s- . . � . a ,e ,
<br /> � ��Y.{1 1� - - � � -� �(Y� �i'�,]��l�-� y U T".-:
<br /> t�r�(.'/�'��y _ •r.1 - . '`�`�'>'J'r-:JU�..qol.ti�"{y4A'���:li ._�_.,_ � } 1..,, . . .
<br /> #.{pj��.v}%+�,���....S�iC:td...�.:L.oY.:..rst.rlu�a._.....s�__. - �r.......,.,n..... ....c..c:J.Jli�fx.tHia77c44 .-
<br />���;��,�:�f+ • 9�,-M �t0�Q0 ::-.
<br /> f� TOOETHEH Willl �Y�ha N�provernenta nov+a hxNltx ed on t e propn ,end nA e�aanmis,apPudmances,and
<br />�:;'!`;:'r's,t� rt�num nax tt hKa�Sw�put ot th�MopMy.A[rep4umatt and�dJXioas sh�F�lso 6e wvxed by tliin Becu:y In�Wment.
<br /> .���. M ol ih�Iapoii0 I�rNurW to h Ihl�BwurNy IniWm�nt ai th�'Prop«y.' -�
<br />�'4Pje:i`C51
<br />�:t,r'?::�t��;;i 80flilOKL•fl COVENMlf9 Ih�l BottaxK I�NwNry 7�IaW oi lhe aaule hxeby conveyW and h�s �he tipH(o p�Ml�nU �+.'r��-`�.--
<br /> ' +,s..�± conxry Ih�Propwty rnd thu the Proprly Is unanwmbxr+l, ecce�l ta OfIW111D:NC03 ot rewrd. Bortowerwenente�nd
<br /> _:;.,�-.�:; ��il dNentl 9Mw�ly Ne We to�he ProPMY�qh�l�7 win�e uid denuuStls.tubjact ta sny u�an�riw.ot r.xrd. _ . .. -. -... ...
<br /> :r'',%,r�,}.,sy" ', TIilB OECViIIri IN87FIUMENf eorcbY�ra unHOrtn wrm�nte lo� nUbnd use �nd nonanNOrtn earenants xRh _-:_--
<br /> r� �x: WYted v�Allona bY Nrt�dwtbn lo eon�1%vte�unNwm searNy�sWment wveMp reN Propxy. .
<br /> UNIfORM COVEIUWTS. flortowa�nd Lmda wren+nt�nd�yee es loCOws: �
<br /> , -.
<br /> r 1.,s�; 1. P�ym�nt M Prinolppl and InUnN; Pnp�ymmt md I.ri� Ch�uga.eorcowa cnu prompny wv wn.n '�r�
<br /> ' `�` �-'1�t Jue the O���Ww ot��d Nteresl on Ihe debl Mdenced by the Nole end rny preptymml�nd Wle ch�rqea A�e under the
<br /> -`..- Nole. � ' _ . .. � . _
<br /> � 7 J - -' 2. Fund�for 7sxu ind Inwranc�.sub�cd�o�ppuub�e law«to�vmnm w.nrn by Lenan, oortoner an.Y p■y -- �� - - -�-
<br /> - ?1�� lo Lmda on the d�y monthy D�yments ue due under Ihe Nole. unli ihe Note is pdd N NB,e eum('Funds')br. (Q yeerly � �_
<br />- � •= '^�-� Imces�nd�ssessmms whieh mny alltln pfAMy ora ihis 3ewiHy In¢Wmmt as a Om on tho Pwpe�tY.@)Y�Y�asehoi� z„<.:—
<br />'�'!-�'���`�:��- p�ymmts or ground�mts on ihe Propnry,H any, (c)yrory hezard or properry Inauru�ce prm�iums; (d}ytaiy Aood Nsuruice �aiYz._
<br />- z.�,7{.�:e�r �z5'=-..
