:�,.{.�, .._,.�.
<br /> � �'•'� iD. COIIdNtlnMlOn.Th�proceWs ol any�wud or ckYn tor Mm�qes, dreci or wnsequMlNl.N wnnR7on wnh any . -� - ,; _
<br /> - - ��� wndxm�tlon a other I�king ol�ny D�tl ol ihe Propaly, or tor conve��nu N Geu ol wndxnn�0on, u�ha�by uslyitd and t"�.' N �� ' #
<br /> -;: 4`�r shM 6�Ptld to Lendx. .r'J��fi?:;��,�,�r',j;'_:{:
<br /> �4 }3
<br /> `� . In the aent o� � lotd t�kYi9 0l tne Property, the procecds shA be �pp[ed lo the sums seared by th6 Becud.y --�4;�ea :.
<br /> ;'��� InsWmenl,whNhn a not lhen due, wlth�ny excese peld to Oortowa. In Ihe evmt oi a pu141 teNny ol the Propr�ty in , j��J�C ;
<br /> ��+ sr lF%f. whlch the NY mvkn value ol the Propary Ynmeda:ey before lne tUdn9�s equ�l lo w B���K tnm Ine�mount oi t�e aums -.yy�.i
<br /> - ':�- aewral by this Bearfry InsWmenl immedateiy 6elao Iho tekin8•unless Dortowtt and Lendtt o:hmNSe �an in wM.Ng, ihe ��-:•t+H -�
<br /> r � '� sums sewred by lhis Bewri.y Inswmmt eheY be rMucM by tha amouM of Ihe prooeMS mu!Gp6ed 6y the IollowU:g fmclion: - 7 . ;l ��(ir{_
<br /> ;"�,, (e) the lotd unounl ol tl�e su.ms sewred Lmmetl'ulay beloro the tefJng,d+Aded by (b)tho Ia4 ma�kel vallo oi tho PropeAy '�:.=� - '�-��;;�'.'A' -
<br /> . Immedal be;ae lhe tekin .M ba'snw she0 be aid lo Oortower.In Iho rmnl ot a mtlal IeYJn oi tha Properry in whioh ' �dr�,::�f�d�=�
<br />_ ' .1. �;.:.,i� �N 9 Y P P 9 �:�'.: �•:'.P.._ . :
<br /> -- , tho Iair market valuo ol lho Propny ImmctFateF�beloro tho tuYkip is less Ihan Ihe amounl ollha 6Y1�5 6CGVtfd NN1lY�ialE�' . ( ��'
<br /> - �-�' hcloro tho teldng, ualess �ortower end Lmdtt olhmNSO a8�eo L� w�hir.g or unlass epp:icab!e tnw othemise proNdes, lhe -. -- 5 "��^
<br /> t S'4 �.
<br /> l 6{'�. proeeeds ahel be eDDSed to Ihe wms secvred by Ihls Securiry Inslrumenl whN.htt or not tho sums are thm due. .�2� r'���k_(`'
<br /> ' :t�j��tf��' 11 lhe Property is abandoned 6y Oonowr, or N, elltt notico by Lender l0 6onowtt thet Ihe COIIA¢1M01 011M6�0 rtldk0 8:1 _ .;'q��,'� ; _ �
<br /> ,� f ' eward or seNe e e'z:m for damoges, Uortower la3s to respond to Lentler wi:hin 30 days aT.tt�ho dato tho notico Is g4en, ! `� j
<br /> t7��ti:'i;
<br /> .�, -�,��r.r,,;..-, LcnJn is nulhoriied lo aoCeU and aprN me proueds, nl ila eplfen, enher m restore0on or rcpnir ol thu Propny or lo ;1������Y'':.__;c
<br /> � �r "' � Iho aums scared hy ihis Sewdry InsWment,whethM or not then due. y �`ti��}i�t��';
<br /> � � i ' t
<br /> ` tr- ��'" Unmss lmder end Donower othmdse ag�eo In wri:ing. eny app°.wlfon ot proceeds fa prindpal sha� nol extenQ or i ��j:. ,_
<br /> �- ,�4��5 poetpona Iho duo d;to ol Ihe mon:h.y pnyrnen(s relmed lo In parnprxphs 1 and 2 w ehan0o iho amount oi euch poym.enla. r �tt� %-
<br /> S��t,y??_ 71. Borrowa�Not Retaaeo[�; Forhearanoo dy Lender Not a Waivea Extmsmn m tno ema�or peyment or �y�.i �Y�^ :;
<br /> �j���I-};, modf.�ceUOn ol emort'¢alion of iha nums eecured 6y Ihls 6ecwiry InSaumenl greNed by Lentler to any succesaor M interesf f� �1,�
<br /> /$i T7';{ ol Oattaxer sha!I nof opereM lo rNe9se �he kbC2y ol lhe odqinal Uortower or OortoweYa sucwssors h Intetesl. LendM she0 1,`�I�«�L�;`�!* ;
<br /> t �� -�{�,j nof be requ4ed to commence proceerfin9s aga!nsl eny suaessor in intttesl or re.LSO lo oxtend Umo lor payment or othervrise �f� } fi`�
<br /> ��'- `�� motl::�amorGtaVon ol tho aums secured by Ihis 3earity IneWmml by reason ot any denund m3do by lho odpNal � Y � -� --
<br /> - -�Y�?. Oouower or Efortowa's sue�essors in Intttesl. My lo�beareneo by Lendtt N exerdsn9 any �ight or remedy sheli nol bo e ��' }�,i? '•,
<br /> j t- �[`�; WBMM ol or peclude lho exttdse ol eny dghl or temedy. !��if` i _',:'
<br /> 12. Succoasora and Aaslgna Bound; Jolnt end Sovarel Llabflity; Caslpnere.'rhe covmems and ,�'+'i�l 9`
<br /> �`±�2e� - ��+': eprettnmts of ihls Security InsWment sha9 dnd end bmetl Iho suaessore nnd ass!gns ot lmdx end�ortower, sub�ecl lo ihe � y' ��- .
