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<br /> ,,.yv.f. . :.��-s-i� .� '.rF�. ,.._ . - io.- _,_4' . -, . - __ "'- _ 4' .r- L_..
<br /> t _'- .', l` _ - G �" ; ., ' . � � F .
<br /> ✓.- =3. r' t , -��'� 'r"�,j5+ - - - r k �. — S - -- �''-�`�"_ t t�. `.:
<br /> �`- i- � - •..l �• _ �e . i . �' ' • 4 . 1 rv• _� 'I � a
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<br /> • :`y ..
<br /> ,f'�4���``�` � ��� ����
<br /> ::.�` •..i TOGETHQt WITH al!the improvemeais naw or h�reafter ereeted on the Pro�enY.and all�ts.appurtenances.and
<br /> �,},: fixuin� now or hereafter a pan of the pmperty. AD replacements and additions shall also be oovered by this Se�vtity
<br /> •• Instrument.All of the fongoing is refemed to in this Secvrity insnvment as the'propetty."
<br /> � BORROWER C:OYENANTS ehat Borrower is tawfully seised of the estate heteby rnaveycd und 6as the right to g�ant gnd
<br /> ''t,,:,; }, . ,,.:�: canvey the Property and that the Progarty is uneacnmbe�ed.except for encumb�of reoord. Bomower watrants and will
<br /> defend generally the ritte w the Praperty against atl claims and demands.s�►bjeci to any enaimbrfurces of remrd.
<br /> --:. .-.- � � THIS SECiTRTTY MS TRIiMEN'i'mmbines uniform oaven�tts for�atioaa! usc aad aon-w�iform oovenanu with iimite� �`
<br /> �-.a--_ �.-__.:
<br /> �� . variations by jurisdiction to constimte a uniform security�t cuvering real pmpenyr.
<br />-. -s-;�-p---z UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borro+ver an�L�edercoven�uc a�a �..
<br /> , �u groc as foltocvs:
<br /> •:�., a,- `�.:. l.Faymeni of P�iartpal and Inter�4; pregaytt�t an�Late Cbarges. Boirower shall PromP�Y PaY when due tlite .
<br /> ' '��'� rinsi al of and interest on thc debt evidenced b the Nute aad an �
<br /> � '<, '�_:,';.";.G•:; P P } Y Pre,payment and tate charges due under tAe Note. ;� :
<br /> •; . . 2.Fuads for T�xes aaid Ia�uranc�Snbjed ta appiicabte faw or to a wtit[en waiver bjr Iendet, Brnro�ver sha11 pay to '
<br /> .�.;;,;�. . �-:� Leader on the day mnnthiy payqteuts are due a�er the Nnte.until the Note is paid in fuU.a sum t'Fuads")for..(a)yearly taxes ��.
<br /> . ';:::� and assessmertu wtuch may attain priority over this Security In�trument as a lien on the Pcoperty:(b)Year1Y l�1d PaY�� �t�_3
<br /> . : �°; or ground rents oa tiv�Property,if am;(c)Yearty harard or pmperty insnraace pmmiums:(�Yearly flood ia�uruffi+e premiums,
<br /> ;:c . ' �.a if any:(e)Y�Y�n8��insurance preminms. if any:and(� anY su�payable 6y Borrower to Lender.in accosdan�e a+iffi
<br />'s � •' �x�, the pcwiston�,of pars.graph 8.in�ieu of the payment of mortgage insurance premiwns.These items are catted°Escro�v Items.°
<br /> ;;��:L�:.. -� Lender coay, ai airy ti�e,coliect aicd hold FuRdg in an amouae not,to.exoeed the maaimum amount a len�er for a fedetall
<br /> !e e
<br /> R.�'r, mlate�mcatgage tootc•may require for Borrower's escmw account under the federal Rea!Fstate SetdeQw.nt procedu�+es Act of
<br /> '%y` 4 ' t974 as ameaded from time to time. 12 U.S.C.Sectian 2601 er seq.("RESPA°).uNess anot�er law thai applies to Me Fuads
<br /> �rr t ,i_
<br /> ;...�,,`' .• . ; seis a i�ser amount. If so. Lender may.at any time.oallea acud!hoid F�ds in an amount not w exceed the tesser amonnt.
<br /> :' #f �f•.,.. :
<br /> °;;'t�� ;' �`` I.endermay-estimate the amount of Fnnds dae on the basis of car�ent data aad reasonable estimates of expenditures of future '
<br /> f" `';' �"'. Fscrow Items or athernrise in accordance with applicable taw.
<br />- _- � ie�':�'�: �. _-
<br /> . • .� ��; The Funds shall be hetd in an instimtion whase Qeposits are iasured by a federa! agency. insuumentality. or enUity
<br /> ' � ��`=' �;�•�'„ , - • C�nc1�tdinS LJender.if Lender is such an institution)ar in a�+Federal Homc F:�u Bank.Leader sha11 a�tpiy the Funds to gay the
<br /> ��••��� '•;�.�; .� Fstrow Items. Lender may not charge Borrower for holding and applying t;�'�cnds,annuatly analyz�rng ihe esarow arcount.or '
<br /> yz'
<br />_ . t • verifyir,g the Escrow Iter�s.anless Lender Qay�Borrower in�on the Furx�'and
<br /> �,�• � applicabte law permits I.ender to make such
<br /> "��..;��� a ct�z:�However.l.er.der may requin Borrawer ta pay a oae-�:charge£�au independent real estate tax r+eporting se�rice
<br /> ased C���i.ender in connection with tdis loan. untess agpG��3:iaw pr3�i��s othernise. llnless an agreement is made nr
<br />�' ,:�`�,.� �,, applicable taw reqnires inttrest to be paid.lxnder�Il nnt be re�-,.ised to�s, 38nitower any interest or eamisiigs on the Fands.
