—.�_,'.�:��..,„:�`:s . '__ =i G�-..;�..a..-i' ^.�.;.� - .
<br /> .•.fak.���C _ . . . c� f. . , • . .. ' . . . -L �� ��� Q `�` .
<br /> ��� �y,. . ... . . , c ,— 3�.. ' -f>. �.� — • •s- . . , �.` f ck _ :
<br /> __ _'�1 � - _ ' { — _ = s� — ` __ _'_ _ .i _.S'��_ —` .
<br /> . _. _ "c3. i� — .i,-... a3;• �...__.... �...+_......,�F. .'�a ..ti.4..c_. _._ -�vi;-_... �� .-"--�=� t. r .
<br /> fL� <<; 1.--- _"__ __'-Y,Gr-_
<br />� . ' t .. . � f„ . .
<br /> . . �7' _
<br /> .. r . 3�
<br /> : _.. .:: �.�:: o��oF�a������a��u��da�c� g�'� �� ;.` �:..;�:..� � :
<br /> ... � , .
<br /> - .. ..y; . +y_ � . . .
<br /> . • ,c THlS OEED OF TRUST,ia maQe es oT th� ��� dey 0� n='ri� --19�.by end 8meng
<br /> . ��
<br /> - �- , �r is: � i "�= _i::t�� J• JC:�1.�t :i �: r� � ,� � �
<br /> � tRe TrusU�r. •;� � '
<br /> �_ sU -'`- . .', :...;'. :. . ,j€, ;.
<br /> lirt eQdres,9 is ��'� 'r' '` `s r'"'i' �"r` ' (harein"Trustor."�rrheitser on9 or more). ��` •e � .
<br /> � � tvhoss mel g '`.
<br /> . �:;? �, � � ;. - ..
<br /> , ' ' . theTtuStBB� � r' ' �' � 'r-- _ .
<br /> _ --� :' vlhose niailirtg address ia � �" * '•'__;;�"� , •� _ (hereln"Truste�'�.and � - -
<br /> • �-�t` ;'�: tlte Beneficiary. - _ ` _ - ' : : .
<br /> • .�^ (heretn"L,enda�r"}. ,;,�.. _
<br /> , • � 2.- whose ma3iing addresa is -' � . _ .
<br /> c -, . , ,.. , .., . ... . ..
<br /> T ., '.� .
<br /> ` ° FOR VAUJABLE CONSIDERAT[OlV,inciudfng Lender's exLensian ot aedit identifi9d herein to '�'"�= :
<br /> , ._a
<br /> .. � =.�f1 e�1 ;;. �C... '_ (Aerein"BorcoweP'.whetner one or enOr�8nd Ne trust her�m created. ��.• . . ._ ,
<br />- • < ,� , �,"; the reeeipt W�vhtcA is hereby acknawtedSed.Tiu�t,or hereby irrevocabry grants.uanatata,eo+►veYa and asffigns to T�ustRe.IN ` .`'`�Y r:.
<br /> ,.�;� : ;
<br /> . . TRUST.WIIHPOWBiOFSALE.torfhebeneflt�Rd��r{lyoflender.unQerandsubjec4tr�thetermsanOcond�nsAereirte�ersei . ,. • ., ,
<br /> ' farth,the rea�Propert!►•dessaib80 es toltov� ' ��� _
<br /> � ,. ' .N.' y��, .. • • • S'` • f.=.
<br /> � ' .i�C tt•��-i1C�lvu :�:1�~li :1 ,. '
<br /> ' ' . . �Sr . , � �
<br />. . I ' �`,�•}` �. ��.'Y,���.A�'�_.
<br /> ' � Tagether with a!t fuu7dings,improvemerrts.fixtvres.streete.alteYg.P�98ways,easements.�ights.Priviteges and eppnrte- q.. . .
<br /> . _ �.'�.+� nancsu tacated thereoif or in arty�vfse permining thereto.end Sfte�►eni.a.issues and pcofita reuarsions and�ematrtders thersa�ert� : .:a . �_'.�:-. ,
<br /> f suah p�enal pro�erly that is attached to the improvemer►ts sa�to consUtute a flxtura.inctuding,but not limitedto.heatlrtg and y , . ,
<br /> �,r r , _ a� .
<br /> � cooling equipmen�and UogeH�e�wlife rhe homestead or marttal irtt*�ests.if any.whlcA inte�eats are hereby reteased aria u►atvsd;eil `��
<br /> Ht
<br /> � � ' of Yfiich,inctuding reptacements&rt@a0ditions thereto.is hereby dectared L�be a paR ot tt�e real esffite secured by t?�o Iten ottnis
<br /> ` Deod of Trust and all ot tAe toregotng being re[erre�to herefn as the"Proparty". ,� .. �.�
<br /> ...._`.-;Jq,:` _��_:. : ._..S�.r.`"".t+.'-.
