.�_o{U.�.'l�\i; -L�qa'�9•.� lgYr . 'f . ... . _ __ .
<br /> 2 CI:..G�+GLI �:�L+�16�Xttx..o-a-.:_..+I1J'.ii.�i .0 .sa+.w.:.ui::w.c::...r.i.�� � . ;•.� .a.........
<br /> .._. + «� �.{rb�+w`� �____ _ '__
<br /> nat lo waW 1M nWrum waw�t a NndM Ia a 1Wr�P� w41M mwtp�p� �owi r�xy nq�Y� for 6onownfs esamv utovnl undK Ih� -
<br /> NdxY flW EIYIe BNYm'anl Wa+MturM Acl ot iDT4 u unendW 1t6m 1Mn1 l0 1'm�, 12 U.6.0.20Ct N so�.(mr:srn•),unkts inolhK Nw
<br /> ,ihH�(�pM�10 IAt FY�Idi�M.i�14f W wndmL H fo.Undec ray.N�nY tYn�.toNd md hold iund� In �n nmounl no1 to acNd 1M
<br /> IM61t MnDWt. Uf1JM�MY��10�h�Mi10Wd d�Mdf d11/011 �h!GIII 01 fWti�t dIk Mld(N{OMW� lillrMi�f 01 pyNIdIWN Of � . .... .
<br /> lutun Eeaow IIMn a NMnM�N aaad�na r-kh�pplwbl�kw.
<br /> TIH NM3f 6hM W hMd N Y� L1111tU11011 wFAN dlpDlYY Y�N{utM by\NdMN lQM1Cy.N�INMMLOIy,W M1Ny(Ildufify IMdM M
<br /> UnNr k 7uth�.i N�NNtlon)a 0 ony FW�rY Fktn�Lan Bank L�nMr shM►ppy Ihe funds lo MY 1he L•suow Ilemf. Undtr rmY not
<br /> piwp�8ononVr br holdh9�nd tppl�4�y tht Fund.t,�rinuily �nY/tN9 Ih�e7aow aaWnl,or raRylnq tlio Esvow Ittms, unkss lender
<br /> (Myi 80trowM InlOtqt M lh!fur.�h YM�ic�bN Nw pMnM�l7ndK lo m�k�wch�Uwp�. IIOwNM. LMAN fMy I�qWff BOffOWK IO
<br /> p:y:C:�`.".�eM:.�pe fcr ci NN..;�nN.nl rra ntete t!x reporthg smla us«I 6y Lendn N cmnedbn w'rh�h�s b.n.uNqs s�f�cWk Yw �m T.—._—,
<br /> povWK NhMx7s�. UnMt� �n �9nKneM I� rc�de or�ppit�abM Mw requYef Intanl to b paW. Lmdx nhtl nol M rpuY�d to MY
<br /> 8ortwrw�ny Intae�l a�unNps on the Funda.Oatovrx�nd I.endx rr�y�ya N xxitN9.harHa,thN Nlueit ahN be Mb u�the iuntls.
<br />� L�ndr�h�M qA e lo Baroww,wX�out chv9e,�n annutl�ecounlNO ol Ihe Fund�,showh9«KFte and debRa to the funds�nd the puryoss
<br /> tot whkh euh debN 10 lhe Funds w�s riudo. The Funds�m{�IeOped as�dJ�lontl aea�uy la d aums secured by this Bewnty InsW menL 6_
<br /> 11 th� FwWt held by L6nder nx�l L`w+mounts RxrrdttW to be hNd by +ppFUble 4w. LmCK U:s1 axp:nt to 6onaxd la Ihe �.�___
<br />� exa�s F�t�c4s 6�aaord�nce wNh ths m�Jranar.ti c4 apPic+JN2 4w. C 8i�unounl ol the Fundi t�tN bf Lar.QZr az am/tiee Is not suMdent �-____-
<br /> to qy tM Esaax Rems when d:e, lmr.der rry so ncty Bo�mxa S�wrY,r.q,an0.h scah uve 2cnaxar snyt pay to lendea fLe arnwnt =
<br /> roxassyy to r..aie�p No�e4cSeney. Ba*vxer aZr+l nzta up Ne v��ry M no nxrs tAn txd�e rccniTJy yayrr.er:ts. xt lend:rb sct2 � �_
<br /> '�na:',;•..
