:y.,� li..! o i.... . . - ' r. _.. t . c- _. . S}i�2i l�ty-�7 r -^. � `-=r-�i ..__. " - -' > . t .
<br /> `�y3 _. � ��� Sy !'7�fv� y�Ai�`�f7 l Se��iJt•FH>� slf.r4a�3 . . — _ � t,`�Y¢f i_:-
<br /> _ .�Ji�.> �.�
<br /> a ._s_._' �.i:..:'�k.�::t ...5 iY.....uJ 1_.%l:A:ci.i'S..�XkSN}.S�iufFAfrlhUtY.ix / ..._,.,...v.:�-=._�T--.
<br /> za4Yi S. .�A /;7�2 • ��FVVY� =�F�– .___.
<br /> ������ �..
<br />-i-;};E�.,:r� � Oaraver m�y ars such a daflWl snd nh�lats.�s proHdM h ��npnPh 18, by a�shp the actlon a procMdn9 to be �."_yLL--��---�
<br /> �l���!'-f �,'� • dFrc�tuW wNh�minp tMt.N landw's qood hlth diKrciuUon,p�cWde�fodaYUro 01 the Oonaxat�NlKS�I h th�RopNy or �➢ �.
<br /> ��,`'��3t7y o1hM mNMd Yr�pWmmt ot th�kn awtW by UJS Sixurkyr IroWmenl or I.endeia aecmity hlxnl. Baraww�MC Yw bo
<br /> ' F"�yiYQ���k� h dN�utl 11 Uortowx,dwh�the bur �ppic�UOn pouet,q�v�m�taky Llee or In�aunte Mtomuiion a au:Mn�nit to Landa �r -:—.
<br /> } �?`. d'�� (u fAed to proYde tendw xilh znY mdaMl NlamrVon)h conncttion wrih the lan sAdencal by th�Nole. NWdrp, but _-'-_, __—--- __ .
<br /> , , "%'n�-� not Wated to. rpreaenGtbnc cmcemNp Bqtowlt'a oOWplui4y ol lhe Mopelly u � phdW fe�N1Mce. II IMi SiMNy .- -.
<br />-' � �1d°• � IntWmrJ I�on a leetehold, Barowx�hA compy wich d the p!ovlsiona of the le�aa N Oonowx�equYn tee tltle to Ihe e�..��a...w-:
<br /> y;;:,k;y..,r uf Property,lh�leuehold�nd the fae Utle sMt not ma90 unbss Lender�yreea to Ne maga N wrNNC• " � Y
<br /> i � l�k; 7. Protactlon ot L�nd�r's AIpMs In ih� Prop�rty�II�arowa liis to pNforcn the wvm¢IS pnd�preemmts �rj�t, - ,;;,_-.
<br /> : �`a.`•�s' conWnM N thls 3aw InsVUment, or thxe fa t oeeedn Uint v,a s Yc+n attecl Lender's tits fn the Propaty G"'°
<br />,'�sv;Y,.,:rw: *Y �G+ 4 Y Y^•• @/ d9' _
<br /> "A ial, (such aa a praceedng N bwlauP��Y.Pro6ate.for condems':ort cr tacr3iurt r,r br rrtaco�sr+n oe cegWxfan�L �hdn La:AS`mr.f
<br /> < h_ do md pq lor who�v¢Is mxc�myr In pcv[rc�ti:rt ra��,n ai u1�t Rw•kV d'.•'.C6;d�;:o Gy'Ma is Cs FTr%s:/. Lc7F.�'3 et.".�a __ - .
