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<br />= .;`' . tavements tww existin o`6em�afi�����the t�V`4�`.
<br /> ` ��. 5. HazarA or�toperty Iasurance. Borrower shall keep the �mp g -
<br /> .. , `' , PrapertY insumd against loss by fir�. d�ards included aithin the term 'extended oaverage' and any ott�er hazards. inctudiag .,;`•;'��-
<br /> �'; .��•.r fIoods or flooding.for which Lender requires insurance.This insurance shail be mairttained in tf�e amaunts and for the periods £:�. :
<br />. �:-:r:;;' ._.`�.:r '••'_ " .
<br /> , � . that Ltnder requires. The utsuranoe carrier praviding the insu:ance shall be chosen by Borruwer su6ject to Lender's approval
<br /> which shall aot be unreasonably withiteld. If Borrower fails to maintain rnverage described above. Lender may, at lxnder's f
<br /> ., . � ` ;
<br /> � .��.` opiion.obtain coveta�e to protect L�cder's righu in ths Property i�n accoidance with para�aph 7•
<br />, All insurance poticies and rtnewals sha11 be aooeptable to l.eader and shall include a standard mortgage clause. i.endcr -
<br /> � �, shull huve the right to hold the palicies and�vals.if I.ender requires.Borrower shall prom�dy give to Lender all receipts oF `�r
<br /> . . paid pt�emiums�ad cenewa!notices.In the eveut of loss.Eorrower shall give pmmpt notice to the insurance carriec and Lead�- ?•;" '�
<br /> .. :°.:�;`� i.endar may make praaf of loss if not roade piompdy by Eorrowes. ` ,.'.
<br /> Unl�ss Lender and Borrawer otherwisc agiee in writing.insunace proceads shall be applied to restotation ar re,pair af the �•.l: .�,_
<br /> `,.`� ` Pnoperty damaged.if the rest�ration or repair is eooaomicalty feasi'ble and Leudei s security is not less e n e d.!f the restotaiion or •�.�.:<.'
<br /> � .. repair is not econnmically feasible or E�ender's securiry would be lessened.the iasurance prooeeds shall be applied to tke sums ,,i a;�:`
<br /> - � sec�ued by tlus Securiry Cnsaument. whetber or nat then due. with any excess paid to Bormwer. If Eorro�ver abandoas the �..,_<
<br /> ' Property.or dfles not ansveer within 30 days a aotice from l.ender that the insurance carrier has offered to settle a claim.Wea ��. ��
<br /> `�'�� _ Lender may cullect the insuran�: P: �ceeds. eader n ry ��se the nroceeds to repair or teswt� the Pro�ty or to pay smns '`°;�'w:
<br /> •'�,•.`•.,.���.'` secured 6y this Sewrity Instmment,whether or not then due.The 3U-3ay period will begin wheri the aotice is gir�- ''�,,.�.;:
<br /> . .,, Untess ixnder and Bozrower othetw4se agrec in writing. any application of proceeds to priaapal shaii nat extend or.
<br /> . postpone the due�ate of the monWly paymenrs referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amnuat of the paymeats. If ��`o,��
<br /> __ :' " _ _ �r p�.�q�I the Property is acquirEd bY lender.H�aower's right w any insm�ance palicies and proceeds r�utting fmm: -
<br /> ; . . daar�e to the Froperty priar to the acguisition stiall pas4 tg��ader to the extent of the sum4 secured by this Sec�ui.ty Ipsuvment
<br /> _ � - i�iatcly prior to the acquisiuon. 'r�'4
<br /> . � .�•�,,: 6.�oCUPaacy.Pcesen'atton,Maintenr�uce and Piu�R�aon of the ProQerty;Bflrrower's Loan Appltcat�nas;Le�hotda �"r'`.
<br /> �. ,::
<br /> '`°' �`� gprmwer sha11 oaupy.establisb,and use t&e Property as Borrower's principal resideace within sixcy da,ys after the eaecation of
<br /> _..��.r,M-.�..._.'!Fl ,:`�: _ _
<br /> . • �` this Security lnsuument and s1�U contin�e to oocupy the Properry as Borrower s principal resideszvz foi at least one year after
<br /> ;>:,,.: . .: the date of occupancy.unless Lrarr3er otherwise agrees in writing,which consent shall¢�t be ur�reasonably withheld.or unless
<br />_�.�c<<..` '� -; ' e�nuating circumstances e�du wirich are beyond 8orrowei s coutrol. Eorrower shaU not dssuoy. damage or impair the
<br /> �,;�
<br /> - ,;:. � Proyerty.a{tow tt�e Propeity to detsrioiate. or commit waste on Hte A+nperty. Bomower shall[�e in default if any forfeinu�a � ~:
<br />_;��,`,.'�.�: � action or proceeding. whether civil or,criminal,is begun that in Lencler's good faith jadgment oaral'd.�sult in forfeinus of tita _
<br /> ,, : _
<br />=�;; , .•,:.,., ''. Property or otherwis$materially impair the lien created by this Sea�rity Insmiment or I.ender's s�rii.g<interest.Borrower mnu• _ ,
<br />�;��,`•,',:: � ' arr:t�ch a default aad reiastate.as provided iu paragraga �8.by cuusing the aaron or pmceeding to�e dismis�i with a ruling
<br />���,,'�. �.. . �,t• in Lender's gaod faith detennination. precludes•f�mi'�ure of the Botrower�S iAtC[YSi lII MC PfOpEiiSt d�Y�A(�IEt IDAIffi�8�� "
<br /> �... _ im�aimiau of the lien created by this Sec�uity Insuuu�t.Ar Lender's security interest.Borrower shal!also fi��a defanh,if `_ _-
<br /> .� ' - - BOlfOW2i.duris�g the Ioan agplication pmcess.gave rhaterialIy false nr inaccurate information os statements to I.endar(or fa�pd� , -- .
