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� i�-'.a�.t't.�.uSwal�.}i,3ii�:LuIC�� �:G1+W.�� .�1i�i� 'tt-3x .l...c.�:l�.E......-._.....-+r-aw...`a+.�•:-..._-._._ _ v.._ <br />.,:!:��. <br /> ,.i jLU C i:� <br /> V4"" ��Vi.II� <br /> T60fiTIiRR WITH all�he Imprnvcmrn�s now on c�rcaftrr cratcd on�hc propcny,and all cacemems,appunenanca. <br /> _,,,, nnd Ox�nrca now on c�reaner n pan of tho propcny. All repincemems nnJ addi�lons shall also M1e corcrcd by�his Securfiy _�_..... <br /> IntilmmeN. All of�6o forcgoing is afcrcul�o In�hls Sccunty Instmmcnt u ihu'Propcny.' <br />— pORROWIiR WVP.NAN7S�Imi 13arcnwcr Is In�vfully ulsed of ihe estate 6crcby mnveped and has ihc right�o grant <br />::',t� nnd wnvey t6o Property nnd thm t6o Propeny Is unencnmlxrcd,except for encumbmnccs of arord. Oorrower wannms nnd <br />--_ will de2nd grnemliy ihe tilie to the Pm(�eny ngainsl nll clalms and demands,subJec��o any encumbr,nces of record. <br /> TN19 SGCURITY INSTRUAti1NT combines uniform wven�ms Por nntional use and nomunifonn cavenams with <br />�"�? Iimfted vndntlons bY I��dsdicilon lo eonsliiula n mtifomi secudly insirumem covedng real pmpeny. _ . <br /> � UNIFORM COV4'NANT3. Rorcowar 1nd LcnAercovcnant and agrce as follows: <br /> - � I. Pay�ment otPrtncippl and lnleresit Prepnyment nnd LuteCbarges. Dortower shall prompily pay whcn due�ho --�.. <br />°-"%�� princiPal of and imercs�on�he deb�evldenced 6y the Note.nd any prepaymenl and late chugesdue under the Nma —'° _ <br /> --= 2. Euads tar 7hxes nnd Tnsnrance. SubJut to appllca6le law or toa written waiver by Lcnder,f1oRO�ver Ehall pay to �''�— <br /> �_; lcnd:r on�:e day monthiy paymcros nrc due unda�he Nmc,�mtit the�ore is paid in full,n sum ("Mnds')for. (a)yeady ¢ -- <br /> -_ tues and assessments which may analn pdodry o�er this Secnmy Insuument as a licn on the Propeny;(b)yeazly IeaschoW i -: <br />---' payments or ground rents on �he Property. If nny; (c) yeady hazsd or pfoperty imurance premiums: (d1 yemiy Itooct �`_,_`-''.-_ .. <br /> .� �:� [nsurance premiums. [f any: (o)yeady mongago insumnce prcmiums,if nny:and (q miy sums payable by Bortowet to _ <br /> .�1 i.ender,in accordance with ihe provislons of parngmph 8,in Iiw of ihe paymen�of imur..r.ce prcmiumc. 'll:ese ^_. <br /> � icems aru ealled"Pxrow hems." Lender may,al nny time,eollce ar.A Cold Ponds in nn amoiwe noe m excced the muimune ���,��'s . <br /> °��7 amount a Iender!or a [cdemlly telalcd mongage Ivan may nquice for Barro�nrk escrow n�oum cnder the Ccderal Rcal :i ����._�-� <br /> '�! 