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<br /> � �(• ... . . ��� ��/ � ,���',�� ; . ..
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<br /> ,. 16.Borrawer's Copy. Bortower s,hatt be�n one conformed capy of ahe Nate and oY this Sc�.�uity Inauumcn� -- __ _ –_
<br /> � ` ` t7.Teansfe�oq the Property or�Beaefi�ul Interest tn Bareoarer. IE ell or any part of the Pregt�W ar any intc�l in it i.c , :
<br /> � � sotd or traas[e r r�e d t fl r i f a b e u e f i s�l m t e r e s t i n B o r r o w�i�s o t d o r tr a n s t e R e d a n d B o i mw�r in nm a aaaual risan)wichous `,_,�::'., : . _�
<br /> ' ` �°��S�KOw�tb s�op�'t�n s�ll n tybe ex�b�Lendea if exe�tsep�pml�ited by fcdtxt�t ta�bv a�.9 o thc dute of�th'�s . � .
<br /> nctn+ment
<br /> Seauity IastrumeaL e Bou�awer notice of aocetaatinn.'ilie nutice sttnli pmvidc a p�iod of not lesc .- -
<br /> ;� t. W` 1f I..en�ea exet�ises thisoption,Leader shall gnr - . -
<br /> e ises
<br /> ..�. than 30 days fmm the date the notise is deliveaed ar ma�od wIthia which Boaawer masi pay afl smns s�ectued bY ttvs SacuritY
<br /> , .. '�,,;;,'� , I n s u u m e n L I f Bormw e r f a�7 s m p a g►t hese swns pri�m the exPi�On of dus per�od,Leader mtry mvokcs any c�anedfes Fe�mitte� , �. .
<br /> u .:
<br /> . by this Sec�uiry Inst�nmeat wittwnt furti�es notice or demand on Bwrowet. ;�..,. .
<br /> _ 1i3.Bosrower's Ri�t to Rei�t� If Boaower meeis oeamin aoaditions, Barrower s6ai1 ha+ra the right tn t�av� ,;y:,
<br /> �f'osoeaiant uf Wis Sec�itY Insan�a�t discoa�ed aa any time prior m the eadier o�(s�5 dqys(ar such mhec�nnd as £< :.,:;;. ,
<br /> _._ " . ' apPW�b2e la�v may spacify far reins�t)befare sate af tlr�Pmpeny Pu�svant w eny pnwec af�cant�aed in tdis S�r , :;:. ' _.
<br /> . ' �'',= Iflstmmea�or N)wt�y►of a judgmea►c enfa�g ihis Sec�uuy Iaslnu�t.'lhose conditions arc Fhai Bnmmw�:(a)paYs Lr��u aU : . — --- -
<br /> ., s�.>��_-,. stwns whirh d�ea wotsld be dae undec tLis Seauuy
<br /> Ins�maeat and the NotB as�f ao scceIt�n 6ad aocurre�:N)��Y `-s=:,--
<br /> r defanit of any olhea covenants u��eemeats:t�)PaYs all e�s�s m�ia enfoncmg this Sccurity Insuumeut,mchcding,but �:
<br /> c
<br /> • • nat luaited w.�anable auameYs'fee�and(�takcs snch actiun as Iruder maY�nabn►ce�uic�m a�sure tdat the lia►uf thLS .
<br /> ' � �. Security Ins�. I.euder's rights in the Prop�ty and Bonowds obligauou tn pay the stuna secomed bl► t6� Secnrityr ;; .
<br /> .. Insuumr�t shaII co�omne anc6anged. Upon �me�t by Bauowea,this S�}► Insommeut aud dte obbgatians� � - `
<br /> ; hereb y shaD remain fiil1Y effecdve as if no aa�eterafion had oa�acred.However,this right tn reinstute shall not apply in the case oi �-. . J
<br /> a
<br />- � � �. . asxele�ation wider patagtaph I7. �� U ���r�'�'
<br /> 19 3a�eafl►Iote;C6awgeatLoanS�vtcer. TDe Nate ar a partial mtaest ia 1he Note (togethcr arith Wis Sec.�ritY �: ..;. .. ..
