�! �' r' '_ _,rd��fr��' .....,i� +�rr ��� - - - - u��'�w(d��4n+r}w�;?�� � xixin '_°'�I� '. ..
<br /> � .
<br /> __>..._..sr.w..�A,+:u...,:u..u�.u. _i..�� . -.:.- t. . ...__
<br /> j��f.. , .....tYa j.31i�A9.,a'L1l�t.u.�.r_'.}._ '_'—.. . .._
<br /> ,�� ,;.:� ��..,. � �,it'IXi�3 -
<br /> �'s� -S�; � TO(3E7IifA VniF1 d the Improvemenls now a herxAn KectW on the My,�nd H euxn�nle,�ppvrNnmut,�nd _
<br /> Y; ';r�� . t5nrrn now a hKMRK a pul of Ihs propaty.N repYOxnmts md�d9Hont ah�A dso 6�uvxbd by thi�&wrNy�n�WmMl. -_
<br /> � �)yt• N ol tt�tonpohp N nIMtM to n lhis NcuHty In�frumnl as the'Propeiry.'
<br /> BOflROtYER COVENAMB IMI Borttxw It Nwh�!/�11sW Ol ih� nl�le herdry wnrv/ad �nd hee lhe dy6110 pFM ind
<br />"�"`•;;�i?�(;�,� oonrey ih� Prop�ry�nd IMt the Prqwry Is unaambrM, auPl la MWRibtNq� ol record. (iorcowx w�rt�nle�nd --�
<br /> � -R:y'i:�yr-- Vra tNiM�{7wllii�Ihi 4'�i�o Ihi�ql�y i�i.`itt a7[w.''�7.arA darx.d:,:ub,'cM to any u�cvmbrncn el rr.ord, �—_--—
<br />�-�-�'Y`�.':'}�`�de THig SBCUflfYY IN9TfiUMEM eorcbNea unY.orm wvenNis la n+llond uee �nA non�unHOttn eoven�nta xMh
<br /> -..F�,.'-r..�n.�..
<br />�`.:�_;r#,s:_.. .
<br /> ,$ Fmned vule0ons by�udsdclion to conatXNe a unNOrcn�KUrity NtWm�nt carrrhp�NI propulY•
<br /> �,�',/:;;�.rf�. UNIFORM COVENAHfS. BottaxM t�d LendK covd:�nl �nd�pre�u IoYOw�: __
<br /> :�:�l,:y.;;_., t. P�ym�nt of Prinolpd�nd Intar�N; Pnp�ym�nt and l.sN Chag��. Oorrowd ahaY prorn�ty pry when
<br /> --` `'.:a..r�n; due tl�e prindpd d end Mtaesl on the debt eMeneM 6y Ih�Nots�nd�ny prepqm�rd and I�le chuph du�undw Ihe
<br /> t} 4. i�.� Nota . _
<br />. .,,,y?,.,i�,'2 2. FUOdi to�7i�xaL And IOEU1�il0a.BuhJea�o appocable I�w or�o a wriiten w�Na 6y Lander, Uonorrw sh::p:y -- - � ---
<br /> •tc;s;,;+>._3 lo Lmdn a�t.*.a dry nwnthy ga�menls ve due undd Ihe Nole, un�A the Note la p�ld N 1u1,�aum('Funds')for. (�)ytuy
<br />.-���-,���•,:�:�';:;r� tezes and r.ssesimmts ix�kT rcay aN:A p7oriy orer Ihis Sett�ity kuWmmt as e lien on lhe Propbty:(b)yeuy IN76hdJ
<br />;.,��.,.,,�.,e PaYmmts x 9'wnd ra�ts m iha Ho [+tY,it an, ic))"wiy t�.tw!a G�W�Y Insuunea runfur.a:
<br /> n t'� ;` p r P (�xw'Y ecoJ�n.vAS.xe
<br /> - �-:� preN�m3,it arf• (e)1�/r:ort�ege Msuro.�ce Wort.er�.d�ny,a�d(�aTJ p:ms 6�'aY*t'vt 6y�araaer W EM:Ci:r fn r.cawrc2 _
<br /> 3r f.