<br />`'�%,;;:.,;, :`_ Pm7':ums�H NY(e)Ya�N moitqege hsurence preMums.tl nny,end(Q xny sums paya:t¢4y 8ortvacx w lmd:r h¢secn:a�tce
<br />'i�':!r7:�4,*.'�i;= Wf.h lhe Ororislcns o�ga'x:.�rnf,A 8,n 3nt of lhe peY�xt of mo�TCseqo 5iscra:tt pcer.3tms. n:e'.,x cr'.ms ati a'"•'�R 'Eaav« �;�^`<;,_-
<br />-:.}�:-�=-:::*• It^sns.' la'dx'rtxy. eS any�'mr. x'�^c.4.*nd�aQ Fw+�>N an a�nwnt ect ba eFCS�d the ma�;Wn amcunt a Ustdr tcr¢. gi.:-.^ - ....
<br /> c ,- ...
<br /> taCMa'M rcdamd rc.rn61r=Wan o-a7�^'A'•!m far Bcrcai�m's z.avi�ac�cevnt w.t�wrt f:M•rxrt Rmt Cs*�m°aYtys�.•t faccvbuers -
<br /> ' �� -�? Pf.t OE l4Td a4 h�M.d fYam Gf.M D)t1'.C�.12 V.SC.(�2A1 R!3¢Q. ("��a'�, W fi:33 tl:dJ:¢/YYH i(T.R eDPGlS l0 lh0 fL'tY7� � t'�.:u - .
<br /> �` �FU-t: g�g�'�T�OU'.1. ;4 so, lt�:En nmy.at rrtJ G�ar,eoCect cv+Q M:d R'una' (n an amoent nat to exceed iha kas¢r amaunt. s �� ,,��i��.c`
<br /> ���j�.t ,��. LcndK may esNrwto t�o aniamt ol Fu�ds Cua on tha bm:s cf cur.ent c4ite end reasonnblo eai•mntes ot expend:.'ae of tu;ure '��Y'��z t����'_�_
<br /> c
<br />� y y� r�s E¢aow Ifm:s or othmvieo fi accorda.�ce wiih npD��tk Nw. � � sturrrmn?-�-
<br /> r fu The Funds slin7 be heltl L�en NsLluCon whoso deposils n:e Wured by e ledtval apmq.�nsW:nentoary,or er.:�ly��c7udnp 'y�t!Y�'AP�1'�'t�`� _
<br /> l��t s Lender.M tMder Ic sueh M Nsif.utlon)or fn eny Federal Homo Loen Oank Lender sha0 app.y tha Funds to pey Iho Esuow ��d��if��k 3;�-�
<br /> ���
<br /> 'n e�}7�- ����mdtt mey r.cl chn:ga flortower(or holdieg and nDDM�9�he Funds,ennue4y ennlyun8�hb esuow nccour.l, oT very!nD ',4��� � r s�+n. --.
<br />>-'��!!t,�:��'� tho Esuow Ifems, wioss Lender pays Dortown interesl on tho Fcnda a�d xpp9wbfo lew pettrJts tmdn ta r�e�ko such n '�'t;€1«�dA��;3�4=:->
<br /> __ -,� ��+�1 l�L`.,}-'�--. .
<br /> �/ eherga hlowevn. Lmder mey requUa Uonown lo pay a onn4.r.e cherpe lor en Ndependent �eal osleto t�z r�portinp seMCO �,�m..��:,,,,:---
<br /> - 'i - F4'��'; Y PP' P � �. y-�'�8 r -_-
<br /> uced 6 lmder in wnnec0on wAh lhis loan, unless e icnhle Ww rovidos olhenviso. Unlese an egrecmmf la mnda or )� ��' �v -
<br /> � �{f �i�- epp➢ablo Isw reqid�ws Interasl to bo pald, Lmdtt ehaY noi bo requFed to qy 6ortower nny in7aesl or camings on fhe Funds. � ' ; � 7`��„ �._}.!
