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<br /> g�ants�ad coaveys m Tnsssee.in uust.with Qower of sale,the foltowing descdhed progeny located in the Cauaty of � �, .
<br /> -,°_{ ' . .State of Nebraska ' '
<br /> � .. HALL 'S ,
<br /> . ,�; � .
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<br />`�4;: �."�- which has thc add�ss of 111 EAST 18TH STREET ,
<br />== - GREWD ISLAND [�+a� ,
<br /> tve�ras� 688Q1 f�c�l N��°Pmperty Address°) ;i. ^
<br /> -�,;;zF'.•` `'`�• TOGET�IER wltt�all t�e irrr�rovemeats aow or�eeaftet�on the gcapar[y.and all easwmenta.rig�s.
<br /> . , y',I�, ;,.�'.�,� ._, ..
<br /> �-artwaao�s and rmts(s�ec3 I�o�vsver to the sigWs aad aatharities given ha�iu to Leader to coAect and apglY _
<br /> �"''� s� rents).aII oF a�c8 sffit�f�deemed to be aad re�aia a part of t�e pmgerty coveted by this Dead of Tmst;and � ---
<br /> K�? aR.of the forege�oing,:togaher cvith s�id pmperty(or ths leas�told Fstate If this Deed of Tn�st is att a leasehald)are �.i �
<br /> _ ' .s . �<<f . � .
<br /> . . •: I�[CIIIaRCC I��[�i[�d tD 89 ihE°PtOj1lStS!°. ,:,.
<br />- `` `' 'PO SEA�E to Leeadc�th•:r�ayr�t of ttte�rtdebt�ess evi,�m+ed by Bormwer's note dated _
<br /> i°�-
<br /> . .. .. _ Apri I I4..�.937 amd extenstans ana cenewais�f(hemia•'Nate"�,in the prIndpat s�of `r�-��
<br /> U.S.$ 3Q,000:OD .w3iti iaterest thereon,Providing fmr monthly installmeats of prluclpal and iffiexe�t, ��.:,,;`;
<br /> '` with the balaace cs�tho iudebtednRSS.if'nai sooner paid,dae aad payab.i�on Apri 1 14. 2022 : � ...
<br />- . . .� '.,;. .. the paymeat af aT'!attier sua�s.witb in�t�thereon,advanced ia acc�r.daaoe herewith to pmte�ti�e seca�ity of this �,.�.;:
<br /> .� ��` :� .:. Deed af Ttusr and the perfortm�ce of�tBe c�oveaants art4 agc�ements a4[3orcower hercin contained. � ��
<br /> ' "�,'.� Bormwer coveaants Wac HmmwPS is lawfully seised of the estate hereby conveyed and has the r�g6t to g�t aa� ,�-:
<br /> ` " . � convey the Property,and shat th.Progerty is�m�emQ,except for encumbrances of reoord Boirower coveu�mts � °';--�°•
<br /> u
<br />- . ����.�� thai Harrower warianm and will defcnd generally the title W the Property againss all claims and demands.su9fi�to - ��`
<br /> � ' eacrmnbranoes of secosd: . �,Y-_
<br /> . � �' ` UNIFOR1��`OVBNANTS.Horroaer aud Leades covenant aad�rae as foltows: F �-
<br /> � i. �y�s of.l�triadp�i an� Interest. Borrower shall pmmPUY Pa3+arhea due the prtncipal aad incerest � -
<br /> � �tedaess evideaced try s�i�tote aad tate charges as pr.av�dsd ia the Note. � :
<br /> ,;�� a;� :.. 2.Fnads for Tan�rs�u9 I�nance.Sbbject to lic�ble law or a arrittea cv�iver by Lendet.Borrower ahall =-
<br /> - .:::s.;F `•'•.".��- p� tn Lender on the day asonthlq pa ta of priuci��and lnterest ape paya6l�dm:er�he Note.�mtil the Note Is __
<br /> . :,� i • � �atd in fu11.;� sum (hesela "F�equal to on�f we l ft b of the yearly t�r.xs'and A��.�enrQ ('mctudin g °
<br /> '���T �'��`�;ff r. � condomininurm�t planned onit devdopsaeut assessments.if aay)wi�may attat��rtority overn'�is Deed of Tiust,
<br /> � ��r �• . .
<br /> t��,-�i��� �cl grouad re�on tho Froperty, if any,Plus one-twelfth of yeasi��iwn 3++�-�,m��+fcrJ�id Insurance.plus =
<br /> -�rfirr���` . c��twelfth of yearly pieuuttm�imntlmen�for tnortgage insu�.tf any. ell a�'cr�sonsbly�ai3mated init3a12�and �,
<br /> �. .,� .
<br /> _ . �� fiv�time to time by Ixud,a om Ute 6asis of assessments and bills��reasonabl��sti�ates.tlserwf.Bor��sball �'; ..-_
<br /> � °`� �t he obligated to make such paym:ate of Funds to Lender to the e�t Wat Bar:�wer make8 sucb payas�tfis the =
<br /> ` � holder of a prlor mnrtguge or deed of trust if s�ch holder is aa instituxLU�ut lender. � ';-
<br /> If Bosrower pays FuAds to Len3er,the Funds sbaU be held iu�iastitutton the deposits a¢accouus a�alhlcl� i_.,,;
<br /> _ . ara insured os guar�ntaed by a federal or state ageu y(including Lender if Le�r��er�S such au ir.scituti�a�. C�ader
<br /> : � s�aall apply the Funds tn pay said tfu�es.assessments.clnsurance premiums and gcouud rents. Lecder may m�t c�arge � -.
<br /> � cz � � � for so holdlug and applying the Pua�s,aualydng sa�d accouat or verlfying and aorr�iiin sa3d ass�s�ccs�rd:Ui11s. _
<br /> du
<br /> . - . .. .��� unless Lender pays Batrower in+.erest on the Fuads and appiicab2e law p��er to make such �i c�arge.
<br />— . . Bomower aad lxader way agr�in a+riting at the time of execution of this Dced of Tiust thai i�rs:rest on+�Fuads -
<br /> r
<br /> ' ' '. , ` ';'y shall be pai�d tn 8amowet.agM unless such agreement ls made or applIcable law requires suds inierest to be pa�d. ; •.
<br /> � � '• r Lender shall nat bc req�u�d to Day Borrower t�uuy interest or eamings on the Fuuds.Lender sLall glve to Sorrower, _
<br />-:. , �:3;�i';�..;, �; � wirhaut charge. aa atu��aacaundng of the Funds ,howln�crediss anQ debitsc tn�che Funds and the putgaae for ;•.":::;
<br /> :trl,. ..•� u�isirh each debit to the I�trsds was made.The Funds aae pledged as aQditional.eeLvr:ey for the sums secured'lry�t�is .'�_
<br /> . , ��,�:t`;�.
<br /> __ .. .. Q�d of Tmst. �o��►1P� .
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