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201201147 <br /> in the Property nnel rights iu�der 11iis Sccurity lnstruinent; and(d) Yakes such ao�ion as Le�ider map <br /> reasonably require to assure Yhat Lender's interest in tl�o Property and iights under this SecuriCy Instrmnent, <br /> and Bo�,rower's obligation to pay the sums seonred l�y Civs Sccuritq fiistrwnent, shall contimie unchan�;cd. <br /> Lender inay rcquirc tl�at Rorrowec pay such reinstatement aiuitis and cxpenees in one or more of the fi�llowing <br /> fonns, �s selecCcd by Lendcr: (a) cc�yh; (U)money ordei; (o)certif ed chec]<, Uai�lc cheok, treasurer'e cheok or <br /> elshier's ehecic, provided any such chccic is drawn upon an institution whose depc�sitv are insm�ed by a <br /> feder�l agency, instrmnentnlity ox entiCy; or(d) Eleoh�onic Fuuds Transfex. Upon revistatcme��t by Rorrower, <br /> t1us Security IvsU'tunent and oblig�ttions seci�rec{l�oreby ahall Yaintun fully ef'fective as if no aeoeleration had <br /> 000urred Howcvc�', tl�is right to reinstate shall not npply in the nase of accc;1eration under Section 18. <br /> 20. Sale of Note; Change of Loan Servicer; Notice of Grievance. 'I'l,e Note or a p�rtial interest in the <br /> Note�(tiogathar with thie Secuiity Inatnmient) can bc so1d one or�ore Yimes without prior notico to <br /> Borrower. A sale miglrt rasult in e ehAttge in the entiLy(Imown�s the "I,oan�ervicer^'� that collecfe Periodic <br /> Paymcnts duc under the Note and tlus Security Instrument tmd perPorms other mortgage lonn seivicing <br /> oUligaCion� undc��Uho Notq thrs Security Histrwnent, and ApplicAble Law. Thorc alao might Ue one oe more <br /> chuiges o£tlie Lotm Servicer tuuelatcd ko a sala of t1�e Note. IF thera is e ch�nge of thc Loati Scrvicer, <br /> Borrower wi11 be given written notioe of lhe chango which will state the name and o�F fhe new Loan <br /> Sarvicer, flie address to wliieh pa�ymenYs should be m�cie and any otl�cr information RESPA requires in <br /> oonncctim�with a notice of transfer of seiviciug. If fhe Note is sold and Choreafte� fhe l,o�n is serviced by a. <br /> Loan Servioer other Chan the purcl�ascr of the Note, the moiEgag�e lonn�servioing obligaCions to Borrower will <br /> raina�in with the Loan Servicer or be h�ansferred Co a successor J�oaa Servioer azid are not asenmed by fhe <br /> Notc purcl�aser nnless otherwise provided by Che Note purchpaer. <br /> Neither Borrower nor Leuder may coimnence,join, or be joined fo auy judicial action(as eitlier an <br /> individual litigant or the member of a class) tl�nt arises from the other party'a acNons pursuant to this <br /> Secu�ity H�stnm�onC or II�aC allegcs that the other party has bi�eached any proviaion of or�any duty owed by <br /> renson of, ttua Secarity Instrmne�iC, imtil such Borrowcr oe Lender has notified the othe��parly(with euch <br /> noCice givan in complia�ice witli the requirements of SecCioii 15)of such alleged Ureach and �fforded the <br /> otUor party 1�ereto a rec�sonaUle period a£ter tha giving of auch notioe Co Cake corrective action. If Applicable <br /> Law provides a tiime period which must elapse before certain action can be taken, fhat tirno poriod w+11 be <br /> deemecl to be reasonable for puiposes of Clus p�ragr�ph. 7'he notice of acceleration and opportuvity to eurc <br /> given Co Borrower purselaut to,Scction 22 aud the notice of acceleration given to Borrower pur5uant to <br /> Section 18 shall be deemed to s�hisEy fhe notico and opportunity to take coccec[ive nction�rovisiona of thiF <br /> Section 20. <br /> 27. Hazardous Substances. Ae uaed in this SecCion 21: (a) "Hnzardou,r Substances" are those substancea <br /> defined as toxic or hazardous eubstances, polhitnnts, or w�sL�ea by L�nviromncnfal Law and tlie following <br /> substiai�ces: �aso1ine, lcarosene, other flaaiunable or toxic peU•oleum produccs, t'oxic pesticides and herUicides, <br /> volatile solvents, mafarinls pon4a'v�ing asbostos or formaldehyda, and rAtlioactive maCeri�ls; (6) <br /> "Environni�entnd Law"meane federal l�ws nnd lawa of thejurisdictioi�where the Pcoperty ie located thaC <br /> rclate to healfli, safety or envicomnental protection; (c) "Eftvironmentr�l Cleanup"includes any response <br /> aeUion, remedial action, or rcmoval aclion, as defined in Enviromnental Law; nnd(d) �n "Environmenta! <br /> Condttton"menns n condition thnt oan caase, contribi.dc to, or othecwise triggar Tn Envn�onmental Cleamtp. <br /> Barrower ehall uot anuae or permit Lhe presenico, usc, dlspoeal, storage, or release of�ny IIazardoue <br /> SuUsYances, or�lueaten to release any IInznrdous 9ubstances, on or it�t1�e Property. Borrower shall not do, <br /> nor allow anyone else to do, anytliing at'fecting the Propexty(n) thaC i� in violatron of a�iy SnviromnenYal <br /> Law, (b)which crcatcs ttn knvironmental Conciition, or (e)which, due to the presencc, use, or release o£a <br /> IIaz�rdous Substance, oreahes a condition that adversely affects Uie value of the Pxoperty. The precediug two <br /> za000z�a <br /> NEBRASKA-3inglePamlly-fonn�MaelFredtlfeMao UNIFORivi INSTRUMENT Form 3020 1/o1 <br /> _ VMP�N VMP6(NEI(1105I <br /> Wolters Kluwer Flnanclal Serdces Paye 13 oF 17 <br />