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<br /> "' tv; _4.. _:4.• • t" - ' ' : ' }a :( 't`�`� � . .. _'a C. ''�,,._.
<br /> . ��` � — �1:--��'_..�� r�,��'�t— %'c-�.(r�.•4 T_ - �-�_�-r.�.�. ,�t�---�'-,_" -:T .�_:__.`i ... .. _ _ — - _- :-
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<br /> __ .. .. _ _
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<br />... ` - , • �.0�. "1i ,.`,'`�_�
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<br /> '..•f .ai,i4.- .': `.
<br /> ' � .. � 1. Rsyrttartb. Hartowes 8�eas w make aU ps�llments on tAs seared dabt �+Aten du0. Unta6s Bcrroncer snd lendasr�agroe oNerwfse. anil �,:s.�,�i`.:_',,�`.
<br /> sy
<br /> PaVme�s LenEm reeatvea from Borrower or[ar Banower'e benefit will 6s eADQnd faat w aaN amnuma Bacr9war ascMri•0n�ihe sec�ued Qest LL,�;:, ;; °;.�
<br /> � ezs�si�re of irttereat or ptineipat,seeond Lo U►LergsL an0 then to Prirtelyal.It partial prapoYmant o!tha soasratt dabt ocasro.iat.acry reason,it wiN _ .. ;
<br /> : � c�ot�uea or e:wse nr�etv�d,a ul,,,�a¢�a.Yn?g�r E�fL wred deGt is Daid 1n fuD. ; •� - ..
<br /> I�`' ` ` �.txaTms Agt�sst� BcRa,��w�ir �811���'�s. s smertte.and other cttatges attrihuUi0le m 4he p�OADttY whArt.due ari4 av�i deten4 ctla :,':�':; • ' .
<br /> ' s.
<br /> t o t h e p ropenY a c t a i m s b N ff i t n p a U e l i e n o f t h i s d e e d o!uus�Lendm m a Y�e4�dre Bottodaet ia as�dR��1t;+ipAU�,ehaims w .,:, �
<br /> , . detenses whiCh���t�a�.11t�2��s�.���P�►lehw or materFais to impmue or maitttain tffe propfuYlf• ; :,i � �
<br />� - r'. , .. ,:":a�c :: .��.
<br /> • 3.6 t II U r m u e.B orro w e r w U i�k s e D�e D�G e n 1 l i n s�ued under terma B c c e D t Bbte to lendm at gartvwm's 9xFenss 8nd�r laed9fs bsneflt AU � .� � -.
<br /> , ins�uance poiides shaU Inelude a atandard mortgage clause in fawr o!Lender.LenQer witl he named as toss payoe ar as thu in wed on erry such " . ..
<br /> . . �q se��u�ed�EL tl�lsndsri¢4uires meR�gage Ir s�iQanc�Bortowei a��mai�'u�such Insurenc�ar as tanD as Lsrtd�equires raDertY - ' ;.,�.;'
<br /> '�y.::
<br /> — 4.RoycrtY.Bortower wriU keep the pmperty in goad con�ots and ma�CU�!repaira reasonahlY aeeeasc�V• — --
<br /> . ,:'_c.-r''��. . .
