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<br /> � r1t� .. S�'�.�.iHf. - 7 - ,:{�i1 ,r� -it: _ _ . .
<br /> �) `�fvtl y -' � .S4�w..:B:�M.arwF!PAW�iYlY..:_ _. .___..�._.-..�_.,:__.- . . _-, ......-.
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<br /> pedads t6at].endor rcqui s. 7ho insmm�ce carrier providing�hc insurmce shall be chosen by Dnrro�cer snbjut ta I�cnckrh
<br /> 5�.^�,mval�rllitfi sheli trot�lmrensonx6iy wiihl�cld. if Dorrower falls�o mrlmaln mvciago deurilxd almvo,l.endet mRy.�t . ._ .
<br /> • lxnder4 op�lon,oMiln coverage m praect l.endor�tlghts in the Praxrty ln xeordmco wiih pwmgraph 7.
<br /> All tnsuruMe pulicies and rcnowals shnll Iw necepiabte m I.enda and shall indudo n siandarJ mortgage cinuu. Ixrvkr
<br /> sheli lmre�ta dght ro hold�hc poficlu and rcncwnls. If I.ender rcqulrcs,ilortoxer shnll promply givo to I.endcr pII tttti�xs �
<br /> of pald prcmtums and renewat notices. In the evem ot loss,Uorcowar shall Eivo p:ompt nmice io ihe Insura�co carcicr v�d
<br /> I.endcr. i.snder may make praof of�oss if not madc promply b�Borrower.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrox•er aMtwiu agree in wnflng, nsuranee�rocceds shnll Ix npplied to rcsiaallon or rcpalr of
<br /> �hs�tty d:.h�eg:3, it cha r�sioration or rcpair is emnom;cally has�ble nnJ I.ender�ucuri�y is na IesxoeA. If iha ,.
<br /> restom�on or repair is nat aonomicilly feasibie or LtnderY ucunry woutd he lessencd,d�o insnnnoe procuAs shall bo
<br /> applled to the sums securcd by ihis Sacud�y Inalmnxn6 whuher ar not thcn Auc,wf�h any excess paid lo Roirowe�. 1(
<br /> 13ormwer abandons tho Propcny,or does rot answer whhtn 30 doys a nmico from Lender ihat thc Insnnnco eanicr has
<br /> o((erod m settle a claim,then 4ender may collai�ho tnsurance proceeds. Lender may use tho proaeds�a rcpair or ros�oro
<br /> ihe Propeny or ro pay sums vw-umd by ihis Security Instrument,whc�hcr or no��hen due. 7hc 3Pday perlod wilt bcgi�when
<br /> thc notice fs given.
<br /> Un!�s F.ecrke uA Boe�ower at�`etwise agrce in writing,nny appIic,tton of{xeceeds ro Qr'u:cipat sh_alt rm entertA cr
<br />- Fes!irxk;the Q�.:d:tr:of tEe urr..hty r�yxir�rs refcm:d�o in ryamgr�hs F and 2 a ctwnye tt%amowu of ttx paymeats. If
<br /> m�d:r p.vagr�}�ti 21 U�e Aoyr+ey is aqnircA by Lendcr,Rorrowcr+�right to any insurance polidts and p.•ecreds resutting
<br /> fraae dm�age m iM Proprny yc�+r ro tlx acqutsitlon shail pass�o Le'drr eo tt�e eurnt of ihe sums securcA by this Security
<br /> Iroin9im�ntimmWiarely{viorm�'�cacqulsition. _
<br />� 5. (Aiapmrcy, Preurvafion, MntNZnance and Protzc73on eP Ehe Froperly; Banoxrr•s Loan AppllcatSon; _
<br /> 1.etuiwlds. 3soTOwer shall occupy,establish,and use�he Property as 6exrower4 pnnclpa!residrnce�rithin sixty days aRet =
<br /> tb:enautlon of ihis Saurily insitument ond shall cominue�o occupy ihe ProQerty as Rortox•er�s prin:ipal rcsirlence for a� ,
<br /> lexg �mc ycar aRer ihe dn�c of oaupaney, uNess I.ender o�hc�wise agrces in vrming, ��$ith consem :�ili iwt bc '
<br /> un_av;a�bly wi�hheld,or uNas extenualing circumslances exist which are beyomi IIcurun'er�mnirol. Dortox:�>+aaA no� -
<br /> duvoy,damage w Impalr the Propeny,aflow t6e Propeny to detedo:ate,or commi�w:ss�e on�he Propeny. I'ra:cv�eer shall --
<br /> ik in default if any fodeiwre ac�ion or p-arcviing,whe�her civil or criminal,is lrg�m�ha�in Ler,Jcri g:wd GtLh judgmem -
<br /> couid rcsuit tn forfeimrc of�he Rropany or oiharniu mateAally tmpair�hc lien created by tGis S:»::riry Ins�mmem or =
<br /> Lenderhsaurityinteres�. Rortowermaycuresuchadefauhandrcinsiarc,t�sproviA.Ainparagraph�iy,Dycausing�heaction _
<br /> orprotteding�o be dismissed��i�h a rulir.g�hat,in I.ender4 gaod fai�h detemiination,precludes foReimrc of Ne Uorrowerk ,
<br /> imercs�in �he Propeny or oihc�ma�erial impaimient of tl�e lirn crca:W hy�his Secunty Insimmont or Lender4 secumy -
<br /> ir.tercst. Dortoxxr shall nlsu te in defauii If Oorcower, during the loan eppiication procr,ss, gave ma�erially false or -
<br /> inaccurate infortna0on or statemems w Lender(or failed to provide Lender wiih any matenal inPorma[fon)in connectlon wi�h -
<br /> the toan evidenced by the Note, including, but no1 limfted �o, mpresrn�atlons canceming �orrower4 cecup:mcy of�he _.
