�e�.�:.._..m.� �_� -� _.�°.:�..�.� G
<br /> ,� -=�� : - � - — _ , �, `1 `'-
<br /> . ; .
<br /> - , � _ f :c � 5 � x_ -.
<br /> 4 ' , __1•F` ' _ ' " " . �'> .` .i i E �t # _ -
<br /> � Fl f �
<br /> . . � __ � _ __� f'�s�f` —____ _ +— S k3'-�s�'�"�a•--Tt� ` Y .� - _,..,4 _ _
<br /> ' YS r�..
<br /> `_•`S _ `` r�tn3r C 4`-\`._
<br />."5 ' :.4;;; .
<br /> ..' , .. .f},�..• ,.
<br /> ,{ .- �C�S. � � �Y,. '...�y'-:
<br /> � &l�a�rC'�scta�il44t+��io.Trustor st�all keeF the PrapsRy in compllance witb atl apAUcabte taw�s.�rdi� �eS��ations ;�r�., ��
<br /> � ' retaUng to tndttpL'fp1.IsY0tane or envtronmentat protecdon(coQecttvety r�terret!to hsrein as"Emriranmenta!Lawe"�.Tn�tcr shal! �
<br /> � ' keepthePec�(s�tt�fis#�framaUsubstartcesdeemedtoOeRszardonsartoYicusid�ranyEnvtronmentalLaYls(eoltectivetyrai�r�edto � �
<br /> . J -.fx �` herein ara"149�prddr�:l�Aaffirlats'�.Tiustor here0y warrents and represent9 to Lender t!►at Mere are no HBiardous Matertafs on or << �` .
<br /> , � .or.; �� underthQPrc�arQ/.7e�;a7�srherebyegreesooinQemntyandhotdharM83sLendor.itadirectors�oHicora.empGayae3andege�and ` �.�.
<br /> .. ;:�;� :.`; any succe�5c�s ta<RfttnP�s�a interes�hom and agatnst any antl af1 ctatms.damages,losses and ItabiliHes arising in conaecifon evitn �� �;'-. ;
<br /> , . the presenct�nri&�dtaRat�a1 or transport o!amr HazaMous Materiafa on urtdev,trom ar about Me Properry.TNE FOREQQWO ti4 .
<br /> '•, SURVN�RE��1Y�'t'A�3G�OF THt3 DEED OF TRUSY. ;s.,.��.�.,',:
<br /> ---���''-� -
<br /> � 1G�GS1��aE�$i1�.Trustor hec��as�gna to lsnd�^r!ha ranis,i�ertd pro&LS o!the P+oC�ty;Rravtdsd!ha!Tcustar
<br /> �"'m'�- � sA811,unfl!!he tt�urrBnGt3:Af�n Eventot Qefault hereura�er.have the rigAi tc cotl�ctand re�In such renLR i�ues artd proflta es tf�ay '
<br /> � � `""�"� become due a�vds ptayeMst.idyon the aexurrsnae af en Event ot Qefaul�Lenda�m� ,ettfler in erson or b �
<br /> _ .��":�,. ,. . Y P Y 89ent wiih or ewtirout :i; ._ .
<br /> � bringing arty$�tian.ar�ccr.Ytading or Dy a�eiver apQatnted by a�o�ut and v�rithaw re8ard t4 tt�@ edequary os t�securiry,enter
<br /> uponandtahepa3ssssiaa.attheProp�rty,orairypaRthe:eo�initsormnameorinil�nameottheTrust�andQoairyacisvrhtchit :.�,;;,�•,
<br /> ' � deemsnecesssrgArdaaiflMi9lopreservethevatue�marketabilityorrentabiSiryofffieProperry.oranypartthereofo►interesttharein. .::,-;-::.�::
<br /> Irtcrease the tn�nte Mter+�fis;m or proLect tRe sewriry hereot and,wiM or withouf taicing poseession ot U►e PropeRy,su9 tor or � '•%•-'��;�
<br /> '": ; - otharvrisa cctiqcE ti�e rptttu,i�ues and proftb thereof.irteluding those past due and unpaid.and apPh t�e same�less cos�s artd •"` ..