<br /> ' . ::f b.E�ensea.Botrower a�ees to DaY��nAer'&expenses.tnctuding reasonaDta attorneys'fees,if Horrawer Creaks ar�V cavanun�a+n this deed
<br /> , � �UUSt o�In eny oEGgaBon sadued 6y this Qeed ot trust-Bcrrower v�n71 pay these amounta w Lender as prau9ded in Co�eerunt S o��e Qeed of
<br /> � � � 6.?ttat Seanity trrtmastn.Unless 6artower first oMslns Lender's writtan consern.BortoweT viriA not maka w Pei►nit as��cl�Bnges to.anN R�flr � . . -
<br />- ' ` 6eauity 1�Borrowe�will pe�torm ail of Bmrowers obligado� under any pfim marqage, dead of uuct ar othei securitit.agreemsm, �
<br /> . . [ � induding Hcrrowei's covenaMS to matce paymer�when dua. _
<br /> � . -.•3� 7.p�ai ent of Rerts and Prafits-8onower assigns to Lender the rems and profrts oT the prapertV.U�Iass sarrawer and tendsr have agreed �. • ._
<br /> ;��,_• e in wrHin9.Bonower may toltect and retafn the rents ss long as Borrower�s rtat in defauit.if Borco�aer deMutt��;uaidar,Lender's r"�-�' -
<br /> • , �t,� agert,ot a eouR spAa�reeetver may take poasesston end msnaga the proparty and eolloct the recds.AR1!�eMa tande►cPf��6ha11 be ;r�, �
<br /> ., appGeO first to ths costs o!manegin�the ProOertY. indufimg eourt eosts and attameys'fees.cammissians w�enuti ag�.end er►Y other
<br /> . , `�ti' oeoegs8ry ret3ted expet�ses.The temauun8 emnulK of zeMS tariti theslBPA�V�N1R�ettts on the secuted debt es Pto�ed bt Cou9f1811t-1. c
<br /> , .l� g.��;�pta�me0 tJnFt Oevetapme�ts.�r a�e es to compty�vitl�the Provisions of any laase if tlfic_dsa6 09 bus[ts on f << „;
<br /> a te�ahoid.If this Qeed of tcust ts an a�mit in e condomiais�:e�r,a p►anned unit devetopmem.6orrawer w7!perfatm aii�at 8u►tvu!er's duUes
<br /> . �. - � an@�-the�venarrts,by-lauvs,or reg�dations of the condominir�cr planned unit davatopmont_ F<< ���
<br /> - . ` �• f', g.A�rJty►of land�r to Per[om�trn Barrower.If 6ortower tails to_perfor�n mmy of 8oaowi�'c dudes tu�det thie dsad of bni&4 i,et�der tR811 , i.-r �
<br /> �:?,.�.�: ,,..•:.':...
<br />- � perfbrm it�e QotiBS ar canse them Lo be perfarmed.Lender may sign eormwer'6 rame orpay as�amour�t if nacessarY far p�fafmarsco.tf��r-�t �.. '
<br /> � ���"�% cans�nictian on ttaa pertY is discorttlnued or r�csarried on tn a reasonabte ma%r•-rzz.lender may do whatevar is necessary to Orotnct t.er�'s =.::;� ..
<br /> - . . ..;_..:i� � securltl►irrUerestfn�property.This rnay in�udss�unpteting tt�consuua{ors.. , , �_�.".!i,"`
<br /> . • Lendetc fafhue tn perfarm wi0 not preduQe Lender from exe►eisfng any oi its otfier rigfita under the(aw or this daed af trust. �� t�.�
<br /> . �
<br /> Am amoums Raid by LenQer to pro4ect lendat's seauity iM�ase w71 be secured by this Aeea oi uus�Such emo�w4'J ba due on demand ;•=•� "�:�;�
<br /> , �t;,: ass��!hear imerest irom the date of the paymesn urtfil paid'oe`,31 at the irtterest rate in effect on tho secured debL ! �
<br /> , . ` :��';•, t�,f,y{prti e�d p�attan. If Ba►towet i�s t3 rr.ake any DaVmart who:*�+e or breaka arry covenamts undar t�ts deed o!trust or azry f �.,: „�`y
<br /> ��-y,,;i c��qation secured Gy tfda deed of trust ur srqp�T tnort9aSe ar deed of cnu��.ender may acceferate tha muturrtl af the secured debt and � �
<br /> �
<br /> .. . ',-'r� �and Immediate payment and may imtoSce tha�a�var of safa and arry ather*�a=res permittad 6y epPl'icc6le faw. ,
<br /> ` ���t-:`�' ' � 4�-.�te�ceat tot Rotte�at Defmdt.tt is herefit re�s.ested that cx."r3s of ihe�sc��af CdL-:t:c,�nd sai�be sent to each Werson who is a pariy 5� yra`�''•`;�;�.
