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� i.�� ik z� � i' � srr-?- ��,:. . . . �; r _ . r .-: .. <br /> , <br />-.': -td�n: c.�::��.a.-.,3.G:.�n�.:;...+�.—��;'.�..w�E•wwwww�niY�tifR'�11�Y�f.4i.�.. ._�;�_�.-.._.-..�_..r........_..". <br /> ;� <br /> V�G'""` ��iPV�V <br /> .perlods that I.ender ttquins. T➢o Insunnce carticr providing tho insumnw shall Iw ctiosen by Oorrowcr subJtct�o l.cndcrk <br /> �pproval whith shall iwt be unrcasonabiy wiihhdd. If florroicer f,ils to maimatn covems�dcscriNCd ubovc.Lendcr mny,at <br /> ..- . .Lenuerl upiun.uttal�i wt•emgz to protect Lcndzr�righn in�he I'ro�ny in accordance n•hii par,groph Z --- - <br /> � All Bisunntt policl¢s and rcnewals shall be nccepiable to l.endor nnA shnll includo o sinndnrd mor�gage ciause. I.ender <br /> - shall h9vo tl�o dghl ta hoid�he poticies and rtnewnis. It Lcndcr requin:s,Rnrto�rer sha11 p:ompdy giee tn I.ender all rocoipis <br />_._ of paid prcmiums nnd renewal notices. In thc cvcnt of loss,6orcower shall girc prompt noticv m tlie Insurance carrior and <br /> I.cndcr. I.endcr may maku proof of Inss if no�mado promp�ly 6y Oorrowcr. <br /> Onlavs I.ender�nd RoROwer oiLernise agrce in wri�ing,insuronce proceeds shall lw applied io mstoretion or rcpatr of <br /> � ' ihe PropCny damaged, If the rcs�on�ion or rrpair is emnomtcnliy fensiM1le xnd I.enderh secumy is na Iesxixd. If tim .�._._� --_. <br /> �� ¢stomtlon or n:p�ir is no�economically fensible or Lender3 secumy �sonid be Iessened,�ho Insur;mce praetds shall ix <br /> a�licd ro tLc snms saureA Uy ihis Saurity Insmimcm, wUnhcr or no�tl�cn duc, wi�h�ny ozcas paid to Borrowcc If <br /> -=I porcowcr abandons tho Propc�ry,or docs nn�answcr wi�htn 30 days n noilcc (rom Lcndcr tha��hc insurance cnrdcr U�s <br /> -I of(cred w seule a ciaim.thert t.ender may co!lcci tho insurance praceds. Lender nwy us�the procceds Io n�air or restorc <br />= the fkopetty a to pay sums securc�by tdis Securtry Ins�mmen6 whether or no1 ihen duc. "fU;30�day pedod w I I Ixgin when <br /> - tho notitt ts givca <br /> — Un;css LcrAcr vA Qcstoszr o:hendm o�en� in���riUng,any:ppliaation of ptocteds to prir.eipa[shail no�cx�end ar �—--�- <br /> = postp�or.e tha doe c�,lr,of the r:sm�hl��pa�inems rrCemd ro in paragraphs 1 y:d 2 or ehange the amount of tha paymrnts. I( <br />