<br /> , . - expenses of a�eratioaar�@ cotISCUon inciuding attomays'f�es,upon any inde4tQdness secured hereby,alt irt such ordar as Lender iF� � � �
<br /> � . may d�2em�irti�Tiie en45z�n�;u�on and ffiking possesston of the Propc3atyr,the coll�ctlon ot sucA renis.issuss end Drofifa en81A0 ��".u;;'.,:;.-,
<br /> . "�, . apPl3t�tiart the�d as af.�aa�saidk shall not cure or waive as�y d8faui!or�ottca of Qefautt hereunder or imalidaEC�eny act done in r`'r=7>}•�i�_.;::
<br /> ec�
<br /> ', ;�'� responset�suchdotau(Ltnp�itr�uanttosuchnaticeotde�auiten0.notvrithstandirtgB�ocorrtinuanceinpo�ionoithsPtaportyor �;�.,rr_.:_;
<br /> the cofiectiac�r�cefiAt aztd:a�ttfication ct rerts.issues or Drofite.8rtd TrustBe artd Lender sha[i be entitted 0�exerGisa every�igttt �.4k�'
<br /> :..:.y;. ; Pmvidedta�irtaun�aLtE�e.L�q¢cumeMsorbylav�uponoccum�toaofanyEventofDefaul2.tnduding�vithoutlLnitffitontho�ghtto ,,..�_:
<br /> exsrcise fhe�o+�er at eata:�wr�er,L,ander"s rigMs and r+emed?es uMer this paragraph shall Da eumulattve with.and in no way a
<br /> � �S Iimitatfonan.�l.ertderatbattl,�s�t�ErerrtediesunderanyessignmentatleasesandrentsreoordedegainsttheProperty.l.ertder.Tn�ste� � K
<br /> ' ,f end the�ceiuer st�aiE bs iittMaM accouM onty those renis actualty receive0.
<br /> � 14.�icc�s a!A�fa4�ft:'Tltl�;fallovr(ng shall consUMe an Evant of Qetantt ur�der t9�'ss Qeed ot Trust � ^
<br /> � 5'K� ' (s}��ucp Od pqr�l nrr�r��asffiItmer�of principal or interest of any other sum seeured hecr�y when due;
<br /> u .
<br /> f��!F� y ' (4yAl�resahotar�oteuRundarenyprovisbncoMai�edintheNote,MisOeedofT►ust.anyotthaLoanOocumenta.orar►y ��
<br />_:_:;,�.;;;.`;.y k� otlser lien or ertcumEraroc�upare ths Preperty: •
<br /> f``� (c�A�vtitat wcecutiun or attachment or an simitar rocess shall beentereda atnstTrustor�vhtch sfialt becomea lien on � +
<br /> �.r� ,;. Y P 9 f�,.
<br /> ,.,; fhe PeropetCj Or amJ qa�Cn thereoi or interesi thFrein, ,.
<br /> �"• , "', (�Tttorv�sRet1 U8;81ed by or against Trustar or Borrower an actlon uader amt QraseM or tuture tederal.smRe or other .
<br /> ""'''�':'.�;'��{•;: ;'.:� slatute,laui or r.�gutatin�retattng to bantwptcyi.insotvency or aShar relfef far debiors er St[2�e sha11 be eppotnted any tsu9tee� _ '•�'Y` •
<br /> ' %:;;',�,�J•. � receiver a�IiqutQater at''rustor or Bo�rowet orof sil or any pairt ottha PrapeRy,or the renta,Issues or profils thereof,or Tni5f0► � "�;..��
<br /> ' c:, ri4'� I�.� or Bartawer shaft�malc�erry general asstgnment for fhe beneS�t of eredttor� "~ ';"' '-
<br />��:i.F.";..I..,r'j,_., .� .. -.,— _.
<br /> �,,, iR� .,.� (e�77ig�sate,f�3.fmigr,tease,assignment,conveyance or turtlter encucrl�rance of all or any part of or any irtterest In @u3 s ,,�'�
<br />_ .� , Propert/.eith8r,votu�rtaiily or imrqlunffirily.wffhaut the express wrimen ccU'�2 of LenQer,provided that Trustor shali b8 -
<br /> c
<br /> -��.�•:�,;:f;,�•',:,�`� = pertnttted.tae.Kecute��Eease ofthePropertythatdoesnotcontainanopUontepurohaseandth3tertnotwhichdoesnotexceest �,`��''`
<br /> �,�,.,�: � . -
<br /> � -� �,;�. < one year. �• ;�,.
<br /> ��
<br /> ' ' (fy AbartdornneYsaatihe P�ty,cr .._. ..,-
<br /> , � (g�1t TrWt�ICt'i8 Aat an individual,the iasuanCe,sale�transfer.assignmen�conveya���c�r�rscumbranCe oi more than a to1a1 ?:`�lr,w��:
<br /> . ."� - „ ,- �
<br /> ,... � .
