_. . . cl ��. � .�'�.6.�
<br /> , _. . �c a-s.. 't_. � r'"1 ' _ ` rt, .,�_�a,,.-.,.��.y . .
<br /> . �� . � ��:^�-.�..C._''..,:,:,�.,�� )�aG'-'�-L._:. .,.. -.._ . -_ . .,_._..,.�._ .�... . ... .. .._..__....__.._.._ . � - . 'S'. - (� .2 .
<br /> _ � �._ - � 9�� :.:' - -_= �"`
<br /> _ . �` .�:`. { 5eauiry Instrument. L�endcr shall apply aruh pmaeda to the�eductian of tbe indebtedness �� : �:
<br /> • " ' � `.%_� t�uumeat.fust co an,Y�13aquent emnunts appHed in the o:der pmvided in paraS�aPh 3.an�i then to PrepaYmen� P :y��t .V �.. ;;
<br /> , �Y ePPUcattnn af ttte prooe�cls ta the priadpal�11 not e�aeuud cu gost�ane the due date of the monthly paymenta wh�sh
<br /> � " , .�+ are ieferred w ia paragcsph B,or cbange�he amoum oi auch paym�ats. Aa�►esoes4 Pm°eeds aver aa amnunt requfied - -- . ,,.'�
<br />- , � ,• � � payap o u t s m a d i ag indebt�ucder the Note and this Seeuslty►Iamn�ment st�a11 De gai�w the entity 1�llye�ttled t6erew.
<br /> am men
<br /> 9. �tn Bam�r aad Fia6ec�aa o!i�adds�ts tn 8ae�oper�t Borcaasrer s3�all pay aII gavena�ental or
<br /> � � munfctpal charge�.fines and im�ns tLat ara nnt fnctuded in patagtaph 2. Borrawar shal!�ay these obli�ttinns an dme
<br /> ' dIm�rtly to tIIe entity which�awed the paymcnt. U failure to pay wauld adveisely affect I�ender's iaterest in the Ptoperty.
<br /> � ��- � �pon I,ender's tequcst Borcower sDalt pmmptip furnf�h w Leader reai�ts evidenda8 t�P�►�� : • . ..
<br /> � � If Eonawer fa�Is m make ihese paymencs or the gaymenia realui�bY P��Ph Z,or fai(s w per6otm a�r a�er _
<br /> . . . ...� ' , 1 �venants and eg�eements conrained in U�is S�urtty insu�meat,or thece is a Iegai pmoeediug tt�at may sIgpd6canzty affe� • . •• .
<br /> _•s,.,_._
<br />__ . � � I�ender's c�hts ia the Fropeny(such aa a prooeedtt�in ban�uFu7'value ot t�he Y�i� �a oa� I�der's iigM.s n��t�he P�°?P�Y• . , � ,
<br /> -- _-- l�eadcr maY do aud Fa�►v�anever#s a�oessary pra�x p�3► . .•:
<br /> ` � � � ��g PaY�of ta�s.Ha�r�t�ssraaee and other items mens�nned'm paza�aPb 2 `
<br /> , . � f pny amnunts disblustd dy Ir.ader�thEt ParagraPb sbaU i�eaome an additfnnal debt of Sorcawer aad be setuted bY •�:..,':
<br /> u
<br /> • : tt�s Sec�uit�►tassrumenL T�ese amnuats shaU beas inierest from the dau of distmrsement at the Note iste.aadat Weoptioa
<br /> h _
<br /> , � ", i af 18nd�r si�aD tre immedtatety due aud pay��F€. .: }{.�:-:.
<br /> � � ' BottBw�r ahaII P�P�'!�B��Y�whish has ptFa3ity over W"s Seauit�t Iaquumiena oal�ss Boira�vei:(a)agt�es _ :. .t :
<br /> ' `.�.<:j �w�ug to the payment of the obligatbua�by the t[een in a maanes acxcptab�e tn IIander,(b)mntest�in�faitb '; ..:•t,
<br />: n
<br /> � , . the itea by,�defeads a�ast enfnreement of tfie lf�n i0.1�P�&S w�in the Le�e�s apinion op�ate ta Prevent -.:..�
<br /> t tl�se enforcement of t�e tIe�s:or(c)secures froa�the hnlder of the Nen an agteem�ent s�ry m I�ader subo�inaVag the ; ~ .. :'�..�r;.:�.
<br /> ` ' Iten to tMs Seca►rliY Iasuument. If I�ndet d�ter�mines tt�at a�aq part of the Psoperty i�snbject to e ii�w�may attaia F;: .. ' ��_::. �:_�
<br /> ` .' prioiirf�ver this 5�+auity Iastrumsnt,I�ea�r ma9 Sive Bfltt�°jer a ufltine i�fy3ng the ti�a �onoarer s�II satisfg tbe lien � .. �'��'".
<br /> ��� ��,._�.,
<br /> � . k� ar take oas or mote of the acxiaas set fonh abave wtt�tn 1U givin�of antioe. ,'`- - ` ,,
<br />=! . . 8 Fees Leadec map coUect fees and etrarges atu�nr�d by t�e Seczetaip �;:.,,' :,:�>�,.
