�.S •..-. r.a:.:: . , .�, _ . . ..i.aY:__' �s � ,. .
<br /> . ... . t,,;�:. a,o'_��._...rT..
<br /> i.�..F�..,.�z�� .- . . . ..vc . , . ' _,._ y.r?n,4-.%�1�._;�xf;_��
<br /> ..�:-9J- v��! 4- :` ,[. —� `. .`t%` �. - .i�. C�� � �. '- .. - t� o Y V� .
<br /> . o � � � r < 11�.' ..� `t
<br /> J. .�� ...�c- 65 . - '�k .O t � _ �' � �'�i .F �
<br /> • .. �
<br /> - -- -+�": _ .._ _ = r,� _ _� � 1:T-_:S.,S.._.._t - .,�,: .-i,� — ••i�fp'`'` . _ c ._2 !�_.__��..�..._c
<br /> F' . _ ` r-.tt ��.�-?T -y„� {[`' -:
<br /> -��.� C�.s r'.
<br /> .-_ ,' •--..Y_S`ti .��'___
<br /> ., ,- �..h`'�� ' ' ��j :f>
<br /> . � �����`���� �
<br /> . �Shtdpa!smo�ttt of Ute inQaUt�esa��bY thts Dead ai Ycust.noi(rtdu�t�sa�ms advartosd tn ptoted ihe ssaut�l ot th(s Oead of . ,;``
<br /> � . • ���' '� Tnis3,exoe�ad�s ottgit�al DrindBal Emo3tni statteid hetesn.ar 8 a�,nne_en_—.wi�fchevar Ea greater.
<br /> �`., sta �� '
<br /> .� •`r`• .t e..[ 18. '�SC6r{IFUtE0f13 PeovFlst4tt9. ;' ��
<br /> ��,;'..,`.. ,°:,�, �$)B�t�o�at[rt�4 Re4aas��.E�ins:an af the tt�ne 4or payment ar m�adiScaitan Qt amoRlm�an ot tise sums secured by fNs c�` ,k� '
<br /> • . O�ed of Tnist gran�ed�Y Lartder to eny suaoessor in tnL�est at B�cmoweo sha�!not c�ara�e tQ release,tn arN manner.tha L+ab� .,
<br /> B
<br /> , � :'< -( � Ql ot Iha origtnal8om�w�er aM Borrativa�'s eu�asso r s i n(n t e r e s t L e r�d o r s h a S l n c 3 0 8 re QuUed tu comrrtanca pr�esNrtgs ,
<br /> `, • agains!sucA s�cccessar at retus0 Uo e�desid�tis.e tar payrtnent or o'�ssn�ise modUy amaRization af the sums seared by t�:s ;'° ,.
<br /> � Oeed o1 Trust dy�easun a1 eay demands made by thB ariglstal Barmwer aM Botrowers suacessors In inteiest .F�;.
<br /> F , �`..� . (b}dondse'o Po�rs.Witl�!e�ectin8 the IiabUiy at eny ather pe�son IfaDto far the paymen!o!erry oetiga4lon hereEn mer�- '
<br /> ' _`,.: : tfane9.end EviUtaut af�etxtng the Uen or dterge at thts Oeed of T�ust upan ersy portian ot the P�a�e�tY cwt than ar theretotoc� . _
<br /> .,._�. . :
<br /> -_---='�>= re�ased aa s�ait�far EEte fuU amaunt ot el!�npald o�1{gai�ans.Lendgr may.trom tlme to tlme and vrithout rtctice(�reteas�
<br /> -. E 8 other induIgenoes.(3ti+) ---
<br /> •�_�_... any petso�so liebta.(U)extertd the ma�or alter any o4 tAe terms o!any sueh abRgaBons.lib)grarrt
<br /> ",;:--�'`=, �etsase or rsaomrey.ar cause tn be ra t a a s e e or�e a a n v e Y e A a t a n y U m s a t L e n d e r's o p U an a r ry pa4+ce1,�on ar aii of the
<br /> ;.5 , , . . �z�, , pra�aRY.(h t2h�os retease eny►oth�r or add'�tonat ser.udry tor erry ob5gatlon herein mer�tioned.cr(v�ma��mp�s�
<br /> •`���,. ` .,,.. other arrangsments witl�dsbiars in rel�tiar�erem. .r� ...,.
