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<br /> {xdods thm I.ender requircs. 71ro insnranw ca�rler provlding ihe insu�anro slmll W chnun by SSorro�ear saL)a�tol.tndetB
<br /> _:. uppmval which shill not bo unreasonn6ly wi�hikld. If Bonower fnlls�o meinlnin corerage desedbeA alwro.I.enekr m�y,at -
<br /> I.cnAorS op�ion,oWain coruage io proucU.enderS dgM1ts in Qio Pro)xny in accordanw wU1�par,gmPL R .
<br /> • All hisurance pollcies flnd renowais shali be acce��bla m I.�nder and shall include n slnndnrd mongage ciause. Lemit+ �
<br /> ahall hnva tlia dght to hoid�he policits and ronewnis. It l.endu rcqnircs,Oonro��•rr shali pmmpily givo m Lender all rmip�s
<br /> of pa�d prcmiGms and rcnewnl notices. In the event of Ioss,Bortower slmll give prompi nmico to tho insuranm carcier and
<br /> > 4cnder. l.cndermaymakepruofofloulfnotmadeprompiiyby Aorrowcr.
<br /> llnless Lsnder und Rorrower othenriso agrce in udting,Insnrnnco(roceeAs shall be eppfled to restoratlon or rcp�ir of
<br /> .-.. the Pro�rly Jmm��ed, if�ho ms�orniiun or rcp�ir Is reanomically fensiMo nnJ Isndcrk cauri�y is not tcssencd. I(Ifie - �
<br /> rosrornt on or repa r is not economically fcufble or I.ender§Rccurity would lw lesscned, iho insur,mce protteds shall be
<br /> applied to No sums secnrcd hy�hls Saudty instmmmt, whe�her or not thrn dae,wi�h.ny ozcess pald to Oorcower. If
<br /> Oorrower n6andons ihe Propcny,or dacs nm answer wi�hin 30 dnys n no�ice from Lendcr tha� �ho insunnco canier Las
<br /> offercd to seula a claim,then 4ender ma�collcet tl�o iasumnco proceeds. Lender mny use the proceeds to n:�nlr or rcstoro
<br /> tho Property or to p�y sums securW 6y th s Secud�y lnnmmem,whether or not�hen duo. The 30•day�rriod w 11 Ixgin when
<br /> the notiee is given.
<br />- .- Unless Lender anA Rorcower othenviso ngrco in+rdting,any nppliration of proceeAs to principal shatl r,ot oxtend or
<br /> postpone d:e duc date of�he munthly paymen�s rcRmd to in paragraphs I and 2 or chnnge tho amovnt of the Qaymer,ts. If
<br /> __ under paragraph 2t the Pmperty is acqutred by Lender,Oortower§right to any insurancc polictes and proseeds resulting
<br /> -- Crom clamage to�he Pmpeny prtor to t6o ncqulslUon slull pass�o Lender ro�he ex�ent of the sums secwed by this Suurity
<br /> — Instmmentimmediatclypriortotheacqulsfqon.
<br />-= G. �CCnpaacy. �'rtstrrat[en, M1latnlenpnce and P�etativn of the Properlx; �orro»er•s Laxa A;apL'n.tloni
<br /> -- LeazrholAs. Borton�cr shall«cupy,esiablish,and uu�he Proputy a Qorcower`s prinnpal residence within sixty days aRer
<br /> -_ �he ezcewlon of this Saurity]nars:r:enl and s6all eoa:inue to ooce:py the Propeny as Dorrower�s principai residence for at
<br /> �- - leul one ya�r a(ler �he d:�te oF ottupaney, unless Lendu :•'.:etwise agrees tn writing, «-hich co�sent shall rai 6e
<br />-�-i:�i unreasonably wiihhdd,or unless extenuating circums�aues ezis�which ue Geyond 6ono���ch comrol. Borrower shsll not
<br />`�°''`• deNroy,dimagc or impair ihc Propeny,altow the Propeny to dcledorate,or commi�w.�ste on�he Propcny. Borra��ar ahall
<br />--=`'!g 6e in L�efnW�if any forfeimre ac�ion or proceeciing,whe�her eivil or criminal,is begun that in Lender�good faith.j:r.i;n�:n� -�
<br /> "= coulA rsult in for[efniro of the Mopeny or olherwix materially impnir the lien cmated by �his Securiry Instn�mrne or
<br /> Lendor'ssecurity Inleres�. Donox�er may cure such a defaul�and rcinstate,ns provided in}angraph 18,by cnusing�h¢a:tion
<br />�ii:;� or proceeding to he di=missed wi�h e mling that,in Lender�s good fai�h detetmination,pmciudes fodeimrc of�he 6ottower�
<br />- ° intemst in �ho Ropar+y or olher malerial impairmenl of lhe lien created Fy ihis Securiiy(nslrumeN or LenderY seturity
<br />-:.;�$ interest. Dorcow�er shall also be in default if �orroner, during lhe loan npplicr.tion proceas, gave materially (xise or _
<br /> inaccurate infomia�lon or s�atemcros�o Lender(or failedto pru��N1e Lender with xny ma�erial i�forma�lon)in conneciion wiih
<br /> �- �he loan evideneed by the Note. including, but not limitect m, rcPreser.�ations coteemiqe Uorcower4 o:cupancy of the .