<br /> r� t-a�r,i-t�7� � ..._
<br /> N . �,T•i «wy Y,rAube Ga'Ir�ercf a�ms an,am�!bt 2 Nm wNr,h Cm �Ia:�Y oeer�Ais Secarty N:tnir.rr,l oF6�+t6+g 4i euut Pa/�S $�,, . _
<br /> � �-:; rca�,naf:ta elfr,nsyn'fr.x+aa3 entartn9 m Yne PrcD�Y to n�nko repuhe.kihoup4 tendK maY ldce artm��:m L1s P�?'+f•�ti � f�� �y.��}Lt a s _
<br /> � - ������fDFl3 -
<br /> y���y��� 7 4 Pre/mwuntac<0.vburse by lendx unAer yemCrnPh 7 ahA become 'add,vnef debi of FlortoweT eoecrod by NFS �- - ¢�i._=f`��`�` `��
<br /> � t^-� 3ewrry InaWment Unles� Oortower a�d Lmder cgrea to olha temu oF 9N��1��hoae emounts eh�0 Dear Nlltnl Iron� -_�.-
<br /> _��i�r_`t je the d�te ol ds6ursement at tha No4o ra:e�nd ahai 6e prible,wilh htaasl,upon notl�e hom Landr to Barowr requetlhp
<br />:�i.i�JSr;+_l'�'��. P+YmM4 -
<br />°�i:{r 4::t#:,t„f 8. M011g�ga In6Ure^�i.If Lendn«quYM�no�fy�9e Nsuronu �s a wndNOn of m�}Mp the Iwn nKwed by IhfR �
<br /> 'j 1'�_44"E�l'' qY the prm4u.r.s requYed to rc�hlnN the mohg�9e Nauruice h M1ecL 11,tor�n rM1on,lh�
<br /> c':4;:�::,.:g,_.� BewrXy InsWmml.ffortowa ah►i Y
<br />��-r'y�7�;�.-,`�S� motip�pe hsur�nce wvx+9e r[q�Yad by Lenda Ypses or oeates�0 6e N ofltd, Oarowa ah�t pry the pranluni� rx�Wd to �
<br />``;-'i�:::�:�."i; o61ah wrenye subsWtqy eqolr�knl to 1h�maty�9e Nsuruiu preNOUSy N etled. +1 s wsl fu6�YrWy OquAyNnt to M�� - .
<br />_'[;;;,;"„;:i'; co�l to BorcowK o�th� malq�g�N�urMa Prwbusy N M�U, kan ui Wcwn�n malp�q�Nwrr p(xov«t by L1ntW. H
<br />:;'�;:<-' ta`fti sub�tmlNR/Muk�Nnl mal Nfunmu wwn N nol�v�7�bN. 8ortavr�hY WY to Undu w�h month it wm puY W .
<br /> "a�n[�.�:,2 9�Y� 'N
<br />=:�=�-��'..�%- onlM'1MIh oi Ih�yMry mulg�g�Nfunnu ptwWUm b�Ng p�W by Bortar�r wh�n Ih�N�uma tovinp�Mp1W q CMtW 10 ��
<br />':,_�'•�;`�'j:'-� b�N Mlwc Lendv wi�cep6 us��nd rN�M thn�p��mmU u�b�s n�w� In I+u ot malp�y�Nwmu. to��nWn� .
<br /> .'k,.'.'`;.� ppmmlt raY no bnqr b�rpuY�d,at Ih�optbn ol L�ndu,N maltvq�8�w�nes eovmg� (h Ihi arnount�nd la Ih�PNbd .
<br /> rr:i:L'.-,i.G'.
<br /> '` - ��- tMt lmdt+rpuYn)provldM by�n liw�x �FprovW by l�nde� �p�N beeomef avWbM and k ObIMtM. BortOwM 1hM piy
<br /> `'r�.'��l h;i�Y�1 1M pnn@ums rpuYW lo raN1aN mottp�y�N7umu!n N:�ct. a lo prmkN �bs�ra�tve,unR U�ipuYKnml�a matqQ�
<br /> ?t•:'�n-:�,i,'r4 h�ur�na ends N�ccorGnu wXh�ny wiMw��pramenl bMven Owrowx and l�nGr a+PP�Nw.