<br /> � . • �
<br /> (c)Po�arar+oo b31 Lond�s NaY a Y'/�iver.My tar�earanae by Lendsr in exerc�ing eny right or remedy hereunder.or otd�- � `
<br /> � ; .. r: ;`�.;� ervdse aftuded bY eAP6cab!e taw.shaU rtot ba a walver of cr prectud�ttte exerdss at ar►y sudi rtgAt or remed�►.The proama- � r
<br /> � rtterst ot tns�uanee a�th0 p�rterit af taxss ar ather ilet[s or dfacges by Len6er sha!)nat ba a waiver or LenQets d�t ta accefer- ;
<br /> . �, . " �. ?;:1', ate fha mahuFty of tl►e it�3btedrtess secu�f�Ol►Wa E1esd ot Ttus! Y, , :,'
<br /> �:.` < .. `. (�SuaQSSOts are�6i�sig�Bsuad:.doi�rt arM�SVera1 LtabQfhr.Cr+AtImns.Thc�aove�ants and agneamer�herah�oan- -
<br /> tafied steall bf�.aM the dgTifia hsteun�er�l tnnre m 8ie tespedAre su�s and sss�s o?Lender end Tnrstor.Afl - :�.:
<br /> • :,,,4;.'`� covenants end agreements of Tnistor shaA be jatnt and several.The caD�Or�s and headings of fhe ParaS►BPhs oi Ws Deed of :�
<br /> , ;,f(.- , , "° Trust ara for aamrenlence onh/and are not to be usad to inDerpret or deMe the DrovL�ons hereof. .�:�,:
<br /> (e)Re��st for�tattsea.Ths partl9s hereDy c�uest that a oopy oFarry notice of defau{t hereunder and a oopy M any notdce
<br /> af�hereurtder ba mailed to each party to t h i s D e e d o f T r u s t a t f h a adMess set fortl�afaove in the manner prest�tbad by
<br /> - °� • ,;, ePPQc�blo tav�E�ptfos arry athsr na8cs req�tUed imder appitcab[e law to ba given in another�nner.any[►oti�prmrided for
<br /> tn ihis 02ed oi Tnst shail ba g�van by ma�Tmg sud�rtatice by oertifted m�add�d to fhe other p a r�e s.at�e adQress s�t � ;;
<br /> .�.�+.�';�:.,:,: farth abave.My rtotice pmvt�d far in ttrts Qead of Trust strall6a efiedi+re upon matl�ng in iha�d�sJBnaUed h8��.if s _:
<br /> , f � ���-- TnBO�r ts tn�ra Yl4an one p�..notice sent to the address fst toM above shaD be nc�ce to all such�Sans. �`
<br /> >,���s.'' ,-,� (�Sstspas�m.ts�n�r as�#-r r s a k e or cause t o 0 e Rea d s�rn a s o n a b'B e�e s u p o n s n d i n s p e c t i c c�s a t t R e Pra�s l g 7 p z o v 3 d a d :.
<br /> ,. 7,._ . C�r•,.t L.ertder sd���TnisScr�'8ce Ddar to enfl sucfi f�R sFe�'S"a�isssonabta cause therei��-�m Lesr�ds is�- �,.
<br /> ., -,.,: �.#intheP.� �,}.
<br /> •,•,,�,,, .: �;.,�
<br /> � �:�'�r�.�. f91 R��uA°D P�ent af aD sums secuced tcY Qus�s�c�'Gn�st.Lender shail req�t Tn�es m c�c¢r�ay ths ._,�
<br /> .� ` ,�, tr'�r�as3$�s[�r�sumenQer this Desd of 7'rust aad a7��eYaf..�a�indeb4edness secured�7/Mts Oeed�7nist ta ,��;:•
<br /> `, `' 4�t�.'�trr�s•sMd'J teCC ti� w�haut wauv'�ty ar��Charge to fhe petscn er peisons fegaBy enti�ed ;
<br /> , .�. ,,,r mr�y' PtaPsrtY. �.
<br /> - ttrsrrat�►Yn�DaY 23a�smf teccrdati�s�.if anit-
<br /> . (h)Paa�orsm��D�:��+1�t Ils�ddiUonat�cu�Y�T��c��e t��.Tnistor henaby granb �,w
<br /> LenQet w�d�r Yt��2eDrasha lDrf'orm Cammerctaf Cade a seautty interesZ��I futu.�as.eq�ilpmer�t.and othar persanai pmpaRy � _�
<br /> � ',�t; a s e d i n o a nrtectfan v�th the rn�f estate o�impmveman4slacated thereon.and nat oth�nvtge Ce�ared os dsemsd Oo Oa a past oi �.;_
<br /> .•,�. tlte rea!estZte s���ued hacebj►.Thb instrument shall 6e oo n s tr u e d as a S e w r i t y A g r e eme r ft u n Q e r s a f d C a d�.e rt d t h e L e r�d�r � :_
<br /> , ,�� shail have all tf�r�ts and wmed€�s of a seaa�ed Dertfl unQer said CoQe in addit�n to the rights and cemedies uea0ed un�t �„�
<br /> . ,..y,. ..,. and aeooNed fhe Lortder pmsuant to Ih(s Oeed of TrusC Provtded that Lende�'s dghts and�med�s unQer fhis paragraph shaN �.w:
<br />- � be cumutatIve vrfth,and tn r►o way e Ilmitatlon on.Lortders Kghfs and remedies under arry other sea:r[ty agresmBt�t sl�ned by ��:t_�.
