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__i��,�+.r.w.�.�....��,.......-...-.._,.-_.._ �.: _ '. .. .. . ._ _. .._ � _•.�ii �, <br /> r ' <br /> ��l d.,i��� , <br /> l��-�f 1 t s" �:_. <br /> 5. Iivard or Ptoptrly Insur�nce. 6orrower stwll kap tho improvcnung2 w cxl.ting oe ixruRer ercclSd oa th4 ' <br /> Pro,:ny insurrd agafnst loss Ly iiro,hnrnrds Includcd within�ho temi 'oxtendod covemgo'nnd m1y dhet huuds,Incl�v�fp�:. <br />--_ Itoads m ilnc.ling,fnr whleli Lendcr requlru insumncc.Tlds(nsurnr2o shnll lw malntAtnql In ihP anpunls and Lof thf pet(adt.,:;_ ... <br /> tLat I.�nder rcq�dn;s. Tho insurancc cardcr prnvlAing�hn insnnnco s6ni1 bo chosen by iMrrower sub]a�tn I.endtr's ap�roval � <br /> whld� shall na bc unrcasonably withhcid. If 6orrowcr fails to mnimain mvemgc Accedt�cd alwvc, lan�icr nuy�a�I.cqdet's <br /> opqon.obtain mrcrog¢io protect 4cndcr's rights In iho Pro�^riy in aecordanw wiih parngrnpL 9. '" ° <br /> All insuran�pollcira and rcnewnis shall be acecnln6le to f.endcr nnd slmll Include n stsndard nwngaga dauu. I.en6er . - <br /> shali havo tho righ�to hotd tM1e policia md l.endcr rcqulru,Dorrower shall promqly giva�o I,ender all rttttpl5 qf ' ., <br />--� patd prcmiunu:mJ rcncwal tlm erau of loxs,IMrmwcr e6all gh•c pmmpt�m�ice�o�he insuranm carder nrd Lendte -.---. - <br /> I.cndcr nwy mako proof of loss it not nudc promptly by Ibttowcr. <br /> Unless Isnder md florcower o�htrwlx aSrw in wrl�ing,6uumnce procceds shall bo nppli�d m nstorntlan or rapatr of�he <br /> Propeny damagai,if�ho rostontlon or rcp�ir is emnnmically frasiblo and Lender's ucurity is not Iessened.if�Iw restomUon or <br /> rcp3ir Is not economically(easible or Lcndu's xecudry�vould be Iessenod,the Insunnce procecAs shall ha applied a Uto sums <br /> saurcd by this Secadty ins�mmen6 whether or nm Uien dne, with any excess paid �o IIorrower. If 13orrou�cr xA+rdoas tha <br /> -- Propcny,or does nm e�uwer wl�hln 30 Aays T no�iw from I.endcr �h.t tho insuranca a�rdcr haz oftered lo se�Qe a dalm,tt.�u <br /> tander may cnllat the tamrnnca prcexds. Lender may use�:e proceeds ro rcpatr ar restorc �he Propeny or a pay sums <br /> secund by�lils Skrudry[nshunxn4 x�hnher or no�ihen due.'R:e 36day period xit[begin when iho notiec is given. <br /> Unless tartder and Florcox�er o�henviw agrcc iu writing, any apyttcation of procccds io pflnc(pal sh311 not extend or <br /> postpone Wc due date of thc monthly paynxnts rcferrod to in plragmphs i a�xi 2 or changc ihe nmonnt of thc paymcnts. If _ <br /> under paragraph 21'the Propeny is acquind by Leoder.[SOrro�eti s righ�to xny inwranee policia ond p�ocxds resulting from -,r <br /> damige�o Iho Pr•+perty prinr in the acquishion shall pass to LenAer tn the extem of iht sums securcd by this Src.edty Instrunxnt ; <br /> .._ inunaliately prior ia the acyuia�lon. ���-,...�„ � <br /> = 6.Occuponcy,Preservatlon,llfainte�unce and Protcetion o7 tSm�Anperty;IIorruwrr'<la+nn Applicallon�Leueholiis, �,� .: <br /> — Iforrower shall accupy,establish,and use the Propeny as 6orcower's principal rcsidena:wi�hinsix�y days aRer�he ezecwion of �.