<br />"j�r1;°�-�' -:" 4. ln�p�otlort�Lender or Its ayenl rn�y m�ke reasaubb en•rles upon v�d hapectbns o1 the Prop�rty. L�ndar eh�L yin _
<br />°�`�'".i�:�:l�;:��+�. BottowK notice al the Cme ol or prior to�n MsP�sAecN�N9 rasonabb cause ta Ihe Nspectlon. �_--
<br />� S••-'�-�;,;;>';�;�' iQ. Cond�mntllon.The proueds o��ny�ward or WM tor G.�uga. Brect or conseq�anlW.N connecUOn wFlh�nY ...�--
<br /> 5.., _
<br /> s {y,.- eondNnn�tlon or olha Wdnp oi�ny pul ol the PropMy, or Por wnvrrynce 6�feu ol condermObn, ie haeby asslgnM��d i _.�
<br /> '� . +4, shi.i be p;d to Lmdx.
<br /> �
<br /> In Ue eimt of a lo�l l�g ol ihe PropMy, the proceeds ah�f be �ppfied to Ihe aums secured by N!s BewdN .�rryE�rt'� x --.��
<br /> + '�; InsWmmt,whelher a nol lhen dve, wilh any acess pdd to Oorcown. In tho c�mt oi�putW UkNB ol the WopMy N rc(r4y)i. _
<br /> / t � :, tim'ti�`� in'v i�i uw�ci�uyic vi iY'v F7GVw7�ii TEv`:mj 6a n'6 iF'SO:n 9� CCry07:II IX�C_`!C Ih`_'1 VI!G^.iN!!11 nl Ihw aur�}? ri7T r( ! _._.c .-.
<br /> + ���- acrnrcd b 1hb 9ecu InsWmtnt Irmed�at betao the t�kMg,unless Oortower nrd LenUa othaxlse ep�eo N xihing, the �a"`f'� �� -__.
<br /> ' Y �Y �Y Z.YT•'r�z(tt-Lr�`
<br /> iM1` �
<br /> sums aewrM by tNs 9ew�ly tnsWmmt sha�1 be reduud by the amounl ot Iho praceeds mu::p6M by ihe toMoxing hncCon: s��jy'�g4�.,�>M1��.�,,,.
<br /> 'j (�J the toW unount ol tho sums aewred Immed'a!ey be'ae the Wdng,dNided 6y (b)the faY markel vake of Ihe Pro X�� Yp1�!� ; . , '.;,
<br /> �y^, i4 a '� �a
<br /> r - f4�� P�Y r•�r ��f y'fsel :
<br /> � �,g� Nmedw!dy before Ihe tekng.My buNnce shall be pald to Dortorrtt. In the c�en1 of e puUel taldng ol the PropM/h wAkh `j`ri Yi� �r�y��rl.c_�
<br /> --e�45r'g� Ihe fak muket value o�Ihe PwpMy hmeJately betore ihe leldng Is less tha�tho unounl ol ihe sunu aecureA Nmedulely 7 , � Y.;-y, „
<br /> ,{ -;t<�f;`'t bN.oru lhe Wdnp, un!esa Bortava end Lmda olhemisa egree in wii7np or uMas epp5cab!e uw oJ�enrlse praAdes,the �^�r!s__.) .� �in-!=�
<br /> _;1���, � roceeds ahm7 be a +ed lo the sums sewred 6 Nis 9ecur, Inclrumenf whelAM or nol�he sums aro thm due. �'-'�� - '^��"�� " �
<br /> c.�3`.`: P PP` Y N -5'3i�x`��tt`ii
<br /> � "�='� If the Pro a is ebendoned b Bortower, or il, alln nol!co 6 lendcr�o Uonower Ihal the condcmnor olfas lo nuka nn �i�-'
<br /> . . �,:�;;�:.