<br /> s b �. n�h thx p:ovkb�s ot para�ttite B.In Iicu o1 the p�ymst vE troilt�880 Y141YS[tM B[}PSJIRS. ThM1'.9 Rtln3 anE ez9ed 'Esusre _
<br /> ++r7�l�yu� f;ems.' Lcnda m�y. al my�:�e. C�LM nnd�d� fr�.s++ an�rcc�r.l n:V to exctnd 4r. paunem anra+2�N,N,ri 4ut.2 , — �
<br /> �.- s,��l�f:� tedxaE�r retaW:R:on�ge toan maY r.emire M1x 8aacx��r's esuow trrxunt wr.+et J.+a k+tlz:5 F,it`EXS:Y.r SY.!cmzn�A+ore4:en lfr��'h s,r�:
<br /> �}����,,f� Ad of 1074 as amendecl ham 14ne�a'iUV.72 USA. #1 YPJt e� eees. CQ�-'S�.A"R i+�Rie a�other NK 'I!n`�7FCea to iho iViAs �_•?w� t s
<br /> 1 f,vr sets n les9cr amou:�1 If eo. Len..r r.�xq.a[e�ny Nmq ce:lect e.+.. he tl Fuida la an amcuM nol 2o a:c:.sd NO Ia3B1 I�MUnI.� � . . �f(�.,`"��°�.; -
<br /> �y,`��ti��i�sj Lendx mag essale�*4 unau��o!�Fa+1a Ci:c cn9Rx Ynai� o:wrtan:daia and�rasavn:to es��es of eq�mdtures of luturo —"
<br />---�!�'rx:,.�Z��¢fS? Es�+ow Nenis cr othmv�s ia ao:crianuwilh app6cab'a�rw. -
<br /> �,�}3s��yr�Y;, The Funds ahe0 6e hMd In an Meti:Ron whose depos:ls �re Inaured by e IMeml apm�y,InsWmenlnFry,or ontiry(nGudnp
<br /> �, � �i,'i Lmder,X Lmder Is sueh�n NsIY.u;un)a In any Fedntl Homn Loen 6enk Lmdet shtll�pply lhe Fund� lo pay th� IEtaow
<br /> � ?.f. Ilems.lendtt'm�y nol ehv9a Oortowx br holdng end�pplylnA lhe funds,nnnuel.y rn�t�tln9 the esaow account, a -rM,4ip T
<br /> '�'r.' Ihe Esaow Itans, unless Lmder peya Bonower Intaesl on Ihe FunJe end app�c:ble L-w pu�n:6 Luida lo mike •uch a w__ - -�
<br /> ''f, ,f��C� chuqo.Howrrx, Lmda rnry req,Ya Ebttowa to p�y+on►tine chupo for�n Ndependent rMl��lH�tuc reporUn9 I�Ma -4�'=•
<br /> � used b Lendx In eonnecuon xY,h lhis lan, unN�s �ppYCabH Mw proi7dei olhKwiu. Unln� an �pNm�nl U m�d1 a �`�
<br /> i�.�'i,��jt �pp4ubl�Aw rpvWS Nleat lo b�pWl.Undw fh�Y not bu nq�kW lo prY Bonower�nY hlx�p or p�mNpt on IM Funtlt. ���' .�
<br /> :4�. L 4! BMOWM\Ild LMdK IIMY�9�a h WIIlNO, hOwHM, �M�Mtxnf �hae b�pW on th�fund�. UnMr �h�t pk�to BartowK, l�y ,r .,_..
<br /> _���!� �'��:j' x11h0u1 thuq6 in i�nVU iCCOVnthp ol�he Fund1, 7howhp q/61�ind A/DN�t0 th�Fundt�nd ths purpo�� fOr whkh Mth !-7}�J� �
<br /> - ��. t-�' dArN lo Ih�Fund�wu rn�M. Th�Fundt u�pNdpW���ddWn�l a�auMy lor�tl sume fecured by Ih�&aAy In�Wrn��t �-i}-. +,�.`'.