<br /> s �.�-
<br /> .� .L�� herem,et fho addresa of eacfi such person,as set�ortb herehr- � �.��`
<br /> ` � '�' 12 power pf S�e.If the Lenaer invokes the pata�r of sale,the Tnastee ahs'7�rusK'+�rord in the aEHce of ttto register of deeds of eact�cou.�►i ����;. ���
<br /> �•��
<br /> wherein tlte uust property or some part or pffiea6 chareot is eitu a t e d a n o t l c e a f+��s i i i W r rt a 4 n mg t h e fi f o r m a t T O n r e q u t r e d 6 y l a w.T he Trust� + r,. # _
<br /> � . � "' •�,i shaU atso mati copiea of tde notice of detault to�8orrower,to each De�'s��:d'a is e PartV hereto,and to otner persans as prescri6ec5 4�y i, . r �__
<br /> appiiaabfe law.lYot less than ona moMh af0er 2're Trustee recorQs the nori�cf defauiG or tvro months if the uuct propeRy is not in any
<br /> �" incorporated eiry or viltage and ia used in farmin�o�pereUona carriad o n by t h e u u s t o r.t h o 7 n,s t a e shnll g i va pubila nattaa of cate to the persons f,:
<br /> ��� '�` and(n tRa manner prescribo0 bY apppiicable law.Ttustee,withou!demand on Borrowes.shafl seU the proptxty et puD11C�.auutEon to the highest r, � + t�:
<br /> ��•t bfdder.it required by the Farm Homestead Protectlan Ac4 Trustes ehatl oHer tha proparty in two separate sela8 as re�u(*e0 6y appUcab►e taw. kr . .-_•.
<br /> Tnistae may postpo[[e eale of aU or any parcef ot the property 6y public anncuncemant ei tha tlmo and piaoe of e�►N pievinusfy sche�ted sate. * ,,;;.
<br /> Lendet or its designas meY purehase the proPercy et amr eate. z'•�-
<br /> ;:,`ti rt....
<br /> ;�Y`-f Upon reee(nt of pavmer�t of the pdce 6td,TrusLa�shafl deiiver to the purchaser Trustao's dead cor►v�ting thp prapmty.The recidaia corrtatnea in �'� �• � '�-
<br /> Trustee'e deed ahali be pdma tacie evfdience af Y10 trutA of the atetemeMS coMainns therein.Trusteo ehaf t�plY tlio proceeQs of the sate in the ;'
<br /> :�. following ordor. (a1 to e11 expensas of ttie sale, inctudin , but aot timRed to, ceosonabfe Trusseo's teos, reascnsLto ettomet/s fesa and �.�$�� „
<br />����� reinstatemerrt fees;Ib)to ail sums seaured by thia 0eed of trw"t,and(e)the batanee,if any,to the persona(e8tu4y eMitteA to�eealve it- ��?f�±;'`Qr• ..;��_�
<br /> � �i.1? 'S'+' � .. ' '
<br /> ' 13.Fotedouue.At Lender'a opte�i`vs�3ed of Vust may be t�-edosed in tho mann9+protiai�by ayp!'�1e law iof toredosure of mortgages �•��•�. � .•'��
<br /> � . onreatpropeny �'�'"�� �p�--
<br /> :,;, :,
<br /> _ " � . ; ;.,�� t4.QzaDSatton.Lender may errter tho propertye:a"srs�ect it if lender gives Evm�var aotioo betorehanq.TI�notica must stete tho rea�c�r�Ct.e _ __`
<br /> caus�fot lendefe inspection. . • '�:�--_-
<br /> � ,,f�`�, t��artNeUan.Borrower assigns to Lender+YtcsProceeda cf a-.y awar0 cr c.aim tor damage�s connoctad�+�dru ca�rl�:r�.eon or othor taking ;�,-r f�� � �-_-
<br /> c,4�iR o►8try peK Of the propetry.Such Proceec�s w�u be ap�is�es provldod in Covenar�t 1.Ttds asslgnmam is aub}sa to t�a rarma of any pdor
<br /> ", °'�`- ��it1l eSreemen� �� .> „ -
<br /> � �c:.� ` -
<br /> 7,�r ,
<br /> .',�,,. 1g,lNaiver.By exercising any remedv avaiiatrte rs tender,Londer does no!glve up eny rtgrito to Iatm uto erry athes reaTry�-�y not exerclsing �":
<br /> ` am►remedy upon Bortowers de(autt,Lende�daes r.ot waive any rlght to late�consi6er tho eveirt a dotault if N 1►o�►yans a�.
<br /> �, ...�,� ,`�' ' f2. daittt and Sevard UaLt�.CaElgneta: Suacoaaon end Asatgna Batnfl.Ni duties un4ot thl9 6e3d ot miei ar� L�i-c and sewtel. Any : . .