6stxle Selllemem Racedun:s Ael of 1974 ns nmended frcni�inx m¢imr,12 U.S.0�3601 ei seq.C'R&SP.1"4 ua?ecc nno�her • n(��jx " "- <br /> .,at,a rYi�iiz:•.. <br />:-�� taw�hu applies to iM1e Nnds scu a lesscr nmuunt. If so.Lendu mn�,a�any time,crAk.i and hold Funds in m amnuM nai ta ��g�p - <br />-:-;,H ezcecd ihe Itsser amouni. I.cnder m.ry cs�imare the amoum eF Fundc d�re ns ttti tqsis of cumm daia x❑a reau�naFle �F,�,�� .:,._ <br /> -�i estimaiesof ezpendimrts of future Hscrow(tems or olhemue in accordarco�vi�h app:icab:c la��•. �}��'!;, � -- <br /> `��I (induAing I��nJcrhif'L¢der'a u h nn insi IutioN or in�an�i'ide�nl FI nx Laia ita tt�Lendcr Shnll appiy hr�funds lo Pay +�fy`S�y�,„r . <br />^��i the Lccro�v llems. Lender may no� charge Dorrm�-er for holAinp nnd applying ih: I�:nds, annunlly analyzing the escrow ;�y 3�C���'t;._-_ <br /> '!1 acco�mt,or ��efiying �he Gsetow Ilenu,unless LenJrr pays Uortmcer imeres� nn the funds and applicabie Imv pem�its ��$�'�t ;� <br /> LenAer io maka such e charge. However,Lender mny reqnire Bortop�er lo pay a one•lime charge for an ind:{�ndent rcal �t?t� ��„ -: <br /> �'�i1,' as��en cmrls made or a i�licab claw re uircs nte esitlo be��1�IA,Lenier shall nm 6e reboi ed Io%� Dorto ve an n�Ircx�or ��t�����INUt;�.•- <br /> ER PP 9 P• 9 P•Y Y ,- <br /> r1 camings an�hc I'vnds. Dortowcr and Lender may agree in wriiing,hoxe��cr,ihat imcrcs�shnll hc paid on thc('ands. Lender ����'tti�r ..- <br /> -° shall give�o Oottower,wi�hoW charge,an annual accouming of�he Funds,showing credi�s nnd debiis m�hr Fimds and�he � �qi _ - <br /> putpose for which each debit to�he funds wns made. The I�nds me p!edgeA as additional securily for.II sum+securcd 6y ���»{ <br /> �� �his Securi�y Insttumcm. ��'�r�'zr' <br /> .__ii If the Funds held by Lender excecd the amoums pemil�;e<! ro ba hdd by npplicable lan, Lender shall accoum to �,�.;��rt`q .._� <br /> -� Ilorcower for�he excess�nnds fn xcwtdance with the requtremems ni appiirabic)aw. ii the mnoum o(tnc Funds hciJ u} , - <br /> -='� Lender at any�ime Is nm sumdem to pay the Gurow I�ems when dec,Lend.r may so notify Ourra�rcr in���ri�ing, ���'d�i��^ ;.; <br /> i such case Uortower�h>.ti}ny lo Lender �he amoum necessary Io ma§e up �he de�cicncy. Uorroa�er sh�41 make up Ihe � t� � � }4�; <br /> -_�; deficicncy in eo morc�haa�weive momhly paymenis,m landert sole discre�ion. �L �{i` � u��T_: <br /> Upcu+niymcnt In full of oll sums secured by iliis&ruri�y Ins�mmen4 Lend.�r shall pttury Oy refund io Borzower any 1� ii �rx�:�- <br /> _;� �unds hN.c!by Lendcr. If,under 21.Lcndcr shall xcquirc or s.11 thc Prop�ny,Lem!rr, prior to�hc acquisi�fon or �Q�ov� it.-.,-_- <br /> .- � sale of ihe Ropeny,shall appiy any Pomds held by Lender a�ihe �ime of ncquisition or selo as n cr�dt�against�he sums f s� f i x}--.,:,. <br /> �''' R.cnrcd hy ihis Securily InslmmeN. �t(.