<br />- - Property u a principal rcsidence. If:his Security Instmment ix oa a leuehold,➢orta�ver shaii comply wiih nll�he provisions
<br />-+%'� ohhe leaza If 6o�rower acquires!ee�Itic w tF.e Ftopeny,lhc Itauhotd und the fte�ide shall r.w mergz wnless Lendcr agrces -
<br />- s �o�he mcrger Sn writing. -
<br /> � = 7. Protecilun af Lender's Rlghts In Ihe Property. If Uortowtr fails lo petform �he covennnc xnd agrecmeNs
<br />`==,s con!ained in �his Security Inswmem, or�hero is n legal y:ocnJing fha� may significantly offeci Lender5 righu in �he -
<br />':.'t.� 1'ropern•(such as o proceeding in bankruptcy,probate,for co�x!annatiun or fodeimm or to enforce laws or regulations).chen
<br />�-"= Lender may do and pay for whatever is necessary io p;o�ec� �he vnlu.of�he Propmy nnA Lendeh righ�s in ihe Properry.
<br />.:P:,� Lender�s actfons may i�clude paying any sums securcd by n lien�vhlrh)ias prioriry over�hls Security Insuumen4 oppearing -
<br />-=:;�a in coun,paying rensa�able xnomey.s'kes nnd entering on ihe 1'roprny m make npairs.Ahhough Lender may mke xc�ion
<br />;:_�� undcr�his paragnph 7.Ler.dcrdcex not havc�o do so. -
<br />- +g; Any amoums Jisbnned by Lcndcr under this puagraph 7 shall bernme additiaint debt of 6ortower saured by this
<br />_%�� Secudty Insuument. Unkss Bn�o���er and Lendcr ngree to o�hcr mm�s of paymenL�hesc amoums�hall bear intera�(rom the -
<br />',"�;� da�o of disbursement x�the No�e rate and shall lx pnyable,wl�h intercs6 upon no�fcc fmm lendar�o Qortower reques�ing _
<br />>-�� paymenL -
<br />,.,.r� 8. RSorfgege tnsuranee. If Lender reqai��tit rt:ongage insurance u a condi�ion of m:king dr loan securcd by�his
<br /> =_ Security Inswmem.Bon�ower shall pay�he premiums r.quired w maimain the mongege insurantt in etYect. IL(or any
<br />;.-_;�� reason, the motlguge in<urar,re coveage �equired b��Lenclrr lapses or ceases ro be in etfec6 Rortower shall paq ihe
<br /> prcmiumc rcquircJ �o obwtn co.crzer xubx�nntially equivnlcnc to �hc mongagc insumncc previously in e(fea, at n cast _
<br />���� subs�amiully eqafvalem w the cos�to Borrou�er uf�he mortgnge insunnce prcviously in e((ea, (rom nn altemate mongage
<br /> •- insurcr approved bq•Lender. If subs�amially.qai��alem mongage insurnnce coverage is no�available,Onrtower shall p�y to #,:,
<br />_',��� Lendcr cach momh a sum equal�o onc-nrelN��f ihe�eady mongage insurancc pnmimn 6eing paid by Qorruwer whcn�hz
<br /> , insurance rnverage Inqed or eessed to be in effeci. Lem!er�vill accept,use and rc�ain tlicse payments as a bss raerve in lieu
<br />;;�.� of mongage insumnca Loss reserve pay�mems may no longer M n.yuircd,m t6e aption of Lender, if mongage inwmnce
<br />--�3 coxenge(tn�Ix ynount and for the period that Laider rcquires)pro�ided by:m inwrcr:,pprored hy Lender again becomes -
<br />;r=�� availabl.and is ob�ained.Uorcower s6all pay�he pumic��s rcquircd io maimain mongage insurance in rf(ec4 m w provide o
<br />--����1 Iou reun•e,umd�hr requircment tor mongacc�mnrar.re ends in accordance w�i�h an���eri¢en agmenmm henveen 6ortower -
<br />,tis� and Lendcr m apptirabte law.
<br />=ra;�� 9. Insptttlon. I.cndcr or i�s agem ma�� m:.ke nuonab:c entrics upon and in.pcc�ions of�hc Propetiy. Lcnder shall �.
<br /> __.-� gi�e Rurrower notice al lhe linte of ur prior lo an inspeclien�pc:ifying rcaxowble.au�e for�hr ins�xelion. .
<br /> ,�� ID, CondemnaUon. The prexecds nf any aw�rd or claim(rr damages,Jirecl nr cnnsrquenlial.in corneclian�cidi:my
<br />..':� Smglei.vnd�..fSnnleV.rFreACe\1acISIFON\II]cfkl]U:\T-CndnmCmmr.i. 49ni�[�t,inNrru _
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