14 C . .
<br /> �'m��' w
<br /> li � ' i}�ijr - n i3 f ta ' �� r ��7°,41aaaA�!n�� , .- . _� . ':.r.rCt l- -- :. . .. .
<br /> _
<br /> _�-
<br /> __..:...-'::. ...L.,�S tF �aa�.,/��a:.�G,.C...hl.�:2.�....f..-..ntiF:S`1377t1'd{gi$f�65�Y'IR?:tiK._. . .__—.�..-._...:_ .^:. . _' ___ _ .
<br /> A�� �{7�7.Er7 ---'
<br /> 7.Prnteolion of I.�nd�r's RlqMie in tM Prop�rty, nLmGcnw Mrs to pa�am o-�e cavxwnu�nd apwr�enta contK.�a r
<br /> �t�r a�axk� Mun�mm��a thw�I� e IpN proc�cFi tMt rcry sqnYC�n�y Wa t«Wr's dpht�h th�PropMqr(avch��a aa�dny„
<br /> budn�rylcy,n�ob�t�,la condKmrtlon a kn�wre a w mtora Mws«�p.ikns),thtn Lenda nry do�nd py ta xM1wM Is mcwswy
<br /> 'Io(uo1iN Ih�v�kN ol lhe PtGpYty and LlndKS Aahlt h Ih�Prtprty. l„dlfs adbni rixy hdud!plyh9 rry sWnt sKUt+d 6Y s Mn _
<br /> whkh Ni t�Y orK tMi BeaxRy In�hwrant MD+W^9 h wuit W)ti'�9 rwwnWM�nomr/t Nn and�n1�ArN on IM i'`M�Y fo m�k� __:-_ .,-.-,.__. . .__...
<br /> ipWS. MhwOh L�nda r.wy f�ke actbn und�r Ih.Y qnryaph 7,l�ndu don nat Mv�Io do sa
<br /> MY Y�WU�Ii dthunW by LMder under Ihlt p�nynph 7 alul E�conw�d6YdW d�bt ol8orcowa aea�red by thk SwHky IniWmont.
<br /> Unkss 8urower and lender�pree to othn Imns ot p�ymenl Ihtse�nwi:ats shaY 6ar Nlani kom the dtlo ol dsbmaenxnt�I IM Nole
<br /> nb�nd�M�be{�ynWe.wNh Ntaest,upon naUce kom lender lo Bortowr rqmtin9 PeYmm6
<br /> 8.�IOYtp�g� Itltlifl�I1CD. It Lenda requYCo matQ�ge hsuruics �t�con6tbn of m�kY�y Ihe loui aawad Cy lMf SewrAy
<br /> InsWmenl,ponowa alu!p�y�he prettiuma rc¢aYtd lo rcahlaN N�motiqye Hsurante L�C(kd.II.fpr any rC.SOn. 1h¢�70tlpspe h5�t6nco � ---- . -.. -
<br /> ar«.a r.yvrw ni �a�aer uases «ca:es a te h ert.n, BarowK tMl WY �he W�n�urns rpuYW �o obWn cw�npe wbriuilMy
<br /> equM�Nnl to Ih�mMp�pe hsuruioe prMaisy N Ma6 U a cosl su6sunlMy aquk+km to the cost lo Oo:rowr oi IM moAqpe hwrence
<br /> prwbuEy N Nf�eL kom�n anan�ie matp�pe Nsurx�pproved by Lendx. X tubttNt4ry equh�tent matp�p�N�unr�u covr�p��� nol
<br /> �ti�146b, 6ortowa sh�l p�y to Lmda ach mon�h a eum equtl ro maNrdLh ol tl�e yeuty moHq�pe haumce {xKrJUm bsinp Mb bY
<br />. 6orrowa when the haunnce cormqe bpsed a eaaod l0 6e h eXect. lmder x#aeeF;4 uae and rN�h these{NytnMls as� bss
<br /> resava N Na�ot morlp�po Insm�nce. lose roserve p�ymenu rr�y no Sxqx be reqaYed,at Mrt oD�^•^ot Landx, N rmnq�pe hturx�M
<br /> covm9e(n IKt�mounl and lar lha A��t�t lender�eqWrr)L+orkhd G�a hsv�er axmvad try t�a:dx s9sN Uecomes rnNbfe a1d(s
<br /> obLf�ned 0mmter shit pay fY.o �varilms requ6ed to mantin mc�tgapx S�xuance h Hfrc4, a to praAde a bss refave, VMut 1he
<br /> �ec}:�+rxnertt fnr mrtqa�hswance¢nds h aaudince w�h any vn3EC�ap�¢a:imt tr2;x¢m Bcrtrnrse and LenvCr or sppkk+�ia law.