<br /> 1'rop�ny as a principal rcsidenca If�his Seturity Invmment Is on n IeaeSo:d.Dortower shall comply wi�h all ihe�nvisions —�
<br />. �(�,ntrau., �j�tnRnu�r�yr�e�s<(�c�(��etn!ho?ropeny_�helraccho!da�id�hekc�i�leshallnotmerKCUnless4e24ragrces =
<br />� to�hcmcrgcr(nwdtlng. -
<br /> 7. Proltelbn of I.endtPs Righis ia 2he Property. If Bononra fails �o Fe;iorm tlu cocenaa�s an3 �,�,ceemems =
<br /> contatnW in �is Sccumy Insuumeiu,��r cF,�x (s a Iegal proceedlrg cie.x mny significxntly n[Tacc Ee.�nd.�� Ii$hi.t in O�e =.
<br />. Roperty(suchrir.p:aeedinglnbankn�p+r,r,pmbate,PorcondemnntnmorforYein::e�r�ornforcclea�;orrcgulations),then =
<br /> Lender may do a�d gay fm. wtwuvcr is necc.ssary m pro�eci�hc vnice u5:hc �i,�eny r.�d LcnderS dghis In thc Ptopeny. _
<br /> Lender's aciions may i�d�s3e szsing any sums securcd by a lien which hus prinri:}�*:u�hts Securi�y Insuumem,appearing _
<br />� in coun,paying rcr.son�;:nc.Ynrys'fees and eniering on the Propeny to make rep+irs.Ahhough Lender may iake ac�foa u�
<br /> undcr�his paragraph 7,Lencer das nm have to do:o. --
<br /> Any amoum:ditburuA by Lender under this paragraph 7 shail become nddi�ional debt of Domiwer ucurcd by ihis =
<br /> Sccuri�y Ins��umem. Unlcss DortuweranJ LenJer ngrce�o mber�ermiof paymem,ihese emoums shall bear Imercst from the `�
<br /> da:e of dlsburs�:men� o��he Note ntt:vid shall be payable,ni�h incercst, upon noilce !rom Lender to Qortower reryues�ing �r
<br /> �nymcnt. ���
<br /> Y, Morlgage Insurance. If Lcndcr requircd mongage insuraacc ns a condi�ion of making�hc loan secu�a:l by �his
<br /> StcutUy Insm�menL Uomower shall pay �he prcmiunu rcquircd to maimain �he mongage insurence in effec�. fE,for any
<br /> rcason. �he nxrigage insumnce covenge aq�ired 6y Lender Iapces cv ccases to I�e In effen. H�nuwer shr.11 pay Utt -
<br />� prcmiums rcitxi:c:I to ob�afn coveroge sisM.-.nmi�lly equivalem �o �Ce mongoge insurance prc��iu:�ly in efka.a� n eact -
<br />� subsmmially eyuivalem�o�he cmt�o Oato�.�er of�6c mongage insmance previously Sn effecL trom an al�ema!e mm�gage =
<br /> Insurcr approved Dy l.enCee !f<ubsiantially eyuivnlem rtwngage insmance coverage is no�avnflable,Qorrower>ha',1 pay w
<br /> Lendcr cach momh a sum cqu:t�o one-�wcl�h of ihc ycariy�mongnge insurance pnmium bcing pafd by Rorrower w6en�he -
<br /> insurnnce mverr.ge lapsed or ceaud�o he in effect. Lender x ill aceep�.�ue and rciain�hese paymems ac a loss rcserve in Ileu --
<br /> of motlgage insurznce. Loss rcserve paymems may no Imiger Ik r<ymred,at the option o(Lender,if mongage insurunce =
<br /> rnvcragc(in�he amoum and for�hc period�hat Lcnder«i�ui�r.)pro�ided by an insurcr approvcd hy Lendcr again becomcs _-
<br /> avai�ab!e and is ob�ained.6orro�eer shall pay�he premiums�equired io maimain mongage insuranm m e(feei.or to provide n -
<br /> las reserve,umil�he rcquircmem for mongag.insur.irne en;i.in ac<oidance�viih anp�rriuen agrcement bencaen Dorcower
<br /> ard Lcnder or applicaUtc law. g•;
<br />. 9. Inspecllon. Lendcr or iis agem rna� make rea<onab!e.n�r.z,upwn;md im�ciiore of e�:r Aoperq�. Lcnder shall -
<br /> gire Qorcower no�ice a��he linu o(or prior�a;�n in5�xc�ion apecifcirg rra�cm6le cvae for�he im€c.-iion. _
<br />. 20. ConJemnnilon. T�e proceeds of any awnrd or eiaiin for Ja:n:�g.w dircci or con�equer,vai.in eonnec�iao wiih any _
<br /> 4rd:FmAy-Faneie\faeM17ed0Ie)iael\IF/IH\II\SIRCVl:\'1�-leCOrm(b�crn� 9.90 �ry•.�.•?•.%ofwsnr
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