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<br /> ,t ..0 � ' f..'� ga .�.';u :__
<br /> = _�� �ae \/ � ^� ._' ..
<br /> . _- ppt�+e t0 Bo�iOweJ Qiavtded fOf iII thi4 SEW1i[Y IQS�[1i�eIIY Sh811 bC Cu Oy �•+�•W•� r� �,r�
<br /> . �`,; `. i�. Nct3�ea �►nY use af c�ther met�cd. The notioe shall be directed to the Pmpeny Address '"��:.:
<br />�:. �;� '. ` � itEy$tst Ct�ss mail unt�.ss apPl�rablelSw t�equ�tes ;:�n,: . ::_,:-=<.
<br /> •' � `� • ` °r e�ny oihsr addt�s Bcrro�+et des�tratcs bY aottrie to l�er AnY aQtfae to Lend2t s,t�atl be gEvea by 5rat ctass maD ta � �.i•:
<br /> _ . � l.eade:'saddr�sstat�6erefaoraaya+ddmdslsnd�rdcsl���Y
<br /> nottoe to Bcrtower.AnY aotiw Provtded for ia thts S�titS► ��<.,
<br /> ,��..� , r���„en�ahall Ee deemed m i�ave.beea gWea[o Boniswer or I�ea�er aaca gtvea as p�avt����P� of th� . _
<br /> <``c�. � - la. (�ave�tag�acst s�iI4RY• 1Uis Sa�icy►inswmeat slmu 6e grncmed by►
<br /> ' �` � • � furisd{ction in wl�h ths Ptoperty t�W�sted. Ia the evem tmat eny pmvtsi�a or�1uus�of thtg 5ecurity Iasvument ar the Nose
<br /> � rty or We ATote weich caa : ..
<br /> � oontl�wtth appuacb!s taw,auc�aonQicc s��e atTect o�sr p:avisioas or wis Sc�urtry Iasavmeat .
<br /> of this Secutit7l Iaun�eat ead the Nate are ',..��
<br /> , ,�'�."� Qe�en eff�t without the ooatiisdn8 Pmvis�oa. 'ib this ead t�e pmv�aas .
<br /> , .,t.;�;., � dec�strA ta�e aevetable. �
<br /> � 1�. Boasa�e�e CoyY• Borrower shaU be gtven one oanfnrmed oopy cf ths Note and af this Security Ia�trumens. �.
<br />- � - . -�- ,�'� 16. Hn�+daus SuDsa�aoes �orrawer s3rall cni cavse or pecmft c�preseae�eis�,msPas�l,ss°rage►or retease of airy E::' <<�
<br /> eae
<br /> _��`�- .., ���on or in the FrnpratSr Scn+ower shall ttat ds.aor a1[ow enyone else w da anythu�g a�8� -,�,
<br /> ., th�t is in vtofation af aay Envlmnmental Ia�►• 7he Pn�tnB cwo sentenoes ahaU not appiy to ttte P�►� }_ __
<br /> .. . ° .:��°-� �on the P r ogerg►o i s m a D 9�a n�ti�o f�r d n n s S u b s t a n c e s t b a t a r e g e ffi r a Il y►tew�o d to be pppmPsfau m !: ,
<br /> - . <. i Qp��]�SjQC�81�8II�tQ���O�the P[0�2I[y ]g�O?OLhCP BCt�D bjf SnY �:'-,
<br /> � � BDIlOWCi BbSD]1fOIDpd9$FL�LCtldE!WIIfI�D nDt�OC Ot SII'j fIIY�B$$a� I� Of�'+�""""`eL �`"=� �`
<br /> �g�8�*2IIL�f�T QTllydte j18R��IIWIYID$thS PtOQCII�f BII�t ,,,,,,�,�U,S S13bStAIIQ� ,�'s:^•:_��. .
<br /> . ', ! ja�q�B0I1OPJCT bSS flCp181�4W�'Ed�. ��0��I�•O!IS tICt�Ed bj1�K"•�'�""""�"���iiU1�t11�[ps �,.;',: `:.�'`:.-
<br /> �,�..
<br /> � �at any tea�vai ot uther rem�iation of a�r l�rdaua subsmaoes s�ns��°P�►�ne�sary.sona�es ahal► �fr ,;, t> .�
<br /> . . psousptiy ta�e sll ueoeasary zea�d�al as�ns in ectotdanoe with H�s�^mne.±mt� , .. :;
<br /> ,;�:"� . = As�d In t�is paia�aPh 14°����ase tIIose subsmnce,s deSaed as ta�e ar ba�dnus saL�t�s�9
<br /> _ `"� �Iew ans!ttte foll�wIng sul�nces: �ae.1��.at6er 8ammalsle or w�s petnoIeum�.ta� � � '��
<br /> L.:�::.; :;-r AS11S0di �;,t;.