<br /> L . ��,.;;;;!;�� �" This OeeO of Truat ahail secar�{a)the paymertt of the prirtcipai sum and interest evidenced by a promiasory aote or credit ; . ��;Q;;.
<br /> f � .rq � � ,-�'7'` ""'�< :•
<br /> t. • �� � ,. agreemenidated t��'ri 7 :r 1�;37 I�aving e maturity da4e ot ` _ • . ::��
<br /> in ffie odginal ptinct�amount of$_ I���n^°,� ,and any and ail mod�cattons,e�ctenstons end renerrats "
<br /> • thereof or 4nereto srt�.any and ail future advartr�end readvances to Borrower(cr atry ot them if more than orte)hereunder .��:.
<br /> ��; �
<br /> '�<' • pursuenLtA one or ma�e promfssory notes or cre�c�me�(harein caited"Nata"}:(b)the payment o!other sums advano�d py , .: �,��.
<br /> • ��� � Lend�,trc�rotectthesecur(tyottfr�•fiiate:{c)thep�`cs�r�atmllcovanant�sandagreemenlsotTrustoreettortAherein:and(d)atl ��:
<br /> � � � 4 pre�t�Cd tuLire inQebtedness o:�ai7iigadon9 a�Banav�4�8�1►of thsm 11 more than onej to Lender whother di�ecb indirect, � ��.��< Mr•.
<br /> � `�YII absu(afi3 or corrtingent and wh�itt�c�S hft��9�8��Y•����r otherwisa The Nate.this Oeed of Trust artd ar►y an4 ail '"�- �
<br /> N otherdocue►dsthatsscuretheNoteacetS�ensrir��utedtnconnectiontherewith.inetudingwithoutUmita�anguarantee:�securiLY y; t:�.:.
<br /> l '� - • .':x egresments and essignmenffi of teasa3 and�r�t�.sh�i�!�^tefer�ed to here�n es the"toan Qas�ente". ��~'�~ —
<br /> •� TnisWr covenanls and agrees�s+�Lender as tollov�� � _ ��,
<br /> :7 .
<br /> • S �, payment of�nQobtadncc�.RU:indeDtedness secured hereby shall be paid when dua _
<br /> 2. T I'i l e.T r u s t o r i s t h e o w n e r o i t h e P r o p e rt y.h a s t h�d g h t a n d s u t h o r i t y w c onu�y tha Pro p e R y.and uvarrants tt►at th�lie�n .�.�.�...
<br /> �• � �� created hereby la a ftrst and prior lien on the Property,except for Ilens and encumbrances set bN►by TrusWr in wrt8ng and "':�� �.j,_,
<br /> `�"� � det(vered W Lender hdrre exacutlon of this�eed oi TrusL end the execuHon and deitrarq olthis Deed of Tnrat doe9 notvtofatDany . _ _ �.--
<br /> �.. �-:;r �`_..�_
<br /> 4�� ' ��g T��e��ta.To pay betore detinquenay ail texes,speciai assessmenb and ail other cha�ges against th�Pro�iy ���`•.� ,�__--
<br /> ,.. ..• :. •::: --— __
<br />�,�..� .: '`,'• now cr.ttaresfter levled. � -��-�-_e-
<br /> �� 4� irir,�uane9.TOkeopthePraga�linauredagainstdama�oi�7�ilre,hasardsinctudeBwithintheterm"extendedcaver8g9".Srtd __ .___
<br /> � • s�cts a�t�hararQs as Lender rt�rcr��ira in amounta and w[tlr oompantes ecceplabio t�Lendur.naming Isrtderas an aQdiUonat ' �
<br /> ar,�.. � �����u�ed,with toss payabte t�:t�e Lender.in aese of tosa under such poiiciesr the Lender ts authorize6 to adjusf,�cofte�cland Y-•
<br /> '��•: ...3.,
<br /> compromise.all ctaims thereunder and shail havo its.�ppUan ot apptying alt or part of the insurarice proceed9(i�to arry inQ0bt0drt�sa • �,�_ .
<br /> �Y � . _;-� securedherebyandinsucborderBSLenderrt:a�dc3tertnine,(ii)totheTrustortobeu�d4artl�erepairorrestnrattonolth9Pro�► . -��_
<br /> � :� : . • orpi�toranyatherpurposeorobjecisatlslacterttoLendervdthoutaftectlngthelien�olCnlmDaedofTrusttort4�efu(lamountsecured . '-i=
<br /> hereby befare such paymern ever tac�c place.My applicaUon of proceeda to(ndeMeQnar�shall nat extend ar postpono t4so dus
<br /> �•' . � � �� • :'�:� date of any payments under the t�(atr�,ar cure eny default theteunder or hereundst. ' ��'� ' '�.
