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201201147 <br /> deaignaled a suUsCi6uke noGcc addross Uy notice to Lender. Borrower ahnll promptly notifq Lender of <br /> Borrower's change of flddrese. I£Lender speeifies a prooedLUe for reporting Borrower's ol�az�ge of adciress, <br /> then T3orrower shall only re�orE a chauge of�ddress tluough tl�at apecified procedtu'e. <br /> There may be only one designated notioe address under tl�is Security Instruinent�t Any one[ime. Any notice <br /> to Lander ahall Ue given Uy delivering it or by mailing iC by first claes mail to Lender's e�ddrass stflted herein <br /> �mless Lender has designated aaiother address by notice to Borrower. Any notice in comiectiaii wifli this <br /> Seciu�ity Insp�umeut shall not be deemed to have been given to Lenclex until ac6�ually rc;ceived by l,ender, lf <br /> any notice required by fliie Sectirity Insri•ument is also required under Applicable Law, Che ApplicaUlo L�w <br /> requirenient will sfltisfy the corxesponding requirement unde��this Sec�uity Instrwneut�. <br /> 16. Governing Law; Severability; Rules of Construction. Thie Security Instrument sli�ll be governed by <br /> fcdoral 1aw and tho law of the jurisdictioii in wl�ioh the Property is located. All rights and obli�;ations <br /> conCained in tlris Securily Insu�iunenf are suhjcct to any requirements aiid limitationa of Applioable Lftw. <br /> Applicable Law might explicitly or impliciely nllo�v the partics to agrce by contract or it uiight be silent, b�it <br /> such silence s1�a11 not ba construad Aa a prohibition agpinst agreen�ene by conh�aot, in the event that aAry <br /> provision or cl�tuse of this Secw'ity Instrtunent or the Note conflicts witl�Applicable Law, such conlict shall <br /> not affect othcr prov+sions of this Sectu�[ty Iush'wnent or the Note whioh can be given effec[wifliout the <br /> conflicfing provision. <br /> As uccd in this Sccurity fnstrwi�ent: (a)words of the mascul'vie gender shall menn nnd incltide oorrespoudiug <br /> neutex words or words of the Peminine gancier; (b) words in the singnilar shall meau and 'uiclude fhe pltu'al <br /> and vice versa; and(c)Yh�word"maq" givea sole discre6ion withont any obligadon to take any action. <br /> 17. BoYroW er'S Copy, Borrower ahnll be given oue oopy of tlie Nole and of this Sccurity Instrument. <br /> 18. Transfer of the Property or a Beneficial Interest in Borrower. As used in this Section 18, "Interest in <br /> the Property" means any legzl oi benePicinl interest in the Prope�rty, inoluding, but not limited to, thoso <br /> Ueneficial interests tr�uisferred in a Uond for deed, contract for deed, iustallment s21es coutract or escrow <br /> agrcomcnt, the intent of whioh is thc h�ansfe�� of tifle by Rorrower at a future data to a purchnser. <br /> If all or any part of the Prope��ry or any Lntexeat in Uie ProperYy is sold or Yransferred (or if Boxrawe�•is not a <br /> nlliu�al person and a l�eneficial interesC in Bonrowor is sold or treu�sfer�ted)�wifliout Lender's prior wriCCen <br /> conseuY, Lender may reqnire iuunediate payinent in fLill of all aunis secured by this Seouri6y instrmnent. <br /> H�wcv�', 11vn option shall not bc cxcrcised by I.ender if such exercise is prolubiCed by Applic�blo Lew. � <br /> If Londor excrciecx tl�is option, Lendcr s1ie�11 give Tion�ower notice of accelecation. Tha notice ahall provide a. <br /> period of not lesa tilian 30 days &om fhe dafe lhe notico is given in accordaiteo with Section 15 wiUiui which <br /> Borrower must pay All swns secured by this Secuxity Inst�nment. If Borrower 1'aila to pay flieso sums prior to <br /> the ex�iratiou of this perioci, Lender may invoke any remedies permitted Uy this Security Instrument withouC <br /> fiu�tlier notice or dou�and on Borrowc��. <br /> 19. Rorrower's Right to Reinstate After Acceleration. IPBorrower ineets certain conditions, Borrower <br /> shall l�avo tho right Co have�enforco�i�ent of thie St�curity]nshtunent disconUntted at airy time prior to tihe <br /> earliest o£: (a) five dnys before snle o£the Property pursuanC Co v�y powe��of salo confaii�cd itt this Security <br /> Instnunent; (b) such other period as AWplic�blo Lew might specify for the terirunation of Borrower's right Co <br /> reinsfate; or (c) enhy oF a jud�,�neut cnforcing this Secw�ity Inst�uinent. Those condifions are tha�t Borrower: <br /> (a)pays Lender all sums whioh lhen wou7d be due undcr tl�is Security Instrument and the Note as if no <br /> eccelerntiari had occmred; (b) cm•es eny default of any other covennnta or agreemente; (c)�ay� all cxpenses <br /> incwred in enforoing this Security Insh-wnent, including, ULrt not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees, <br /> property inspecfron and valuation fccs, and other fees incurred for the pur�osa of proYecting Lender's interast <br /> 240002%3 <br /> NFRRASKA-Sin�le Family-Fennle Mae/FreAOie tdnc UNIFORM1I INSTRUMEiVT f-arm 3028 V01 <br /> V1.7 P OO VPA PG(Nf:)(17061 <br /> Wollers Kluwor Flnanolnl Sarvlaos Pege 12 of 1 <br />