<br /> - 1 } Il lh�{'und� hdd by Lundv auW lh�amour,N pwiMlt�d lo b�hMd by�ppfubb 4w, Undw�h�l�uounl lo Barowa °'��`1 �
<br /> 3/,_i - �d'v. fa Ih�ucw�Fund�M�oconNnu wNh Ih�rpuYen»nU o��pp6aW�Mw.Il lhe�mounl ol Ihe Fund�hNd by Undu ol my +�v �r,
<br /> r - �tS{ i��': tNU It nol eul6denl lo p�y Ihs 0�aow FKnt when due,Lmdw m�y w noUy Bonower N wrNNp. �nd, N suCh au Bortaxa F�t� �> > :
<br /> ..{�:, �.,;k! th�l p�y to Lxidx�he�mounl nroeaavy lo m�ke up Ihe defideney. Dortower ahN m�ke up tlie defiGenry M no more thm r:-,.��4,j�"";,-
<br /> ��4: twNre monthN PR'mmU.U LendNs aoN dscrellon. ,iz.�;�r:�1.k'°;:�,;,.
<br /> + Upon p�ymenl M lul ol MI aums searod 6y th!s 8ecud.y InaWmml, Lenda ahY promp:y reNnd to OorraxN rny �:i _
<br />— .,:-r:,-.-�=� Fcr�La had t�ia'tE�. 1!. c:Ca p:ra�:Ph'.1. Le.^.de:�"e^.•e N E•a ihe P[eA!M.L[nAx;p�ior to�he acaulsX✓n w etle ?�:: tF.( ��:-'v._:
<br /> - ol lhe Propnry,sh�7 epp.y my Fuada hdd 6y Lmder al lho 4ne ol acqulsNlon o�celn ss a acdt ng�Nst the su:ns searcd .""� it -
<br /> -i-T..�, 6y thia Sew�f.y InaW mem. E,�•, , -•
<br /> S�-''� 3� A IIOMIon of Pa ment�.Unlesa n IlcaSte law roNdes o:hctwlse, ell a mia recB+M b Lmdn under � ' ' }'�
<br /> : �r Pp 9 nn v c rm r �:,.. ,.���;..
<br /> peragrcpha t �nd 2 shaS be t�,-�F.id: 6rs1,lo eny prepeymenl charges due unCCV lhe No1e; second,to ema�nts p3yabn under ti�:*,)?�,•.�`��.::_.
<br /> i. ' pu�gnph 2; ItYd,lo L:tacst elae:6�esrh N 9�ndpai c1:e:and lasl.lo eny Wle eherpes duo undx tho Note. -t=,�ifj5' �� �
<br /> 4. Chuges; l:l�ns.Sorterc�a:zt�my al Cxw essessmmts, cherges, h�es end imposidons ellnb�taNe to Ihe ;.,�.��r J i "
<br /> r"� -y j o�` Property whk0 may atta�n pri.it.;ovmr Pis Sea:ry tra6w+•.r+•t end leasehold peymenls or ground rmis, N eny. Bortowet �'�}/� �
<br /> "+�,f�4(�i �' :• s*A9 pay thcs!obFgelians is p�e ranna�rovid�.W're pa'a9nit 2 ar if nol psid in thul mennn, 6orrowa sh�!pay them on > � 1��� -`
<br /> ��,;,�.��.!"�;� tima drecitg ta the pc+scn aneU fx�mecl 8arcnwu s`.aS 0+�++,=Y�4�°ish fo Lender etl notkes ol amounis lo be patd unda '����Vtif!�7'S'r `,{_
<br /> ���7r�r�� ��i 1h's Caray�uph.II Oortow¢�makae Ihose p3ymer.�s�:ec.ry, -8tr.cv�v ahe:l prompty Nmish Io Lendtt recc�pls cHidEnNng ?st�� �y��rr