<br /> inspn�meait)may be seld one or m�e taaes withmn prior natis�z m Borrawet.A sale may rasWt m a change m sIte eatity(kuflwn E.'<'y:,,_:`�`�"<:,.
<br /> �m
<br /> a4 the"Laan Se�micea'")that coltects mond�ly papmears dne under the Note and this Se�auitSr Inslramen�Th�.°B�SO Al�y f1C Q71$� �4rFE�F �.
<br /> � mose changes of t9�&.oan Seivicer imielated to a�ale of the Naie.If thea�is a edange of the I�aan Servis�,Bomnwer w�l bs ., _ :i ,
<br /> L ' givea wrimea nouce of the cdange in accardaaea�:P�14 above and applicable law.'t9�a aatice m'll state the u�an� . .:.. .
<br /> ,;�: , ,
<br /> " adda+��f dce new Lnaa Sezvicer and the a.��ti�l�me�ts shonid be maste.Ttte nattce w�71 aiso can�any o�tset . _.�:�•
<br />_ . inf��[��Y ePP��'�°. ar zetease of any � .`,{�:
<br /> ' . . � ' A�.tH�arda�s Safistanvcs �wea s�'i �ot canse or pam�t the presence. use, d�sPasal,saorage. •, , ;�,;�:.�:.
<br /> �',• Aar,�.�mus Sabs�,��+afl�m���Y-��swer shaU aot do.nor aIIow anyone etse tn do.anythinB affe��the P�'°p�ty i �.ti�..�►f
<br /> - • �hai is in violadn3�a�Enva�Isw.'tT�preceding two sentrnces sl�all�t appiy�o the p�ce.use.�stora8e on the ,,
<br /> . � �propeat�y of smaII aq�u:t�ies of�d�ous Substaz►ces d�at�e geaerally zecogniztd to be e�pptopri�c tn nomiai�deatiaal nses ;;�'�' , '
<br /> 1 �r�:
<br /> ���� and c��ce of the �
<br /> ` �'., iCa� �
<br /> : �..,:.r . �•�� g,���p�Pt�ty�3xstder w:itten uotice as aAq iavestigation.elaim.de�tand.la�vsaii or otltea action by any ,:_�
<br /> •. �F : ' vemmeaml or regalawry a cy or private party iawlvi�g the Pcopeity�d any Harand�us Substanr.e or Env�ram�Law � �'���,�,�`� .
<br />: ;� + ~"�. of wticb BomnNe�has�awledge.If Haaowa leams.m is notified by any govemm�ml ar regN�Y amh°r�l►.thaqany± „r��.,s<�r���.'
<br />- � . i ranoval ar othe�s�e�iatian of any Ha�arda��¢bstance affecting the pmpeny i�aer.esmry,Baaow�s s�all pmmgsty ta�a aII •�!€t; .:` �;.:
<br /> . �'-�i n�y�medial��ns in accardauce with��u.fisnmental Iaw �sS' � r � � .
<br /> , ' • 5 paiagr�h Z0,"Fimardo��u'trstances"�e those substances defined as tnaic or ha7ardoas subsranoes by ,f{{�,�s ;;;�:
<br /> '� � '��'� '•�i Envu,nnmeatal L� and the follacvmg sub��s: ga..�erlsnc, keioseae. oth� flammable ar�nxic peuoleum sts. tmcic .��
<br /> `���Y� �' " � �� and aerbiccdes.volap7e acuvent9.�sls co�acbesws ar fasmaldehYde,and radiaaeHve mat�aL4.�As ased in '� F '�
<br /> , �.
<br /> ,;�°;�%��.=�'' ��ph 2p,"Environmenra�Faw"mea�s��e;�a11aw��r�laws of ihe j�sdiction whete the PrnpedLY is 2ocate�that relasa j.r, "v"
<br /> a� �. �:
<br />. ;,,,);,.-- toQealth.safetYazee�vimnmentalpmt�tion. `,�;, .,���
<br /> _. • �. .�<,.�:..
