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<br /> _ � ..�.. �
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<br /> • ' . PAATIfS:This Oaed of Tnist is mzde on APRtL• 17��9Q7 ,among the Grantor, RaARRT M osrraaAeu � � `:.��; ��
<br /> ' . nun eimra�m� * ea•••��i,n_ v„eopun n.,,wrrra 1'Bortovuet'6 '
<br /> �----- ARA9Qi1 R 9LaQt� 3'tR`A D . . f . . .,,(..�,
<br /> � - 4. =�.i•..;.
<br /> . whoseresider�ee a�3�ess ia nn nex �9e, �s.�„w ra�A„a wA» CauMy.Nebrask�('Trustee'1.anQ the Benefiaary. <�� ,�: ;;.
<br />, • _ . , � . vrnan enwven* ew:sr�x.e � *rnwt neSA IIR'TON .8 COIQOfBTlOR Giefl11�Z@f� ` .:�.. •��.�.
<br />. •- 8Rd 97d5�iR9 W"LQ3►�(8V/8 0} NSB nCRA WfiO59 8f�Qi8&6�S 79� 4A� 7.A['[1ST STRS�P� . ,. •.-`�.�.•�
<br /> • . �a*1n TM wfttt� *�eflnac�vti 6AAA9 �000 � - -- �'Lender'). s- i - _.; ,.
<br /> COIWEYA@iCB Foc va[ue receiv�d.Batrower frravoeably graats and eome{fs ta i'rustee.in ttust,witfi power of sate.the rea!pmperty,of whicA � `�_
<br />. . � Barrowar is W+�tY sefzed,desen'6ed b�atff anQ all6wTdmgs,fixtures,arr�.ra�sBng and fature improvemetRS thereon end ail rig�-ot-waY. , � F'`i
<br /> . . easemeius. mnts.,issueu. Orofits, Inwme.�:emer�. hereditamerrts. DmrFiages and arry appu�ananees thnrewno Osdon9in8 (atl eaUed the
<br /> � �P�9�1. ' _ � _ trr,.;r^"-
<br /> . PROF�iTY ADCi16SS: ,�n9 1�t rtanr:�s.�-�r.urro s►vs , r�aun zar.nNn ,Nsbraske se8e� - °-
<br /> L�QALOESCRt?'�iOAI: �u= tcmn awcomo .. �,;r'; .:�;;
<br /> L QA .
<br /> - . . . . LO'P 8I�-SIS (86) A13D TI�E IzORTH SIR (5) PBh'� OF LOT BI(�TY-SSVSN �''''�`�=`.w:-�..•
<br /> --.._..,_._._ - (87) IN TiiBST LAWN. IN TAB CITY OF (�231ND ISLIIPID. AAI�L COUNTY. NSBRASRA. '� � `{'?;;"?�
<br />. 1`` "S
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<br /> -' _ �, .�J � `r `.L��,����h.lJ .
<br /> �Y+f ,��:
<br /> � lecated En [�RATIi� TRi.AND� unt.t. CouM1►.Neb►aske. -� x'•. ,
<br /> TITI.�Borravrer covenants end wartams tiUe to the proDeml,except for 4 •, ��}�'
<br /> . _.. .. 1�.�4.
<br /> • � � � -�i���
<br /> -- — " SEpJR:i��Ts'ihi.deed of vust sewres to lender�epaymertt of the seeured debt and the petfarmanee of the cawna�and agtnemerrts - t
<br /> � cantained"a�tN�dsed af trust and in any other QaeumeM inwrporatad herNn Secured debL as used in this deed of trust,inctudss ar�y emoums �'�`
<br /> � ' Bnrtower owea 4o LenQer unQer thia deed of wst or under arry instrumErtc c�eured by tdis deed of trust,and a0 mod'rflcatIons.e�ctensions and ��!�
<br /> . + renewets tharcw� . ' , '°iA6,_"
<br /> ., '_�t: _
<br /> , � � Tha sewrad Qatrt is evfdanced by(List a0 instrumerrts and a�eemerrts secured by this deed of vust and the datas thereot.l: �;.��,
<br /> ..:,�:- �APe�nu�r�enuv tan.uv nwTn eae.r*nTT{/ II[SRRP.MKNR• DATRD ADRTi. 1?� �ap7 .. �"��`
<br /> - - - -�crls�._:_
<br /> � - .
<br /> ;:;;;:r-__
<br /> ��' �R�+re Advmicea:The above Ensaum is sequed even tlaas��etl or part of(t may not yet be aQvanead. FuWta adva�ads ara ; �'`-'
<br /> r,
<br /> ,' ��..��r i��)(:, Y+-rrr 1 �,�_..