<br /> J. 3�tf��t'dt0i1. Lmv4K cr Dg�3n1t nvy milca rcasar.N�h mMes upvn and hsF2ttkn5 0!Ihe Propzrty. lmder sMt gire Barsxar _.,;_
<br /> r.otke at No ti^e W cr pUf to m dupectien spxoFyYg teasan�t;�puse fw tAe l�spectkn. °+�'�'_'�
<br /> 10.Con�r�mreation, tr.e procet�YS et any sY3rJ or tlaM 7Gr da�nzges, dvttl M eonseq�ent4�, h ConnKUon wYh arry ���`�--
<br /> oa�dmvuUO1�cr w"�.r hkNO o1�Y PW oi tho Ropttry,cr tm�piveyancc h ieu ol andarnnion.are httt8y�ssipned�nd shal be pa'd --
<br /> l0 LQ1UH.
<br /> 1�1he evenl ot�IoW t�kNg o71he Propwly,Ihe D����s sW bn�ppfed lo Ihe sucas sCwrM by tMS Sew�tty�isVUment,wheihM or �,,;i�..
<br /> n�7 1hm duo,wdh any excess paid to Bortowtt. In the e+ert¢oi a penial Wd�9 0l the Pre(+e.2yln x�hlch the taY m�Acei ra�ue oi ihe Prope*y "�__
<br /> Nuna4ley belsm Ua lakJng is equei lo a g�wter lhan Iho arrvnl of Iho sur,.s SewrM Dy Ihts Secur.ly InsWmmt hvur5zley belae the , i_.-������
<br /> Yfing,unbss 6zrrower+nd Lender olhdwiso syea N wriWg.Ihe sums searcd by thh Sewri.y Inslni+rv.�t shrd be retluud by the asrw:nt �:.°•.-
<br />- of Iho pcce�.•M mdipGCd by tho IollowNg traU:n: (e)the ro1a1 e.+aunt o�the sums sewrM Mmedote7y Lrtwe Iha takN9•6+Wed 6y(62 i�a �°.^-�?'.��`,����
<br />.. 4Y riu�kN vWe o1�he Property NvneGeley bNOro Ihe l�king My b�4nee SN16e pe'd Ia B:rtowa. In IAe evmt of t pu1W IakNy M tixe �Y4"°"!"""°"'.'�-.
<br /> Ropary N whkh tha h4 markel r�7un o11ha Prope�ry NmMx�tey betore tha ufing Is less tna�the amount oi the sums secured Immedaley (E�;',���Y^�_: ._
<br /> bMoro lhe teFAg, uniess�ortcwx�And Lendtt ahemise sgree In wriUng or cnass app:ceblo kw othem1se provides. the proceeds ahoa tre .y,.r �,��__
<br /> oppied to lho suha secvretl by�his Secu�iry InsW inml whelher a not Ihe sums ero then Oue. ���w::'��''�
<br /> II the RcC�RV k ebentloned by Oonow�v,ac 3',a�n nollco by Lmder to Barowtt thet lhe wnAemnor oXtts lo make an awarG or se:ca r� y�1�3� J�IY+:�
<br /> �cLPn fa caaages,Oortower lais to respond to lendcr wl�h7n 30 d�ys eite�i*.e dafa tha not:ce Is gNm,Lender is aulhwiled lo eoleci and �•^ �srs Y *r- -
<br /> a ' ih roceeds.ai ns o uon,riha 10 re9iomLon m ta � iA lYa P�v"ar ta 1.`.��....-:>;¢a;r:,C� lh:.°..'pri:'•�'••WT�^� "F=�h°-� ?t��"'�'tV�t' /`Y�C��-`-�
<br /> 7PY e A P W wV 1 i � � v -- fpnt�
<br /> cr nm iMn due. 'f '�''r'���{SNntie+a�i�..
<br /> U�Il55 Lmder�nd Oortowtt olhmvlsa a ree in wri:1a M� i Ilceficn ai proeee6s�o q�nc 6he7 f101 CdCOd 0.'D351 OIIB lh0 dU� � "��������
<br /> S B. 1 PP 'V� � ��y:•�(!Sj�irt i'Rl:�
<br /> da�e Of Ihe nwnlhly peymmis relmed lo In pn:a7vDhs t entl 2 0�[hangz rhe rn,ounl ol such{aym.enis. ���v,)'�1s�•i{ �
<br /> 11.Borrow�r Not Reteasad: Forbonrnnco�Dy i.onder ?+�M,a Walvar� E�nenabn o� me Oma for pay�nem o� �_;};��(�Y,�•,+�,f��;�.
