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F _ . <br /> . , - 4 � .k' . - ' f �- � i�4 O �- ��•ic" _ .f"� . <br /> t ( . . t i . , . }�� iG •t 'T' Q. 1'- _ Y ' i„ I�ft _ <br /> . . -_ ,�f t — " ..�._�x.....�._._:....1.� � .. � • <br /> . . _t'_� ., t�' .. <br /> �,`�� � , RICE.RI45293 � � �. ... <br /> . - ��'�, .. <br /> : ,� � �� . .. <br /> . :� : � <br /> --- -- - . '�::�=-� - <br /> ;.. <br /> -_ -----=�':' If the amcunt of the Fuads held by bander,wgetl�er witL thc future atanthIy anm�of Funds payabis pr�rif -- -_`- <br /> ; =,-^ ° to the due dat�of taxes,assessments.insu�aace remiu�and rents.sLall exceed the amount tm ay " � <br /> �`� :: ::. .� p uad�ts�t�h fa11 due,sach excesa stiall be.�at B�onroRr�s : <br /> . said taxes.ass�sa�enss, iasurance Piemimas end gm eY .`�'• . �. <br /> �_ � option, eItaer prompdy repaid to Borrower oz cce�ted W Bomower on montbIy�nstallments of Funds.If the amu�ttt _ ,:�:,,;, <br /> " , � of the Fuads held by Leadec shalt not be a�cient w pay taaes.assessments,insuraace pr�iwas aad ground r.�pte , <br /> � ' - as they fall due, Bom�vrer shaU pay to I�der�y �nount nece�ary w make up the defaeacy in one ar�ace - _� <br /> .. PaYments a9 Ireader may requite. ;._ <br /> k:�. <br /> . Upoa gayment in fiill of all smms seaued by this Deed of Tn�st,L�der shaU p�mptly refund w Boa�wrr�ay - ';; <br /> . Funds held by I.ender. If wtder paragra�ph 17 h�of the Pragaty is soid or t8e Propecty is ottaeiaris�aoqni�d i�y -",..,.�:. <br /> 'r.•. lsader.lmd� s�ali agply,no lat�r t9an imm�ediateiy prlor to the sat�of tize Properey or its acqaisition by II�ender, : ;.^ �,,`< <br /> atry Fands held by l.ender at the time of applicatinn as a credit against dte sa�seamed by tMs Deed of Tiast. :�;::.j<E: : <br /> , . `••..� � , 3.ApplIcu@on oY Faym�ts.Unless applicab2e law pmvtdes o�e�vjse,�]1 gaynaents reseived bg ten�et.tmder `�;:;.;�F: <br /> . � the Nate aad parag�aphs 1 aad 2 hereof s5a11 be applied by Lender fttst m paga�t of ama�mrs gayable to L�is�b�► �': J:���� <br /> _.: _ ":'�,�- <br /> , Bormwer nader parag�aph 2 Dereaf.thee�to mtecest payable on t6e N�e,and t�en w the griasi�al of ths NMr�.�.._ :;;��;;r;�r <br /> '•' 4. Ptfo� Mortgages and Qeeds of 'Iir�st; C6atge� Y.i�. Bormwer shall perform all of Bacmws�'s . -'.i�i:�`�'` <br /> _' �_ r .�:,: obifgations under any mortgage.deed of nast os other secaricy a�t wiW a liea which has pciori�a�r this � '..'-'"`'�4�_%� <br /> �.•;.. hi .�,� 4�:�, <br /> Deed of Ttust.inciuding Borrower's coveaants w make payments aheu due.Borrower shaii pay or t�use ta be paid ;�".S<�+s:.,; <br /> • aU taxea. assessatents and otLer charges,fines aud ia�positions atm'butahIe to the Property wbich may� �tain a �.::r; r°:.; <br /> � " �" � prtority over this Deed of Tn�st.aad lease�old payments or g�ouad nnrs,if�y. �. •,,- �.: <br />. . " 3.Ha�arA Insure�ac�Bormwer sltall kcep the improve�s now existlag or hereafter�d o�a rhe�ropeny -Q <br />-_ .. : ;;:� iativt�ad agaias[loss Dp fire,hazatds IncIude�witl�m t�e te�m"e�aended caverage.'and such��aza�+d��s,-i,e�Wer . <br /> �,�. ID8y�equllC 2IId iI1 SuC118m0uIIi8 7IId for SuCII p�OdS aS 1�eIIde!tuay Iequite. '`:s` <br /> ((( en er ua <br /> ' . •,:_�Sy:r�. ' <br /> '` 4..f The Insurancc carr�er pmvldiag[he ias�rance shall be c�osen by Bomnwer subjecc to approval bp�Leader; ..,.;,�: <br /> � " . ' '•�:.� pmvtded. tLat sucL appmval shaU aat be anseasonably wit6heId All insaraace policies and ra�uals th�eaf shall be -.y`:. <br /> �`•```.�� ' in a fo�ac�eptable to Lender aad shari faclude a standazd�nrtg�,Re clanse in favor af aad in a�for�aoa�table w �•':�'�:�=_ <br /> . . ..••'�. I,ender.Lender shall bave the rIght to hold the pol�cIes and renecv�Js thereof,subject to t�e�s af any murtgage, - � <br /> . � � '• dexd of tmst oz other securIry agre�aneat wit$a Hen wl�ch has priorety over tbis Deed of Trast. •;_�.-:��__: <br /> • � . ` c In the event uf toss.Borrower ahal!give pmmpt na�ce[o the lnsurance caRier nnd Lender.Lendec s�y r�atse :;=�;:�•_ <br /> • � ` '��� priwf of toss if not made pmmptty by Bonower. � . . ' � '�� <br /> �� p � ,L�l,.: <br /> . .