<br /> � SryJl P b Y Y ..•t 11��t:��i:
<br /> - awud or aelt'e o c�aim for damiges, Bortower fe�.s to «spond to Lender wE:Ain 30 daya ��tt the da!o the noYce Is g4[n. i i � �,�f :
<br /> '� - -- i[�', Lmda Is eulhorized to wUecl and uppty lhe pmueda, el Ils opCon, ehher to realoreUOn w rcpair ol lhe Propeity or to � �� � ' L��< < ,,.
<br /> e��c
<br /> „�,; -�-�;;.. �he eUn eae Lmde�enUS Dorto�er'�olhmvisewa�ee in xr.lin h an ua AcaLOn oi P�oueds to �'nd tl shall not exlend or t`i�t �t i�..'�1�f f-°y���-
<br /> � � �`�i7 9 9. Y PP P P �q,�t��t
<br /> �-!' pos' ono the due date o�tho month � ents re:erted fo N are m hs 1 nnJ 2 or chan o 1he emouN ol auch enls. '� �� ° `�i> >+�:
<br /> r���dt�f °i�•�'i� 11. Borrotiwr Not Fotoasod Forbeuancs ByPLonclor Not a Walvoi Emena!on o��hu Gmo ta vaymem or �1'���f� yp{'�%''"
<br /> ="::��?'�l�i � 5 �f41;l.�+ j:�:5'i..'+i�:�±::
<br /> L{!;,q>,__ moGSwUOn ol emonhaL'on ol ihe eums aewred by thia Sew�i.y InsWment O�ented by Lenda lo eny suuessa in Inicrest •�, Ni�l:',�„�_t.., .
<br /> �" � ��'��: ot Bortower she:i not operalo to reieaso 1ho Wbif:.y o�Ihe odg!nal flonowtt o�Uertowefs 6VCfR5lOf5 N L11Ct096 L[nAM 6A811 •L'��� � ; tk_
<br /> ! ` ��'` not be requ'red to wmmenw proceedngs egelmt any succeasor In intxesf a refuse to extmd Ilmo for paymenl or olhem7so `'` �,!?liY �-
<br />'ti�;`:'�':'+•�:�� motl: amonite�on ol the sums seared b �h�s Sewd Inslrumenl 6 rcason o�en demand medo by tha oC anl "'}� ;��,`�':'i�::';`
<br />_,>�,.:;�;'..,r N v a r r 9 . �:,:i.;sv
<br /> t Bonower or Oortow�rs suuessars In interesl. Mry lor6cuxnce by Lendc+in exerdsing any dgM or remed/sha7 not 6e a . a �<,4��i,}:-
<br /> t;� �G" -Sr` weNer of or preoNde tha exerdse ot any rlght or�emedy. . ,;,. ��-,Y;-."
<br /> 't 2'` Y' 12• Succoosorn and Asslgns Boimd; dolnt ond SOVOIAI LIPBIII�I; Cae�gners.Tho cormants end - . _,S, , .,_ �t
<br />'c� - x S•,i;�� egreemmis ol Ihis Sewri,y Insln:menl sha9 bind and 6enefi1lhe auccessors and nssigns ol Lender end Dortower, wb�ect lo Iho �,���' � ( -�: ; :�
<br />,�y-,,�. �_ prodsions ol re �e h 17. Qoncwer's co��enanis and a reemenls ShaS ba �l and se¢ral. An• 6cttowttwho wsl ns Ltils �"`-�' -
<br /> - Pa 0 P 9 I�% � 9 c• 6 !:
<br /> ��`.�%.�'}.;{'° ; Sewrily Insimment 6uf does not execu;e fie Note: (a) is co�sign!ng Ihis 3eeuriry InsWment ony lo mortga5e,qranl end conray 1FJ��:�)^�',;."`"•- - -
<br /> '��`t`-`'��f"] thel Bortower's intcresl in tho Roperty undx Ihe lertns ol this Seeuriry InsWmenl; @)is nm pttaonz.y o65gate0 to pey 1ho ;': '_':Y' �, ' -