<br /> R1;��,y:`;- proNslons ol paregmph 17. �ortowtt's wvmanls end agreemenls sha9 bo�o�nt antl swerai. My Uortower who cosigns th!s � �_
<br />-_if - �r��_ , SewMy InsW.mmt hl does not execulo Iho No:e: (e)is co�sig^Ng this Securiry InsWment ony lo mmtgage,grant end convey I �h����� '
<br /> . - Ihnl Oortowcve Interest in Iho Property undn the lerms ollhis 3ew�i,y Instrumml: @)is nm personaly ob5gated lo pay Ihe
<br /> - aums¢ecurM by ih75 Sew�i,y InsWmenl; and(c)ogrees that Lmtler anE any other Oortown may ngree to u�imd,mod:.y. �
<br /> /o�bear or nwko nny accommotlations with regard lo Ihe terms ol ihis Sewr.ry InsWment or Ihe No:a w'f.hout ihal Oortowers .
<br /> consmL
<br /> 13. L08n Cllafgo8.11 the loen aecured by Ihis Securily Instrumenl is subJect to a Ww wh.ich sels mazl.num loes :
<br /> ehar5es,nnd Ihal larr is fnaYy interprefetl so thnl Ihe interesl or olhcv loan cherges co::rctetl o� lo be co!lected in wnnecllon
<br /> wRh�he loan exceetl Iho pMmi:led Iimils.then: (e)eny such loan chorgo sheil he reducetl by Iho amounl necessery lo reduoe '
<br /> the charge l0 1ho pttm:tled Lm.9: und @)any sums aSeady co+ectetl 4om Uortowe� which rxceeded prrtnitted EmAS ws
<br /> be rehanded lo Bortower. Lmder rcay chuose lo make Ihls re'untl 6y �Mudng 1he ptlncipal owed under Ihe Noie or by
<br /> meting a d:recl pnynmt to �ortower. II e relund rcduces pn�cipal, the retlucl:on x;;l be Irea:ed es e pa�tial prepaymml
<br /> wifhoul nny D�ePOymc:ii eharge under Ihe No:e.
<br /> 14. NOiiC00.My noGce lo�ortowtt proritletl lor in�h7s Securiry las:rument sha7 be g4en by tlNkeAng if or by maling�
<br /> by ks1 Usss nail ur:ess nppFCab'e law requ:ms use ol nnolher mclhod. The nolECe shatl be Srttted ta Ihc Property Atldress .
<br /> or any olher eddress Dortower designales by ncCCe lo LenUc�. My no:ice to Lender sha!1 be gNen by fisl dass mail lo
<br /> iLenEers ndd:ess 61a1ed herei� or any o:her edd:ess Lender des�gnales by notice to Bortower. My no:ice provEdetl (or in -�
<br /> this Sewrity fnsWmer.l sha�be deemed to heve been g.4en to Bortorrer or Lender when ghen as provided in lhis paragreph.
<br /> 15. QOVOrnInO Law; SovorBbllity. ihis Sewriry Inswmenl sha:l 6o go��emea Gy IeCerol Iaw and the Ww al Ihe
<br /> I jurisdction in which Ihe Pmpert�is Iow:eA- In tte erent iha� any p�ods+on o� cWuse ol this Securiy Inslmmenl o� 1h¢
<br /> Nole conFGS v�:lh eppticet[e Ia+r.5ue�cen.^.Etl sl�ail noi a!lecl o;hr. provisions c:Ih's 8ecwi.y InslrumeM or 1he Nole which _
<br /> con Ce p4en e�:ect nilhoul Ihe ccr..:!c14q p�cvisiort To Ih!s end me p�o�A=cns of �h3 fecur.ry insln:mer.1 end Ihe Nale are _
<br /> Uedaad to 6e sevemble. -
<br /> - 16. �OfIOWOt 0 COpy. Do:�owe atali 6e p'rren one cc�:om�.e0 ccpy ol lhe No:e pnd ol ihis Setcr.ry Insimmec:_
<br /> ��.
<br /> q . /J` _.
<br /> •• FtJ1SlAi3p0•4i1 CayrJ:!5 �- i �i. -
<br /> 5!l.t.t6� � .
<br />