<br /> • �==:. ,,.p;.. •.., �,• _:
<br />,�;-�-...z:;?;,-�✓,--,�.;. ot�_ af(N a carpor�t�n)(b issu�and oubtandin stock or�if a artrtQrshi a tomt of r � •l;,'!!,�"x'°:.
<br /> �� , � 9 0 P? �PBrceMOt
<br /> p8rfier8hip intsc�ts d�rring the pedod this Deed of Trust remains a lien on t�Property ����'
<br /> ..�;.,. : ,.:.,r,...,.
<br /> ° �;'• �a 12 Rsmndiar��ra�onUDonDefsuiLfntheeventolanyEventotDatauttles►dermay.�xiLhoutnoticeexceptas�equtrectby ��=_•
<br /> �`�` 1- Iav�,decla�alt:lads�fec4rtess secured hereby to be due and payatrl�and the same ahalf thsreupon become due and Qay��a ���(-�Y�`�
<br /> `•.,`; .. .,. .^
<br /> -` �;,.:; ;{;
<br /> ,•�,�.;r�'.;,,•,s v�iihoui arty�r�saaUrt�erc�demand,protest or not[ce of any kind.'ihereatter Lender may. ��,t
<br /> -•:;;..�:�' '>. .��:�: (a)Demand��1:�Trustee exercise the POWER OF SAL�grantEd her�n,and Trustee shatl thereafter cause TntisCCd'ra �'�z,
<br /> • ' .:�.�;.��;;_: ;. (nterest i�tho Pre�ttrj,to be sold en0 the proceeds to be distrlbuted,atl in ti_�rnanner provlded in the NebrasOre Tirust OeeQs �';:;��,��;�
<br /> ` �� '. ;; Act . . �� ,crti_.ti:
<br /> ..,� �': _
<br /> �.:. � ,',". (bl ��e�l�dailrightsprovidedtorinarryottheLoanDocumer�tsartsy�lawupor►accu�noeofanyEverttofDOtaul� .:�+ -<
<br /> , ' ,.: ,,r,��;r �,a �=�;
<br /> "���,�},�..,F. (c)Cammenoosri-acGontaforeclosethls0eedotTrustasamortgage,a��¢srtereca��r.orspecfflcatlyeMorceanyofthe �::•
<br /> ;.;;,.,.,...
<br /> :".:',+.`:::,• . ..,:e°y: cavanar►fa hermof.. � � _ ---=
<br /> "��:�:��� �' >••�� No remeQy h�reio ce�fasrs�d uRQn or reserved to Tru�ee or Lender Ia intended to�exclushre of any other raredy herein.in Q�e ----._
<br /> �����`` � Loan Oocumenta oP b�j►,pw.p1'Qvided or permitted.bu�each shail b0 eumutathre,shaf!be in eddi4ton to every�'�har remedy�y.'uee�
<br /> ` • ;� . hereunQer.tn the Lumn Dacutnents or ncv�or hereafter ex�ting at taw or in eQuiry or by atatute,and may ba exereised ccn •a.r,�st3y,
<br />- ,�•,�;' independenttSl or r�uco�th+p�c►�
<br /> �•�' ���� �.t�. 13.TMuRaQ.Tho Tru�niae:may restgn at any Ume without cause,and Lender may at any Nme and without cause apGa��a -
<br /> • suaces.srororsub8iitute�ruate9.Trusteeahall notbe Uableto amr paRy.Including without limitaUun Lender.Borrower.Trustororeny —
<br /> F� �`; • � purchaserofl4teRn;�Rrq/."�OrBnyfossordamageunlessduetorecklessorwili(ulmisconducf,andshailnat0ettrquiredtotaltearry {
<br /> -:�:.:;'-�•� � ' 8ction in eorrneCUnn w+th�rhe,entorcement of thi9 Deed of Trust unless Indemnifled,in wrlting,tor alt costa.comp�nsaUon or � °"``�
<br /> ,::- . ' � expen&ns whloh ma�►b0 ausoniat8d therev�ith.ln additlon,Truatee may beceme a purehaser at any eale of the Propedy►Qudiclai or �" �
<br /> ` r r.