±..�%•== <br />-- �his Sccurit insuunxnt and shall mminue io occu the Pro n as�orco��er i ri�i al resiCenn:for at Ieu�one e2r,.f�cr �Ef"'"-`�' �� <br /> Y PY P� Y P P Y ,,.70�_�-- <br /> __ the dale of oecupancy,unle�s Lender otherwise ngrus in�vri�ing, which mra:nt shall not be unreasonably wi�hheld,or unless :+;;;_; <br /> '� extenua�ing circumsta�xes esis� which arc beyond SoROx�er's control. Onrm�cer shall na deslroy, damage or Impair the �;{`� � <br /> -�i� Propeny,atlow ihe Pmpcny to daeriora�e,or mmmii �rutc on ihe Propeny. �orrower shail bc In default if any forfeimro � t�' :�:, <br /> i� acdon or pron:eding,���htihcr civll or crinunal, is begun tha�in Lendcr's saod fai�h Judgmem could result in forfciwre of the �'�}efa <br /> Propetty or oiherwise n�.acerially impair the lien crcated 6y this Secumy inatrunient or Lender's sccuri�y intera�. Oorrower nuy �k�f _ <br /> ',� .crc sicch a defnult a�i3 ceia�*:1e,as providcd in paresraph 18,by cnusing qie nc�ion or practtding to be dism3sv;d with a nding 'r f.__ <br /> ,..q e.�- <br /> v;_;� cA,i4 In isndrPs giwd f:�itp dclem�ination, prccludcs torfciwro oC thr ponou�er's interesi tn the Pro�r+.g nr other material 'i;`i«�'-�.-,_. <br /> � . - )m�rairi�iclyi oi ific ile��e�.ai�Lr�6is :m'4fily IGilNiiiiSi GP'a:�:'s�urit;in::res:. �•c^�°• :ha`! r.�•^L: 1!1 dn(opit i( _ � Y . <br /> -�r 13ormwer,during ihe lo�n application process,gave marerially(alse u:inaccurete informa�ion or s!memenls�o Lender(or ir.ilyd s�4Y� . <br /> --'�- to provide Lender�vi�h mry ma�erfal Informa�ioN in eonnection wi[h�he loan evfdeneed by thr\o�e, inctudfng,6ut no� limitrcl i 4'�, '� '�' <br /> ;?'f in,rcpresentatlons concevning Oorrower's ottupancy o€+ha Pmpeny as a princip:.1 rtsidenee.If ihis Security Insirument is on a P`� - <br /> `y ieasehold, Borcower shnlf vmply wltL all �he prmi,�ons of�he Itt4. If Onrro�SYr acquires fee �itle to the Property. �he r�r +i� <br /> - Icaschold and the fee�itic shall no�merge un:ess Lender ognts�o¢:r mergcr in uTi�ing• f,t'�1��,xS - <br /> -�� 7.Ptei;ctlon of I.ender's Rlghts In ihe Property.lf Dorro��rr i�ilt�o perlorm�he covenams and agrecments mmntned In �z� Syz."`. <br />="�" �his Sccurii•lnstrumem, or iher. ts a Ie al rocttdin �ha�nu•si�r.dicantl af(ce� Lender's ri hts in the Pro n (such as n `:ii�';"t'0-�""� <br /> - �� > B P 6 S b Y S � Y tz2W - <br />-,� proceeding In bankruptcy, proba�e, for mndenmaiion m forfeiwrc or�o enforce la�+•s or regula�ionsL �hen Lender nuy do and �r a r , , <br /> for wh��ever is nttessa �o roiict �he value of the Pro n and Lendei s ri h�s in the Pra tl Lender's ac�ions ma l� 4•��5 i _ <br /> = WY �Y P P� Y S P� Y• Y ,Y �,� <br /> .�} intlude p�ying any sums sttund 6y a lien �vhich hs. priod�y orer �his Sccuri�y Inswnxn4 nppeartng in rnurt, paying .�'`+' f '+ <br /> ?i rcasonablc nnomcys'fccs nnd cntcring on thc Propeny�o makc rcp:�in. Although Lcndcr may takc action undcr�his paragraph � j3� " _ <br />:-•_a 7,Lender dors no�have to do so. 