<br /> t fr � �f�t) the paymenls. '.' �� }{�f '
<br /> 7 p i y� Uonower shnJ prompty tlacharga aiy 5en wcieh hes pdor.ry over thls 9ecudry �nsWmeN unleas Oortower. (e)agas �i� �r
<br /> y�k�,Y�F��� ia�xiUg to tf.e pnymen�of tho cb7�L'cr.aewrM by�ho Ilen h e marntt ecceptnblo lo Lendcr: @) wntests N gootl f�0h U�e �t_ � yn ,
<br /> _ -r f���jr�'q fm by,or dofmds egansl e�!oru�^er.t a'tZe 3en In, 1eg31 proceetlings wh!ch in Iho Lende�'e opnlon opereto lo prerent ;`r! i�, �
<br /> � �ha mlo�cemtc!ot Iha [en:a� (c)seccea 1rom�ho hdder of tho Ilen a�agreemeM se9slacfory to Lenda subordnaEng the '��,1�� 1�k�t'
<br /> �I��YI .;;r�
<br /> �+{ +�'�i�y Gen to Ihis Snudry Inatrummt. N.lender delertnines thet eny parl of the Proputy Is eub;ecl lo a I!m whlch m�y e1b5�pdor.ty �rl({��b �i ':
<br /> n�4 �'�+�' orer this Seu++:y �nsVUrr.Em, tu:2er r.ay gMe �ortower o no:ca IdenL.ytn9 tho L'en. Oortowtt eha7 saUsy the Ben a lsko i{, I ��r t t���.
<br /> T"}�;�'.�;,4�� one or mom c1We attr.r.s tel fonh qbare wilhln f0 days ot Ihe giving o�no1!ce. i ,}�(f� �}
<br /> �S` tY��li�t :
<br /> ' ��f ��ic 6. Nazard Pi �tOpOdy 1119WAnCl.Dortaxx shal keep�he Improremenls now e�dslhg on c�rc�RU uecttd on tho � �
<br /> r{L � Prc4erty rtsw�d a5����oae by he, han�ds InUuded m.hin �he Iertn 'euznded coverege' oM eny othcr hazards, Ind�6ng �{� 1 � �-.
<br /> AK�i -ry�'{ f.ccCn er T.003ng,lor whlch Lender requ!�es inscrence. fils NsumnrA sha9 ba meinlake0 In Iho ernounts end far lhe pcdods �y. c�1�
<br /> �,.r,xa4 '_.�e�'V�, tdat ler.ter rey�'.rea. Tha Insurence ea^!e� proNGng Ue insurmco slia7 bo chosen by OortowK subkct lo LEndKs apprnial �e tl`�' Ns� '
<br /> l +•`
<br /> w}a�sta:l no�ho unreasowby wilhl�a0. if Dortow« fails lo maN!un coverage desmbed eba+e. LmdH may, el Lender s „
<br /> �u�[�- � -' cP���.obtaln covttt3"to pmlect Lendds dg6�s In the PwP�*ry M ��rdanco wNh paregeph 7. (.::t n �
<br /> iy4�q�� "'�' h'I insurenco DoSdes nnd cer.eweis sha:i be nccep!xblo lo lmder end sha7 InUuUe e sfandard rcrotlq�9e dause. Lmder ti:?''
<br /> �=.fP3hS5:�5
<br />::•,����1� #j�ii,,,.�, she7 havo fhe dghl to ho:d Iho poAGes entl renewnis. Ii Lendtt rcGWres, Oortwier shn7 promp4y g.Ne lo lenUx olI receipts ol .