<br /> t�}iri;�� f��5 Oonower end lmder may agree In wri6ap, howrrn, lhel Inlaesl slnl be paid on the Funds. Lmde sheY gke to Oortaxe�, r � -y ._ --�
<br /> F - �t�'.i:, wthoul ch�rge,an annuN aewunting o1�ho Fuads, showing aeJ1s end debtls to Ihe Funds end tho purpoao fcr wh'.ch each ��- ��:� r C ��::
<br /> �f` - �; debillo Ihe Funds w�s mada. fie Fuads uo plMgetl as ndQUOnd secudry lor eY aums secured by the Sewtlry Instrumml. „ (fs r rra�,:.
<br /> � Il lhe Funds hdd hy Lmdd arcetd tho emounta pttmrited to be hdd by app5cablo law, Lmdn ehei�ceoum to Bortower }'�iE,': �Fi i � ._:�:
<br /> Z - ` �� lor Ihe excess Funds In accordmoe with lhe requYernmle ol app4ub!e law.il Ihe emounl oi the Funds hNd by lender et�ny [- ,Y, � � _.�-
<br /> .. ,-. .t��. �'�ti r
<br /> � -� ��_.-_ tYr.e Is not aufAdenl to pay Ihe Esaow Items whm due. Lmder nuy so no.y Qorrower N x�Wq. and, N nueh use Borcmver 3 '_� � ;�'.:
<br /> + � sh�t p�y to Lender the �mounl necessuy to mnke up Ihe defidenry. Uortowe ah�i meke up the deAdency M no mae ihan ' . . �p(��-- a�_.
<br />� �li �ils:,"• lwIN6 fi1MIhN wymM16.�I LMdlf'S 5010 tFStll:iOn. i , 1 --
<br /> .�t��� Upon p�ymml N 1u1 0l J aums ieared by th!s 6earlN InsWmenl. Lmder sMl promptly rePond to Bonower any ' J��45 �=;---.
<br /> -�f �-�� Funds hNd 6y Lentla. 11, unda pu�y�ph 2L Lmdn sh�l�cqvte or nN ihe Properry.Lmuer,pnw to tn��c�+s"r,ion w s�ie t-�r � -_ • ?.
<br /> �F
<br /> ' �-�-.' ol the RopMy,sh�l�ppy any Funds hNd by Lmda�1 the Ume ol �equ9Xlon or sUe�s�utdt e9Unsl lhe sums aewred � t{a' I! ' t
<br /> � H- � r .,� bY Ihls&a�InaWmmL r �-� 'dt! i.'�'_._.
<br />_ ' 3. Appl o�tlon M P�ym�ntt.uniess�ppswtio�aw pra�aes o:hmWSe, a0 p�ymmla taM+M 6y Lmdd undtt � : �t���
<br /> pu�9nphs 1 �nd 2 ah��6e app5ed: Gsl,to my prey�ymmt chugea due undcr ihe Nole: aecond,to emounts p�yabla undn •:�;.;�".-_'� 1;�;i`„
<br /> � ', ` � pmagreph 2:th4d,lo Ntnesl duo;fourth,to prMtlyal duo;ond lasl.to any u'e ohuges due under the Nole. �; �-': . '.���^i���
<br /> � ��: 4. Ch�fg�6; I.IBtle. Oor.owtt sh�t p�y aY lues, nssessmmts, cha�ges, F.�es a�tl ImpasNOns attnbutnble to lhe � _,;III`. ---,
<br /> - Properly whkh may atlain pdod.y ortt this Sewri.y InsWmml, end lease�old paymente or ground rents, tl e+y. 6ortowct � 11{� .
<br /> h� �� sha9 p�y lhesa ob5qllions N tho manner proddM N pemprapfi 2, or il nol peld in that manner, Donowtt ahal pay Ihem on I _ �• ��J�,'s��
<br /> ' time dvecll�to tho DHSOn owed paymfnt. Dortown ahall prompty Nrn!sh to lendtt e`I no!ices ol amounls to be peld undtt t � ,
<br /> � - - thLZ puagmDh.II O:nower meF:es lhese paymmis�rvea y, naRO.rer s ha u pmrnpL y Nm is h to L m d tt r c e N D•s w l d m c i n g � _ � t ` -.
