�. �,.��� .___. .....�.. ..... .:__ . _� .. .. .._ .
<br /> : 92� �,a.t�o�s
<br /> T6(3ICENRR 141TI{all the lmprovcmems tww or horcaAar cratat on�ha propcny,and nll cnumer,�s,ap7xmenu�ca,�nd �'
<br /> flxtutts no�v or iwrcaRer a p9rt of tho propeny. AII ttpinamonts a�f uddt�lons almll nim 1» cnvecvd Ly Ihls 9tcpdty '�,.;,
<br /> Lutn�mom.All of tlw forogoing is referced to In�hls Secari�y instiumcn�ns tho'Proporty.' .
<br /> JiORROWIiR COVIINAN]'S that Eorcox•er Is Inwfally scised of the csmto hcrcby wnvcycd xnJ hrs p�o riSM to gnn6aid
<br /> wmey tho Propcny and thal tho Property is nncncunilxrcd,except for encumbmnoes of raord, 6nrrower wnrrems ai�d wili . ,
<br /> defend ge�xmlly tlw Uilo m tLa Property ngnNs�nll clnims and demanda,subJoct to any encumbrances of rtcord,
<br /> TIIIS SCCURTTY INSTRU�IUNT com�ines un{form wvcnnms Car naqonal use nnd non•untfomi a+vcnnms wi�h Iinilisd
<br /> vadalions by JudsdicUon to wnsliwm a unifomi secufiiY insttunxnt mvedng real propcny.
<br /> UNI�ORht COVBNAN15.Oorrowcr and I.cnder covennnt nnd agra ns Collows: _
<br /> 1. Paymrnt ot 1'rincqmt anA intaatl Prepay'ment and I.nto Charges. Ibnowcr shall promptly pny when due�he�
<br /> pdncfpal of and intera�on tha dcbt evldenttd by�hc Notc e.nd any prcpayment and lato chnrges duo undcr qia Notc. �
<br /> 2.I4mds for Taxes nnd i��sumnce� slibJec�eo applic,.blo Inw or to n wducn wnivcr by I.ender,6orcower shall pay to
<br /> I.cndcr on ihu dny monthly paymenis aro due undcr lhc No�c,umit the No�o ts pald in fnll,n sum('Runds') for:(a)ytarly texa
<br /> nnd nssessmenis wLich may auatn pflority over this Sccudty tasuaenxnt as n Nen on�ho Propeny:(b)yeedy Ieaselwid paymenls
<br /> or greund rcnu ort the Propeny, if any;(c)yavly h:vard or Qro�ri��inSUmnco pmmiums;(d)ycarly Ilood insumnco premlunu,
<br /> � �f miy;(e)yea�ly mongaoe insurance pcendums,if any; ar.d(Q any sumc p:.pable by Dorrower lo l.enqer,in eccordar.r.e witk
<br /> - . aho pro��iskns of pa�agmph 8,in lieu af the paymer,t of mottgage insnrar,ce przmiums. 'Chese lienu are called'13sttow Items.'
<br /> � LeixiS+riap,8l any time, cotiect a�d hold Funds in an amoum no�to e.aed the maximue+amount a Iender for a fsdaally
<br /> rclated mo:�gagc loan may rcquire Por 6orrower's escrow eno�m und.r ihe fedcr�l Fen4 H:�a:e Setdemcnt Pra�cdures Act of �
<br /> 197A as.�m.ndtd&i+m ttme to time, 12 U.S.C.Smlon 2601 ef se�. ("RPSVA'),unless ano+her law thxt appNcs to the runds
<br /> SCIS Y liascr amounL L`so, Lcnder may� �I 80)' Iimq CQII2Ci 2IlA IIOId I'UIIAS III 2I1 OIIIOUfII 110� 10 CX(YMI IIIC IGtSC�811H111II1.
<br /> Lender mnp ss:imine�ha emoum of�unds duc on�hc baeis o!wrnnt dzta end rcazoneblc estlmates ot expendi�uru of fmurc _..
<br /> Csc�bn�l.eres or orherwlse in sewrdance with appiic.ble Ime.