<br /> �'63GH1'RI. �J�j:�_:_:
<br /> Upui layrnt�t N �:� at ai Sums secutM by Nls S:cuciy fnsN:mmL lMC�r SRSi FYmpLy r�+Lnd to Oortowe*any Funds heN Dy -
<br /> Lender. tl.unda purpyph 21.Lendn srtal acyaYO a sN tAO HoPMY.Lender.Plkr lo�he acyu�;�on w sa�o ot the Noperry.sh::sy�/ �$(y �: -
<br /> a.q Funds hekf Dy Lender�t the Fmo of acq:lt%an o+s�a�s�atd�a9�inst Ihe sums seNred Ly Nts Sr.v'Ny Inswmml. �yj�'+tl:�
<br /> S.Appllz�itw� O}Fiyi�7Biil9. �:.�ss:FP=�%=z u�•r ao::dCS o:hGwfse.a•_NYT^�^IS�MN�M.Fry lmdtt unda puegroPhs t and Ui z>-:.,
<br /> Yf...a�T..._°
<br /> � sh�l be�ppkd: Wt,to �ny prep�ymml Muga� Ne unda lha Nole; sccond�o amou�ts payabsx umtr pznsraph 2: th4d lo intnesl ir-,>:jtir:_�
<br /> ��'� d?.,��'_._
<br /> e3u;lourlh,lo princ�l Ne;�nd�sl,to any Afe cherges due under Iho ftola (, �;,°-�'-:
<br /> �i4�:_:
<br /> 4.Sh���Y, LU11R 6a�owa sfaE ray aB lues. assessmmts, eharyos, Fnes aotl MnPn'lans atVbutablu to Ihe Propc+iy x?dch s��.�yr,.�-..
<br /> nvy at1eN p3a1y orr thFS Fxanly Nslnr.nent,and Ie�sMdd prymmis or ground rmis,II�ny. Oarnr:.x sM1 p�y these o�Gg�ions h tne `,�, ?.�,vh,:;
<br /> menntt proYrled N pnynph 4, or X not peM N th�t menntt, Dortor�e+ shet lhem on fm+a a.e to Ihe cnon owed paymmt •�ff•„',=�%��-
<br /> 8a�nwn sNl prompt�r Iumish ro Lendx �11 noqces ol amoums to 6a id under th[s h. I 6ortowe: makes these mis ��?%s•`'���'--"
<br /> P� P�9roP Wyn' ��r�Y�.�?i+v_'.
<br /> c�1rNy,Oortaxtt aMt promply Iumish lo lendcr ren.ipls evidmcNg Ihe psynxnts. :��>�,.`y:;�iA;.
<br /> 6ottow<-r slul 35ch�r e+n 6en whleh h3s don, over ttds Seari inslmmmt uNess Uortower: (a) aryees N xrL�nq b lhn ��`+�l°�-
<br /> M�PN' 0 Y P Y b _�rr.�M1^f'1,`;.`a-_.
<br /> paymml ot iha obEq�llon secured by ihe Gm N a manntt accepla6lz to lendm (b) contesls In good hnh Ihe 6en by,a delmes agehsl ��s�=•yr;,=.,
<br /> en�acancr.i o7 Ne Em N.lep�l{uoeeeCn95 whkh In Ihe Lenders opi�ion cpe�ate lo prevenl lhe mioramml ol lha Yen;or(c)secures hom ,{;;;•�j°�.:-:
<br /> ..�M�,. � n_ � e �Len n thk 8ernriN InsWmenl. II LMIdM tlelCfmNes Ihet OnY ��'c.��4�^-`-.
<br /> :ha hGRia c: :EL 9� :n:y.,M.Mt .. t.a;lo L��^_uhtv�:_;n4 A L - ,r.,..°°,_.
<br /> pail of Ihe FtopMy is aubJect lo a im whieh r:uy nt1aN pdatry over Ihk Securiry hstrcment.Lmd¢i may g4o Oorrowtt a noGca IdmGyfng �-1',•`��y��;�;-_
<br /> Ihe im. Ouacwa shal s�USty lho Iim or take ona or nwo oi�ho aotlons aEl fptn a9o•+r x+�hN 10 dxya ol the gMng ol noUCe. �'y��;k};:-:
<br /> ��j.