<br /> -.-_��-;)>,:.:• sums seareA by this Searity Ins•.rummt: end(c)ngrees lhal Lcndcr and eay olhtt Damwer moy agrce w edmd.mo6.y, I. ` , , � - - -
<br /> '� ` -.�". L (o:beaf or meke any auommodaCOns w?Ih regartl lo Ihe Ixms oI1MS Sea:riry InsWmml ot Ihe Noto vrho�l ihal Oortowers �. '
<br /> _,1..' '.�,7-.tii tonsent. '
<br /> 73. Laall Chefgo6.If Ihu loan sewred by Ihis Securiry Instrummt is subJeU fo e lfw which seto m�xknum loan �
<br /> _ -. ,`r� chwgos.end ihat law I5 f.na:y Inlerptu;eA so Ihai lhe Mittes! o�o;her loen eha�ges caecled or !o be w6ttted h wnnecGon r
<br /> ' wN.h lhe loan exoeed Ihe pem�§ted IimRS.Ihm: (aJ aoy auch loln charge sha7 be reduced by lhe amousl necessary b redaca �
<br /> -'��;��':•� the charge lo the pmrvited IErtO; end @) eny s�ms e�reaC/co:xled hom Bortower which exceeded permC;ed Gnfls wlll
<br /> � bo rcNnded to Donower. Lendn may choose to�+ake �F,s re!und by �eduan9 the principat owed u�dtt Iho No,e or by '
<br /> �. -. maldng a G.rcd payment lo �ortorree II a refu�d retluus p�bpal, the reEuction rrSl bo trealeU as e pa�llal prepaymenl
<br />- w9hout any prcpaymenl eha�go unticr the No;e.
<br /> iM1. NOlIC03.My no0te l0 6ortower proW.ded for in Ihis Sewri.y InsWm.Cni shn:l bo gken 6y dM.verhg R m Dy me�ling It
<br />- - - by kst da55 r�vEl unless aDP���ble Inw rcqukes use oi anolher me7ho0. The notice sha4 be Cueded lo thc Propnry Adtl�ess
<br /> - or any olhH 0ddress Oortower de5ignetES 6y no'JCe lo lender. My nolice 10 Leadtt sha�be g4en by ftet dass ma�lo
<br /> , - - --� iMUMS aUVress siai¢O OHHn or any ointt odV2>s i.rntia tic>�ynaiei vy nvGidr iv nJnv�ri. ivq lv'rvc j�vnvi% :v��
<br /> ih:s Sewrity InsWmmi shap 6e tleemed lo hare becn gken lo Uortowtt o� lmEer when gWen es prorided ti Ihis pa:oginph.
<br /> � •� 76. Govorning Lnw; SOVBlablilly. ThES Secur..y Insivmenl shaA be gaxcmed 6y ledcrel law end �Ce Ww of the
<br /> ' � �udsdc0on in wh!ch Ihe PropeM1y I5 localed. In t�e ermt ihnl ony pm�dsion ot dause of Ihis Sm:riy Inslmmml or thc
<br /> No:e con.".icts w1h app6wb!e Ww. such conF.�ct sha7 net allecl o:her pmvfslons of Ih'.s Sewri.y Insdumenl or the No1e nh'ch
<br /> ' � can 6e gkm e:lecl wi:houl Ihe conil:cWg prov�scn. To 1.`.:s end Ihe provisions ol IhFS Secunry InsWmenl en<I Ihe Nole ere
<br /> • - dedared l0 60 6n�emb!a -
<br /> _ - 16. @oflowo!'D Copy.Dortower sha;l be ST�en er.e con!oimeU copy of Ihe No:e unU ol 1NS Seari.y Inslmmeni. -
<br /> a`i:..
<br /> s� ' �.:� ,!� - �(/C
<br /> -'S.':'+ Ft]16LA0 U0�) fnqc l�I 5
<br /> -�%.(-_�J�
<br /> _�,+� 1
<br /> .. . 'i snu.ua ;? .
<br /> � _.
<br />