<br /> ,,i„ ' . �ra,r•�wer who co-signa dfis deed of tnrat 6ut daea nat ee�.'gn the unQorty;ng do�t inawmom(aJ do�s sa onty to �r•c and comrey that �
<br /> �•�,,1z�. Etz+;�awer's irrterest in th9 propaRy to tha Truatee under ffie tmrs ot this deeQ oftrust.In e.d�7lun,sucl►o Bortower agter�ri`at the LenQer and '��{��
<br />-_ ;; ;' �uther Bortower under this dead of trust may exten0,madi ot madce any othor cfiang9��n tlto tfums of thfs desd at�r�st or tha seciued �;�;;'., .
<br /> t�y um
<br /> ";';t�S" . � Qebt withaut that Borrowara consent end without reteasing that Eortower from tho tarma of th�s Qead o!tast.� ,;..:::•� ' •:
<br /> � 4`!;� Tha duttes and Eenefits of this Qeod of wst sh�tt bind and benstit the successara and assiana o!LenQv end Bprrower. ' �
<br /> � - '':l;•! .
<br /> � • t8.tYotica Untese othervvise required by law,maB rottco to Bortower shsil mo glven by Qotiv¢�inD it or bY mafir�it by certfled moil addressod to
<br /> � Bartower et ttro propeny addtesa ar erry othni addresa that Bortowe►hau giv�s�to Lendar.Bmro►vat wi�t,giiro eny no8ce to LenQer by certified ; `
<br /> giv s
<br />_ � mall to Lendefa sddresa an paga 1 of thia deed ot UuaL or to Eny athflr aaQroas wh'vsPf 4t�hr�3 Eeaignated.Any other natlee to Lendet shaU . :
<br /> ' �• • bo serrt to LondoYe adQtoss as atatad on pag�1 of this deed af trust. �
<br /> , ,__
<br /> '�• Qny ootie0 sha0 ba deomed to have been given tb Bortower or lender whxn�euen in tAO mcn�r stato�aEov3. ;
<br /> � �.�:�'�`.f� ;.•- ,��.,
<br />+.� • 19 Trenstor of ffio P�oporty m tl Beneftclt!fntateat tn tho Borrower.If at1 ar any pcst o!tho prop�x�or arry lntereat in it ls sotd or transtarred ; . s�r .
<br /> � without Lendera prio►w�itten consem, landor may Qemand immediato paymcnt of thn sec�ad debt. Londer may also Qemand immadtate '
<br /> � � paymanf H ths Bonowe�Is nat a natural person anA a DenetlNal Intereat in tho Banm«ar is sotd or uansterred.Howavor, lertder may not r•���.r,
<br /> ' . �. damand paymont in tho above situatlons i11t ia prohibited by federof taw as of tho da�o of thhf dmed of Vust. �ji'�'`'
<br /> e,.r.
<br /> ,:1,:•
<br /> � 20.Raeanvoyeitee.When ths obtigaUon secured EV th�s deed of truat haa bten p€i0 and Lender has no further obHgation to moke advances r•• .
<br /> , � unde�the instrumants ar agrOOrt18t1t8 88dl�od by th19 deed Of trUSb th�TN6C0?Sh81�uppn written request Dy the Lender,reeomroy the trust , . •
<br /> - ' o6IIgaU�on so aUat aA88ortdower shtall pa�arry e�wtQationB�r�o9wer's succasQar In�tereat,th9 bust Aeed and the�ota os othei evtCenco of the
<br /> ..�f....
<br /> � . ' 21. Sueeassor lYustao. londer, fft lendor's opUon, maY remove Truste3 and eppWnt a suceessar trusteo Dy first, maiting a copy of tho .� � "
<br /> - � � stfisiitution of Vustee as requUed by applicaLto taw,and then,by fitinq ths substiMion of UuStea for reeord in the oHiee of the register of doeds �° > _
<br /> . s u e�e o o d t o�tho P�er.Eutie9 autiior t�y en9 tiUo of the Trusteo�iwir 4 vf�th Qeed of mut�d of eny sueeessarybvstee.of the properly.ShIIU I ..
<br /> ,`'�,
<br /> _.. � i
<br /> .._ " .. fpage?ol.?I ..
<br /> . . ' � ' OANIffRS&YSTQd9.WG..ST.CLOUD.MN 58501 It•OOP39T•73�1/iOAM OCpb7TONC 8/19A� - - � :.�_.
<br /> .- �....—,.-�._---- -
<br /> �� -------- ---- -
<br /> � '— —
<br />- � ' '.. . � . . ,� �� . . ..
<br />