<br /> nodfic�Wn ol amorllzeJOn ol l�e sums seareU hy Itis Secu�i,y Vslmmenl gran:ed by Lender lo eny successor h Inlerest ol Uortower e�an ;"vs�h�tt�;{t��)�� .���:.
<br />- n0i openfe lo rMCase the f�ab57y ol tha or:gNal Bottower a�Ou:owers suaessors N Inlere5l. Lender sha�not bo requkeE lo earcneneo 3"��]t1�h,,;p�ti}'��,}3
<br /> �t�:i�,:..,t:.�S',6
<br /> proeecdnys egelnsl eny suuefsor in Nteresl or reNSO lo extend tima br paymmt or othervrise moddy amorti=�tlon o�tne sums secured by . ,,{:,,.y;;:,,,�,,,-.7 y�'.�
<br />:: Nls &wriry NsWmml by reason ol any ticmanC made 6y lhe alginel Barowtt or Ooirowers successws In Nlerosl.M foibea�ence b �:`-,:;-�"�"-�=��`';( �� -
<br /> Y Y . . -�.r�Lt`,k. .�,,.
<br /> Lmder N exwdsing�ny dghl or remedy sha0 nol 6o e w�Mer ol a prcUUde�be exerdse ol any dghl or remcUy. ` �s:� '+ i Y� �
<br />• 12.Sutc�sson and Assigns 8ound; Jolnt and 6evaral Lqbilily; Co•signera. ino w.mams and egreemmis m Z.--; y . �r �_�h�
<br /> IhiS SeCUrNy Inskumenl sha0 bMd end benef:l Iho successote end essigns ol Lender end Dortower, aub)ttt lo Iho prods�ons o�paragreph ��t��,�L_.1J_.y�„¢�___-.-
<br /> 17. DMOwCfS COrM�nfs and �greemml3 Sha7 bu �olr.t .-ct ssrerol. My Darower who eo�signs Ihis 6ewriry lnswmml but does nm r.}F,�{�•r.:L+4 fh�r4'�S,__-
<br /> a�ecu:e the Note: p)is Co�S�gnNg this Seeuriry InsWment o�y Io mo��gage.yaM. nnd wnvoy Ihal 6ortower's Nlerosl L��ho Properry undtt r(�;�� �5�+4 R+rki 47 =
<br />-. tho Iertns ot this Seariry InsWmml: N)Is na Ferscnaiy cOLyated to pay me sums securetl by Nis SecuMy Inslmmml;ond(c) ag:ees 1ha� /��q�•f��� <����fry-� -_
<br /> Lendtt and �ng o�htt Oortower may agieo lo rwtend.moCily, lorbear or maze eny aocommodations weh regard lo lertns ol Ihis S^•cuct�. /}r�F,�..J ._\.35��,,+�,
<br /> In5Wmm1 Of lho Nolo wdhoul lhal OortowM'S crnsenL j 'yt''t��t�.�.l�fsl.�'�
<br /> '47R'+'..':�v4��Si�"':i�-y
<br /> 13. L07tl Chefg05. N!ha loan secured Uy Ih!s Sewri.y InsirummUs aubJect Ea n qw whkh sets nuxYnum lom eharges.ar:U that ,s.'71�tiS�-. �' ��• ��'-
<br />= Ww is fne!1y hlerpr8lM 5o Ihat �ho NIMO51 a o1hM loan charge5 ColleUed or to b.' Co=ec:2U M connCCOn w0h Ihe loen ex<md �hx ':'���L�.;;,44.C����;'��.��'�
<br />^ pertnitted IImAS,1hm: (a)any such loan eharges shaY�e reducM 6y lho aR�c�rA neceasary Io reduw tho ehargo lo Ihe permd(ed firei!: and �t��'•tfi�1(``�`�'t���=
<br />�� (b) any sums atready eo7ecfed trom 13cnm+o wh:Ui exceedM pem+NteA rir;is vNi be reWnded to Bcrrowc+. LenUer ma choose�a ma�o ��5�'r".,;'�`r�f�,'����f�-�-
<br /> Y >is�.:;.'... .
<br /> 5 �1^�..: � _�.�'c,•.
