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<br /> `��<•� '.� r�`'} 5. Hazard or Propert5 Insnraace. Borrower shut�'kcti•p the improvements non e�sting or hereafter erected on � ' `
<br /> � �� `` _ ``� the Property insured agat�st loss bs fire. hazards includ�d��ritfiin che tecm"eb-tended oorerag� and an3 other h.ar.ards,
<br /> including floads or flooding,for�shich Lender requires insurance.This insurance st►311�maintained in tiie amounts
<br /> • :� ,�:: � ' and for the periads that Lender requires.The insurance 4�arrier providing the insuran� �►a11 be chosea bf Bortonet •
<br /> ' ,,,`;:,:.':-;:, sublect to Lendet's appro�al�vhich shall not be unreasom�hly.Nithheld.If Bomower fails�o maintain�verage d�scribed
<br /> _ �- :•..,:_._ above,Lender ma�,at Leader's option.obtain co�•era�;e ta pmtcct Lander s rights in th�Ptopert�in accordance nith °
<br /> _,�'` •_„��...,��:� paragraph 7. -
<br /> • All insurance policies and renewals shall be acceptnhie ta Lrnder aad sttaU inclu3s a standard moctgage clausc.
<br /> �s:�, ...;,� .;�. Lrnder shall have the right to hold the policies aud rnnmvala. If[.ender requires, Bomouer shal) promptlp gi�e to
<br /> .. ; .� .�4 Lender all receipts of paid premiums and rrnr�val notsc�es.[u ttta�ernt of lass. Aorrovrec st�gl)gi�•e prompt notive to the ��' �
<br /> � �, �� ` insurance��arrier and lxnder.lxnder may make proni ot loss it nnr mnde:promptly bs�Iiarm�cer. �
<br /> • aYt.°. . , C'nless Ixnder snd Hnrrrmer nthrrn i.sr ugrer in�criting.inmirancc prucc�e�is shal!he epplied to rwsa�ration ur repair �
<br /> , , . • a!thC Pro�u:rtk damagrd,ii the re.storntion o�rcpair ir.eraname�tlly frasibir and I.ender's�rit�is nnt tessennd.If the
<br /> restnration orlrepair is not r�:ciaomicall}• trasiblear lxnder q fi�.ti�rity�v��uld be Irs�eaed.the in4urance proceeds shali l+e
<br /> �'�.5 : •.. �� ��' applied to the sums sctiureJ hy ehis Security inst�umemt,«hctttur ar not then due. �viti►an�exc�s paid to Borrower.tf `���'
<br /> . , .,, •' Borr�ner abandoris the!'rupert�,or dues not ans«•rr nithin 3Q dsy�s a notice from Lender tAat the insurance carric�r ha,s 5 .
<br /> �-:-; '-:. :_ �,;." offere�to settle�ciaim. then Ixnder ma}�cx�llex.K chu in�z�ranca procec�is.lxndcr rrisj• �tiic prv� to reFair or -
<br /> . restore tha Penperty�ar to pay sums secured by thia Scw�uric�Inetn�mant,whether or not th�esi due.The 30'dap period ni11 � .
<br /> , ' Uegin when the notice is givrn.
<br /> �. . �' L'nlrss l.ender end Borrowcr othern ise a�ree in�critfng,any application o1F procexds ta principa!sha11 not Cxtend ar `
<br /> � , �'�'�w postpone th�due date of the montWy payments referr�d�ta.in.paragraph,s 1 aad 2 or change t6�amount oP the payments. `��
<br /> . : �,•. " If uader paragraph 21 the Propertj is acquired b�� C:esndur, �ornower's right to anp iasurance policies and procee�ls .
<br /> __ ... . r e s�lting trom damag,e to ihe Property psior to the aaq}iiaitton•shall pass w Leader to the estent of the sums secured by �
<br /> - "; this Securitp Insttument immediately pnor tv the auc�isition. ��.
<br /> • �'i 6.Uccapauey.Preservation,1�'laintenonce and,Proteatioa of tbe Property;Bonoi�er's I.oa�Application;
<br /> ° ...'`;, I.easeholds. Bono�ver shall uccupp,establish,and use tNe Rnoperty as Borrower's princiFal res�drnce�cithin sixtp days
<br /> �`;,'"", �,'.; after the esecution of this Security Instrument aud she11�eontinue to occupy the Properts as Borroirei's ptincipal ;�:r:..�
<br /> �- � f, - resdence for at least one qear after the date of occ�tp�;ac3,un(ess[;ender othcrn+ise agrees in R riting,which oonsent shal� �•
<br /> r�.��, f '' Q�t be unreasonably withheid,or unless egtenustjng airaumstances exist which are bepond Barto�ser's contro3.Borrower k: - �"
<br /> �`r.�jv�<•`.•"��`,•� .. .., cTr�rt not destroy.damage or impair the Pm ` .� ``
<br /> .,;�,, ,-•:,:,�: �er.r�„allb�v,tha Ptnperty w deteriorate.or comanit waste oa th,e Property. ; `: ,;, :
<br /> .�; �aerower shali be in dePault if anq forEeicc�ns aatlan�on proceed3ng,whether civi]or crimianl,is h.�un that in Lende�'s �``�`;
<br /> .. �: ��:, .�
<br /> -.�;,5,� �
<br /> ,.,.:y� ;. ' �ad faith judgment wuld r�sult in fosfeitpt�a a#i ttle Bio or othernise mateciaU �m � y-,�..,