<br /> t . . � 9 Gne�fur AQOeberatinn ot DEDt ' :%::;��:;i, �-
<br /> �, . �8�� Iender may,e�ept at limIted by segulatio2s sssued by Ek��cetazg in sE�c�se ag�yment defauIts. "ti��' �'=�':;:,.;..e::
<br /> � _ ��:= zequire imm�isLe payment in full oS EII stuas se�aued(sy t$is Secatri�►L�i� � " � <;f'.�+�;'`:,'=�
<br /> � t,�s Iasttument p {: , :::..:��':,: :
<br /> �r • � �aower deFautts tsy fat7ing to pay ia ft�II anq s�ont?�l9 PaY��1°��i � �r,,;,. f;;`_
<br /> � ' to os on the due date uf the nvct tnottthly `5''�r'�'.
<br /> '': �� asker ob�tI�ns oonlaiaed�s tNs `' �''�:i�°
<br />':i (Hj Btior,rrnxer defauIts Isy f�ing,for a perIod af t&hirry days.m perboAn en5► �. �:�.;. ;
<br /> ,.4; , $pqUjls►TASIII1mCII[. ; a;•,�
<br /> � �ere�tin�a�amgs�roa3ai{a�of�teciar� ��' ._:`�;-:
<br /> .. �. � (6)satewtehouet�tA�yaani.Le�dershan. Fe�bY�1PP :<.... ,...;....�:...:
<br /> ' ,. � St.C�e�sin Depository IastitutIons Act of 19gZ.12 T�II.S.0 1701j-3(�)a�wlth tbe g�nt appmval of ths Setaetaty. �'� •..•,:,:;,r,c;,:::`
<br /> +� . ' � �;' requite immedIate payment in fuII of aII sums s�9 by tl�s Seauity�trumens iE `,s; .,, � ; �� :�
<br /> .,°,. . P' (i)AII oi�rt of the Ara ,ar a BeneScial�t ia a trust nw�g aII or part of tlse�geriy,i�so2d os s,�.r
<br />- :� � • �` OI�VIFSC V8IISfCI[Cd�0ltlCf 1T]3II byi�C OT��s�, ���. �}f'r.;F: `•°'
<br /> "i ' . .`v. 11�8 PYO i.R IIOl .E11 iBC iII�18�!Of gtSAtCE 95 I$S Of 13�!pI�11�,��p��r ."'�'� .
<br /> : . (� �P; fi► P �.. , .E.� •",
<br /> ��..
<br />_,'; . � ;,':,� ���so oaupy the Yroperty,buc bis ar t�er caedic�,:s nut beea apgmved in acoo:danee a�tbe �;'.: ��;�:,'.{::.s�:,.
<br /> � -�' rzquhementa of the 3r,cretaty. '�` � y!s f�;�''`
<br /> - , r' .� '' i lY�,mr,,y..
<br /> £� �, •r,. �e Payment ta i�il1,but LeMer s
<br /> y " r.',� r (¢)No Waiver IP drA�msmfl.oes ocWr t1181 wOUId jaea�uit I.eAdet W�e' .�. , ,
<br /> , : : daes not requine suc�paymer►ts.Lender does not crrafire ifs rights c�h resgee[to Su6sequent ev�nLg. `• �, �,�:�
<br /> + -.__..�. . (dj Re�uns o�H[1D Seceete�y. 1n man9 t3tcumstaaees tegu�aas issued bY th�Se�aesa�'�Umii Lender's -- `�
<br /> -- -_ � `. rIg�ts.in tlte case of paymem defautts.w reqnire im�ediate paymeat in fuD atW So�eclaae if nati�:d.Tms Seauit9 "'�
<br /> �:�� -�.�.`�;.
<br /> - Iastr�ment do�nut authorize aaoeteratbn or fosec�s.^e if nut permitted bp regalatloa4 of�he S�cretary. ''• �:'�". ,':.!°.,,,
<br /> ! • pern
<br /> (e)Maaip�e Na¢Ynsare�. Bormwer a�es tptat i:�'t��y Iasuwnent aad t�e Note are r.nt determ�t�a be ; ."..��.t�,�-;:,
<br /> i .. � . eBg�l�for ins�uanoe uader the National hiovsing t�rwithin 60 DAStS @a�the date Lzcea� �. ` !