<br /> ;:`,�`_:,�' ; 1�;�U-UIVIFORI4I COVENA.�iTS.Bomsw�$ad Leandcs fanher cove�ant and agc+�at folloNS: �,��.
<br /> ; �f$ . ,a.:�z ,,,'
<br /> . ,. ,`;%`�E�`�; �. . .'� ZL Acceters@on,Remedtes,lt�ender s6aD g'sve notice tm iinreower prtos W a��ion Paltmviag Borrower's breac6 ot ,���.:;
<br /> •��'"��� any covenant as agreement 3n Wis Secrsitg Instrume�¢ tbnt noi priar to a�tton nnder paragrePb 19 aml�s � --
<br /> ,rt r,j
<br /> � � 1 ����f
<br /> !' _ ' • " :, aPPflcabte Iaw pr�3Qes otherwise).The ao�is+e§baD specdq:(a)the defumtt;N)the adion reqairsd to car�the defaalu(¢) �_
<br /> . : ,�`;' a dat�not tess 4�m 30 da y s lram the datP ol�e notice ts gIven ta Bor�wer.6y wbtc6 the defaait mast be cared:enol(d) �r'��- '
<br /> • ` ' t A�¢1�a�o r e t o c a n e t h e d e f a u l t a a o s b e f o r e t�e d a t e s p��d in the motice ma y resutt iu aocelea�un oY the sums serared ,,�r , �.
<br /> .��,. �::•�:::
<br /> -��; �. �� y '� bp t3Sica Sec�ulty Insdrament and sate of the I�rapest9.'�dg uotice sLaD fasther infarm Buraowe�r af t6e right to r e i n s t ate ,.;j�,;rl - �,ti•�
<br /> -r'. . � �� :::'� aft�r�eratt�n and the rtght to brtng a wart actlua iu�assert the non-eRlstence a��a defan[t ar any other defense of 'r'�' ,'�`•i.:�r.�.�:�
<br /> Borrawer to accelerattoa end�2�If the��lt t�not cm�ed on or Defore the date spedited in�s motice,H.�'�r�at its -,�!;`",'� "��
<br /> ° . � •,�? opHon.maY*�'��ediate payment i��,'�@ of all s�s seaued 6y tdis 3es�asEty Iastromen2�an4 fmr�sr demund ,:' �,'; =
<br /> j y : , ,
<br /> • � and m�q Invo�e Jbe power of sate aad any mt�r rem�permItted by applt�ble Nvw.Lender shaU De enttttec�to cnfl�t ;,��`j{'" � . �
<br /> ,• . ., a!i�iasurr�d�P�nevidence. �pruv��rm tbis paragraph 21.tm�I�S.bot not tEmited to.n�asonabls ,+y�`���x1;
<br /> ,::; � ' atte�eys fe�a�costs ottitte ,..��,..,.
<br /> - • � � If the po��rS sale is im�otced.Tragte�s�a0 reoor�a notice ot detault in eacL cuonty in which aoy part o�thP ;; , .:: � .°`:
<br /> ' prro�erty tv lus�*�rd�!�ad s6aU matl copies o��notloe in tDe manner pres�rtbed by applic�Bte tgw w Borrower and to the .:•��; ' �'
<br />— ' � oih�ar p�son9 pnsrnbed Dy appll�ble la�A�t�rr the tcme reqaired Dy appllra6le tew.Trastee stiall give puDtic notice ot ...•..,�` , `.
<br /> sale b the person9 and m t���ener ps�scribcd by sp�,p�ble faw.'ilrustee�witl�ont demund on Bonmver.sha[f se0 the ,r�+7��', �•:,,`,
<br /> -` ,. '�,�: Pruy�4y at pn�►lis auct�on C�t�highest 6ldder at ttie t5cae and place and ander the Eerms designated in We no8ee otsale �,;��!;�i?�{£. �`, :�
<br />-,;�. gn ;tt;�;>•
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