<br /> SL�?8Q�03Cl�YC��' 9�r;
<br /> ';' .�.,. . . '+; gCSt�SIIS�EEib1L$�.YOISI�C��A�3►IDSiCIj815�A1fl�IISII$85�4fC8 Of f0IID8�. jS�C3LC�tb31� t,�..�.
<br /> E iaws of ttce
<br /> . • �,, r �thf,q patagraph 16.'EmImnm�tual IaaP meat��al laws ettd judsdictinaevaete ihe PmperiS► I:,
<br /> '`• ;�:%t:' , :elatc to�a1th,safetY or eavhoffien1a1 pmt�on. ��`"�` °� �: :
<br /> ��; .,.
<br /> - �` , I NON-UNIF�RM COVBNAN't5. Borm�anfl I�a�Ter fiuther oove�nt and a�e as foII�vus: �%::: . ;
<br /> ,., . ,.:
<br /> . V ='`.'.:. 17. Asst�ument uf iteaEs. Boimsver umo�anaBy►�ssiBas and uan�s to I�ndet aII tEe t+ems a.ad:evennc�s�M�tk� k:'':,�::,�-;,;,•:Y .._
<br /> A ° ProPerty' Bomawer authoxi�es Iender or Iaader"s ag�s to ooItect s�rents and revcnne�and herebY dtrects�i�t�aut� , r r-
<br /> ' the rents to Ireas{�r or Ieadei'seg�ts Hawev�.grIar to L�a�et's n�e to Boitawet of Htorov�s'$ �� .��,
<br /> � : of the Ptopert9 m PaY �t��9�Borcawer sP�aII aolE�t and se�eive a11 ieass atrl�raveuues f' ,� � ..
<br /> t��,,,,f. p �..�.��.��o:��$�►p�p`�'�''p�� ��,.,I� p,� .R.�. -O r_,,.�,.�� ,�t�,.,,
<br /> f .�"�'�� Y (',., �. 4if�iiYYO1�w��m t�....e4w Q�i�itWi/� ��Y� lilu�Ul I�iAffi WILIH►�SllifiW�TC �(�:. .� �-
<br /> 4Y.1wV���'d1��••
<br /> ��X� , � s.. o f���piaperiyaa�nnt an as�gnmeut ffls��1 se�ity►amTy. �be heW by Baitowes aa�.uwteo fau � ;' `s ,�3 .
<br /> , `, r . j�, Tf Lea�er g�es notic�aY breach tn�:(a)aD teats:eeeIve�hg�orro�r�r ,:.: < 'r�',"
<br /> � � b�f►of E�ea�er onty,to be apptied m a9aa aums seaued by S� I�ender ahaII be e.�d:ta aoE�ct �.;
<br /> �f��c, the Im�tm�enfi(�� ,',`+,',� � v
<br /> a. i d�� :;;;!`;�- � 8II�(C)�tCDBIIIt oY thC Pt0$C[l9 S�d�Pa9 8II I����' t�I'� •_:•� t�;':'
<br /> �' '' �1S9�i9/G 8Il Of!hC 1'CniB Of t116 piO�s :.s {�,.�-:
<br /> ny�f', s . :I�t+, �- �'�'�ti'
<br />,i � ��$�j►t OII I�11dET'S QVI�d�LO t�IC�EDaIIt. 7'
<br />- .. "'.s`•.',i B��OnqC,,,S,�, �b,�8,S�a}�0.1.CS}��,C,UffCd 8II-Y•,.P�i�iN 8�II�OYttIC�is 8II�b�es IIDL 8II4cvII1 IIOI pCi�im80y 8Ci th31I�4t�pI8V'�1 ,{.,;,;.;':, �:.
<br /> � ' .f.� }�4� l.F�ll�j L�is�F 4�1�$lW ll�YitYL+��""..��17 �, 1 -�..
<br /> r ! ,-.
<br /> ,, �;• �}' Leuder�D not be requi[ed to ent�u�oA�aoniml of or m�ta�i ttte Ycoperty befns�aa a&�s���,ac��� ? �_ :
<br /> T.. `� �f` i�i te�iver may do so at aay�+a ahere.��.n,t�eas�: �bp ; --
<br /> >_. breac�to sormwer. Hawever,I�ender or a iudiciaIlY aPPo aY is�r�;'Tffi�� ' y -
<br /> defauIIt or invatidate eay other rigUL Qr r e m e d 9 ,� '� .