<br /> . . ' .. I,ender�at its optioa,�1����P�t 1�fuD af ari sums seau�d by t6�s So�y Iasuument. A � , � :.�-
<br /> . wr�ttea s��t of any autho�tzed ag�2 of we Secretazy►dated.�ueat to 60 DF,`� from .,�,
<br /> ',,.� We date�;o�decl�aia8 to lnsure this Seauity lasnvmeat aad t�li�te.shall ise deemed ooacdusive pnoof af such s� ;�
<br /> � .,,,,' . � ittelig�,� Numithstaetding the foregolag,tl�is option may not be e�rercis�4�'Y,cndsr whea the uaava�abffiry of ;•. .. , ---
<br /> :t•. - ,'' -
<br /> inswazss�is s�1e1y due to Lendei's faIIute w remit a mor[gage iatu:anae P�u ro the Secaetar� ,�.'`
<br /> ' t in f1�U Decause of ,Tti '��
<br /> � '.� lb Reins� Borrower has a rIght w be refnstated if Lender tr2s requised i�tediate paymen ; _
<br /> � Borro�we�a failure�pay aa amouat due uader the Note or�Securlry?,��nL lbis rlght aPPtie�s evea aRer foreciasure , _
<br />-' � ' � pm�din�are�tuted To reJ�astate the Secauiry lnsuutaent,Borro���L,^aD teader la a lump sum sIl amo�ats requtred ''s ....... . ,� .
<br /> :, • � to b�rg$onoroer's acaount aurent lnctuding,w tve eat�nt r�are ab�i�atlons of Borra�8 uader tbia Securiry Ia�at, - " .:r:.
<br /> e ea nt
<br /> `���` , _ . .. . fam�ure cass ead re�asonable aad customary attomey�' �aes aad expea�ea Pi'nPeriq essodated with the foreclosure . . :
<br /> T:'.; . . pro�mg, l,t�a c^einstatcment by Borrower,tbls Seeauit�r Instn�ment aad tha obUptlon�Wat it secures ehall remaia ia . ..
<br /> . . CffCCI 88�Y�L�"r.-t�II01 TP.QUITC�immnAi sr+�I�ftiv. NOVVCYCi>�IIdCT�S 1101 rCqU�TCQ t0��81EL'L IC�f1S18tClIlellt� • .
<br /> �� ' � (��endet has ac�pted teinstatemcnt after�lt:wrommenoea�cm of fored�sure pmoeedtnga wItl�a m�s yeata immediately . ,
<br /> �%.: . �. � ' Prea°�g tHe oammeacement of a ciurent fore�dnsure pmc�eeding,(i�reiastatement wID p�clude fe�ertasure on diffetent , 'i��,
<br /> ,�: � � grc�u4s in the ti�ture.or(i�reiflstatement vdU adverselg a ff e a t h e p t l o r iry o f t he l i e n c�ea t e d b y t h l s S e c u r(t y I a s t r u m e n t. ,'�', ;r,`,
<br /> li. Bar��ver Nflt Iteteas¢�3;Bm�eseause by I�eader Noi o Waiver. FBteasinn of tt:e t�e of paymcat or madificadoa `�`;�:>��;
<br /> :�: � . . ; of amnrtbattoa of tha swna secured by thLv�czsity Iasuumcat granted by Lendes w aay auwessar ia iam.�est of Barrawer . "
<br /> °'; sT�aU not opelate to telease the liab�ity oi t�r,r�inai Borraaver or Bo��'s suaoesaa�a in iatesesc. �er shari not he _ .. _
<br /> - � �, requir�to oammenee proaeedlqg�e�nsc e�s�or in interest or re�w extend dmo tor Paymece as otheiwise modttjr .
<br /> � •�' amurtimtlon of the sums sec�d vy thig Seai.-ity Insnument by reason of a�r dema�W made by the oiignal Barmwer or . .
<br /> � `�i- . ..
<br /> . � 8ar�er's suocessois in interes�. Any farixacance lsy Lee�sa ia e�n�fsing a�r ttght or remedy shall not be a aaiver oi o: . _
<br /> . . � p�elude tho Pserrs�of a�r right or r�me�.q •
<br /> . 12. Sno��d Asslgos Bound:d�mnd�ereral als+b111tp+�ers. 71te aovenants acrd a�oements of this '
<br /> -- �, Security Insnument shall bind aad bene6t t���aad assigw c�IIrecder aad Bosrower,suiljvx*_o tha pruvisions of .
<br />= ' PtuagtaPh 9(b).Bar�wer's aovenants and agteementa ahaT t�e joint end aeveraL A�+�crawer who oasiga�Wts Securlry . ..
<br />� • Ias�ument but does not execute the Noi�(a)ia oo�ig�ing c1�3 Securiry Instrument aaT�rxs caortgaP�.��comrey tLat , .
<br />_- � Bo�rawcr's inter�t in the Property under the terms of this Securtty Insnumen�(b)ts noz Pasonallp obligateal to pay the sums . ..
<br /> � aecured hy tttts�:ty Instrumen�:and(c)agrees tt�at Lender end a�r other Borrawer may agreee to actend,mndify.forbear : .
<br />—. . .. .� or make a�r aiaccmmodatioas arIth regaN to the terma of this SeeurIty 1asm�ment or the Note wishout tLat Boaawer's
<br /> - , .. cons�ns.
<br /> • .. • .� �FHA D�OF7ItUSP(6R5)
<br /> - -- a��csss�r^�(eool�t�st Pe�eSofS _ _
<br /> ,i... �
<br /> � t
<br /> . i [ --..�-.--._
<br /> .., _
<br /> ._ _ . . .. . . . . ,.• , ., .., • , :,.
<br />