<br /> ,`' Ihepaymmis. ( '" �j�'4:��5fi�4L���
<br /> i� �t+tr,F' 6ortower ahaY promply tlischmge any fien which hns pdorlry over Ih6 Sea�i.y Instn:mc*�1 un:ess Oonowa: (e)uyees F� - J}r�i, ���y`-[�
<br /> f � ���.+k'y in wriWg lo lhe pay.nenl ot Ihu obAgalbn aewrM 6y lho Een�n a manner eaeplaWO ta lendcr, N)eonlests In 5ood(a@h lho i - �� ��--;p:
<br /> „+r'��,`''��� licn by,or delmds e9alnsl cn!::cm�ml of!h��m L�, Icq�l pmceedngs whkh In Iho Le�tler s op:n�on opere!e to prrrenl � �'{, ir :�.:
<br /> 'jy; �1 the mlorcement oi Iho lim: ar(c)¢cares from Ihe hoidei ol Iho I!en nn agreement ao75fatlory lo Lendx sutotNnaPng lho t��%��;'�,-�'�"r•'���:J��j:
<br />� �y7F"���I�. Ren lo lhls Security Instrumenl.II Lentler delertnnes lhal any pntl ol iho Pmperty Is tub;ec�lo e Gen whbh may utlaL�pdodry � '��'; 6 y - .-
<br /> (� �_ VhE - ova th�s Seari.y Inswmem. Lmder may gHe OortowM e r.aice Menli!ynp fho Yen. Ocnower shatl saUSy Ihe Ilen or tako . �q�.'-� S �.'�.'
<br /> ' ` (r .� oae a moro of iho ec0ons scl fwlh ebora wiThh 10 days of Iho gMng of no5ca. _ +�'�� 1- •�•�;
<br /> `�� �f r� -" 6. Hazard Ot P�opOrty IneU�anCO. Oonower aha9 ke�p lho Irtprovemm�s no�x e�Js!ing or httrafter crecled on Iha '��- p���r-iy``��°;:
<br />;�'p;!,;t1i�,,�3�; PropMy insured agaNSl lose by f:ra hazartls IncNdM wnhin tho tc+m 'e�ncntled wvemgo' und nny olhtt hau/ds, hdudng -•�'�;;i�'�'�j?TqF.
<br /> �7'd�;1;<<:�j Iloods or Modng,la whkh Lmder reqWres Inaumnce. Thls inswanco ahe7 6o mxinleined In tho emoants entl fa Ihe pMOds � �� y�:�.�•.„
<br /> •�'���v-.�-`;�_•�'t (hal Lendtt reqv4es. Tho insurence wrtler Drovldng tho Nsurnnw shnll be ehosm by Oortowtt sub)ed to LmAer's epproval � � . ','t-' -
<br /> �.;��. which¢ha7 not bo unreasonaby vrithheid II Oortowtt fais fo mahtoln wvnnga descrted ebovo. LenCer rcay, al Lender's .,,�,_!y:��`""
<br /> '�i o ;bn,oblaN wvera o to tatd LmCei s� hts In tho Pro N euordar.co wi�h are re h 7. � - "t�?�' �
<br /> P 9 P �9• P�*�Y V 9 P . .:•�. .