<br /> � . eami
<br /> � x';: �..• : • : Boaawea an�I�mder may agree in writing,howezrr.zLat i^•r�.shall be��1 on the Funds. Lender sha11 give to Bo�rower.
<br /> ��:,';;'�'`:�.' ;:: ' a+ithaut.�arge,an annnal accounting of the Funds.showi���ts and debiu to the F�and the puipose for wf�ia�eac6
<br /> ���,�{� debit te,i�;..S�unds was made.The Funds are pledged as additionu.E security for all sums sec�ti�t 8�y this Security Insdumeai. �
<br /> � ls�6>� �� •' ; G`::�;.�uuds heW by E.ender exceed the aiaar.r•.�'p�ermittod to be hetd by appGcable law,Lender shai.�,a�count to Bormwer •
<br />- �• �;��'�•k �''�� • for the�;,xss Funds in aceordatice w,l�h the ��..�:�.�ts of licabte law. If the amount of the Funds.�a'�F by Lender at any �,,;•,
<br /> �� sr�� •j . �{" aPP
<br /> J�'�� s' time is�suft3eient ta pay the Escrow Items whez���-ae.[,endex may so notify Borrower in writing.and;in such case Bormwet • ,.:-
<br /> ' if�� shall�:r�Lender the amount necessary to malce up the de�a�cy. Borrower sha11 make up tfie deficiency in ao inore than
<br /> �• .�
<br /> •; �_•�;. . tweive a7:rttdy paymenu.at Lender's sofe discreqon. •
<br />_ :� Upun payment in full of ail suuu serured by this Sec�'��,nstniment, Lender shall promptly refrxud to Boaower any
<br /> � Funds hetd by Leader.ff.under paragraph 21,l.ender shall acqniia or sei!llia 1�roperry.Lender.prior tn�is.�cquisition or sale
<br /> - , � + of the Property,sha11 apply any Funds held by Lender at the dme of acquisircam or sale as a credit again.:�e sams secureA by
<br /> • :.. . �, � ; tltis Securiry Instniment.
<br /> � 3. fcatton of �',
<br />�� . , j,c,;':��. • .; ��pf Aayments.Unless applicable law provldes other�vise.all payments r.�sv.ed by Lcnder under paragiaphs
<br /> _ .' ,'j�g=, . ', ; .. 1 and<�;h3fi be applied:first.w aay prepayment charges due under the Note; seoond.to a�tiacu�is paya6le under paragraph 2;
<br /> ' "�" third,tb iaterest d¢e;fourth.to principal dae;and last,to any late ch�rges due under tl�e Note. �>+-
<br /> .,,r,;�.. :: � ,.
<br /> ' %�` . • �t�' . � �:��mges;Li�.�orrower sha11 pay all taxes,assessments.charges,i�nes and imposidons ann'��le to t�e Property
<br /> . �£'��`., ' " .whiciR,nsr�r attain prio7siy over this Security Inurument.and i�,ehold payments or ground rents, if arsy. Borrower s�all pay �_;.
<br /> ,'r�?•.�t�:�'•.: • these c1�i aaons in the manrter rovided in ara
<br /> �� ,. RJ' p p graph 2.or if aat;paid in that manner,Borrower shall pay them on timc dimctl y
<br /> �;'"�.��ti,;' :..� � to the p�un owed payrrtr,at.Borrower shall pmmpUy fumish to Lender all notioes of amounis to be paid uader this paragraph.
<br />_ . If Bonower}nakes the4:,�yments dimctly.Borrower shall prompily fumish to Lender rerelpts evidencing the payments.
<br /> _ . - • � Horrower shall pr�,�,ptiy discharge any lien which has pdority over this 5ecnrity Instrument uNess Borrower:(a)agrees in
<br />-- writin�t�a�he paymeat of the obligation secvred b ths lien in a m�anner a �
<br /> '` .���,,: � � Y cceptable to Lender.(b)oQntests in good faith the lien
<br /> -� :.,i}�t'���+, '; by, a�:c�rd,:nds against enfot+cement of the lisn in, legal proceedings wtuch in the Lender's opinlon operate to prevent the
<br /> �- '��:,�;' '��� � e,nforaec�nt of the lien;or(c)secures from We holder of the lien an agreement satisfastory to Leuder subordina6n the lIen to
<br /> n
<br /> _- . � " ' � � this Security Instrument. If Lender determines th�.any part of the $
<br /> ._. Property Is sub}ect to a lien which may attain priority ower •
<br />-_ .. this Security Instrument.l.ender may give Borra��c a notice idendfying the lien.Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take one or
<br /> �'� ' . more c��s�5e actions set forth above withi�t 10 daya of the giving of notice.
<br /> a.. �.�}'i�F�l��. � ' .
<br /> — ";f�?'�o'• FOnn
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