<br /> `�t ' . appplicatto_ns oY lents shSU 1L10,,�!cure oi tva�i�any t� _
<br /> {.,��L�w�� ��,.,.�j�.7��.....ceawtt,. Sr�•�1 , �.-.
<br /> . . ' �'r Qf t r��Yi��S17aL���r W�iTiL Ysri 4wt$���v4F�uu7 1YiYnWi+w+u L7�ui lY�� ," `1--,r �h T:.-.
<br /> �.i:� l a F o r e d u s m e I�e�o o e d� 1 Y I r e n+�s r e t l�r e a�m m e d i ate�y m�t ia fuII�P��&���'�Y�i�Obe tt� �v,,
<br /> "�•`�� a licshle law LenQer sbaD i�e.endtied tu aarbl°.�at���Cn3e.s ina�r� � .,
<br /> � -- . r,�; = yavres of sate and a�r other reme��s permitte�l bY PP �s sa4 aasts N �:',' � =
<br /> . ";;.:�� �n P�uau�8 ths rEmed�PmvIded in this pasa8�aph 18►�ch�d�but nat limited W.reasoaable�ratc�rney8'� :,� , �'
<br /> �j�r�,r�, - ;.` 13118 evldEIISe. '
<br /> , �rt t•�>�,�c Y� u the power of eate s` ,�a�ed,�Yu�tee slmll rear�a noti�oe of Qefault in eac�onunty is wt�a�l Qa�t�nE.ttea ProP�Y ' �r. _
<br /> s<r���'!:. .. af sucb notioe ia t�e�ner p�scrmea by applicable laa+to Eorra�wrs�and�to�tbra ot2�s ;{), � .;
<br /> ,,t; ,;,r,�„ is Iecated and ehaII m�il m,aies ub�n0itlQo o4-aab t� ,,. r =�
<br /> � pe�sflns piescrIDeA by app l�r a b l e l a a v. A�e r t h e t i r n e r e��i r e d b Y a E r 811caDle law,ZYustee►sLaU g�P
<br /> �;:::;�,�;i�: � ., " ,�� the pe�soa4 an4 in tUe u�anaer presen"bod bY$PP��3e iaw. Tt+���WIthOlit dCiQBIId OA BOi[ORta7:8$'i11�t6A�ttts+Fta� .- ' , ;;.,-
<br /> � �...
<br /> �j' � ,; ;`� at ublie suc�ion to tLe h l g h e st b i d d e r�t h e t i m e a t�j�e a��3 e s the terms d e s t g n ated in ti�noii�e 4t��fA oA�� ,; , -
<br /> �f E"�s�l mope p a r a ets aad in a�order Trastee 0.--cesmines. 1'�ar�maS►lpostpone aate cSm�C or aay parael of the P �mpr,rt�p try Ps�b1� -
<br /> t kjl,�����' ., .••' Q �.
<br /> „t•• � �r"..BQ111Ed 881� r r C II Q C lffi itu+.�C 3�$II C C m8�f]1 1 1 L C+�$$.T�i S�t O�G'1 I y 8 1•
<br /> 8ffioUIIOem�nt 8t IhB tirDe ea�p13oe O�'�y PrevIo � � ,w
<br /> h,7�i : ' m n •� ,
<br />� ,:'� ' � `•,�'r,. atry sale' p avcsyi�PC A� ".
<br /> - .�. ,i',�sa Upon reeeipt of payment of the p�b1d.'IYustee svaU d e l i v e c r.e�e�e ��a t e e'a��o a t b�P r o '_
<br /> `' � �� o,cl'�esuth eF�sratements maQe t�ereir�+ 11�s�iall� ` ��.�
<br />-- .;.,�:',�., . ':'��`; 'Ii�e m�tats in the Tiustee's QeeA st�all be prlma facze eviQcnoe � s�� ttte awPetofr,a'l�,at�9tt�ea�,
<br /> Tru � g �:.� '
<br /> � .:�i;:";: �, ePP1S►�PT��of the sate in the follaaving ordei:(��p aD onsrs�d ease� 8 P ..s�, ,
<br /> ,, "�.. . ,� ;� °�r aY�a�e prins�pal� �;.