<br /> � ' . • to pt?nvide Lender with any material infom�atian)in connection arith the loan evideaced hy the Note.including,but not linnted � � _
<br /> { ph�f„ . t�,.c�presentateons conceming Horrower's occupancy of the Property as a principal residence.If this Securiry Instrumeat is on a
<br /> �, [e�ehotd, Borrower sha11 comply wit4�all the provisions of the lease. If$orrower acquires fee tide to the Praperty, the ^
<br /> ��, .. : t;:::-.�
<br /> ���••� • • .`.'' �' leasehbtd and the fee title shaU nut merge unless I.ender agrecs to the tnerger in avriting. ��.�
<br />��'`• � 7.Protec,�a of Lender's Rdghts in the Property.If Borrower fails to perform the wvenants and agreements conwinecl.im
<br /> �.'.` :: , .��,. . th�s Securiry.���nent, or there is a tegal proceeding that may signifrcantiy affea L.eader's rights in the ProPerty(such as a =
<br /> x�� , ,. . ; �diag in�iankniptcy,probate,for condemnadon or fprfeiture or to enfotce laws or re�ulatians).ihen Lender mFry da and� ' _
<br />:�;;�k;.. . . ° , ! . �+i:ss whateve3r is necessary to protect the value of t�&tuperty arcd Lender's dgl�ts in the Pcoperty. Leude�'s aciioas may �
<br /> 'ry;.'�::.:` .;,.;�:. :.�' irir�raf�•payin� any sums secured by a lieo which h�priorlty over this Secudty Insuumeat, aPPeazing in cnart, Paying
<br /> ,��`"'''� `� re�sor�able attay�eys' fees and entering on the Property to make repalrs.Atthough LeaQer may take action under this pfua�riph� ��::�
<br /> y°�2 ;=�.
<br /> r. • ���.,r►J�l�tt'�� ,�� 7,Lender does not have to do so. "�`.
<br /> .. '. �,v��,� . Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall b000me add3tional debt of Barrower secored by this � 4.,,
<br /> .,•
<br /> v,��:��,,:� . '.. t S:�urity Ir�sm�ment. iJnless Borrower and Lender ag�ea to other terms of payment,these amounts shall bear intemst from the x"tE,
<br /> =: ..:4��:� ��l�,.
<br />.���••:,:`. :,, �f' "• d�e of disbursement.at th:C�e�xe rate and shaU be payable. with imerest, upon notice from Leader to Borrower m.quosting
<br /> E;f� .� �_�..,
<br /> �'.`': . ,'i:s��s paymeru. . � .
<br /> � ; , g,Mort�t�.IIns�rattce.,lf Lender required mortgage insuranc��a condition of matcing tL:,Ir.an secured by this Secuifi�t
<br />�*+�•. � :'.�.�':.'• ' Irestrufien� �tacm�Ver sha;.i �y the premiums required^a maintain tL�c mortga�e insurance in e¢cct. If. for any reason. ttir �.:�•:
<br />°;.� � � . � a�s��t�3,age insu.2nce cover�„�,t rn�,quired by Lender lapses cr.�eases to he in effect,.�rrower shall pay the premiums required ta ��z�
<br /> --- �� � �,i;:a.caverage snbstantiaT�rquivalent to the mongage:r.surance previously in et�:`r�,at a cost suDstanNally equivalent to the =_--,,�,.
<br /> � �� �st to.�Ber.�R�sa of the mortgage insurance previousiy in effect.froas an alterna:a cnortg,age uc'�rer approved by Leader. If .{�.r
<br /> � .' substantialfy�:ivslent mortguge insura�tc�coverage ls not available.�crrower shall�ay to l��i�r eae6 month a sum�w�!t�r ' �,;-
<br /> • • "���• . � aaie-twelfth of the yeariy mortgage insura�premium being paid by Borrower when the insurtr.r�cnverege Iapsed or oeased tu `�
<br /> .r Y '� � Y•I�`.
<br /> � • ' �¢in effect.Lender will accept.use and retain tfiese payments as a loss reserve ir. 6e� of mor�age insutance. Lvss reserve ;�_,;<c:,'-��
<br /> ���-. .. � . ' Form3028 9/9d h'V:S`
<br /> 1
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