<br /> "�. ;. �' ,;, . ,:� 5. Eaera�v Upon wrivan Qemae�d by I.c�ntSe.Trusto�shail pay to I.snder,in sucb mannor as lender may deslgnat9.suf�cier�t
<br />'�{ . ..�, surr►atoenableLendertapayasthey6ecomedu�oneormoreolthefaitovdn�(�milCazee,assessment�andolhereharge9agaMst
<br /> ��� • �,. �: t4fp Propertyt.Qi�the premiuma on th9 properc�!Ic�urance require0 hereun��,end(li)tho premiuma on eny moRgage insurartce ; . •
<br /> required by LsnQer.
<br /> ,' • ;e� 8.:ft�aUatonnnco.�epai�t��mDllance+�1iA 6ave.Tnastor shait keep tl�e Prefparty in good condiUOn artd ropalr.ahall � -,`f�V _� .:
<br /> ��S �" �� •, ' ; prom�itiy repair,or replace any Gm�cavement crtitch may tx�damaged or destroyc6: et�i[not wmmit or permit any wast�or
<br /> _� ' • •:..� d�teri�ra8on of the Property.sfu3fi'rtot remov��enaUsA ar�uL3tanUaity aiter any cf the Improvemente on the PrayeRy:sha�l not � ::�����,,{, ,.
<br /> f
<br /> ' �'�,% i commiL suftet or permit aay ect to tsa done in ar uyaa the Property In viotation of any 1anr.ordinance.or regulatlarr.and shafl pay and �s.�
<br /> F�: . � ` . . .
<br /> .. ptompUy discharg�6t Trt�sicls cast and expen=e o11 Bena,encumbrances End charges levied,lmposed or assessed againat the
<br /> �• � � ProOQrtll or arry paR thereot '�;,:?• .
<br /> _.. } 7. Emtnant�mitir�.Lender la-horeby assigned aii compensaUon.awarda damo�lo3 and ather paymenb or reltel(herelnaf4er _ ,;;c�'..•,.:;.`�`
<br /> .�; . , . .•. t���,..
<br /> �;r _ s `P►oeeedey in conrtectlon cvith ccrtd�rmaUan orother tahing oitNe Propercy arpartthereof.artor aanveyance tn Ileu at�ondemna- ;s;�+s,.,,:�.:
<br /> t1on.LenOer sha11 ts8 erttitled at ita ap8on to commence appeac In a n d p r a s c 3 c u t o i n i:�o�v n n a m a a n y a e U e n o r p r a o e e d i n g a,a n a {�' `S '.'' • �
<br /> �_.. �
<br /> �' � � � ahafl Atso be errtitlsaf trsmake any compromiss a�aettlement In connectlon vcitf�such faking or damaga In tho event any poNan of �
<br /> �_. :. , .
<br />�"�� : � the PropeRy ia sfl tsken or Qamagsd,Lertder shate have the opUort.in its sate and Ebtotute discreUOn.to appfy a11 sueh Proeseds, , �
<br /> - . • atter deQucting tharetrom Atl costs and expensea incuned by(t In cannecUOn wtth suct�Proceeda uPon arry indebbednesa securo0
<br /> �°�,� � hereby end in sucb order aa Lender may defermine,or to appfy atl auch Proceed�,aftor such deducUona to the re3tcraUan of th0 •
<br /> g�' Property upon suct�canditlons as Lender may determine.MyappticaUon of Proc�edsto inQebtedness shall notextendor post�ene
<br /> �4• �. . � tAe due date M any paymenta under the Note.or cure eny defautt thereurtder or hereunder.Arry unapptled furtds sl�ail6e pai0 to . •
<br /> ��.'. , Tntstor. • . �
<br /> � g, 9af4psmansa(sy Lerdev.Upon the occurrence of an Event of Oefault heTeunder,or i1 any act ia taken or legal proeseding
<br /> �p'���. � commenced which maffirialty aftects LendePe interest in the Property.Lender may in ifs oYm discretlon.but without obtigattonto do . .
<br /> �;:• � • sa and wlttfa�st nattee to or demend upon Trustor end withont reteasing Trustor hom ar►y obUgauon.do any act vfitch Tnistor has
<br /> '*'� �• � agreed Out tails W Qo an0 may at�v do any other act it deama necessary to protectthe secuHty heraot Trustor ehall,immediatsty
<br /> � . � upondemandtAereforbyLender.paytnLenderallcostsandexponsesincurradandsumsexpenQedOylenderinconnectton�ith �:���� .
<br /> ' • ' thoexercisedyLenEerofthetorc�goingNghts.togethBrwlthirRere�ltherEronatthoQotautirat�pravldedin4heNote.vsfilchahtttibv � � .
<br /> �. . . . tt
<br /> . • �� • add�d to tho IndeMednes9 secured Aere�yl.lertder shall not ineur any liatiifity Cecause o1 anyUting it mey do ot omR to Qo .
<br />.,;. � . . . ,_ . , . ne�e�,neo,.
<br /> �a "' .i:f
<br /> . - .. � , ,_....
<br /> :,, .
<br /> . ! .
<br /> : ,
<br /> ... . . :
<br /> ,
<br /> . . : .. , . .
<br /> ..�. ,
<br />