�. If the Ptopetty is abaadoned by Bcrmwer.or if Bottng�er fa�s w respon+�to I..ender�vis153�30•dap�x�st3 9t�� � ;�. Y <br />. � ���� dste aodce is mllled by Leuder to Borrower that the insuramce cazrier offers to settte a clai�t f�sr iasnrait�t2�efits, � <br /> � ...,� Lend�r is muhorized to collea mcd apply the insaraace pmceeds at Lender's option either r��tsr�.an r�air of � '.•��•'�;: <br />_ . � .� . .:�.; ttse Propecty or to the sums secnred by th�s Deed of Trust. ;';3'ctiY�a�;: <br /> � 'E 6.Pt�eaeat€oa ead 11�ain4wanc�of Ptop�rrtq: Leasehotd�Coad�minium� Pia��:��D�cda��ccata -"='���...' <br />- • � `�;°r,�e�:�Y�. <br /> � Boitowa shaU kcep the Properiy ia goa�repair and eLal!not commit waste o:petmit impait�s�br�detetiosatton of •,��: <br /> ' � � tke aad shaU I wttb the mvisIons of an Iease if this Deed of Trust is on a I�:r�old.If th9s Deed of -'�'�"' <br />-- . ' . 'hust�p on a unit In�dominiam or a p2aanod un t development, Borrawer s6aU pecform all of,Bomuwer's "` ::�` <br /> x��. <br /> � :•`. : . obligations uuda the declaraiton or wve�nts c�tiag or govem9ng the coadominium or planned ouit develupment, : �:�''�" <br />-°'�.,;�- � the by-Iaws aad reguIatioas of the c+ondominiam or plaane4 umt devclopntent.and constituent doc�m�ntt�. '::"g+:�, <br /> t , <br /> .'';;,�,'••. �, � :�:�. ?.Ptotectton oY IRndcs's Sec�ultp.lf 8ortoa�s�ails to perfosm the wvenants and agceameats caniaic�in this "�'-��_:: <br />- � ' ' �r. Deed of Tmst,or if any aaion or pmceediug is c�mmenced wbich materlaUy affects Iender's iatetest in the ;�---- <br /> ` . , P mPertY. t hen l.e n der. at l.e n der's ap t ion. uPoa aatis�to Borrower. may make suc�appeazanses, disburse such � ` <br /> � ' sura�, includiag �easonable attomeys' fces. and tak:such ectlon av ia necessary to protect Lender's If `- <br /> .� .: ` taP � <br /> ,`d . Lender required martgage iasutance as a oonditian Q��skIng the loan secured by this Deai of Trust.Bar�ver s6a11 � ^h�� � <br /> 'e_�a4�. ` _ pay ttts psemi�s required to maintain snch insueance in eff�t uatil such time as the:equiremeat for�u�iasaraace ,+ i - <br />_';';;��"` . � tertninates W accordance witb Sorrawer's en8 Leader's arittea agreement or applicable law. � ' �`", <br /> .,-- <br />_ �' �'• Any amovnte disbursed by l.ender pursuant to t�is p h 7, witb interest thereon,st�fia Nate rate.s1�a11 - - - <br /> tfi <br /> = �l�' . beoome addltional indebteduess of Bosrower secured by this�ced of Tn�st. Untess Bomawer a�d 1�nder agree to � <br />'- ` ,:. � � , other terms of paymeat,sucb amounts shali be payabte upoa aat£cc fram Lender to Borrower ieque3ti�{.�ayment <br /> '-;�:;:, . thereof. Nothing contained in th9s paragrapL 7 shall require l.ender to Incur aay expense or talue sur.y sction . <br /> --- , . heteunder. , :: <br /> _�='' :" � .i.. , 8.Iaapecttom.LEnder may make or cause to be made reaorable entries upon and inspections of the Properry, °. <br />-_ . ..;';�`;>+;�`� ; eated to Leadet's intetest in the Pro wer notice prios to any srr�.iuspection specifying reasonable cm�se the-refo�r ' <br /> _� � ;,'y� . �.78(NE)�ssoii � ae�so�a mmw�� • <br /> i. ''� • � ?tr�u�;�1� <br />'__':c�f• . . . , ':��,.�"��-, ` <br />- ;,�, <br /> '„�- , <br /> -x�,•: ' . <br />...5:��_ . . . ' . <br /> Xy' ., � . <br /> �i. . <br />' '-i . <br /> . . . _ . <br /> . ... ... . . . . . . .._ . . �� . <br /> �:i�• . �. � ' .�... .. . , ` ' . ,. � . . • . .. _ •` 1��':l�ts'yl� . . _,.� S • ' �.' .. ., <br /> . .. � . . , .. , ' ., t �f..'. ' `'. • , ... <br /> . . � • - . . . . •, • ' . . . . ' .,. ._ ' . . . <br /> � . ': � � • .. � . fr . . •• � . . . . .. . � . <br /> � . • . � . � • �, . .. . . � . . <br /> � � � ' � � . . . . .� . • . _ ' , ', � . <br /> ,, • • . • • . . .. ' . • , ' . :t- '.. • . • � <br /> . � . • . • • • <br /> . . . . „ . <br /> � . � . . . , , , . <br /> . <br /> . � . • - � • � . <br /> . . . . .... . � <br /> . . <br /> . , , . . �.. _.. . _ 1, <br /> ..�. . - . ,: - . - - . '.. .- . _ <br /> . -_ <br /> . . . . • ...�.T• 5-�....-�-�-n+.-� M�1T4+ L ". <br /> .. . _.._^_+^h�'tT-'�"_ -'_�_ • <br />