<br /> < ,r. : , . iardud�ng the payment of,the Tru�tee's fces astualll►�d,not tn e�oeed
<br /> amount oithe note et the dme oithe declaratioaoide�Ib anA�Ie a�ar�'i fees as Permittedby 1a�*,{b)Zd eUsuua ° `
<br /> �. . . ..',�,•Fx%:. SP.C111CQ Ujl 1�SGxilItS►IASn11mCIt1'r SIIt�(C)flIIy/CEO�S9 tD t�iC�P'.d31�G?�SCIIS L4�1 CII1�1�t'A�t0�!. y:� '.
<br /> �r , .�'y��:� ]t tll�LC�ET'S IIIfCIG4t�iW.4$EClitltyt�StiN�CC�tt IS 3iCId b}I th°�.+C�.I'Ct8[�P.[t�LhB$CCiCl81Si TCQp�tPB�tilYtQ�10 g3�6'+n1 `,.
<br />�� , '��.•��� , ., b 9,che Secretary maY im�eBe�auaJudidal power af��.-avlded in the Sia�N�¢N1art8aFP � ; .
<br /> ..!'!.`�,, ,. , j' 3a 1'!1ll uIIIIC!p3�8g�8P � H 12 US.G.3751 c�j Ly IC�lUE9tiII$S fOI�s_�L�SS{oIIei dC6�$II�dttul'uIlQG!11N�AC� �,,�~ .
<br /> I: Foserdnsure Aa oi 1944 y A�t7( �
<br /> ° '�,��i;;�°' ;: �o oommeaee ferecaasu��aa to sen ct�propeny�a�.��n me a c c r rc r s��w e p r e o e m a g s e n�e n o e s n 3 v a.•p m re ,��?�.,�.,
<br /> 't,��-` � r the Secaetary ol a�r rlghts othemr�;e�b1e to a I.ender unaer tl�is paia�aPh 13 or appHc�'�la4�. �,�,��c ;
<br /> � ";: �. � t` : 19 Reoaaveqaame.Upon paYmt'ts o3 sll sums secured by tCis�ecutlry Iasuument.l�s�a11'xtx!►�t'Ii�ustse aa p" ' r ';--
<br /> ;,�� ` `����;''� ,. Insvumeat and sll notes evidenc�ng��seeured�by'tbd�Sesiu�ty �f�,:
<br /> �, � :. reooavey th$Yroperty and shaU surnnder this 5eiauity .�
<br /> ;. , wlthout warranty end aithout cLarge w�g�a►n or•p„nams3 �� r �
<br /> ,', ,,r . Insuument to Ttuatee. Trustee ahaU reoomey thc P,�operty► ..,-_
<br /> ,,;.,,, . �i ,:.
<br /> � � � 2eg�lly entitled tn if. Such person or pe�sans sbaD�anY reoordatlon aosts. r�
<br /> � . . . �0. SaDstitote 7leaste� Lender,at ita aption,raaY from dme to time remove Trustee and appoint a suoagssai mutoe !
<br /> ; -
<br />- . . to auy Trustee appointed Lereundes�g an laswm�ns recor8ed in the oounty in whicd�ttris Securlry Insaumeat is reoord�cL ,, � - �_ -
<br /> Without oomeyance of the Praperty,c�suooessar tavstee ahatl suooeed to aII the titte.Paarer aad duties�nfen�ed upaa�Ws �' .
<br /> �'
<br /> - � .. •� Tivstee here9n aad by appticable Iaw. ,
<br /> • . � Zl. Reqae�t fmr Plotices. Borrower requests t�t oopi�of the nniioes oY Qefault and sale be sent to Borrower's address �.. ,;•�_,'
<br />- . wldeb is the Property addres�. .
<br /> . � . � �,
<br />_ .- . ,
<br /> : �..
<br /> F
<br /> , -� IV�RpSQA�FH/►DSBDOFTRIIS�(EJ� . .- •
<br /> _ . -- a�s,�.�t��L� Page4ofS .:�.__�:_._.
<br /> .'.' ` , —�-
<br /> • ��. ••, . .
<br /> �� • ' '•- - �. :-�,:....G`�=w�-+..---"=X�..-T.�'T*----•"73=w:�.:r..+- r�' ra:uif•a�—,a-- _ -.a ' -.
<br /> '-�a � „ . �. :.••.� ' .:�. .•....:� 4 '•�.�:._. .•�.-�._. .. . . . _ . .... .. ... . _ ._ .. . , . . . � .... . �� „_ .. . •+,.•,.._ . ,.� ..a..,�d4�;_'.�eL..{r`�' .
<br /> _ . . . ...._ . _. ,. _ . � . ._
<br />