<br /> . • � ,, . ' 6ortoweror Ttustor. �'��
<br /> . • ,�:, , _``.'f:..'� pj L[sna er�Enwmbrarazea Tmatar hecaDy wa�nts and reAreserds Mat theta ts no dafautt unaer 4ha Drovisfcns af eny �� ,.�
<br /> .��'•� ntortga9e.deed af Wst.tease ar purchass wntrect Qescribing alt or eny D�oi tne PropsRy►.or othe►cnntracl,tnsLrumon!or `
<br /> � agreement canstttWc�g�lien ar encumbraeee agatnst atl or arry RFUt af tho Pro�erty(coltttcWeN.'Uons').exlsUng as oi t?te �°'_�-
<br /> ut
<br /> .. - d3te of thfs Geed of Tn�l,and tt�at anS►�std s�axls�tsg L[eas�emain unmoditteA exaept as dEsdnsed to Lender In Tn�Uots vrtti _, , _
<br />== ' ' ten disctosuro of Ilens an0 encumbrancsa provlde0 for horein.Trusmr s9�a11 timery perform n0 of Tnrstora oDtigaUons. � 4c-�.=,::;�°
<br /> � `f� ���..�,''_ cavenanb.represen�Hmis enA warrar►ttss under erry and ati existlng end ri�h�m Uen9.sha{!prompty fan�rard to Lender ooptes _ __V+
<br /> � � of all noUces af default sent tn conneqlan�vith eny end a0 oxtstlng ar tLwia Liens.and sriail no!w(t�out Lend2ra p�ior v�ition __,_
<br /> .`:'� �... . . '. oonsent in arry marmer maOffy Ur�pmvfsions oi or etta�.v arry future advanees unQer enY e�ti�8 arfu0taa Qens. --
<br />-- ' " ` �Applt�tt�n o!Paym��+4a.Unless othetwtse reRWred�Y I�v.sums pald to Lender herewader.[ncfuding w(ttwal{trt�tation =-
<br />- . � , ��t to tho ama Funts d eiand a M�ng fncm�ust�d�B�OO�rtowe�in�sadi aNer�a.s8l.enQ��b eaie �an d�em�s desir �
<br />-`. .� �. . abte. _..
<br />_ ,.�:�: . .;. - tEc!�is."Y.8 any prav�alon of Wa Oeed o!Tn�st oonfttcb witb eppUcabfe tavi or ts dedare0 tnvaUd or offienMse une�
<br /> i ' . �
<br /> . . �ete.s�ao�ict or tnvaiidity ahatl nat eNeG tRe oUtet prav(s��es M ttits Daed oi Tnist or the Na2�wAtct�efsn be t�ven F ';
<br /> a�j;�.,,�: '; �t w1Y�the conflic�ng provl�3on,and to thls end the�Ns?ans af 8�is Oee4 ot Trust and U�e Note ere Qe�3am6 to 6a sev . _ _
<br />_ .: �,�ff;:,.. �: "��'�. �rte. �� _
<br />- :,-'�'':'� �..::�':; (�Tsmss.Tlre tertns'fn�stor�end`6orrowef sha[I inaude boYb s�g,a�ar an d pl u t a l.a n d w len f h e T n i s O cr and 6arrow$r aee -
<br /> • �, 1he samo pe�n(s).ft�e terms as usad in U�ts Deed otTrust shaft b��r�schangeabie. -
<br />_ •. „ . �� �,„5 (m)Qa��s�ag Larr,T�3�eed af Trust shall be gwemed by ths l�-�s ai the State ot Nebraska -
<br /> -. . ..I,�iYi•� . '� ,__
<br /> t ,
<br />. _ , . ' , .. � -.
<br /> � " .�� 7LG .� �1�,.,��J�1�(J«S��Sii1� ,.
<br />_ . " 4� G:A:3�.li:fA'�2^H►'+tl
<br /> • t`� �11lE1�l::b�lrlif�Ci�itlt(1
<br /> n� .
<br /> • � Tnutor has exearted this Oeed ot Taut as of ths date vvriHen above.
<br />-- , . . . . � 1 � �,,:
<br /> a
<br /> ��
<br /> _ ;`c -- Trustar Tn�r
<br /> ;,ti.,�,. ' `'S.
<br /> +���,�lti'• '.�. `i�; f`:
<br /> �7.• ��+ti..
<br /> _- ;;.�.:•.,' . ,1�,7t?;;� , t. _ :';'k:
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<br />