<br /> i.ite'j'y+';'.',
<br /> 6. P7�.;,rd Ot Property Innuriu�a:B. Bonower sha�l kecp the ir.povercer�ts nuw awtir.� a hreaRer neUed on tne Propttry ,;zj�l�.:=�
<br /> %'.iY,y.n.;�:.
<br /> n�c�M��i.�st bss by Fie, hazuds hci�U�.M x'uh!n the lerm 'exlended covMego' antl asy etner haiards, NdurFng 1'AOds or foodmg.tor �_.,)„y,;,,�_,-:
<br /> whkh Lmcer mGu4e5 Msurance. Th's Insurer.co 6heV te Rainla�ned in�ho amounls a�d tcr Iho pedods that LendM requ4es. T�e insu2neo y;:U:_7�_�_
<br /> car.ier proNC'ing the Nsumnco shall bo ehose� by Ccnwver sub1�� �o lenders eFp.vr31 which shall not bo unreasoneby wehhNd. 11 .e.}J;",,,�-;--
<br /> Uarower 1&Fa la mekildn wvc+aga descrlxc0 ebore.Lendtt nwy, a� Lmdtt's opJm. ob:�H wrna90 lo prolecl Lmder's A9hts L�tho ����'.•��3;�t1;�:�
<br />-= PropMy in aeeordenee with pera9reph 7. ':�f Aj:;H;�.!;.'�
<br /> M Ineuranw poGdes and rmowals sho17 be aeeep�aGe to Lender and sha7 InUude e slandard rc.ongaga dauso. Lmder sha0 h�vo the :?;��(ie�e,c,:-
<br /> ...�;1;G�:�i�:
<br /> dgM to hold Ihe po5Ue5 and rmewais. N LenCtt mqu4es.Oortower sha7 promplry gFra�o Lender a0 reulpls ot paid prcmWms and rmcwal `�._ _��rr:.
<br /> no',icos. In Ihe e+mt of bss. OMOwtt shaA{�ro procy��notice to the Nsurenco e9nler and Lmdtt. lender may nuke Drool ol loss II nol ,�)'�j���}v7",_:____
<br /> m�de promptY by Dorrower. "' -
<br /> UNeas isader and 8ortowcr mF..vwisa agee in wnting. Nsuran� OmtCedS ShaB b0 aFO+eU b re5lorillon or tcp�4 0l Iho P+aperly t tp5f�iin��� :;
<br />- dimegetl, C ine retlorailon or �epaY is aco+w�'lwLy leasible end tex:x'S securi.y Ls not 4:ssenetl II lho reslai:on or repx�r u �07 �1 ��; -_
<br />�� economita?y feesib:e or lendeYS sewdry wor.d 60 leu�nnl, the Inaurance proceecis shan he appfiM lo the sums sea;red by Ih:s Sm:�ry }����fiF� -��-
<br /> InsWmml,whethn or noi Ihen duo,with cny excess Fad Io BonWiec II Bortowe� n.xndons iho Ropeny. or dons nol answtt wi;hb 30 [p7�`�`_'-'••_���
<br />�- Gys a nol'co 4om lender lhal Iho L�surenw wrtier haa ouered lo eevd a GaM,thrn LmJtt may w71ec1 tho Insuunce proceeds. lcnder ` -Y{ _
<br /> r �':
<br />� may use tF.o proeee05 to repolr or resloro tho Propeiy u lo F�Y zcros atturM M1y this Secudry InsWment.whether or nof Ihm due. The tL�• g._._....;; ��_
<br />� 30tlay PetloU v:l beg'n whm the no�ice Is ghm. pi`:j�-�=:--;=..
<br /> Uniess Lentler end Oc.rowtt o�hmviso ay:ee �n vn7ng, �ny npD��� ol proceeds m pdncipal sha�l no� exlend m posipono tne Eue �{ ��� �-�.