'fi i,v�'��„°-���- <br /> �'("jj Any amounts dis6ursed by Lender u(xicr thic p�ragrap!i 7 slull become xddiiion�l deb� of f3orrower secured Uy this i��fr `r <br /> -:�� Srcuri�y Instmmem. Unless Oormwer ar.d Lendet::grtr to o�Fer�emu of pa.m.r.�, �hex nmoums shall 6car inten:s�from�he � �F�u .._. <br /> -,,;:} dxte of disbursemen� at thr Note ra�e nnA ihnll 6e pap:�bie, wi�h ir.:cresi, u��a naice trom Lender �o Dnrrmver reques�ing j�s�,'�t�� <br /> '. payment. 4"<'-{,rt <br /> --_� 8.lfortgage Inturenee.If Lender rcquireJ mortgage incuranr_�u e conJi�ion uf nwking�he loan sc�ured by ihis S�ruri�y y-+���`�4 <br /> ;� lnstmment, 13orrmver shall pay Ihe premiunu required w mninl:nn Ihe mnngage insurance in ef(ecl. IL Cor 2ny rcason, Ihe 4��`{ � <br /> _' nurtgage imunnce co��erage required hy Lender lap.c,nr ewses to M in e(k.�.Borrm��er shall pay �he prc,.uums required�o �` " _ <br /> -'�'. ob�ain coermge substamially equi��alent�o ihe mongage insurance previnusly in efie.i, at a cost xubsmntially cyui�alenl to tlie �+t1 r�j,a'�-� <br /> �°;� cost m Qorrower of d�e mongage ircu��nce pre��iously in effa�. from un al�enu�e nwnga�r insurer approved 6y LenAcr. If `' �' .p.±;�r;•t: <br /> _„�. �,{r�f n <br /> -,��� substamially cquivalem mongage incur.mce�nverage is not available.�orro���cr shall pay to L.�Jtr cach monlh a sum equal to y.p' y��pi:'� <br /> -�`� ono-NVClllh o(d�c earh mnn a e inmranoe rcminm bein aid b 6ormwrr��htn Iht hunr,n:.e mrera c la sed or maced lo j „} ` �:"�- <br /> 5' B S P F P Y F P 4it}h�lr; - <br /> {� be in efftt6 Lcr.dcr wHl,u+c and retain�h.s.�p.�)mrms as :�losa rcscnc in licu of mnngagc insu�ance. Loss resen�c Y.fa d�����ti - <br /> „� Porm 302D fl�80 ��/j���t •,- <br /> s #� . <br /> r.,.���r � il <br /> �v �,iJFS�r • <br /> • .�'� C�, <br /> c <br /> �fid i"` t Sy�£-'",j':Ti T'."... � :' . ��� � � S� ��,4 �. <br /> il..� ."<..rn .ar+(s: lill:tr'�!-.. .�.:::"r a:t+,l�4'4?i'ST+`��V�'3'xCvs!7:'t7:?:�'".x`�r�c-r �6_ l�il�@ 1fYf�i'�Vj�P i f � ��: . <br /> r r �} 1 - -_ . � . _�.m �� �I <br /> � ixsi..'� .- + . � <br /> � ; r _� . _. fj�yY; '`� ; <br /> • : <br /> R _,._ - . . _ - r .. <br /> _ - ..-_r - '- . - . - - —.__ _ _ �_ - <br />. 3� .-.� _.'' . : - - _ � _ - .- ' ..�. <br /> li - i;. ... . .� • . - - . . . <br /> �j e •i . . �.: .. . - . ��f <br /> � � �:. �r�� . _ . - ' _ .' . <br /> v tir_.� Y " _.��.� . _ ' . ' , <br /> � S } . ". � � - : , • - . <br /> fi �-. _, _ - . -'. ' . _ . <br /> ` " l i . <br /> 54 <br /> �js �iJU Y-' � - ' - �:. : _ _ ' . .. . " ' .. . - . � <br /> � )- _� irz ` _ ')l.'i . . . - . - <br /> I 4� t t <br /> ��St ! . {: [. . . 1/-� p! .�_4' ' _ ' . <br /> n�f � � . y .. . '�� .R '4W 'Lt! r_ <br /> F;� 1 � . l _ I ' . . . L .t t �t _ . <br /> { � ;_ r � � , 4 f <br /> t� <br /> �� . . '-- '` . . _ s . _ " _. . ' . ' '� . � �� :,`:�'�� p` . . <br /> .i , . . .. . . ,. .s .�. ..,1 :.. . -�- . .. . . . . ... N,.i.�l}:_ . . <br />