<br />- y;:p!: -U'`.:���1� pad prttnlums end renrxni no:lus. In Iho ovml ol bss. Oawwer shaG g*re p�ompt noL'ce to tho Inw�nnee canter end i�
<br />_���r'���+��-���.-, Lmder.lendtt may makc proof olloae A nol metle prom,:y by�onower. - - �
<br />'s y���'"��•�c< UNesa Lmtltt ontl Oortower olhemise aprre in mGaO. hsurence proceeds sh�] 6e epy5ed to reataa�on or«paY ol . '
<br /> � ��f�_��. - �� tho Propc�ty domaqed, N tho res!omticn or repa4 is ttonor.:w%N ��vbfe ond LmUtt's sea�rriy is nol ftsscned. II t�e �
<br /> � -�� resbroUOn o�repeII is not econamlcory leasiole or Lmdc*'s sewriry wou'd be lessmed. Ihe Nsurence proceeds ahai be
<br /> ��=ti npp'+ed Io Ihc sums sewred by th:s Sea:riy Inslrurnml whuhtt or nm ihcn �Fm. rrith xny excess paid to Oortowe. II ,
<br /> .�'•, Dortowtt abendons Iho Propttty.or does nol a�swc+vAth�n 00 days a notice Irom LmUx Ihat lhe Infurence rartln Aas :
<br />-. _ oY.ered to se:tio o dakn. Ihen Len�tt msy co[ect tte tnsu:ance praecds. lcntlx may use lhe proceeAS to repa4 w
<br />.. � � res:om Iho PmpMty or to pay sums secured by thts Seeu�iry Instrummt,whethx or not thm tlue- The JD�tlay pedod vri1
<br /> - �- begN when the no:ice is ghm.
<br /> - � UNess LmtlM end Borrow�t oth[+Wise e¢ee In wdling. eny apD•`•�'�on ol prot¢eds to pdnNpal shell not erimd or
<br />� - - Doslpone the due date ol the mon:hlj paymmts relerreE lo m Daregrephs t end 2 or chang? ihe omount ol tha
<br />- -- - paymenls. If under pamgmph 21 Iho Pmpttry Is eccryeM by Lmder. Uma.rt+'s dgM lo eny insurnnce po+cles end prouetls
<br />- " resuY.tng(rom d�ttNga fo ihc PmpMy p+o�to Ihe eCycisi0on sha:l pass lo IMUtt lo Ihe ezt!nt of Ihe sums by Ih(s SeWriry
<br /> - - - � insiqrmrni imnetiwiciy pdvi io invucyvaivn.
<br /> 6. Occuponcy, Hronarvntion, Nininlenencv and Profocllon of tho Propnrty; Uo�rorior's Loan
<br /> AppllCdil01�; LOBOUII01(30. �a�rowa sLa!1 ocw,�y, eslabGSh. enU use the Vroperty es Oortaxeca pfinWpal resiAence
<br /> w:".hin sMy Jaya o4er Ihe execul!cn of Ihis Secu:',ry Ins4�:meni oaJ sha9 con[nve lo occuD'1��e Propnry es Oortowcrs prnUDal
<br /> renWenca for el leasl one year o"er Ihe wle of occupanty, un!ess LmJtt olhervdse egrees In w�i:ing, vh:th conseni sha7 not
<br /> ��i� � be unreasonoCy rr.thheld.o� uniess eatenueYnp wcums!ences eusl Y�h�th BIC bCYOl1d �OItOWfIS GOIIIt01. QOrtOWE! Sh27 pOl
<br /> - ' Cestroy, dnmago or Impotr Iho Rope(ry. e:lov/ICO N�oDe�1Y to Cetello[ole.or commil woste on Ihe Ptope�ry.Oortowet shaii be
<br /> - � i tn defau* H er.y /o:@ilmo nction o� pmreeC[np, wheltei[ivil or crim!r.el. 15 6egun Ihnl in Lendeis good lai�h JudOment au!U
<br /> ' +.Y;:,- 7 �esuq in lortet�r.o ol Ihe Pmpe�y or o1.".ervASe mafetla�y i.npni Ihe iien crealed by Ihis Securiy Instrumem o�endei s seceiry
<br /> -�•. �. L�IMC51. o 1� `�
<br /> �y1 Ft::6.1N.0 f�0Ai1 �e5<Z ol S /' �/�'C'- (
<br /> �':�fu .Y
<br /> �yf�q.�q: ' �
<br /> � 41TV.UA I
<br /> + � 1
<br />