<br /> under the pow��oS sole gcBntAd heretn);postpone tho sate ot ail or a�y portton of tt�Q Property.as provldad by lavr.or seil tlro � �`����
<br /> `� ' Propetty sae w1►ote.qr in.poDB���Oa�is or tots at Trustee's d3scretton. �� `'�"':
<br /> ;j 14.�aa�and Etcponntto.tn the event Trustee se1(s the Properry by exerc)se of power of eate�T�ustee shali be enUtted ta appty ' �'"t ;
<br /> . z.- r.:� . .` s . „ct,'
<br /> ••����,�.•,, arry sate prGCeeda f�r�tto pflyment ot afl casffi and expenses of exercising power otsale,lnGuding a0 Trustee s fees,and LenQers j
<br /> �•�•'!::':` '` j and Trustea's alto[rt8�6 gg68,8ctusily intur�ed to extent permitted by appiicabte l�w.fn thO evertt 6o►rovier Ot Truato�0xerclses any -f��`� ',;;
<br /> F "• ;,�.. , rigM pravrded by laev,to cure an Event ol Oefautt Lertd�r sh�lt bo enUU84 to ree�or;rom Tiusto►011 CostB flnQ exp9nsee acritalty '; � �����'
<br /> - �::�_�;;:,'. .. � " '• incurred es e result ot Tc,�otor's detaul;inciuding without limimtion atl Trustso's and attorne�s teas,ta tho extsnt pQrmitt�d by ' �
<br /> �°'`''�' F ! eAAlicabto i�eu �
<br /> - .��,'�;,r,,,• . . �: � 15. Fututu Afirsaaofl.Upon requmst of Bonower.LenQer may.at its optlan,malco aQdittunel and tuture advancea ertQ ra- �`- �
<br />;;• �:,�;,:�!'; ,; ' advances 20 8omzwa�&uuA nQvances ana rea0vances,wIU►Inte�ast tho��on,shail b0 securod by tAis Deed of Trust At no time shail ��,. '
<br /> - � �_,.};,.�,;j...;,: � thopdncipnl�nount�ctin�indebreQnesssecuredbythis0eedolTrusLn�ti�c�u iny��umsadvancedtoprotectthesecurityoll�la �
<br /> _ ; ;.} . .. Deed of Trua7,eLCeed tne artgtnal principa0 amount statea harein,or whlchever�is greater.
<br /> 18.t�f�►callttnoann��vfsiort€+. �� �
<br /> ..��iii+�..���' � .
<br />_ ' *�r,r;,�':+.:;`.� (a)�4otn�a�t Pd�t ReteasEd.Extensian o1 the tlme for payment or modipcaUon af emoRlzaUon ot the sums secured by thia '.
<br /> - ;:,�'�t,:�.;;3 OeaO ottrutYlQrantpa 4y Lender to any successor in interest o!Borrovrer shatl not operateto retea�e,in any manner,the tlabitity ' .
<br /> of tfie aci�tnnf�srro��sr and Bonower's successors in interest LenQer sAail rtotbe required to commence prcceedings against •
<br /> � sucA sucegaaor nr tetuss ts extend tlme for payrnent or otherwiso modiy amo�lzaUon of the sums secured by this Deee of Trust .
<br /> _ ' ` � � � by re8san ot unp demnnds maQe Dy the ariginal8orrower end BorroweYs successors in interest . '.
<br /> . � � (b)Candnt'a Dcanrma Vlfithout attecUng the Habitiry of any other person Ilabte tor the payment o1 any obllgaUon herc�n '
<br /> �. ` menUUnad.r�n�vrHhoutaffecdngthetienorchargeoflhisOeedofTrustuponanyporUanaftheProperrynotthenorthere�tora � �:� ,
<br /> � �. refeus�0 as�acurity tor the fuil amount of all unpaid abligatlons.Lender mey,from timeto dme and vdlhout notico(i)reteasaany
<br />, . person am iit�hlo,p7�xtsnd the matunry or akar sriy o1 the te►ms of any such obligaUana,(iii)granf ather indutgence9.(ih refease °•
<br /> . or recom�y,ar cause to bs released or reconveyed at any time at Lender's option eny parcet.portion or all of the Properiy.
<br />- - (h t�ikU ar cettlase any ofher or addi�onal security tor any obtigatton herein menUOned,or(vi)make composlUOns ot Othet
<br /> ' ° °'' °--- - arrartgemmda with tfebtors in rE�taHon 61er6to. ' � ,.=`-,- _ �''.°
<br /> .,.:. . _�_.-..._._„_ -- --
<br /> . . .
<br /> - . ' .�•_ , _ ' _.�wJ`r.�_•S'f::.:'.�:'CZ::':S�' ....�.. ......,...1..-a—r.tcz...i...., w.i� a. _..._ _._.. .....
<br />