<br /> 7hr fund+�sha11 be held in an instfiulion��hose dcposi�s am insured by a (ederel agency, instmmemelity, or enti(y
<br /> (including Lc�Mer,it Le.�dcr fs such;m instilufinn)or in any Faderal Home loan�ank. Lender shall nQ,�ly Ihe�unds to pay ihe -'�
<br /> Csaow f�ems.Lender nuy not charge ifortower.for holding nnd npplying tF-ee fmds,annu�lly en�lyung d�e escrow acmunt,o�
<br /> vcrifyfng Ihe Escrow f[cros,unless I.ender pays Bortmicr imtru�on ihc Pnncls er.d applir.+blt law{�ra�iu Lender lo make such ---
<br /> a charge. Hox�ever. Lender may require Dorrower�o pay e or.e-time cLarge tor nn i�aleprndrm rral es�xe ta�rcporting scrvice _
<br />� used by Lender im m�necUon wl�h this loan, unlas applicable law p:oviAes n�hern�is:. Urless en agreement is made or =
<br /> appllcaEle law requircs Inicrul�a be pald,Lender shall not 6e rcquired ta�xrv IIoimwer uny interesl or earnings on the Punds. ��_
<br /> �orrower end Lendcr nuy agrce In�vriting, however, that iuterest shn�l be N�id on�he funds. LenJcr shall give to I3orrower, _
<br /> wi�hout chargc, an annual accountlng o(thc�unds, showing crcdi�s nnd debi�s a ihc Punds end thc purposc for which cach
<br /> dctrit to tL•:Fur.ds:ess madc.TL•:Pur.J:erc p!dged as�dhiee��sscurity�er nl1 wma secured by ihis Secud�y InsimmcN. _ .
<br /> If�he�unds held by Lender excecd the amoums permi��ed�o be held 6y opplicable lew,Lender shall account ro Dorcower =_
<br /> Por the excess Funds In acmrdanm wfth�he requirements o!eppikxble law. If the amount of�he�unds held by Lender at any =,_
<br />� Ume is nm sumcient to pay the Cscrow Items af«n due, Lender may xo notif�9ono�ver in writing,anc1,in such case Uarrower r�_�:
<br />� siiall pay ro Lender �h�:amoum nceessnry�o mnice up the deftciency. 6orroaer ihall make up�he deficizncy in no morc than F:��
<br />_ tx•elve monthly paynxms,al Lender's sole discrc�ion. e`-�.
<br /> Upon payment fn futl of all sunu secured by ihis Securiiy Insuument, Lender Sf�all prompdy rc(und �o Dortov:er any '_.
<br /> �unds held by Lcnder.If,under paragraph 2I.I.endcr shall ncqufre or sdl the Propeny, Lender,prior m the acqulsi�ton or sale z^:;
<br /> of the Property, shsll apply any�unds helJ by Lender at the�ime of ncquisl�ion or sale as a crcdit ngnins� the sums setured by �.-
<br />� thisSccurityinstrumer.�. f'`-
<br /> J.Applicatlon of Paymrnts.Unless appllcxblc law providcs othenvisc,ull paynxn�s roccivtd by Lender upder paragmphs
<br /> t;
<br /> 1 end 2 s6all be appllcd: first.�o nny prcpaymem c6�rgcs duc undcr�hc Notr. sccond, to amoums payablc undcr paragnph 2: --
<br /> thltd,m INercs�duc:founh,�o principal duc;and IasL m;my late charges due under the ho�c. �-��
<br /> 4.Chargcs; Ucns. Qorcower s6atl pay:�IL�axts,assessments,charecs fines and imposi�ions au�ibutable to�hc Propeny 'i-
<br /> which may nttain prioriiy ovcr this Security Irutmmcm, and IcasehoW �rr.nnrnts or ground rcms, if am. 6orro���er shall pay fi?-
<br /> U�ese obl(ga�ions in the manner provideel tn pamgraph 2,or if not paid in ihrn rmnnrr.6orrower shall p�y lhem on time Jtrectly �.
<br /> w the penon owed payment.6orrox�er shall promptly fumish m Le�er xll notices of aivounts io Ix paid under this paragraph. �-:
<br /> If Oorrower malces these paynMnis directly,Dorrower shall prompdy fumish to Lender rcceipu evidencing the pa��mems.
<br /> Qorrower shall prompily discharge anp Iien xhich I�ac priuri�y over�his Securiiy lu�uwnem unless Dortower.(a)agrees in ;�r
<br /> wri�ing�o ihc paymcm of�he obligaiiun x.nred n� tl�e lien in a mamicr amcpeaFlc m Lender.�b)eome�u in guud fai�h�he Ifcn �;-�
<br /> by, or dcfcnds againu cntorccmcm of�hc Grn in. Icgal prai�dings nhi.h in �hc Isnder's opiniou operatc to prcvm� �hc -
<br /> enformment of the lien:or(c)secures(rom�he ho!Jer uf�he litn aa agmnxm vtisf:ictoq��o Lender wbordinating the licn m
<br /> this Stturi�y Insvument. If Lcnder Jcienninc+�ha�any pon of ihe Propcny i� wM1;m �o a lirn�chidi nuy auain prinritp nrer �i.•..
<br /> lhis Saurity InUrun:cnl. Lcmler may gi��c Uorro�ccr a nn�ioc iJcnli(��ing iht licn.Rnrzo�ccr.h:Jl eati.(p thc licn or Iakc onc w '
<br /> f:-.
<br /> morc of Ihc aniuns sct fonh aburc�ri�hin 10 J:n�.nf�hc gfnng nl noiicc. -
<br /> Porm 3028 8�90 k?•.
<br /> v.p�o�e
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