<br /> - ' a M Nsurance po8des nnd�enenais sha9 be ecupla6le lo Lmdtt end sha0 Ndude e slendaid mmlgage Nause. Lmder � ' � �-
<br /> �'�:'� aha0 hava iho ri�ht to I�o!d Iho pwdes and rmrxals. II Lendtt requ4es. Oortowa sha:l promp:y ghe to Lendm ell recdp:s ol ,
<br /> . pa:d prem4ms end rmenal noUCes. In tho erenl ol loss. Oonorrer sha7 gMe prompl no0co Io the Insurer.co caMer and ,
<br /> � Lmdtt.Lmdrr mny makc prool of loss if noi rredo piomp:y by Oortower. i
<br /> . � - UNess Lentltt end Oortowtt mhmvtse agmc in�vritNg. Inswancc pwcecds shan be eppFed lo reslomBOS or repev ol
<br /> the Propny Oe.�negetl. If the restora:ion or repai: is economlcaly Ieasib:e and Lmders securiry is not lessened. II 1ho
<br /> restorelion or repo4 is nol ttono!n!w:y fea¢�5!e o� Lendeis searity woc:d be lessened. the insurance proceeds ahau be
<br /> eppGetl lo Iho sums sewrctl Uy Ihis Secwiry Inslruaenl. whe:her or noi Ihen due. w:h eny excess pniU lo�onower. II .
<br /> � Oortower nbendons tho Propttly. or does nol onswer wthh 30 days o r.ol�ce bom LenEer �hat lhe �nsurnnce eaMtt hos
<br /> offe�ed lo aelUO e daim. Ihm Lendtt mey :o"MI the Nswn+ce proceeds- LenOtt may use Ihe proeeeLS to repx! or
<br /> restora Ihe Properry or lo pay sums secwed by Ihis Sewri.y Icstrument.whe:�c+ or not Ihen due. The SJ+lay periotl win
<br /> beg�n whm Iho notice is 9!ven.
<br /> Unless Lmder and Oortower o:he�wise egree in wriLng. any epp!:ce5on ol proceeds lo prinUPal she!I not eaimtl or
<br /> poslpone ihe dun Ca:o ol ��e mon:h.y paymenfs �e:ertetl �o �n pa�agrephs 1 er.d 2 or clinnge Ihe emo�nl ol �he
<br /> peynenls. II under pamgraph 21 1he Prope�ty�s acqu'vetl by lendeq 6o�wwer's nghl lo e�y i�surance po:iJes end proceeds
<br /> .�a�m�tr`un Amnno�n�hn PmnnM naer lo �he acouis.".ion shaA nnss lo Lendn lo Ihe eAenl al lhe 5ums by this Securiry
<br /> � IOSINrt1C411 I:fIfOCdlO:[7�PfIOf IO IhC OCQJISiItO�.
<br /> . 6. Occupnncy, Prosorvation, Maintonanco und Protectlon of tho Proporty; Dorrowor's Loan
<br /> Applleatio0; Laasoholda. Oo�mwer sha:i occupy. estabSSh, unA use Ihe Pwpe:y as Donowers ptlnipol �es:Cence
<br /> ' wBhT ia,y tlays a.".er ihe exealion ol th�s Seariry Insllument and shall co+�inue to ccwpy the Propnry es Bortorrer's prinupal
<br /> rte7dence for et least one year a1H fie Cole c�ccwpancy.udess Lmder oihervrlse agrces in wri;ing. vrh!ch consenl shn!I nm
<br /> be unreasonaby wi;hheltl.or c.^,:ess eNenuaSw c�u:mslances eust which are beycnd Bo+owers ccnlml. Bcncrrer shn7 nof
<br /> . ' -� c'esLOy, tlxmage cr impair I1.e Prcperiy. u:cvr 1EC Flcpeity lo tleleriomle.ci comlrit wasle on lhe Pocpe�ty. �xowe�sna7 6e
<br /> � in delau.l il any foAe�ure na�on ot preceeCing. whMF.et ciri.c� ui:r.'nal. i5 be9cc�tnl�n LenEtt's 5ced 4:ilh,�Ugm[r.l ccu:tl
<br /> iescl in IcAei!u�e cl Ihe P:ope�ry c� clhervr.se ma:e�:a:y �mpei Ihe lien aeufe� by Ir.is Sttci?y InstrvmEnl W.LEntle�s tetwRj
<br /> .• Int�lesL (J� t�
<br /> 1:° iq1LL"31tE:`I F��a•�c�s — 1/
<br /> • !�
<br /> s�
<br /> 1�
<br /> . . �I .ai541V
<br />