<br />- �his retund by red:dn9 thn p�!ncipal owea unUx� Ihe Nme cr bY�k:ng o Grtct faY^'xn: to Oortower. il e relund �etuces Pdndpol the '�i((��l.�y{}�'-��ir( I��1',{,.__
<br />= reCUCtion vnll Ee VCa1M as a Qa.^.al prepapr,ml wilTGUf a+X �cpa>menl eha:5r unCv::r�.:. -;j yl:,���.(E.p;,,,
<br /> �::�. - 11
<br />' td. NOliG67. My nolroe lo Oarower prorlAtd L-r e+ ��3 Sewrily trscu:neM shav Ee gNen 6y tlNWemg II er oy Ravng h Cy fi�st ({�i:,��LriF,�i;1��ij^.•�� -•
<br />- 9�:�
<br />- class nai urless appEwbio law reqWres use ol enolhtt metnotl- Tho notke 4a!I be Qrected to the PropMry Addroas cr any o7her eaNess jF":,-�UT!}5;�;,'
<br />.. /i�, , ��.�. - . .
<br />.. [ic+rcwtt des/¢�3te5 by nolico lo Lendtt. My notice lo lmG.� shall be 5i•e�by (usl cWss mal to LenOer's Bddross sleted herer. u er.y 4,._-.;�,�:. �: ,
<br />- olhtt address lender tles nales b no:iw to 6ortowM. M no6ce prov�Eetl lor In th�s Sea" Inslrumenl sha!ba tlecmed to hare been �-'•`-'?'�'�;' .
<br /> kJ Y Y ^�' r•-.:�3. �� .1.
<br /> r,t�m to Uortowcr or Lmtler when gWm es proddeU�n this pariS�+Ph- �}•.:_��.I�S'- � � .
<br /> 16.Oovorning Law; Sovorability. 1ms Sxwa, :+s-vme�i snae oe 9mem�d Oy(etlttal larr end Ihe Ww al lhe �urisff.clion In `. �y: �
<br />__ wmm�tha Properey is bwted In Ihe event ihat eny p�o�is:c� v dause ol�tis Secur.ry instrumenl o� Ihe No:e caiticu wnh appGwb7e laa. ' '.��' ' .
<br />- Suth WnF<I Sha1 nol a!�et1 othCr proris�rp pl IhiS SttCii) In51NmCnl :�Ihe Nvle which Wn be g!ven e��etl x2noul Ihe «r•ctr.� . .:j�-' .
<br /> D�ovisqa To trt:s mtl me D�mnsro�s o���s Sec_�:r!ns�..:^m�a�d�he N:�r are AeckreG to be se.ereb!e - ���� -
<br /> � 18.SOffoWOr'S Copy. Baw�'Pr s-a Ce 5r•K :^e cor.b�metl copy ol the Na[e ana ol tn:s Sttunty Insemmmt � ' �__
<br /> 17.Transfer of tho Propody or a Dono3[ci�t Intorost In Dorrov+er. u ao o�any pa� ol�ne Prcyery, c�any itnes�m
<br />- d Is so:0 or Irans�mM(tt a a Cene:aai inic+est In Bmc.rtt is sold a uam(erted a�o fiorrowe��s noi a namral pttscn) wnhout Lmtlei s ..
<br /> pdor Mi:irn Wnsmt. LMdtt mt�. at is op4M.MGuve immMale paymeM n 1u!I ol a] sums sCCWM Ey Ihis SeWrify lasimrnrnl. Howevtt. �� -
<br />' Ihis o�.ion shai nol be wn�riscd D�lo+CS!esttaze is pwhtb'r,�G Ei reGUEdN as o7 u+e tla:e o�ims Secun.y insvummi .
<br />- II lmda exarises ttis cp:cn. LmCC+ sAai ghe Oonowe� r.oiice cf a:etltta6rn The noYce sha�O�ovfGe a petlotl ol not iess Ihan 70 �
<br /> days hom Ihe da:e �he ncEC= Is CMvned o� ma�:ed�.nhin wh�cn ��e Oc�c.[* mn� Day a7 sums sca.ed by ihis SIYV�:y ��SINTMI il -
<br />,_ BOf(OwM�A15 l0 pay Ihese sums pria lo Ihe cyluaGOn ol IhfS Ottf07 l4nC�J�by b•G'�!0ny ftmM�CS pM�ntipd by IhiS SCNUiY�MINTMI .
<br /> _ rPo�OUT A:rihtt noUto q demand on Donowp /1 //�I
<br /> /��7/r�
<br /> L�
<br />` o„< ,o,� o,ve ��� y..x:�,A
<br /> - F�OYiVl00+911
<br /> YIYi� r
<br />.. � �._.
<br />