<br /> :t,,f;•.�. aur�mplaiad and wiil be s�u�Yto the same extent es if rt:�a on the date thia dead of trust is execute0. _ _-�,��I�.�:.:;f
<br /> �. .:, . " �:°�,� ..:_u._
<br /> .1�_�1�'
<br /> _ • ❑Reu+olving q�re of aeEit a�eemertt dated ,with initiai annuat iMereat rete ot 96. „ : ,�':: �_
<br />_` , qfJ amavnta owr�rmCe►tht$aBreament ara cecuced oven thougt�atl amourne mey not yet 6e advanced.Fudae advances under . � •:; .-;_..___
<br /> i tM a�oemoc�t tcrs oyntemplaTPA and wiA be saaued to the same oatertt aa it maQe on the date thia dead of truat ia exeMad. . �."�;YZ,�
<br /> _^�:��,+
<br />- ' � '�'� ' � _�r` ,
<br /> � • ,�;,.,. The a6ow obligaUon is dua and paYa�4r an zto TT. �a_ �rtns: it not pald eariter. � _-�°''- �
<br /> • ���j1`�i;, 7h0 totaf unpald balance s�ac�ued 6V thia deed of vust et atty one t:nr=aiba0 not exceud o maximum pendpat ammmt of ,. �� �.�
<br /> - r , ' :r.
<br />'; , rmraTaau maonamm�csr�vm,,,,ov�,_�rra,c„u�rv a�:n .��•ee Qollate(81°.,��n �? !.P�uairKOrest, :'�;`.
<br />-- ° ' pfus am/artrounts dtsbwt�ad under the torms of ti►�s f.ac�3 04 trust to proteet the escurity ot ttila Qeed of wst or to pertorm amr of tho . , `t���'
<br /> � � cov¢na�eor�mined in this dead ot uust,wfttf interest an suct�d�sdursemetns. ; • .:�y;�-
<br /> -• ❑V�ris�e Rete:The irterest►ato on ticm cbtigation secured by thfx d¢eQ of vust may vary accardtng w ffio terma of that obSt�'on. ` . �:�,�� �,
<br /> - ❑A tapy of tho loan a�eemerrt ecrstaining the terms under uatrt��the interest rate may vary is attaehed to thls deed aY�rmt and � � � ''�
<br /> madb e pett 8oreof. • , .
<br /> RiDFBS:�CommerNat � s►�stataMEr1T eP �rr�rrs ❑ . • • .
<br />- , • � O�SIQNATION OF F[OMESTEAD � �
<br /> . -�'•}��'; Pureuartt to the Farm Homestead Prci�eatlon Act,designatlon of hcm:eftsad ❑ is attached to ttria deed of vust anA made a�art liereof c� '.yrj�:� :
<br /> ��k'r?'`''�� ❑ has b0en dectaimed;tho disetaimer ia etta�lred to this Qeed of tsust err!m°ade a part hereot. . ;����� '� •
<br /> . .•f.^. �i � . .
<br />` • StLRl�ATU1�!',:Bt►d�C�+�ar.Etmrowar e�o to tlr�urm�and cavonams earaninae(r�tlus Eeed M vemt.trrctv�8r.g thoao an pcgo 2,aad tn . .
<br /> - � . any a�ssermea anm�e1 [ia:rorrcr. �
<br /> �`' • ���,��L � � •
<br /> . .,: : . . .
<br /> J� _
<br /> � AC�tCJOW1E0QM.ENT:STATE OF NEBAASKA, csftat�m iciantu, HAT.T. COUnty S9:
<br /> '' ��f+.',� �. Th0 torogoing insUUmer�t was aeknnwteQged before me on this i72�t day of nonii,, i 9A� ' � �
<br /> _;.,, '7.,., by , R�tte(sl) , .
<br /> . � p} ��i r�• Mane m Corcannaw a vam�eramol , • ,
<br /> . � �"OtA�"'"' e ���� on behatf o1 the corporation ar partnerehip. .
<br /> . My eommission oxpitea: �D � ,�� �
<br /> __ _ 1.rGv"�Ni�n�� �-S+.Qiea�.l.� - -' -_ -•
<br /> - �Sa� trtocmt� --
<br /> . � Thls in�tR;mo�tt we9 ptepittod by csm*rx �. uncxrrx _ ..
<br /> . ��9as�suceas srsraas.we..ST.CIODU.MN 80.701 It-BQD397•1341)fORM OCRMT6NE 8l1991 ApPLII 00031363 �ago�o�t13 N , '�� Q .
<br /> � ' cm� o000000000 � � �
<br /> �.H �. . _____—_— _ '"_. .
<br />