<br />- dEC of tho month;�pay^:ems rc!errcd m in pa�e9�aphs I and 2 a ehanqe lhC emou�l ol lhe payments u�nder paragraph 2� me Prcperry R?i,,;�:�.•�-��
<br />- 15 eequJM by lmder. Qo�*ower's dgSi to eny Nsurence polfdes end F�oceeds resu::ing Iwm damage lo Ihe Propeiry D���o Ihe ncr,uaL'on .i,`;�+::5; ` -
<br />- sh,3 pass lo Lm2M to I�e exlmt o�Ihe sums sewrM by Ihis Setun:, i�sWmml im:nMiatcly Drbr tu Ihe atquls'f.ioa �''� �-• ���-
<br />= 6. Occupency, Praservatlon, Malntonanco and Protactlon of Oia Propurty; Borrowor's Loan `���'•�" ����
<br />= A IlcaHon; L9290holds.Bonowx shai oetupy.es!ablish, nnA use Iho PocCercJ B5 6ortowers prindpal residenw wnhn suct Cays �%���• °`
<br /> PP ;..`':�_: -.
<br />- a'Itt Ihe exCW:ion ot Ihis SCtur.'.y In51Nmm1 and sh3. <cnYr.ue to ottupy Ihe F:ox'.y es 6ortowM'S ptlndpal�es'AMCe/ot ei feasl Me _
<br />� yea� eCer the Cate of occupanry. un:ess LenEn mher..:se ugees m wri6�g, v.h.cn c:nsmt sha;i no� be mreascoxty wrhhMO. o� cn!ess ��'� -
<br /> ex:MUaf•.�g ti:amslanus erJ+t whiM are Oeyond �cnc�eYS Cer.L•:- �c�vntt s�a:l r.ct tlesUOy.damage or Im.pa4 ihe PmpMy. aEO.� 11:e - •
<br />� PfOpMIY IO CC:Mf01E1C.0f fATlfil wLSiP rn Ihe Pmpx�q E3onrne� sh�11 6r:e Cc'zu't A.any bde�:u:r aclEOn or FroueG^9.wnelhtt tird c� -
<br /> - Ur.t�al.is begun Ihet L�LenOeis gootl�m:n Judgmer.l�a..m �ew7•n to�Ix:c�E oi 1he (§ope�ry o� oftt+wso male�ag�B:�pyn �he Ilm ucate0 �', ��
<br />- by Ihis Securiry Insw:r.mt er la+dHS sewnry interes: `_'cec..n may cue eccr o Ceau1 and �rns:ate. es p�c:��eG N paagreph IB. by ; � � _
<br /> eausing Ihe ection o� p�o<eedr.9 to be J:smtssetl n+i•. n rt::•r.g f:at :n Lenc:is 5cod la:th tle�rm�na;an, pmccdes IoAM:ure of Ihe ��
<br />= Oo:rorrtt's btttest in �he Pmpeny cr o:he� ma:Mal i¢;a^menl c: L•r '1e.� t�eale� Dy Ihis Sectiriry Insbumen! o� Lenders sttu:mi �n:Mes� �' � '
<br /> C
<br />- Oamwtt Sha7 a�5o be N EMao3 d Bononer.Eunng �ne Ican appsort' _'°ess.5a.r ma�eruCy iaise o�maccuraie inio:naEv��c� vei.,��+de r
<br />� IO LMdM (0! fai<d lo Morke ImCM n�h G�y mdi(*d��bnreliC�� " xrn¢C:.Cr, v.�1 {hp IOdn MiCCnCCtl Ey Ih¢ No�e. inUUCyng. bat not ��
<br /> Em.etl lo. represmta•.ia�s concemina Bmmwtt's occc��ty ol the P.eper:� os e F�nopal residrnce ❑ Ihis Secuary i�swmmt �s on a '
<br />` Ieasehold. �ortowa sral ecm;,y wii'�aa Ihe D�ods+.�a o�the Icase 11 Oortowtt acquues 1ee t�8e lo Ihe P�opmy.i�e�easenoiC anU Ine � �
<br /> lee tNe sha0 nof rnc�ya or.;,-75 I.:e LmOM a�ces lo c-e r..crgtt n„n��g � / '
<br />._ � �`
<br /> _ ,;^:.,�� DATE //-- 9-70� •m xm�� Ii
<br /> - F�0]9bM31�09]I `1
<br /> t
<br />.._ `At3� �' .
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<br /> . _. _.._._.__-__._.._...__.....�_.�_ "___"'_��.........,._...__....__.._.�._:_:..__ .
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