�,,,,> r -� <br /> !;-�� 3. Applirn�lon of Pnymems. Unless applic�i+ie law proviAes othenvise. all paymems received by Lender under r;` �.:..:•i 'r�-� <br /> "=�,� n re Us 1 and 2 shall Ixe a lied:firs�,to an R � mem char es duc under thr Note secood,to anmums payable undcr t i h rG� .r- <br /> W•8 P PP� YG•'G'�Y 6 <br /> .z.:,# Paragroyh 2:thfrd,to(mercst due;fonrth,m principal dec;und lact,wxny laie charges due under ihe Note. ��s -,��'>"�� <br /> �- = a. Chergcs; Lfens. Dorzm�cr shall pay all taxes, u�cs>mrms.charges, Mcs and imposi�ions anri6mabic m �hc YS' `�s� � <br /> Pro n �46i;h ma uuain riori� ovcr�his Securit hGZtnim.m,anA Icaschold or g�ound nms,if any. Ilorro+�rr 1 i �-� ;;t -- <br />-"M�'� shnlle � �hrsc obl���ions in�hc mymer rovidcd i �n�n h 2,nr if no� aid in�ha�manncr.Qono�ecr ahall a thcm on ��-,2,-",_j yt�;�.,'.-: <br /> P�Y S P 1� s•P P P Y i�� .� . <br /> '.,� Ifine dircctlyto lhc person oned payment. Uurto��cr shall promp�ly fumish to LcnJ:r all no�iccs of.mounts to be paid undcr t ���,'A;_. <br /> ] �his pamgmph. If Dorta�er maka these p.Tyments d+rcc0y.flotrower shall promptly fumitih�o Laide�rcceipls evidencing �i� �, ��,� ,. <br /> +?7 Ihc paymen�. � ' a' ' <br /> ;g,� Dorro�rer shall prompily discharge any lien which has priori�y m�er�his Securi�y Insuum:r.�unless Uortower.(a)egrces �};}�t i.:' � <br />.;�.r`;� in wrilin �o ihe a ment o(the obii a�ion secureJ hy ihe lien in a mmmer accep�able to Lend.r.�b)coxtests in gnod faith tlw }P s `"�k`�; •:� <br /> „i; lien by,or defends agains�enPorcen,en�uf thc lien in.iegal procecdings u�hich in�he I.enderS opinion opera:e io prevent�he �" vit���4?ur,; <br /> enforcemem of�he licn:or(c)ucurcs from the hn!itcr uf�he lien an agreement sa�isfactory to Lender sulwtdina�ing the lien ktiqf �" � - <br /> -v Io ihls Secufity Inslrumem. I(Lender detemiines�ha�any pan a(�he Propeny is�nhject�o a lien which may avain priority ��1t f"�s���'��-��� <br /> ,'� ovcr�his S:tunty Insuumem,Lendcr may gi�e 6onuwer o noiice idemifying�he lirn. Oorro���cr shall sa�isfy�he lien or take { + {+� � <br /> ,`�� onc or more of thc ac�ions sct fonh alwvc wi�hin 10 days af�hc gi�mg of noucc. r f � �. <br /> - �` 5. }lerard or Pro erty Insurence. 6urrower shall kee th:im ro�.mtms uow exislin or hereaf�er erected on�he ( _ . �� !� <br /> �, V P P S _. + . .. <br /> `�� PropCny insun`d again�i Inss by fire,hazuds ineluded wi�hin Ihe�rrm 'rs�eeaed" ar.d any olher hazards,mcludmg ��Q - -�� <br /> „N� Onods or (looding. for �ahich Lcnder rcquircs incurance. 'R�is in.uvmct sCaIP rr maimaincJ in Ihe:nnoums and for Ihc 4�•r)�..ta��,,,; �-� <br /> >i� �i C �1 �_ <br /> �3$� fo�mDOtd 9'90 .NxrT,ln��a�... �� (��i}y�,�,� <br /> 17 t <br /> -tL�?� �:'. ' <br /> �•�2:'r'i'""`'.C-i.$'?';: .. - _'9- : �F°. :. � .n.:�...... . • . 'J'c-:�:. t]�. . --� - - . ...,m. . .� '• . <br /> �� <br /> ���_.� <br /> �_� ___ -"— " _ _ <br /> f:di� `i- � ' . <br /> 'jf:'� �.T;fy"t..:. , - . . <br />.i,.:t: . - � <br /> '..._�. . -' . - . <br /> '�. �r. . � , . .. -.. . _ . <br /> . " ' } <br /> . <br /> _�_ ' <br /> < . ' <br /> .�. � � � : . . .. � . . _. � . .� . .... _.._ <br /> . . ,,. ,.. '.��._,:. . . . . . : . <br />