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„ ,, _ <br /> �5 -7. '!J t N_�f ' t �n f- �kq s f ��� � �F�.-.c';� .. <br /> t.(..;.�T.�a"�i�G�i:i/�x S..S 9u �.i»,_......_�.�. . _ ...: . .. . <br /> V�`rw ��oV� . <br /> ��}��g W�'�}t a11 tlw(mprovemems now or hercanu ctx�c+i on�hc property,and all casemrnis,nppnrtcnnnccs, <br />. and flxnircs now or htttzRer a p�n ot tho properiy. Ail ttplxements and ndditions shall nlso Iw covcM hy t61a Sceurity <br /> Insirvmrnt. AI�ohlw Fomgotng(s rcferceci to in thisSecurity lut�vnem as�he"l7ap;ny:' ' �° --- - <br /> EQRROWCR COVpNANf9�hat Ilorto+�•er is ixwfuliy seised ot tha cstnto Oercby mnvcyed nnd has iho dghi m grnnt <br /> �nd convry the Pro�eriy and timt the Ikopeny is unancumixrcd,except for encumbronces of rec�rd. florrower wrurmts and <br /> wilt deRnd gtnernlly�ha ttUa to tho Propmy agalns�zll clalms and dcmnnds,snbject to any cncumlmnccs of rxord. <br /> TNIS S4'CURITY INSTRUMEN7' combtnes uni(am mvenante (or national ux and non•uniform mvenmts w(th <br /> IimitedvadntlonsUyJudsdictioniocons�ituieaunifomisecuri�yimuumentmvedngrcalproperty. j _ <br /> UNI�ORM COV�NANTS. Ilortower and t.ender covenmt nnd ngnro�s follows: <br /> l. P�yment MPrfnc(p�l and Interatl Pmp�ymmt and 6wlo Ch�rges. IIorcower shall prompUy pay when duo�ho <br /> pdncipal of nnd Interat on the debt evidenced by�he Note nnd any prepaymem and la:e chvges dno undcr tfie hae. <br /> 2, FLndsfor7Nxa�ndlnsur�ntc. SubJcatoappIIcaUlulawortoawrittcn�vafvcrbyl.endcr,6orcowcrshallpayto <br />� Lcnder on�he day momhiy paymems ere duo unckr�he Nota nntil tho Kote Is paid in(ull,a sum CTvnds”)tor.(a)yearly <br /> laxes and asscssmeNS which may attain prtuity orer ttils Secvdry Insuument as a Ifcn on Ilee Ro(xny;(b)yearly Icasehold <br /> Payments ot ground rcnls oa iF.e Property, If any; (c)ye.vly hazard or propeny Insurance premiums; (d) yeuiy Rood <br /> nsutuke prcmtums,If any:(e)yeuly mortgage Guvra.oce �m�iums,ff any: aM(0 any suros paya6te by Borcowcr to <br /> I.ender,in accordance with Ute provistons of puagaph 8,in lieu of the paytrxnt of�r.ongags inswar,te prtmiuttu. '1Lese _ <br /> itCms aze called"Escrow Items: Ler.der may,ax any time.col!eci ar:d teld I�nSs in an ur.ount[;ot[o exceed thz maximum �},:.. <br /> anwunt a Iendu. tor a kd:mlly rztated mongage Ioart may rcquirc for 6orrower3 eurotiv;xcount under ehe tedcral Real ��.�. <br /> Cslate 3etticment{'rocedurcs Act of 1974 as an:ended fran time ta�ime,12 U.S.C.§2601 et xeq.Q"ftESPA').unless azw�her <br /> law that applies to�h:I'unds so�s i iesser snwunt. It so, may,at xny lime.eolice�and hat0 Cv.nds in an,mount not lo __. <br />�- excad Ihe laur amoum. l.endcr may es�imate the amoum of Funds duo on ehe basis of.LSrmt dxta a A n:asonable <br /> a�imates of expendlmrcs of Pomre L•scrow ltems orouierw�ise i�ittvrJnna with a�plicable taw. -- -�� <br /> 'Rie limds shall be held In en inslilmion whuv:ckposits uc insnrcd by a tcderal ageocy, insttummtaliry,or eNi�y <br />� . (including Lender,ff l.cndcr is sucli an ins�imtion)or in any Fid:ral Home Loan 6ank. 4enAzr shnil apply ihe}Lnds to pay <br /> �he Cscrow Items. I.eMer may na ahage Uorrower for holding and applying the Iimds,:waaally analyzing�he escrow �y� <br />