<br /> R�9' q' pait the lie�c�ated bp ttus F. •a.�
<br /> ' �r!�' ��tY��raent or Lender's security intert�ti Bdrnowgr may cure such a deYault and reinsiate,:,;�provided in � ' Yr^�
<br /> ';r� '�'�'sph 18. bp causing the action or procesdiA� m be dismissed with a ruling that, in Lenc�� good faith � �1�
<br /> �" r2ezernaination,precludes forfeiture of the Borrawsr'santer�rt ia the Property ds other material impairr�eut of the lien �,y' �•
<br /> ' y`'' creaa�i bp thns Securiry Instrument or I.endc�e se�surit��iater�ast.Borrower shat�a�so be in dsf&ult if Borrotiver,during s� -.�.,,;r,
<br /> ��� the.oass a lication racess, ve materiail fai�c�on iaaacurate �r.formatiu_: c;
<br /> •''4 '�f PP P � Y• � statemenis tP I.ende. {oT faile�to r
<br /> �: ps�rc:�de Lender Nith anp material information�;�ia�aoanectian air9i t:�e losn e�s.�enced bp th$`apte,iacIa�:3itz,, but not �° -"
<br /> s. ;
<br /> '�'; Iisni;ed w,representations concemin Bonatiren'�acc ' -
<br /> �,,,..:...,•.:;,.,�".�.�' g ttPaACy of the Piupcn�•�a principal rem�ence.�t t��s.Security ��.: �..:-
<br /> S���5+
<br /> �i:c�ivment is on a teasehold,Borrower sholl com 1� wit}�al!the roviaions o...�a teame.If Bors�a�es acq�s*�fee title to ���...,
<br /> '<'a';�'>�:ti,::,:�:�:'�;: . p �: p r.:. <s.;;, —
<br /> {�.,�� '��:; ���Property.the leasehold and the fee titis�_ahail�nat�me�rge unlerss Lender agre�te�e merget in Nriting• �
<br /> 1�' 7. Protection oi Lender's$ighu�iu�t6n•Ptaperty.If�Bornocver fails ta�erfarm th�co�enantsza�d agreements
<br /> �;;;,���' cc�ntained in this Seeutity Instrument,or tliere ia�a•l�gal proceeding that map s:,�i�eantts e4fFact�l.en3e1's rights in the =�
<br /> . " 5 ` �'` P 8 � ptaY: pmbate,.for. condemnatio.� �* forfeitu� ot ta ��tt'arce laws or
<br /> , r r;il.�t �p�y (sach as a roceedin �n banktu �
<br /> . ,.���,:
<br /> •.;•;,.,.�,. sc�ilations). then Lender raay do and pay for nhat�var ia nece�ary to protect��x value of tha P'so ti.:::��3 Lender's �
<br /> , ns •�:; sa�hs in the Property.Lender's actior�s may includv�paying any sums securec4 �y a lien �vhich has p;��e��over this
<br /> . '''�' S�uritq Instrument,appearing in court,paymg reasonabla attarnaye'feea and entErin on tti�P!o 4
<br /> ,':�' ,rr` Although Lendet may take action under this ara g Peb"tY�make repairs. -
<br /> <<' �_ • p graph 7,L,endtrr dbas not have to do so. �:,;,� �- :
<br />- . �:r�.. ;,;, �" ' . ,.
<br /> . . . Anq araouAts disbursed by Lertder under this paragCcipH�7•shall beco�ne ad�i�caal dabt of Bottamer s�:a�red b thia �� "
<br /> '`' ' �°..cnrity Iristrument.Unle�Borrawer and Lender a q ' � �
<br /> �u''°.':� �`� ` �r�ee ta�othar terma of pap:r_fc;t.these amounts shs!}.Eseear interest '"y'�r.'� ._'.
<br /> • ��'.%"•�� ' • fnam the date ot disbursementat the Note rate and shatl:be payahle.cvith interes*..�on notice fram Lea��to Borrower
<br /> ,. :•.
<br /> ` �` �, 5 ;r �; requesting payment.
<br /> , 4��,�'�.. 8. Mortgage Inaurance.If Lender required martgage ingurance as a condition of making ths laan secured by this
<br /> `.' „,' Security Instrument $
<br />_ '.:, ;.'.:,,`;.ti�,;;-:�. . orrower shall pay the premiums requinsd�to maintain the mortgaga in�t►:�npe ir�effe�t.If.for any '
<br /> ���'''!'�.: �nsmiu ee mortgega insurance coverage required�by�l,endan 1Lpses or ceases to be in effect,�3otro��stiall pay the !�
<br /> 3osr
<br /> .;,..,i;:.:•: . p required to abtaia coverage substantially equivalant�to�the+mortgage insurance previowd3 in'r��xa.at a cost �
<br />_ ' sututantiallq equivalent to the cost to Bortower of tha martgage insurancc previously in effec3. ftorrt an alternata
<br />._. , . .`.�,:;;�;��;;s,''•`I k mortgage insurer approved by Lender. If substantially eqp;Nnl�nt morigage insuranr,e cnc�rag+s is aot available. .
<br /> �, . Borrower shall pay to Lender each month a sum equal to ond'M�elftti of the yaarly mart��,:sn r��ratt�`,e p�em;um being
<br /> 'rv�� `'� paid by$orroiver when the insurance wverage tapsed or ceased�tn�be in affect.�.e�der wi11 a�ccept, t��ad retain thess
<br />��'.'•t , payments as a loss reser�e in lieu of mottgaga insurt+�tce. [ioss c+es�rve p^,�•menta may no bn�er be required, ��'`�:'�`���
<br /> .;.,<;. rv
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